Star Core War

C154 Two Star Bone Refining

C154 Two Star Bone Refining

Qin Tian saw that he didn't find anything, so he left the place.    


A corpse was left on the ground. The corpse was quickly eaten by the Savage Beast that was attracted by the smell of blood. There weren't any special traces left behind.    


After Qin Tian left, he immediately went to find a hidden cave to treat his injuries. The battle just now had injured him.    


Qin Tian started searching outside the Langdong City.    


Very quickly, Qin Tian found a cave tens of thousands of meters away. This cave was very hidden. Qin Tian felt that the cave was safe inside, so he flashed into it.    


Qin Tian sat in the cave and took out a herb. He began to check his injuries. Qin Tian looked at it carefully and calmly, and only then did he realize that his injuries were not light. He was already injured when he was punched in the chest. Later on, when he used his martial skill to fight with his opponent, his injuries worsened. However, Qin Tian did not notice this situation just now. Now, his attention was focused on this side. Only then did he feel that his injuries had worsened.    


Qin Tian couldn't help but think that he had been too careless this time. Originally, he wouldn't need to suffer any injuries this time. If he used his most powerful martial skill right from the start... Then, even if he could defeat his opponent very quickly, there was no need for him to suffer any injuries.    


Qin Tian knew that he had to be careful in the next battle. This time, he could only blame himself for seeing a powerful martial cultivator. A martial cultivator who could continue to fight with him was something he had forgotten about. Then, he started to fight happily.    


The injury this time also taught Qin Tian a lesson. To fight with others, he must use all of his strength and not relax himself.    


One had to understand that even a lion would use all of its strength when fighting against a rabbit.    


This matter taught Qin Tian a lesson.    


Qin Tian thought that although he was injured in this battle, this time, he had killed a Three-star Bone Refining Stage martial cultivator. Qin Tian's current strength was only at the One-star Bone Refining Stage, but now, he was able to kill a martial cultivator who was two stars higher than him. He had killed his opponent with ease. That Qin Tian knew his own strength. That was far beyond the ordinary One-star Bone Refining Stage martial cultivator.    


When Qin Tian thought of this, he felt extremely happy in his heart. No matter who knew how strong he was, they would be very happy.    


Qin Tian took out a third grade herb and prepared to consume it, preparing to treat his injuries.    


"The Dao can be taught, the Dao can be taught, the name can be used, the name is very famous..." Qin Tian began to silently recite the Tao Te Ching in his heart. In an instant, Qin Tian felt the spiritual energy around him surge. It was slowly gathering around him.    


Qin Tian swallowed the herb and the spiritual energy instantly rushed into his body.    


As Qin Tian slowly recited the Tao Te Ching, Qin Tian could feel a cool spiritual energy in his body.    


Seeing the cool spiritual energy, Qin Tian was surprised. He almost forgot about the cool spiritual energy.    


This cool spiritual energy was produced by the Tao Te Ching. This cool spiritual energy was very effective in treating injuries. Qin Tian believed that with the help of this spiritual energy, he would be able to recover very quickly. There was no need to worry about injuries anymore.    


Qin Tian felt that the cool spiritual energy had become a little stronger. It seemed that the advantage of using the Tao Te Ching more often was obvious.    


The cool spiritual energy kept gathering in Qin Tian's chest and started to heal the injured parts. It could be seen with the naked eye that it was slowly getting better. With the cool spiritual energy's effect, he could clearly feel that the wound on Qin Tian's chest was slowly recovering. The effect was astonishing.    


Slowly, Qin Tian used cool spiritual energy to heal his wound. Less than four hours later, Qin Tian found that his body had completely recovered. Qin Tian could clearly feel that his body had become better than before.    


Qin Tian could feel that his body was recovering because of the cool spiritual Qi. He recovered very quickly. That third grade herb was basically useless. Qin Tian saw that since he had already used the herb, he couldn't waste this herb.    


Qin Tian's current strength was at the peak of the One-star Bone Refining Stage. Once again, he absorbed the herb. Even if he absorbed the spiritual qi in the herb, it wouldn't increase his own spiritual qi by much. Qin Tian couldn't possibly waste the herbs, so he decided to give it a try. He wanted to use the spiritual energy from the herbs to see if he could break through to the Two-star Bone Refining Stage.    


Qin Tian didn't waste any time. He immediately started to chant the Tao Te Ching with all his strength. In an instant, the spiritual energy around Qin Tian became even more turbulent.    


"Hong......" When Qin Tian saw so much spiritual energy, he immediately started circulating the Light Cloud Art skill with all his strength. He began to absorb the spiritual energy with all his strength. As soon as the spiritual energy entered Qin Tian's body, even though there was a lot of it, but now, this spiritual qi was nothing to Qin Tian. Qin Tian's body could easily withstand the impact of the spiritual energy.    


Qin Tian immediately circulated the spiritual energy into his brain. The two primary cores began circulating rapidly, continuously absorbing the spiritual energy.    


