Super Talisman Master

C22 Stardragon First Academy!

C22 Stardragon First Academy!

In the cultivation room, Zhou Meng looked at the unconscious Qin Chuan who was lying in the treatment cabin. He then looked at Zhou Lin, who was standing beside him with an expressionless face. His face couldn't help but twitch. He reproached Zhou Lin, "What you did was too rash. Aren't you afraid that he will really die in Cloud Dragon Mountain?"    


When he recalled the situation when Zhou Lin carried Qin Chuan back, Zhou Meng still had lingering fear in his heart. He only knew that Zhou Lin brought Qin Chuan out to train, but he did not think that Qin Chuan would still be alive and kicking when he went. When he came back, he became a bloody person.    


"With me here, he won't die." Zhou Lin faintly replied Zhou Meng and said, "I will leave the rest to you. I am leaving."    


Zhou Lin asked for seven days of leave from the school. Now it was the last day of the leave. It was time for her to return to the school.    


When he heard Zhou Lin say she wanted to return to the school, Zhou Meng did not stop her. He only looked at Zhou Lin curiously and asked, "You said you wanted to personally test Qin Chuan, then what was his result?"    


Zhou Lin's eyes subtly looked at Qin Chuan, who was lying in the treatment cabin, and said to Zhou Meng, "When he wakes up, help me tell him that I will wait for him in Cosmic Star Academy."    


After saying that, Zhou Lin did not wait for Zhou Meng to respond and turned around to leave. Zhou Meng looked at Zhou Lin's departing figure and couldn't help but smile with relief. He whispered, "The person I like is indeed the right one!"    


When Qin Chuan woke up, it was already noon of the second day. Although he had suffered a serious injury, after lying in treatment cabin for a day, he had almost completely recovered.    


Standing on the floor of the cultivation room, Qin Chuan casually stretched his body. Feeling the abundant energy in his body, he couldn't help but grin. This was the blessing of surviving a great disaster. Qin Chuan felt that he had earned a lot from this trip to the Cloud Dragon Mountain. It wasn't an exaggeration to say that... He felt that he could now fight a hundred Ma Zhen!    


Even if he faced that big black bear again, Qin Chuan might not be afraid!    


Looking at the excited Qin Chuan, Zhou Meng coughed lightly and said, "Don't be complacent just because you got a small result. You are still far from being a truly powerful person!"    


Of course, Qin Chuan knew that he was still far from being a truly powerful person, so after being excited for a while, he calmed down and asked Zhou Meng, "Director, where is my senior?"    


Qin Chuan knew very well that he could return to the training room to receive treatment. It must be because Zhou Lin saved him. Not only that, the wild beasts and the big black bear that he had encountered in the Cloud Dragon Mountain these few days must have been specially arranged by Zhou Lin for him. Now he also did not know whether he had fulfilled his promise or not, so he wanted to ask Zhou Lin face to face.    


"Her vacation has ended. After she sent you back yesterday, she went back to school." Zhou Meng calmly said to Qin Chuan, "But she asked me to leave a message for you. She will wait for you in Cosmic Star Academy."    


Hearing Zhou Meng's words, Qin Chuan could not help but be slightly stunned. He knew that Cosmic Star Academy was one of the Six Great Academies. It was famous throughout the entire Federation. He had guessed that Zhou Lin might be a student of the Six Great Academies, but he didn't expect her to be a student of the Cosmic Star Academy.    


According to what Qin Chuan knew, although the Cosmic Star Academy was ranked in the Six Great Academies, it was ranked sixth. Its overall strength could only be considered average in the Six Great Academies. And Qin Chuan's ideal university was the number one Star Dragon First Academy in the Six Great Academies!    


The Star Dragon First Academy was the undisputed strongest academy in the entire Federation. Therefore, it had always been Qin Chuan's dream to enter the Star Dragon First Academy, although Zhou Lin had been very good to him during this period of time. He was not willing to give up the chance to enter the Star Dragon First Academy because of this!    


Zhou Meng could tell that Qin Chuan was very conflicted. He pursed his lips and sighed, then asked, "Qin Chuan, is your dream to enter the Star Dragon First Academy?"    


Qin Chuan was slightly stunned when he heard this. He hesitated for a moment, then nodded honestly and said, "This has always been my dream!"    


Benevolence was kindness, and dreams were dreams. Qin Chuan felt that these two were different.    


Zhou Meng's face darkened when he heard Qin Chuan's reply. He took out a cigarette from his shirt pocket and lit one. Then he said to Qin Chuan, "Let's go over there and have a good chat. After listening to what I said, if you still insist on taking the test of the Star Dragon First Academy... I won't stop you. "    


Qin Chuan followed Zhou Meng to the rest area and sat down on the soft sofa in the rest area.    


Zhou Meng did not immediately start talking. He kept smoking until he finished smoking a cigarette and lit another one. After that, he started talking to Qin Chuan.    


"80% of the wealth in this world is in the hands of 20% of the people. In other words, 80% of the cultivation resources are also in the hands of 20% of the people. And these 20% people are from aristocratic families or sects. It's not hard for us ordinary people to obtain some ordinary cultivation resources. But it's very difficult for us to obtain higher level cultivation resources. In the Federation, there are only two ways to obtain higher level cultivation resources. The first is to join the army and become a glorious warrior in the Federal Army. By continuously fighting on the battlefield and accumulating military merits. After that, we can use military merits to exchange for high-level cultivation resources. The second option is to seek refuge with aristocratic families or sects and become their subordinates."    


After saying that, Zhou Meng took a deep breath. Smoke lingered in the resting room. He said in a low voice, "Not all ordinary people are willing to join the army. Most of the people who went to the battlefield risked their lives to accumulate military exploits to exchange for cultivation resources, after some setbacks, they all choose to submit to the noble families and sects. They used their services to the aristocratic families and sects to exchange for high-level cultivation resources. Do you know what the consequences of their actions are?"    


Without waiting for Qin Chuan's reply, Zhou Meng replied," As time passes, the control and influence of the families and sects over the Federation will become greater and greater. If we ordinary people want to succeed, we have to rely on them. If we are unwilling to submit to them and become their subordinates... Even if we choose to join the army, they still have ten thousand ways to send us to the most dangerous battlefield. Let us die on the battlefield. "    


"Qin Chuan, I'm not trying to scare you. I'm talking about the current situation of the Federation. The seemingly powerful Federation had already been controlled by the aristocratic families and sects. If we can't change the current situation, the Federation will be overturned immediately."    


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