Star Core War

C2 Present Treasure House(part Ii)

C2 Present Treasure House(part Ii)

The second chapter.    


"Little brother, how much do you want? I think we can satisfy you. I just called the police through my phone. You'd better take the money and leave now. Otherwise, the police will come in half an hour. You don't want to spend your whole life in prison, do you? " Wang Zhengde's voice came.    


Qin Tian held the gun and leaned against the wall. He smiled calmly and said, "Call the police. So fast. Wang Zhengde, you are really good at it." Then he took out a plastic rope from his clothes and threw it into the crowd. He said, "There are ten of you in total. These ropes are enough for you. Alright. You, that's you. Take these ropes and tie everyone's hands and feet. Remember to tie them up tightly, or you'll regret it. "    


The young man pointed at by Qin Tian had a pale face. He slowly walked out. He was Wang Zhengde's nephew, Wang Tianhao. Trembling, he picked up the rope from the ground and began to tie everyone's hands and feet.    


Wang Tianhao trembled for four to five minutes before he tied the rope to everyone.    


"Bon." A gunshot rang out. The few women couldn't help but scream when they heard it.    


They saw Wang Tianhao get shot in the calf, wailing on the ground.    


"I told you to tie it up tightly. It seems like you took my words as wind by the side of your ears." Qin Tian said coldly. Then he pointed at Wang Zhengde and said, "You should do it. I know you can let go of the rope as soon as you break it. I don't need to repeat myself this time. "    


Wang Zhengde's expression was serious. He knew that this time, he didn't run into any ordinary criminals. He had a very strong mentality, and his methods were fierce. Wang Zhengde tied them up once again. This time, he tied them up very tightly. He also tied them up very seriously, because he knew that he could not do anything to them.    


Qin Tian looked at the people tied up on the ground and Wang Zhengde who was standing. He walked over and sat on the sofa. He could not help but show a satisfied smile and said, "Take a seat, Wang Zhengde."    


Qin Tian saw Wang Zhengde sitting on the sofa and waiting to take off his coat.    


"Pfft." He took a deep breath. Everyone present was shocked. They saw that Qin Tian's upper body was tied with layers of explosives. Everyone looked at the black explosives and felt their scalps go numb. No one doubted the power of these explosives. Those who were still resisting felt fortunate that they did not act impulsively just now. Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.    


Wang Zhengde, who was sitting on the sofa, could not help but sigh. It seemed like the criminals came prepared this time. He had experienced many storms and waves in his life. At this time, his expression could not help but change. There was an old saying that said, If you are stupid, you are afraid of being stunned. If you are stunned, you are afraid of being arrogant, but if you are arrogant, you are afraid of not caring about your own life. The most terrifying people in the world were those who did not care about their lives.    


Qin Feng took a disc from his body and placed it on Wang Zhengde's knee. He smiled and said to Wang Zhengde, "Be careful, don't move. If you move, the liquid inside will mix. Within three seconds, this villa will fly into the sky. Don't doubt my advice to you." After saying that, Qin Tian walked out of the hall.    


Even though Wang Zhengde had experienced countless storms in his life, he couldn't help but break out in cold sweat. He looked at the bomb on his knee, not daring to move. Although he could move his hands, he didn't dare. He didn't dare to try and experience more... Instead, he cherished his life even more. The people lying on the ground were tied up, and their eyes were tightly glued to the bomb. Everyone's hearts were raised, and none of them dared to even breathe loudly.    


Qin Tian carried a big black bag in his hand and walked back to the hall. He closed the curtains. Looking at the people in the hall, each and every one of them was so nervous. He walked over with a smile and picked up the disc on Wang Zhengde's knee. Throw it in the corner.    


"Ah, ah, ah, I'm dead. I'm dead." The disc did not explode, but the screams of the people in the hall could be heard.    


"Alright, stop screaming. What's the meaning of this? Let people see it as a joke." Although Wang Zhengde was quite frightened, he had been through a lot. He could not help but feel ashamed of his family.    


The crowd who had calmed down finally realized that the round plate bomb was fake. They could not help but sigh in relief.    


"What exactly do you want? I don't think we have any deep hatred between us. Tell us your request." Wang Zhengde asked loudly.    


"Good, you are really straightforward. I like your style. To put it bluntly, I want money." After Qin Tian said that, he opened the big black bag, took out a laptop from inside, and placed it on the table.    


However, everyone's attention was attracted by the big black bag. Looking at the big black bag, they all felt that it was difficult to breathe. They saw that there were bundles of explosives inside, and the whole big bag was filled with explosives.    


