Star Core War

C1399 Limit attempt

C1399 Limit attempt

The red clouds continued to circulate in Qin Tian's body, causing huge damage to it.    


But at this time, Qin Tian did not care about the pain that came from his own body. He was still continuously absorbing the red clouds, without any signs of stopping. This situation continued on for a long time. Several tens of breaths later, Qin Tian was still absorbing the red clouds without any signs of stopping.    


Very quickly several tens of breaths had passed, but Qin Tian still hadn't stopped absorbing the red clouds.    


Following this, quite a few changes occurred to the whirlpool around Qin Tian. It could clearly be seen that the whirlpool around Qin Tian was only at a small size at the beginning, but when it expanded to the current one hundred meters radius, it was spreading very quickly. And as the vortex expanded, more and more red clouds could be clearly seen entering Qin Tian's body. And under this kind of situation, the damage to Qin Tian's body became more and more severe.    


Therefore, at this time, it was possible to see with the naked eye that on many parts of Qin Tian's skin, tiny cracks had appeared. Traces of blood continuously seeped out from the cracks on his skin. And even under this situation, Qin Tian still did not stop absorbing the red clouds, and continued to absorb the energy.    


It could be seen that red clouds continuously flowed into Qin Tian's body.    


Just like that, Qin Tian continued to absorb the red clouds for a few minutes.    


A few minutes later, it could clearly be seen that Qin Tian's entire body was dyed red with blood. There were quite a few wounds on his body, and his entire body was filled with wounds and cracks.    


And at this time, the range of the surging lake beside Qin Tian, had also expanded. It could clearly be seen that the lake water within a few hundred meter radius around Qin Tian was unceasingly flowing, and had already formed a huge whirlpool. In this whirlpool, a huge amount of red clouds appeared, and continuously flowed into Qin Tian's body.    


With so many red clouds surrounding Qin Tian, Qin Tian's entire body seemed to be brimming with light and vibrant colors. From a distance, it seemed like Qin Tian's body was dancing with red flames, making him look extremely extraordinary.    


Suddenly, with a pfft sound, Qin Tian spat out a mouthful of blood. The fresh blood he spat was like that of a Blood Arrow, shooting out for more than a kilometer, continuously breaking the surface of the water, it was extremely extraordinary.    


And just as Qin Tian spat out blood, Qin Tian stopped his cultivation technique, and stopped his absorption of the red clouds.    


Afterwards, it was clear that the whirlpools that had appeared completely disappeared from Qin Tian's side, due to the unceasing waves of the lake. After the lake water calmed down, Qin Tian's figure could also be clearly seen.    


At this time, Qin Tian's entire body was covered in blood, and his body was emitting a strong stench of blood. The aura he was emitting was also extremely sluggish, which showed how severely injured he was. But the expression on Qin Tian's face didn't seem like the expression a person should have when they are heavily injured, because when Qin Tian looked at this moment, his expression didn't change at all. There was even a faintly discernable smile on his face, as though he was very happy.    


But at this moment, Qin Tian was truly full of joy. This was because he had just broken another record, a record that had taken a long time to absorb the red glow. In an instant, Qin Tian had continuously absorbed a few minutes of red glow just now, and this had also created a record.    


At the start, when Qin Tian absorbed the red clouds, he could only absorb it for a few breaths of time. Then, it became hard for him to continue absorbing, because his body could not take it anymore. But now, as he stayed in the lake and as his body became stronger, the time he absorbed the red clouds continued to increase. He had absorbed the red clouds from the first few breaths to several dozens of breaths, but he was still able to last for a few minutes now. All of these clearly showed Qin Tian's recent progress.    


Qin Tian was very happy about this. Every time Qin Tian absorbed the red clouds, he would work hard to break the record and break the limit. Even though it was this way, his body would be severely damaged, and even though it would bring him huge damage, Qin Tian still chose to do this.    


It was because Qin Tian knew that only by absorbing with all his might would it be beneficial to his body, and allow his body's strength to increase the fastest. Qin Tian had been doing this the entire time, and the results were very good as well.    


Qin Tian closed his eyes and recuperated from his injuries.    


After more than an hour, Qin Tian once again opened his eyes. After more than an hour of healing, Qin Tian had completely recovered from the injuries in his body.    


"It seems that using this method of extreme speed is quite good."    


Qin Tian could clearly feel that this kind of increase in his body's strength was extremely obvious.    


Although using this method to the limit, the pain he would feel every time would be great, and the pain would also have to continue for a long time, Qin Tian felt that everything he had paid for was worth it.    


After Qin Tian rested for a while, he looked at the surrounding lake water and once again immersed himself in cultivating, beginning to once again absorb the red clouds.    


Right now, Qin Tian was in the middle of this lake, so he did not think too much about it. The only thing on his mind right now, was to continuously absorb the red clouds and use them to refine his body.    


Very quickly, not much time had passed before the lake around Qin Tian began to surge again. A whirlpool formed, and endless amounts of red clouds rose from the whirlpool, causing Qin Tian to be submerged once again.    




At this time, within the Stellar Core World, in the midst of Qin Tian's parents' residences, Qin Zhenye and Ya Si were bringing their daughter, Qin Shuyan, away from their residence once again, towards their sect's Daijin Yuu's residence.    


And the reason they went to look for Daijin Yuu, was precisely to inquire about the information regarding Qin Tian. Right now, for Qin Zhenye and the Ya Si couple, the most important thing in their lives that they were looking forward to the most was going to Daijin Yuu's residence every once in a while.    


Right now, the two of them had always been worried about Qin Tian. They were extremely concerned about Qin Tian and were worried about his safety within the Blood Spirit Realm. They had always hoped to get news of Qin Tian.    


So every once in a while, they would go to Daijin Yuu's residence to discuss this matter. This matter was extremely important right now. Furthermore, every time they set off for Daijin Yuu's residence, the husband and wife would look forward to hearing news of Qin Tian. This kind of worry and expectation continued to circulate within their hearts.    


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