Star Core War

C480 An Increase in Strength

C480 An Increase in Strength

480th chapter on strength improvement    


Time passed very quickly. In the blink of an eye, a quarter of an hour had passed.    


At this moment, on the 49th floor of Bright Moon Tower, a quarter of an hour had passed. ... Qin Tian's injuries had also fully recovered. Qin Tian's entire body had become energetic. He had completely recovered from his injuries.    


At this moment, when Qin Tian saw the condition of his body, he was incomparably shocked.    


"I never thought that my body would recover so quickly!" Qin Tian observed the condition of his body and said in surprise.    


At this moment, Qin Tian had also never thought that his body would be so badly damaged by the lightning after suffering such a terrifying injury.    


However, he didn't expect that a quarter of an hour would pass in the end. His body had fully recovered. Most importantly, during the process of recovering from his injuries... He had been staying in one place all this time, recovering from his injuries in a steady and steady manner. Just now, Qin Tian had been constantly dodging the attacks of the three Rock Thunder Beasts. While he was moving, he was constantly healing his injured body. Under such a difficult situation, Qin Tian's body was seriously injured. And he was able to recover so quickly. It was no wonder that Qin Tian was so excited.    


Qin Tian knew that he was able to do it under such circumstances. And he was able to heal all of his injuries in such a short period of time. All of this was because of the cool spiritual energy in his body. The cool spiritual energy produced in Qin Tian's body this time was really too huge.    


Originally, the cool spiritual energy had a very good healing effect on the injured body. However, with such a huge amount of cool spiritual energy, the healing effect on the injuries became even more terrifying.    


When Qin Tian thought of this, he felt even more grateful towards the Tao Te Ching. The existence of the Tao Te Ching had really helped Qin Tian a lot.    


"Furthermore, after my body has fully recovered this time, the strength of my body has increased. It has also increased by so much, and my strength has also increased by quite a lot. This is truly a pleasant surprise." Qin Tian observed his own body. He discovered that his current body... Not only had he recovered completely, but his body was also very strong. On top of the original foundation, it had also improved a lot.    


Qin Tian could clearly feel the damaged parts in his body. At this moment, all of them had recovered. Furthermore, those damaged areas had been repaired. They had become even tougher. Qin Tian could also feel it. The strength that was transmitted from his body had also become greater and greater. Qin Tian could feel that his overall strength had increased.    


When Qin Tian saw this, the effect of the lightning tempering his body... And there's a general understanding. Even though the lightning entered his body, it was extremely painful. However, in the end, the effect of the body's tempering was obvious to the heavens. When Qin Tian thought of this, he decided to cultivate the Basic Thunder Arts in the future. * Hong Long...... *    


Very quickly, Qin Tian suppressed all the thoughts in his mind. Because at this moment, behind him, there were three Rock Thunder Beasts continuously chasing after him, producing a loud sound.    


Qin Tian's gaze couldn't help but look at the four Rock Thunder Beasts around him.    


At this moment, he could see that a few hundred meters away from Qin Tian, there were three Rock Thunder Beasts charging towards him, causing a series of loud noises.    


Qin Tian saw the three Rock Thunder Beasts rushing towards him, and a smile appeared on his face. Because Qin Tian and these three Rock Thunder Beasts were old acquaintances.    


In the short period of a quarter of an hour, the three Rock Thunder Beasts... He had been persistently chasing after Qin Tian, but he never stopped. Although these three Rock Thunder Beasts had never encountered Qin Tian before... When they attacked Qin Tian, these three Rock Thunder Beasts had never given up. They kept chasing after Qin Tian.    


At this moment, besides the three Rock Thunder Beasts, there was also another Rock Thunder Beast. This Rock Thunder Beast was the injured Rock Thunder Beast.    


At this moment, the injured Rock Thunder Beast fell to the ground. It had yet to get up. Furthermore, he could feel that even though fifteen minutes had passed... However, the injuries on this injured Rock Thunder Beast were still not light. The injuries in his body had not improved by much.    


After all, not everyone could be like Qin Tian, who had a mystical cool spiritual energy that could quickly heal his injuries.    


Therefore, after fifteen minutes, the injuries on the Rock Thunder Beast's body hadn't healed by much. It was normal.    


Qin Tian looked at the injured Rock Thunder Beast and instantly made a decision. He wanted to get rid of this injured Rock Thunder Beast first.    


When Qin Tian thought of this, he did not hesitate. He quickly moved his body and rushed towards the Rock Thunder Beast.    


After Qin Tian's body had fully recovered this time, not only had Qin Tian's body become stronger, but he had also become stronger. Even Qin Tian's speed had become faster than before.    


Qin Tian arrived in front of the Rock Thunder Beast in a flash. The distance between the Rock Thunder Beast and the Rock Thunder Beast was only about 20 meters.    


"Roar! Roar! Roar!" The Rock Thunder Beast on the ground let out an angry roar when it saw Qin Tian approaching it.    


However, because of the injuries on its body, the roar of the Rock Thunder Beast seemed to have no momentum.    


Without hesitation, Qin Tian instantly circulated the spiritual Qi in his body and attacked the Rock Thunder Beast on the ground. He then threw a punch at the Rock Thunder Beast.    


"Second form of the Raging Flames Nine-fold Fist." Two Flame Shadow appeared behind Qin Tian's back. The temperature around Qin Tian increased, and a powerful energy burst out from Qin Tian's body.    


A huge and scorching spiritual energy was generated from Qin Tian's body. It flowed along Qin Tian's arm and rushed towards the falling Rock Thunder Beast. The massive amount of spiritual energy rushed towards the Rock Thunder Beast, and the sound of air being torn could be heard.    


The Rock Thunder Beast that was lying on the ground only had time to let out a furious roar. It simply couldn't dodge Qin Tian's Spiritual Energy Detaching Attack. In the blink of an eye, the Rock Thunder Beast was hit by Qin Tian's Qi.    


The massive amount of spiritual energy hit the Rock Thunder Beast's chest in an instant, creating a loud explosion. In an instant, the Rock Thunder Beast let out a huge scream. The scream was filled with endless pain and misery.    


The Rock Thunder Beast was sent flying by the massive amount of spiritual energy that Qin Tian released. It began to slide backwards rapidly on the ground. When the Rock Thunder Beast slid backwards on the ground, the blood that kept gushing out of its body also caused a huge red blood mark to appear on the ground. As the Rock Thunder Beast slid backwards, the red blood trail also continued to spread backwards.    


The Rock Thunder Beast continuously let out a huge wail. Just from the sound alone... It could also be heard that Qin Tian's punch just now... It had also caused a tremendous amount of damage to the Rock Thunder Beast, causing its injuries to worsen.    


After a few breaths, the Rock Thunder Beast that was hit by Qin Tian's attack slid for a few hundred meters before coming to a stop.    


After the Rock Thunder Beast stopped, one could clearly see that a hole the size of a washbasin had been blasted open in the chest of the Rock Thunder Beast.    


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