Star Core War

C496 Sect Leader's Residence

C496 Sect Leader's Residence

When Zhang Yongchao heard Qin Tian's words, he saw the puzzled expression on Qin Tian's face. He began to explain, "There are many missions in Chong Ming Palace, and many of them. The difficulty is very high, and those missions are more difficult. Those are also more dangerous. If you want to complete these missions... Then he would have to face a lot of danger. There were also some relatively simple and easier missions. This type of mission can be completed very easily, and there won't be any danger in doing this type of mission."    


"However, when doing easy missions, this process is too easy. There's basically no battle at all, this kind of mission that doesn't even have many fights. That is simply not enough to achieve the goal of training themselves, so many people... They would not choose to do such a simple mission to waste their time. And those kinds of difficult tasks were more dangerous. Therefore, it also required a powerful strength to complete them. Therefore, most of the time, when doing this kind of difficult mission... Everyone will form a group to complete it, so it's quite rare for one person to act alone."    


"Of course, for difficult tasks, the rewards are naturally very generous."    


Zhang Yongchao paused for a moment and looked at Qin Tian, who had been attracted by his words. He continued, "Going to Chong Ming Palace to accept a mission is something you must experience in the future. After all, a martial cultivator would have to go through countless battles in order to become a powerful expert. It's impossible for you to become a powerful warrior without going through battles. The process of a martial cultivator becoming an expert was often a test of blood and fire. A test of life and death."    


"And your current strength is still not very strong. You've only just started cultivating, so if you want to do a mission... Then the two of us can take you there too. With our strength, we can protect you very well. Furthermore, we can also help you complete your mission and obtain many treasures. I believe that these treasures will be able to help you in your cultivation in the end. It will allow your strength to increase rapidly. "    


Zhang Yongchao said to Qin Tian. After he finished speaking, he stared at Qin Tian.    


When Qin Tian heard what Zhang Yongchao said, he wasn't a stupid person. He instantly understood the meaning of Zhang Yongchao's words.    


Qin Tian didn't say anything. He began to think. Qin Tian thought for a while, then said to Zhang Yongchao, "Thank you for your good intentions, two senior brothers. However, I don't want to do missions for the time being. I just joined the Ming Yang Zong, and I have only been cultivating here for a few days. I want to cultivate in the Bright Moon Tower for a period of time until my strength increases. Then, I will go to the Chong Ming Palace and find some missions to do. "    


Qin Tian didn't agree immediately. At this moment, he was thinking in his heart. He wanted to improve his own strength first. Qin Tian knew that there would be a certain degree of danger if he completed these tasks. All of these required strength. He had to have strength first, because he couldn't just rely on others for everything. He couldn't place all his hopes on others, only his own strength would become stronger. That was the capital to have the capital to live a peaceful life.    


When Zhang Yongchao and Liang Ming heard Qin Tian's words, they looked at each other. They also nodded in a barely noticeable manner. After that, Zhang Yongchao stood out. He said to Qin Tian, "Alright, I'll listen to you. Then we'll talk about it after a while. The two of us are free at any time. When do you want to go to Chong Ming Palace for a mission? You can call us anytime. We will definitely be there. "    


"Alright. Thank you, Senior Brothers. If I need your help, I won't be polite to you two." Qin Tian said happily.    


Zhang Yongchao and Liang Ming were also very happy when they heard Qin Tian's words.    


"Then we will take our leave today. I won't disturb your cultivation anymore."    


"That's right. We will be leaving first."    


Zhang Yongchao and Liang Ming spoke one after another.    


"Alright. Senior brothers, I won't be sending you off. You're welcome to come and find me next time." Qin Tian said with a smile.    


Zhang Yongchao and Liang Ming left happily after hearing Qin Tian's words.    


Qin Tian stood still and watched the two of them disappear. Only then did he withdraw his gaze.    


After that, Qin Tian couldn't help but cast his gaze towards the towering mountain peak in the distance. This mountain peak was where Master Of The Ming Yang Sect and Daijin Yuu lived.    


"I wonder why Master came here to look for me last time." Qin Tian thought doubtfully. When he heard what Zhang Yongchao said just now, Qin Tian also heard that Daijin Yuu came to find him last time. When Qin Tian thought of this, he was also puzzled.    


When Qin Tian thought of this, he looked at the towering mountain peak ten thousand meters away. Without any hesitation, he ran towards the place where Dai Jinyong lived.    


Before long, Qin Tian arrived at the foot of the tall mountain peak. Qin Tian stood at the foot of the mountain, stunned by the tall mountain. Although looking at the mountain from afar, one could still see how tall it was. However, only when he arrived in front of this mountain peak would he be able to deeply feel its magnificence. It was majestic and majestic.    


The mountain peak in front of Qin Tian was tall and majestic. No one knew how majestic it was. It was so tall that one couldn't see the end of the mountain with their naked eyes. There were dense trees on the mountain. Furthermore, the trees were all extremely tall. Qin Tian took a closer look and found the trees here. Each tree was at least a hundred meters tall, no less than a hundred meters tall.    


Qin Tian stood at the foot of the mountain, feeling extremely tiny.    


And from the foot of the mountain, there was a bluestone staircase laying across the mountain peak. This bluestone staircase was incomparably long, and Qin Tian couldn't see the end of it. The bluestone staircase was also incomparably spacious. Dozens of people walked side by side. It wasn't a problem at all.    


Qin Tian looked at the bluestone staircase. Without any hesitation, he instantly stepped on it.    


"Eh?!" Qin Tianyi's entire body trembled as he stepped onto the bluestone staircase. Qin Tian was shocked to find out that the spiritual energy in this mountain peak... What? It was his own blessed land. Comparing it to the density of the spiritual energy in this mountain... That's not as good as it is.    


Standing on this bluestone staircase, Qin Tian felt that his entire body was surrounded by the dense spiritual energy. He became even more energetic.    


Feeling the dense spiritual Qi here, Qin Tian was incomparably amazed in his heart. He never thought that in such a tall mountain... * Hong Long...... * It was so rich that it was simply too shocking.    


As expected of the place where Master Of The Ming Yang Sect lived, it was indeed unusual.    


Qin Tian didn't hesitate. He walked along the bluestone steps and began to walk upwards.    


As Qin Tian walked, he started to observe his surroundings. With a glance, he discovered that on the bluestone steps here... There were also a lot of moss that he could feel. The bluestone steps were also very simple and unadorned. They were also very ancient.    


Qin Tian continued to walk up, but before long, he stopped in shock.    


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