Wang Zhengde looked at the explosives in the big bag and then looked at the notebook on the table. He couldn't help but gulp. It seemed like the situation was worse than he had imagined. Qin Tian turned on the computer and operated it. He then placed the computer in front of Wang Zhengde. He said coldly, "Alright, now you just need to input the amount and password. Transfer it to my account. You better consider how much to input. If you don't meet my expectations, trust me, you'll never forget it for the rest of your life "    


Wang Zhengde couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. He felt that he wasn't right now. Looking at the bandits in front of him, they were definitely the ones who would do what they said. However, the problem was that if the input was too little, it would be a problem. If he lost too much, he would not be able to bear it. Who knew how many bandits would lose in order to feel that it was enough? He felt an unprecedented pressure.    


"Di, Di, Di." Suddenly, a siren sounded. Hearing the siren, everyone in the hall was instantly invigorated.    


"Listen up, I am the Director of the Eastern Sea City Police Bureau, Li Zhongxin. Now you are surrounded. I advise you to put down your weapons and surrender immediately, and fight for leniency." The sound of horns outside the door kept coming.    


Qin Tian listened to the alarm outside the door and calmly took out explosive packages from his big bag. Then, he carefully placed them in the hall one by one. Not long later... Dozens of explosive packages were all placed. Everyone in the hall looked at the explosive packages around them. All of them were so scared that they were speechless. Qin Tian looked at the frightened faces of everyone and couldn't help but look at them with disdain. His gaze couldn't help but fall on Wang Tianmin who was still unconscious. He couldn't help thinking, Everything will be settled in a while. I'll let you faint first.    


Qin Tian ignored the police outside the door and said to the crowd with a smile, "Whoever pays, who leaves."    


The two bodyguards on the ground quickly said, "We give, we give you all our money. Please let us go."    


Qin Tian smiled at the two bodyguards and said, "Alright, seeing how you two are so good at talking, I don't want your money anymore. You two can leave now."    


Releasing the rope, the two bodyguards scrambled to the door. When the door opened, a dozen guns were pointed at the two bodyguards outside. The door was a long distance away from the sofa, and there was a corner. So the people outside still couldn't see what was going on inside.    


The police brought the two bodyguards to the person in charge of the scene and interrogated them. After hearing the two bodyguards talk about the situation inside, the police couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air. According to their professional knowledge, they knew that if what the two bodyguards said was true, once the explosives exploded, they would be able to flatten everything within a 20-30 meter radius.    


Li Zhongxin immediately ordered everyone to retreat 30 meters. The villa was now a large gunpowder barrel, it was too dangerous.    


"The people inside do not act rashly, do not act recklessly, what is there to discuss." After knowing the situation inside, the police chief quickly said.    


Qin Tian took out a large megaphone from his big bag and said to the outside, "If you say such useless nonsense outside, I'll kill one person and leave it to you. We'll talk about it in two hours. There's no need to talk about it now."    


Hearing the horn sound coming from inside the villa, all the policemen were a little stunned. The criminals actually had a loudspeaker. Thinking about this, everyone's mood became a little heavy. This meant that the criminals were prepared and had excellent mental strength.    


Chief Li Zhongjin said anxiously, "Quick, bring out the video. We need to quickly confirm the identity of the criminals inside. Hurry up and go."    


After Qin Tian said that to the outside, he sat on the sofa and looked at the nine people inside. He said slowly, "The three brothers of Wang Family, the Three Stars of the Eastern Sea. That is a glorious scene. The eldest brother, Wang Zhengde, has a net worth of ten billion. He is a famous tycoon. The second brother, Wang Zhengming, is a famous real estate agent, the third brother, Wang Zhengren. Director, three brothers from the same sect. All of them are promising. "    


When the people in the hall heard these introductions, each and every one of them became even more afraid.    


Qin Tian took out a timer.    


"Alright, I won't waste any more time. Let's start with Wang Zhengde. Put money into the computer. Remember, you only have one minute, more than one minute. Every second, I'll shoot." After saying that, he pointed the gun at Wang Zhengde and pressed the timer.    


"Cough, cough, cough." The sound of the timer in the quiet hall was especially obvious. Wang Zhengde looked at the computer and could not put his hands down.    


"It has been ten seconds. You still have fifty seconds."    


Hearing this sound, Wang Zhengde's heart could not help but tighten. He did not think much about it and quickly began typing on the computer. Looking at the information of successful transfer on the computer, Wang Zhengde could not help but fall to the ground.    