At this time, Qin Tian's bones were constantly being tempered. He could feel the bones in his body. The strength! It was slowly increasing, even though it was just a tiny bit each time. Qin Tian did not feel any pain during this process. Instead, his body was filled with joy. Qin Tian couldn't help but feel satisfied with this.    


Qin Tian saw the situation in his mind. There was still only one Small Star inside. He didn't even see the shadow of the second Small Star, but he wasn't discouraged. He knew that it wouldn't be that easy to increase his strength.    


However, suddenly, Qin Tian felt that the amount of spiritual energy he needed to absorb in his mind had increased. Suddenly, he needed a lot of spiritual energy, and all of a sudden, the spiritual energy in Qin Tian's body was sucked away at lightning speed. The amount of spiritual energy in Qin Tian's body was reduced by a lot in an instant.    


Qin Tian didn't feel scared when he saw this. Instead, he felt very surprised. He knew that this reaction was probably a sign that he was about to break through.    


If he was about to break through to the next star, he would naturally need a huge amount of spiritual qi. The speed at which the primary core absorbed the spiritual qi was even faster.    


Qin Tian took out a tier four herb without hesitation and immediately consumed it.    


"Rumble..." Once Qin Tian consumed this tier four herb, he instantly felt a massive amount of spirit energy being produced. The spirit energy immediately flowed along his meridians and instantly rushed into his mind. The two primary cores in Qin Tian's mind also began to rotate rapidly.    


Qin Tian's primary core kept spinning and began to absorb the spiritual energy. The spiritual energy of a tier four herb was indeed strong. After absorbing it for a while, Qin Tian did not feel any signs of the spiritual energy decreasing. The continuous flow of spiritual energy still rushed into his mind.    


However, after a while, a second Small Star still did not appear in Qin Tian's mind. When Qin Tian saw that he was still unable to break through, he instantly steeled his heart. He immediately took out another third grade herb and quickly consumed it.    


"Humph..." Once Qin Tian consumed the third grade herb, he instantly let out a muffled groan. Qin Tian felt pain. Qin Tian had already consumed a tier four herb in front of him, and now he had consumed another third grade herb. Using two herbs at the same time was a huge pressure on his body. Once Qin Tian consumed it, he let out a muffled groan.    


Qin Tian felt that his meridians began to burn, but Qin Tian's expression remained the same. He endured it. If his meridians suffered this bit of pain, then to those who had cultivated the Raging Flames Nine-fold Fist, it was really nothing.    


The most important thing was that Qin Tian could feel that his bones were starting to burn with pain. His bones were also starting to hurt slightly. The spiritual qi was pouring in too much all of a sudden. The pressure on his bones had increased in an instant. Although it was painful, Qin Tian knew that he had to grit his teeth and endure it at this moment. Fortunately, the cool spiritual qi produced by the Tao Te Ching began to work on his body and began to repair it immediately.    


Qin Tian immediately controlled the surging spiritual qi and rushed into his mind. The speed of the primary core spinning became even faster.    


The spiritual energy began to flow into Qin Tian's mind. This time, Qin Tian felt that his entire body was filled with spiritual energy. The spiritual energy began to flow into Qin Tian's primary core continuously. Qin Tian began to look for opportunities to break through. He was completely focused.    


Just like that, the spiritual energy kept flowing into Qin Tian's mind, and time slowly passed.    


"Suddenly, Qin Tian felt a small Little Star Shadow appear beside his primary core. He was shocked. He couldn't help but feel pleasantly surprised, and he was extremely excited. The pain he had endured just now was worth it. Qin Tian knew that he had taken the first step, and that he was going to break through very soon. Qin Tian immediately suppressed his surprise and began absorbing the spiritual Qi with all his strength. He could feel the spiritual energy flowing even faster into his mind.    




Finally, Qin Tian felt the spiritual energy in his body shake. The flow of the spiritual energy in his body slowed down immediately. The spiritual energy was no longer flowing in his mind like before.    


Qin Tian felt a new Small Star appearing in his mind. The second Small Star had clearly appeared. Qin Tian knew that he had broken through to the Two-star Bone Refining Stage.    


Qin Tian did not stop to rest just because he had broken through. He continued to absorb the spiritual energy. Because he knew that he had just broken through to the Two-star Bone Refining Stage, and it wasn't stable yet. The second Small Star in his mind didn't have that much spiritual energy. It still required a lot of spiritual energy.    


Qin Tian began to absorb the energy continuously.    


Time passed very quickly while cultivating. Soon, twenty hours had passed.    


Qin Tian slowly stopped cultivating in the cave.    


Qin Tian stood up and instantly felt that his body was in a very good condition. After such a long period of absorption, Qin Tian had completely stabilized his strength. He could clearly feel that his body had become even stronger. The Jing Bone had also become stronger.    


Qin Tian was now a Two-star Bone Refining Stage martial cultivator.    


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