Super Talisman Master

C191 Qin Family

C191 Qin Family

In the cultivation room, Ning Ya looked at Qin Jue who was sitting on the floor with a serious expression and asked with some doubt, "Why is your expression so serious?"    


Qin Jue gave Ning Ya a deep look and said, "I have investigated that there is no relationship between Wu Family and the 28th legion."    


Ning Ya lightly raised her eyebrows and said, "You mean that the 28th legion's refusal to support Elf City has nothing to do with the Wu Family?"    


"That is the truth. This is not my intention." Qin Jue pursed her lips and said very seriously to Ning Ya, "Maybe the person who framed Qin Chuan was not Wu Family but someone else. We must find that person to ensure Qin Chuan's safety."    


"Qin Chuan is very safe now. It is unnecessary for you to do other things." Ning Ya smiled slightly and said to Qin Jue, "Wu Yunfei has already shouldered this responsibility. Qin Chuan had also told everyone about the Cursed Land. No one will find trouble with him in the future. You don't have to worry about this anymore. "    


Qin Jue frowned when she heard this and looked at Ning Ya with some doubt and asked, "Do you know some things that I do not know?"    


" After all, I am Qin Chuan's teacher. He is willing to tell me some things, but he may not be willing to let you know. "    


Ning Ya looked at Qin Jue playfully and looked forward to her performance.    


Just as Ning Ya expected, Qin Jue's expression became a little angry. She glared at Ning Ya and said in a dissatisfied tone, "You know that my relationship with him is more intimate than his relationship with you, this teacher!"    


"So?" The corner of Ning Ya's mouth rose. "Are you jealous?"    


"I just think we should let him know the truth."    


"Know the truth of the matter? I don't think it's a good thing for him, so why don't you just let him be an orphan?"    


Qin Jue became silent. After a while, she stood up. She gave Ning Ya a deep look and said, "Qin Chuan is still young. I won't allow him to fall in love right now. You have to keep him away from those girls, understand? "    


"Please, he is already 18 years old."    


"I'm almost 80 years old, but I've never been in a relationship. What's 18 years old?"    


Ning Ya was speechless.    


"I think you should be in a relationship with a man." Ning Ya looked at Qin Jue with a subtle gaze and said, "With your status and the power of Qin Family, it is really easy for you to find a suitable husband."    


Qin Jue's face changed slightly and said in a low voice, "The husband that suits me is dead."    


Ning Ya was stunned for a moment before a bitter expression appeared on her face and she said softly, "You are right. The man that we like is already dead."    


Qin Jue looked at the desolate expression on Ning Ya's face and seemed to have thought of something as she sternly warned her.    


"You better not have any ideas about Qin Chuan! If I find out what you did to him, I will definitely kill you!"    


Ning Ya looked at Qin Jue in shock. After a while, she then looked at Qin Jue with a mischievous smile and said, "Initially, I did not think much about it, but after your reminder, I suddenly feel that it would be pretty good if we were to fall in love."    


A violent rumbling sound rang out and the cultivation room was in a mess.    


The capital of Federation, the Xingloong City, was the publicly acknowledged economic, cultural, and political center of Federation.    


As the capital of Federation, Xingloong City was located on the golden plain in the center of Federation. It covered an area of 100,000 square kilometers and had a population of over 100 million people. Among these people, 80% of them came from aristocratic families and sects!    


It wasn't an exaggeration to say that Xingloong City was the base camp of aristocratic families and sects!    


As one of the four most prosperous aristocratic families in Federation, Qin Family was located in the inner city of Xingloong City and owned a luxurious manor of more than 10,000 square meters.    


There was a pavilion on a small lake in the manor of Qin Family. In the pavilion, a tall and thin young man leaned against the railing and looked into the distance.    


The Holo-Brain on the exquisite jade table suddenly rang. Immediately after, the figure of a middle-aged man appeared on the Holo-Brain. The middle-aged man's expression was gentle, and his gaze when looking at the youth was exceptionally kind. He was not as arrogant and indifferent as he usually was in front of outsiders.    


He was Qin Yiming, the current head of the Qin Family!    


"Haoxuan, are you looking at the scenery at the lake pavilion?"    


When the young man called Haoxuan heard Qin Yiming's voice, he slowly turned around and looked at Qin Yiming with a cold expression. His tone was a little stiff as he asked, "There are three more days before the celebration banquet for me reaching the Foundation Establishment. Will my aunt really not come back? "    


Qin Yiming heard this and shook his head with a bitter smile. He said, "Your aunt has a very important matter to deal with recently. It might be very difficult for her to rush back."    


Qin Haoxuan gave Qin Yiming a deep look and said, "My aunt loves me the most. What can be more important than attending my Foundation Establishment celebration?"    


"Haoxuan, you are not a child anymore. You should know that your aunt cannot return to the family as she is the commander of the Tenth Legion's army." Qin Yiming sighed and said, "I promise you that I will make your aunt apologize to you later."    


"My aunt is an elder. She does not need to apologize to me." Qin Haoxuan slightly pursed his lips and said, "Father, I want to ask you something."    


"What?" Qin Yiming was a little curious. His son had always been very assertive and rarely begged him.    


Qin Haoxuan said faintly, "I want to participate in the Ranking Competition half a year later."    


"The Six Great Academies's Ranking Competition?" Qin Yiming was slightly stunned and said, "Didn't you not have any interest in this Ranking Competition before?"    


"Now I am suddenly interested."    


Qin Haoxuan did not explain too much.    


"You should have a spot in this Ranking Competition. However, since you weren't willing to go, I let the others take the spot. Since you're willing to participate, there's no problem. " Qin Yiming smiled and said proudly to Qin Haoxuan," You're a genius of Qin Family. It's time to let outsiders witness the glory of our family in the Ranking Competition. Since you want to become famous, I will give you a piece of information in advance. Not long ago, your grandfather went to the Loongling Lake in Black Moon Mountain Range and retrieved a treasure for you. He will give it to you at the celebration banquet when you reach the Foundation Establishment. Don't be frightened by this surprise."    


" I understand. "    


After the conversation ended, Qin Haoxuan silently watched Qin Yiming's back as he left. Then, he looked at the sparkling lake surface once again with a cold expression.    


"Aunt, are you not coming back because you are too busy with work or because of Qin Chuan?"    


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