Star Core War

C539 Hot

C539 Hot

"Plop!" The Flaming Bear fell directly onto the magma.    


"I never thought that my punch would be so powerful." Qin Tian was surprised by the result of his punch.    


At this moment, the Flaming Bear that was lying in the magma had suffered serious injuries. He could feel that the Qi emitted by the Flaming Bear was no longer the same as before. It had become incomparably weak.    


One could see that the right fist of the Flaming Bear had completely disappeared. The entire arm was shorter than before, and fresh blood continuously flowed out from the wound on the arm. At this moment, the injury on the Flaming Bear's arm was not the most serious injury it had received.    


At this time, the Flaming Bear's chest was the most serious part of its body. There was a huge hole in the Flaming Bear's chest. From the hole the size of a washbasin, dark red blood continuously gushed out. It kept flowing into the magma.    


This huge wound was the most serious injury on the Flaming Bear's body.    


When Qin Tian saw this, he knew that there was no doubt that he would be able to defeat this Flaming Bear today. After all, this Flaming Bear had lost its ability to continue fighting.    


He had never thought that the power of his punch would be so great. That huge Scorching Spiritual Energy seemed to be able to pierce through everything. Judging from the situation just now, it was simply invincible and unstoppable.    


Qin Tian had never thought that his punch would be so powerful.    


"That punch just now was so powerful. It might have something to do with the two primary cores in my mind." Qin Tian seriously thought about why his punch was so powerful.    


This thought also flashed through his mind.    


He knew that the reason why his punch just now was so powerful was very likely because it was related to the two primary cores in his mind before he used his martial skill.    


Qin Tian's guess was also correct. The martial skill that he used just now would become so powerful. It was also related to the two primary cores in his mind.    


Because before he used the martial skill, he used the two primary cores in his mind. This caused the spiritual energy within his body to explode out even more. Therefore, the martial skill that he had used at the end had the support of a huge amount of spiritual energy. That was why its power was so terrifying.    


Qin Tian quickly suppressed the distracting thoughts in his mind. Instead, he prepared to rush towards the Flaming Bear. He wanted to get rid of the Flaming Bear immediately.    


Just as Qin Tian was about to take action, the magma below suddenly began to shake violently. In the blink of an eye, the range of the magma below had expanded. Soon, it had expanded to a hundred meters.    


The magma within a hundred meters began to shake, producing a loud sound.    


"Yi, what's going on?" Qin Tian saw the movement of the magma below and felt that it was very strange. He also stopped moving in the air and stood in the air, looking at it calmly. He also wanted to see why there was such a big movement in the magma.    


The magma continued to shake continuously. This situation continued for more than ten breaths of time.    


He could see that after ten breaths of time.    


The magma within a hundred meters continuously trembled, and it began to emit countless scarlet gases. These scarlet gases had terrifying temperatures, and once they appeared, the temperature of the space around them rose by a large amount.    


Because the temperature here had risen, Qin Tian immediately increased his own height.    


"Such a high temperature!" Qin Tian was very surprised when he saw the appearance of these red gases. He could feel that the temperature of the red gas was very high. Even he might not be able to withstand such a high temperature.    


Qin Tian looked at the red gas carefully and saw what would happen in the end.    


These red gases quickly surged towards the Flaming Bear that was lying in the magma.    


"So it was you who did this. Let me see what changes you will have in the end."    


When Qin Tian saw this, he was not prepared to stop the Flaming Bear from absorbing these scarlet gases. He began to look forward to what changes the Flaming Bear's body would undergo after absorbing these crimson gases.    


Qin Tian stared at the Flaming Bear.    


The Flaming Bear had been absorbing the crimson gas for more than a dozen breaths of time.    


The Flaming Bear only stopped after absorbing for more than ten breaths of time. At this moment, the Flaming Bear's entire body was surrounded by the crimson gas. Its body could no longer be seen.    


"Looks like the Flaming Bear is probably using this crimson gas to heal its injuries."    


Seeing this, Qin Tian had some guesses in his heart. He felt that the Flaming Bear might be using those crimson gases to treat its injuries.    


Even though Qin Tian had such guesses in his heart and felt that the Flaming Bear was healing his injuries, Qin Tian still did not stop the Flaming Bear.    


He did not plan to stop the Flaming Bear from healing his wounds, because Qin Tian knew his own strength. That was his utmost confidence, and most importantly, he was confident in his own strength. It was... Qin Tian believed that even if the Flaming Bear recovered from its injuries, he would still be able to injure it. He would still be able to defeat it.    


Qin Tian wanted to see how far the Flaming Bear could recover his body with these crimson colored gases.    


Time passed slowly. He could feel it as time passed.    


The crimson colored gas that wrapped around the Flaming Bear also gradually faded. The aura emitted by the Flaming Bear also gradually became stronger. The injuries on the Flaming Bear's body also gradually lessened.    


