Super Talisman Master

C361 Busy Medical Room

C361 Busy Medical Room

Thirty miles away from Dongshaan City, in the Eastern Mountain military camp built on the mountain, countless warriors were entering and exiting. Every one of them had a gloomy expression on their faces.    


Due to the loss of the frontlines, the Dongshan Military Camp, which was originally a logistics base, became the frontline overnight. The defeated soldiers who had accepted countless wounded soldiers and lost their spirits could be said to be in a mess right now. There was no order at all.    


"Make way! Make way!"    


In the midst of a loud shout, two soldiers covered in dirt used stretcher to carry a soldier with a broken arm and quickly ran towards the medical room. Seeing this, the soldiers who were resting on the ground all made way for the trio. They looked at the soldier who was lying on the stretcher, gritting his teeth and refusing to make any sound. The expressions on everyone's faces were somewhat numb. This kind of thing... They had already seen too much today.    


Warriors with broken arms could install mechanical arms. After surgery, they could still be alive and kicking, but those warriors who died on the battlefield... They didn't even have the chance to become ghost cultivator, because their souls would be devoured by the Demon Clan. They would never give them the chance to live another life!    




A young warrior smashed his fist onto the ground and said hatefully, "I don't understand, how did we lose!"    


Hearing the young warrior's words, everyone looked at each other. No one could answer this question, because they were all confused and didn't know why they lost!    


"Is there anyone who knows any medical skills? Who can help me?!"    


At this moment, a young man wearing a dirty white coat walked out of the medical room quickly. He looked at the people sitting on the ground anxiously.    


No one responded to the young man's question because those who knew some medical skills had been conscripted. Those who stayed were all people who did not know any medical skills.    


Seeing that no one responded to him, the young man immediately turned around and walked into the medical room. He nervously threw himself into the task of treating the wounded.    


"This little fellow has already stayed in the medical room for a day and night. Until now, he still hasn't rested." A soldier with a bandage on his head said to the crowd in a low voice: "He was the one who treated my wound, the bandage was wrapped around me randomly. Because he didn't have the time to bandage me. "    


Hearing the wounded soldier's words, everyone had mixed feelings. They could also see that the young man's face was very tired. His eyes were bloodshot, and he was in a very bad state. However, he still did not rest and continued to treat the wounded. He was very professional and also very heartbreaking.    


"You guys better remember his name. His name is Wang Bo. He is an excellent medical soldier. Wait until the Demon Clan arrives. We can die, but he must live! " The wounded soldier looked in the direction of the medical room with a determined look and said to the crowd, "Only if people like him live can we have more people alive!"    


In the medical room, Wang Bo who was nervously treating the wounded did not know that the people outside were talking about him. But even if he knew, he probably did not have time to think about it. He had used all his energy to treat the wounded. The wounded person in front of him, who had lost two eyeballs, needed his help!    


"The wound has been cleaned up!"    


"Take out the necrotic eyeball, the nervous system is temporarily paralyzed!"    


"Mechanical eyeball installed!"    


"[Connecting to the nervous system, carrying out an optical test!]"    


When the series of work ended, it was already ten minutes later. This was the fastest speed that Wang Bo could do. If not for the fact that there were countless wounded waiting for him to treat them, he would patiently help the wounded person in front of him carry out a detailed test. Unfortunately, he didn't have the time now.    




Wang Bo shouted. He only had time to raise his arm to wipe the sweat off his face before he hurriedly walked towards the next injured person.    


"Wang Bo, wait a moment."    


A female doctor stopped Wang Bo and said to him, "Go and rest for a while, then come back to work."    


Wang Bo frowned and said, "But there are still so many wounded people waiting for me. How can I go and rest?"    


"You go and rest. After you have recovered your spirit, you can come back for surgery. This is the performance of the person in charge of these wounded people." The female doctor looked at Wang Bo with some heartache and said, "Look at you now. Do you still stand stably? What if you make a mistake during the surgery because of exhaustion? "    


What the female doctor said was very reasonable. Wang Bo had no way to refute. He put down the tools in his hands and said to the female doctor, "I know, Sister Xin. I will go and rest now."    


Wang Bo took off the blood-stained coat on his body and slowly walked towards the lounge. At this moment, the lounge was empty. He was the only one there. The other doctors were trying their best to treat the wounded.    


When he returned to the lounge, Wang Bo lied on the bed with one head. A strong sense of exhaustion rushed over and almost drowned Wang Bo. It was only at this moment that Wang Bo realized that he was actually so tired. He didn't even have the strength to lift his eyelids.    


Wang Bo didn't know how long he had slept for. He was awakened by the fragrance that assailed his nose.    


"Wake up, then. I have cooked some noodles for you."    


Wang Bo sat up from the bed when he heard that. He looked at Wai Zixin, who was sitting beside him, holding a bowl of fragrant meat noodles made from Demonic Beast bones. He couldn't help but reveal a hint of guilt on his face.    


"Sister Xin, I'm really sorry. I just wanted to rest for a while. I didn't expect that I would fall asleep."    


"It's fine. I was supposed to let you sleep." Wai Zixin smiled and placed the noodles on the table beside him. He said to Wang Bo, "Quickly get up and eat."    


Wang Bo got up and looked at the door of the lounge. He asked Wai Zixin, "How many wounded people are there now?"    


He did not eat immediately when he saw Wang Bo. Instead, he was concerned about the wounded people. A strange light flashed in Wai Zixin's eyes. He smiled and said to Wang Bo, "We have help. Tenth Legion sent their medical team to help us. We have enough people now. You don't have to worry about the wounded. Hurry up and eat. "    


Wang Bo was relieved after hearing Wai Zixin's explanation. He sat in front of the table and started to eat his noodles.    


Slurp, slitz, slitz.    


A big bowl of noodles was eaten by Wang Bo in a short amount of time.    


Wang Bo finished the soup in one bite. He looked at Wai Zixin, who was sitting opposite him with a strange expression, and said with some embarrassment, "I'm really too hungry."    




Wai Zixin couldn't help but laugh out loud. He said to Wang Bo, "I still remember the first time I saw you, you were still a little fatty. You're so chubby. How long has it been, and you've already lost weight? You have become a strong man. "    


After saying that, Wai Zixin pushed his noodles in front of Wang Bo and said, "I can't eat that much. I am already full. The rest is for you to eat."    


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