Gods Summoning System

C1326 Assembling Armies

C1326 Assembling Armies

"Lee Zhoutang, have you really forgotten who the [Me] is?    


Or do you forget who you are? "    


Creation God Zhou said something else that Lee Shi couldn't understand.    


"Alright, looks like I'll have to reveal the answer."    


Creation God Zhou sighed silently. Suddenly, a beam of light flew out from the Divine Ark and gathered into a human figure in the Star Space.    


When they saw this person's face, everyone in the Haotang Army couldn't help but cry out in alarm.    


She was handsome and imposing, and her signature pair of purple and gold eyes looked exactly like the other Lee Shi!    


Looking at the two figures opposite of each other in the air, the army was instantly in an uproar.    


The people around Lee Shi were even more shocked.    


Because even those who were extremely familiar with Lee Shi were unable to differentiate which one was the real Lee Shi at that instant.    


Even Lee Shi himself was shocked.    


At this moment, he felt a sense of familiarity from the figure in front of him.    


It was as if the two of them were one.    


"Who exactly are you?"    


Lee Shi asked with a frown.    


"I am Creation Godzhou, also known as [You]."    


The figure that looked exactly like Lee Shi pointed at Lee Shi and said with a deadpan expression.    


"A hundred thousand years ago, Earth suffered an eternal calamity — — Starshock.    


In order to save all of humanity, you have split your Soul Body into two, the Yin Yang Twin Souls.    


Among them, the Sun Soul became Lee Zhoutang, the commander of the human interstellar migration army on Earth.    


The ghost then entered Creation Godzhou, which was created by all mankind. As the driving force for Creation Godzhou …    


And I am that ghost.    


"So, I am you, and you are me."    


Lee Shi was silent for a long time after hearing Creation God Zhou's words.    


He had never expected that the ninth Stella Spirit would actually be his own Soul Body.    


So this was the origin of that strange intimacy?    


However, this also solved the doubt that had always existed in Lee Shi's heart.    


That was why Creation Godzhou didn't kill him, but instead had him banished forever to the edge of the universe.    


This was because if Lee Shi of the Sun Soul died, the portion of him that was a ghost would not survive.    


"Since we were originally one, why should we target each other?"    


Lee Shi continued to ask in confusion.    


"I've already said that because I want to have my own name.    


I don't want to be your ninth Stella Spirit, and even more so, I don't want to be your spirit.    


I am me, not your appendage! "    


The figure in front of him suddenly spread open his arms, as though countless energies were erupting from them.    


At this moment, Lee Shi felt that Creation Godzhou was neither in the realm of Dao but had entered a unique path out of this world's cultivation system.    


Immediately, Creation God Zhou started to emit a strange sound wave.    


An invisible sound wave spread across the universe.    


Suddenly, countless figures flew over from all directions.    


Flags after flags fluttered in the air.    


"It's the army of Darkya from the southern part of the universe, the Darkya Army!"    


"And the northern part of the universe, the 'Heavenly Passage' army!"    


"Even the army of 'Kongtong Heaven' in the western part of the universe has appeared!"    


Other than Lee Shi and the others conquering to the east, the main force of almost all the major heavenly and astral realms in the universe had already arrived beside Creation God Zhou.    


And as soon as these armies appeared, they surrounded Haotang's army.    


Dozens of times … No, tens of thousands of times denser, all sorts of armies seemed to want to fill up the starry sky.    


Not to mention those experts in the army who were eyeing him covetously.    


In an instant, the Haotang army seemed to have become a lonely boat in the sea.    


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