Qin Tian just watched without making any movements. By sensing the aura of the Flaming Bear, he could confirm his guess. Sure enough, the scarlet-red gas was able to heal the Flaming Bear's injuries.    


Qin Tian was watching quietly. He wanted to see how long the Flaming Bear could recover after giving it some time.    


In the blink of an eye, fifteen minutes had passed.    


At this moment, after fifteen minutes, the red gas on the Flaming Bear's body had completely disappeared.    


At this time, the Flaming Bear also stood up.    


"I never thought that the scarlet gas would be so magical. The healing effect is really not bad." Qin Tian looked at the Flaming Bear that stood up and sighed emotionally.    


At this moment, Qin Tian could see that the Flaming Bear had recovered a lot after fifteen minutes of healing. The wounds on its body were no longer bleeding.    


The wound on its arm was originally gushing with fresh blood. Even the wound on his arm had started to scab. And the most amazing thing was that his chest, which had been pierced by the Scorching Spiritual Energy, had now started to scab. Now there's a lot of flesh inside too. This huge wound had also become smaller.    


Through the aura of the Flaming Bear, one could also feel that the injuries on the Flaming Bear's body had recovered quite a bit.    


To be able to recover his injuries to such an extent within a short period of fifteen minutes was truly shocking.    


Qin Tian looked at the Flaming Bear and was incomparably shocked. Qin Tian could only watch helplessly as the Flaming Bear changed. That was why he felt that the scarlet red gas was filled with magic.    


"Looks like a Savage Beast like the Flaming Bear, which was born in magma and grew in magma, has something unusual about its body." Qin Tian looked at the standing Flaming Bear and thought in his heart.    


"Alright, I won't waste any more time. I'll get rid of you now." Qin Tian looked at the standing Flaming Bear and began to approach it.    


At this moment, the Flaming Bear in the magma let out a terrified cry when it saw Qin Tian rushing towards it from the sky. It could be seen that the Flaming Bear was very afraid of Qin Tian.    


Qin Tian ignored the fear of the Flaming Bear. He suddenly increased his speed and rushed towards the Flaming Bear. The spiritual energy in his body was also mobilized. He was ready to attack the Flaming Bear at any time and get rid of it.    




At this moment, the Yan Tian City that was tens of thousands of miles away from the magma was bustling with activity.    


In front of a restaurant in the Yan Tian City, there were countless people surrounding it.    


These people raised their heads and looked at a portrait in the sky above the restaurant. Their eyes were very serious, and they were looking at it very carefully.    


Every single one of them had an excited expression on their faces.    


When they took a closer look, they found that the portrait was of Qin Tian.    


There were also many people discussing amongst themselves, and countless voices rang out in the crowd.    


"Is this the young man? With the news of this young man, you can obtain a tier 6 medicinal herb?" Someone in the crowd asked.    


"It's true, as long as you've seen this young man, you'll be able to provide information about him. That's the person who can obtain a tier 6 herb and post this bounty... It's that powerful Mortality Transcending Stage martial cultivator. This kind of expert won't lie to you. " Hearing someone's question, someone in the crowd immediately answered.    


"For a Mortality Transcending Stage martial cultivator, a grade six herb is not a very precious thing. This reward is absolutely true. Sigh, it's a pity that I have never seen this young man before. I stared at this portrait for an hour. Moreover, it didn't even take the blink of an eye for my head to explode. However, I had no impression of this youth. I really haven't seen him before. Sigh, I'm not fated to get a tier 6 herb either."    


" This young man is truly precious. A piece of news from him is worth a tier 6 herb... "    


"I wonder why that powerful Mortality Transcending Stage martial cultivator is looking for this young man?"    




There were a lot of people outside the restaurant. There were at least hundreds of thousands of people gathered around the restaurant. The restaurant was surrounded by a dense crowd of people.    


The place was very lively. There were all kinds of voices and everyone was discussing enthusiastically.    


At this time, it had already been more than two hours since the bounty was released.    


During these two hours, the discussion about the bounty in Yan Tian City had never stopped. Almost everyone was discussing about the bounty when they met, and everyone was repeatedly discussing about it.    


At this moment, there were still many people rushing to this restaurant in Yan Tian City. There were countless of them. These people were all attracted by Chen Junling's reward, and they were all here for the medicinal herbs of the sixth grade.    


It could be said that in the entire Yan Tian City, there was no one who didn't know about Chen Junling's bounty.    


Slowly, the number of people surrounding the restaurant increased. The people behind couldn't squeeze in at all. They couldn't even see Qin Tian's portrait hanging in the air.    


At this time, many smart people inside took out pen and paper, and started to copy the portrait of Qin Tian in the air.    


After copying, these people sold this portrait at a low price to the people outside who couldn't see it. Those who couldn't see the portrait outside were also very willing to spend some money to buy it.    


When many people saw that this could still earn money, many people began to imitate it.    


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