"1.4 billion is nothing to a billionaire like you." Qin Tian looked at the amount on the computer and smiled. Although he said so, Qin Tian also knew that it was not easy to take out so much cash at once. Although it was said that they had 10 billion in assets, most of them were stocks and real estate.    


"Alright, it's your turn next, Wang Zhengming." Qin Tian looked at the man who was shot in the foot and said.    


When Wang Tianming heard that, he quickly dragged his injured foot and climbed to the table to start operating. Even if he was a step too late, a bullet would have already shot into his body.    


"500 million. Your performance is not bad." Qin Tian looked at the amount and said.    


Qin Tian untied Wang Tianren and said to him, "It's your turn. It's also a minute."    


Wang Tianren hurriedly walked over and started operating the computer.    


"Boron." A gunshot rang out. Everyone in the hall looked at Qin Tian in horror. Wang Tianren's knees were bleeding non-stop. He was hit by a bullet and was wailing in pain.    


When the gunshot reached the door, it caused a commotion. Director Li Zhongxin immediately picked up the loudspeaker and shouted inside, "What happened? We can discuss it. Don't be rash."    


"Shut up." Qin Tian shouted outside.    


"I... gave you so much money, why did you... shoot me?" Wang Tianren said while enduring the pain.    


"Yes, you gave me a lot of money, a hundred million. But you, as a Magistrate, can't make that much money. It seems that you have plundered a lot of people's wealth. I don't think a corrupt official like you is happy. Do you have any objections if I give you a shot?" Qin Tian said hatefully.    


After saying that, Qin Tian walked to the computer and started to operate it. After a while, he stood up with a satisfied smile.    


The phone rang and Qin Tian smiled as he picked up the phone.    


"Hello, sir. I am Wang Liping, the person in charge of building the Beautiful Orphanage in the City. I am here to thank you for your generosity on behalf of thousands of orphans. You donated two billion to us. This will solve the lives and studies of thousands of orphans. You will change the lives of these orphans. You have helped them too much, and I sincerely thank you here" Chen Zhou's choking voice could not help but come from the other side of the phone.    


"Haha, you're welcome. This is what I should do." Qin Tian could not help but laugh when he heard the familiar voice from the other end of the phone.    


"Sir, can you leave your name behind? You don't want to say. The children definitely want to know." A sincere voice came from the phone.    


"A name is just a code name. It doesn't matter. I just want to do something for these unfortunate children. I don't ask for anything else, that's all. Sorry, I'm very busy right now. I'll hang up first. I'll contact you in the future when I have time. "    


" Then sir, you're busy. Thank you very much for your generosity. Once again thanks you "came a continuous stream of thanks over the phone.    


Qin Tian hung up the phone in satisfaction. He pulled out his phone card and broke it. He said in his heart, Mother Wang, forgive me for not saying it out loud. That's all I can do for you in the end. I hope you will be healthy forever.    


Everyone in the hall saw how this young man risked so much to get so much money and donated all of it to a charity organization. They all felt that he had gone crazy.    


Qin Tian looked at everyone in the hall and said with a smile, "Now that the matter of money has been settled, it can come to an end now." Before everyone could heave a sigh of relief, he looked at the unconscious Wang Tianmin on the ground. ... He said coldly, "Now there is only one last thing that needs to be resolved." After he finished speaking, he kicked Wang Tianmin awake.    


Wang Tianmin slowly woke up, and when he woke up, he found that he was tied up. Without thinking, he cursed, "Which bastard tied me up? Do you want to die? Do you know who I am? I will ask someone to kill you." As soon as he finished speaking, he looked around and saw that the ground was covered in blood. His family members were all tied up, and he couldn't help but be shocked.    


"Haha, what a mighty Young Master Wang! You're the only one who can still be so arrogant now!" Qin Tian looked at Wang Tianmin and said.    


Hearing this, Wang Tianmin came back to his senses. He held back his fear and shouted at Qin Tian, "Kid, I advise you to let me go as soon as possible. Otherwise, you won't be able to leave Eastern Sea City."    


"I don't know if I can get out of Eastern Sea City, but I know that if I don't want to, all of you won't even be able to get out of the gate." After Qin Tian said that, he continued, "Wang Tianmin, do you still remember me?"    


Wang Tianmin looked at the person in front of him in confusion and frowned. Suddenly, it was as if he had been frozen.    


"You... you... you are... Four years ago." Wang Tianmin stammered as he looked at Qin Tian.    


"It seems like you have forgotten many things. Let me remind you, my name is Qin Tian."    


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