Star Core War

C1088 Wrong Estimation

C1088 Wrong Estimation

10888th, wrong estimation.    


"Dong Dong Dong!" A series of thudding sounds could be heard from the Blood-red Sphere.    


The Blood-red Sphere suddenly started to shrink, as if it was a heart that was contracting. Furthermore, the contraction of this sphere was exceptionally intense, which was why it caused such a huge commotion.    


As the Blood-red Sphere shrunk, a shocking scene was immediately seen. The space around the sphere shrank as well. It also began to vibrate continuously. Then, one could see waves of Spatial Ripple spreading out in all directions.    


As the Blood-red Sphere shrank, the space here became extremely unstable. It was as if it was going to collapse at any moment. Then, as the sphere continued to shrink, the aura it emitted... The pressure it emitted became even more terrifying. It also became more and more powerful, causing people to feel extremely shocked.    


The ball did not stop shrinking. It just kept shrinking. There was a loud banging sound here all the time, and it was very loud. Soon after, they saw a shocking scene. The Space Node surrounding the Blood-red Sphere... As the sphere continued to shrink, it was also slowly being pried open. As the Space Node was pried open, the space around the sphere began to become chaotic. Very quickly, black spatial cracks began to appear. Black spatial cracks began to wrap around the sphere. It seemed incomparably terrifying.    


In a short while, the space around the sphere was like broken glass, becoming fragmented.    


At this moment, the speed at which the sphere absorbed the Blood-colored Spiritual Energy suddenly increased.    




Soon after, one could hear the rumbling sound continuously. The Blood-colored Spiritual Energy surrounding the sphere were all scrambling to rush towards the sphere. It was extremely fast, causing a huge commotion. The movement around the Blood-red Sphere was getting bigger and bigger.    


The aura emitted by the Blood-red Sphere was also increasing rapidly, becoming even more terrifying.    


After that, the red lustre circulating on the surface of the sphere also became more and more exuberant. It could be seen that under the nourishment of so much spirit energy, the sphere had also undergone a considerable transformation, and it was even evolving in a good direction.    




At this moment, Qin Tian also didn't know that he was several million meters away from him. In the depths of the grassland, an abnormal situation had occurred. At this moment, Qin Tian was absorbing the Blood-colored Spiritual Energy, continuously absorbing the life force contained within it. Come! Repairing the Phoenix Flower in his mind.    


A steady flow of Blood-colored Spiritual Energy flowed into Qin Tian's body, but in the end, these Blood-colored Spiritual Energies... They were all wasted. At this moment, Qin Tian didn't feel the slightest bit of heartache when it came to these lost Blood-colored Spiritual Energies.    


Because at this moment, Qin Tian was also paying all of his attention to it. He had placed all of his attention on that small portion of the rhizome of Phoenix Flower. The only thing that Qin Tian was thinking about right now was that he hoped that this Phoenix Flower could be repaired successfully. As for the rest, he didn't have any spare time to care about them.    


At this moment, Qin Tian's spirit was also very excited. He was very happy in his heart right now. He was getting more and more confident in repairing this Phoenix Flower.    


Because at this moment, there was a small portion of the rhizome of Phoenix Flower in Qin Tian's mind. Although it looked like it didn't have much of a change compared to the previous part. But in fact, Qin Tian could clearly feel it. This small portion of the rhizome of Phoenix Flower had undergone a huge change. And it was a very good change.    


As the life force was continuously absorbed by the rhizome of Phoenix Flower, the life force contained within it... It was also increasing rapidly, and the life force it emitted... It's getting thicker. It could be felt that it had recovered quite a bit.    


When Qin Tian saw this, he became more and more confident in the restoration of this Phoenix Flower. All signs were heading towards a good direction.    


Qin Tian now firmly believed that if he was given some time, he would definitely be able to fully repair this Phoenix Flower.    


After that, Qin Tian continued to absorb the Blood-colored Spiritual Energy, the life force within it, and repair the Phoenix Flower in his mind.    




Time passed very quickly. Unknowingly, two months had passed.    


Two months seemed like a very long time, but for a powerful martial cultivator, that was just the blink of an eye.    


At this time, two months had passed. Qin Tian, who was in the grassland, was still absorbing the Blood-colored Spiritual Energy without showing any signs of stopping.    


He could clearly see the Blood-colored Spiritual Energy within a twenty thousand meter radius. It was being absorbed by Qin Tian. The range of Qin Tian's absorption of the Blood-colored Spiritual Energy was comparable to two months ago. There was no change at all. It was still maintained at a range of twenty thousand meters.    


At this time, Qin Tian had already continued to absorb the Blood-colored Spiritual Energy for two months. However, the Phoenix Flower in his mind had yet to fully recover. The time it took for the Phoenix Flower to fully recover had greatly exceeded Qin Tian's expectations.    


Two months ago, Qin Tian estimated that it would only take him a month or two to fully restore this Phoenix Flower. But now, it had already been two months, and Qin Tian had yet to do it.    


Qin Tian also knew that two months had already passed. Even after spending two months, he still hadn't fully repaired the Phoenix Flower. This situation was also out of Qin Tian's expectation. Because of Qin Tian's previous judgment, he had spent one or two months to repair the ___. It should be able to completely repair this Phoenix Flower.    


The reason Qin Tian had such a wrong prediction was because he had made a wrong prediction about the petals of the Phoenix Flower.    


In front of him, when Qin Tian was repairing this Phoenix Flower... He thought that by repairing this Phoenix Flower, he would be able to repair the petals of the rhizome of Phoenix Flower and the Phoenix Flower. The process should be the same, there shouldn't be any difference. However, the reality was different. The petals of the Phoenix Flower... The difficulty of repairing them was even greater.    


At this moment, Qin Tian could clearly see the Phoenix Flower in his mind. After two months of repairing, it could no longer be called a rhizome of Phoenix Flower. This was because at this moment, many flower petals had appeared on the Phoenix Flower. At this moment, half of the Phoenix Flower had already been restored. It was no longer just a small segment of a rhizome. The life force contained within the Phoenix Flower was even greater. Compared to before, it had increased by an unknown amount. It could be said that this Phoenix Flower was comparable to two months ago. It was like the difference between heaven and earth.    


The root of this Phoenix Flower was completely repaired, and the time it took was... It only took about a month. In just a month's time, Qin Tian had absorbed countless amounts of life force, and had completely repaired this rhizome of Phoenix Flower. It could be said that in just a month's time, he was able to do it to such an extent. It could also be said to be very good, and Qin Tian was very satisfied with it.    


However, the difficulty of recovering the petals of the Phoenix Flower was beyond Qin Tian's expectations. Qin Tian had been repairing the petals of the Phoenix Flower for the next month. However, in the past month, Qin Tian had only recovered a few petals of the Phoenix Flower. The number of petals of the restored Phoenix Flower only accounted for less than a third of the total number of petals of the Phoenix Flower. This was also a very low number.    


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