Star Core War

C155 Once Again He Returned to the Circling Mountain Forest

C155 Once Again He Returned to the Circling Mountain Forest

Return to Round Mountain Forest in chapter 155.    


Qin Tian had finally broken through to the Two-star Bone Refining Stage, and was now a Two-star Bone Refining Stage martial cultivator.    


Qin Tian was in the cave, feeling his body. He could clearly feel that his strength had increased by a lot. Qin Tian was pleasantly surprised.    


Before this, Qin Tian had never thought that he could break through to the Two-star Bone Refining Stage so quickly. Initially, he wanted to give it a try, but he didn't expect that it would be so easy for him to break through later on. It seemed like this injury had brought him a blessing in disguise. Qin Tian thought to this point. Haha! He was extremely happy.    


Qin Tian looked at the sky outside. It was already bright outside. He found that he had stayed in the cave for almost a day. He decided to leave this place later.    


Qin Tian took out his things and quickly filled his stomach. He walked out of the cave and continued on his way. Qin Tian started to rush towards Yuan Shan City.    




The journey was safe. It took Qin Tian more than six hours to reach Yuan Shan City.    


Qin Tian was walking in Yuan Shan City, looking at all kinds of martial cultivator on the streets. It had been a long time since he last saw so many martial cultivator. He even began to reminisce about his past life. Qin Tian thought about it. It seemed like it wasn't suitable for him to stay in the family all the time. The outside world was his world.    


Qin Tian found a restaurant and ordered some dishes before starting to eat.    


While eating, Qin Tian was listening to some martial cultivator's words in the lobby. In the lobby of the restaurant... There was a lot of news in the lobby. Qin Tian wanted to see if there was any important news in Yuan Shan City. However, after listening for a while, he still didn't hear any useful news. The martial cultivator were discussing some trivial matters.    


Soon, Qin Tian finished his meal. After paying the bill, he quickly left the restaurant.    


Qin Tian walked towards Round Mountain Forest.    


Qin Tian had already made his preparations. Today, he would enter the Round Mountain Forest and start the battle.    


Soon, Qin Tian arrived at the border of the Round Mountain Forest. Without hesitation, he walked in.    


Once Qin Tian entered the Round Mountain Forest, he instantly felt that something was different. The surroundings were filled with tall trees, and everything in his sight was a patch of green. The scenery. It was very charming. The sight of green made one's mood improve unconsciously. Qin Tian felt an unusual warmth when he came to Round Mountain Forest. He had been living and fighting in Round Mountain Forest for a long time.    


Although the surrounding scenery was beautiful and enchanting, Qin Tian knew the fatal danger hidden behind the beauty. Once Qin Tian entered the Round Mountain Forest, after admiring it, he immediately became cautious. Qin Tian knew that there were dangers everywhere in the Round Mountain Forest. He couldn't let his guard down easily in the Round Mountain Forest.    


Qin Tian took out the Longbow, a Low-grade Soul-soldier Longbow, his current weapon. Qin Tian still had a lot of arrows in his Space Belt. This time, Qin Tian was ready to use this Longbow to fight his enemies. Qin Tian believed that when the time came, he would use the Longbow for a long time. At that time, his archery skills would increase by a lot. He believed that after using the Longbow for a period of time, he would be able to use it more smoothly.    


Qin Tian held the Longbow and slowly walked towards the Round Mountain Forest.    




"Swoosh!" An arrow pierced through the head of a One-star Savage Beast, causing blood to spurt everywhere. In an instant, this One-star Savage Beast was instantly killed.    


Qin Tian rushed from a few hundred meters away to the place where the Savage Beast died. The arrow just now was shot by Qin Tian, causing the Savage Beast to die instantly.    


Qin Tian had been in Round Mountain Forest for a few hours now. During this period of time, Qin Tian was constantly searching for Savage Beast, and he had also found quite a few of them. However, the strength of these Savage Beasts wasn't that great. They were all killed by Qin Tian's arrow very quickly. There was no challenge at all. Within these few hours, Qin Tian had obtained five Savage Core. Of these five Savage Cores, one was a two-star Savage Core while the other was a one-star Savage Core.    


Qin Tian walked to the side of the dead Savage Beast, then quickly took the Savage Core from the dead Savage Beast and left the place.    


Qin Tian searched as he walked towards the Round Mountain Forest. Soon, he arrived at the location of Blade Lord's treasure, which was the cave left behind by Blade Lord.    


Qin Tian saw that there were still no changes on the outside. He prepared to enter Blade Lord's cave to have a look. In the future, when there was no battle, Qin Tian would stay in this cave. After all, it was very safe inside. No one would disturb him while he was cultivating.    


Qin Tian had memorized all the ways to enter the cave. Soon, he arrived at the cave.    


When he entered, he saw that there was still no change in the cave. It was the same as when he left.    


Qin Tian quickly saw the medicinal field. The inside of the medicinal field looked bare, and there were only some first grade herb left inside. These herbs were left behind by Qin Tian, and there were no changes to these herbs.    


With just a glance, Qin Tian found that there was nothing he could see.    


Qin Tian sat cross-legged on the ground, took out a third grade herb, and prepared to start cultivating.    


Qin Tian had decided that he would not go out if there was no need for him to during the day. In any case, he wouldn't be able to touch any Savage Beast if he went out. He would just waste his time searching for it. Since he basically couldn't find it, he might as well stay in the cave peacefully during the day. He would recuperate, cultivate, and make the best use of his time to improve his strength. At night, he would be going out at that time. During the night in Round Mountain Forest, there were Savage Beasts everywhere. That way, he would be able to kill the Savage Beast faster. This way, he would be able to save a lot of time.    


Qin Tian had already decided to do this. He believed that if he kept doing this, his strength would improve very quickly.    


Qin Tian saw the sky outside. It was still bright. He immediately sat down and started cultivating.    


"Dao can be Dao, Dao can be said, name can be called, very famous..." Qin Tian began to recite the Tao Te Ching. In an instant, the spiritual energy began to gather around Qin Tian.    


Qin Tian immediately ate the third grade herb.    


"Boom..." Qin Tian sat on the ground and began to circulate his cultivation technique. In an instant, the spiritual energy surged into Qin Tian's body and he began to slowly absorb the spiritual energy.    


Qin Tian could feel the Small Star that had just appeared. It was absorbing the spiritual energy as if it was hungry and thirsty. Qin Tian was steadily increasing his strength.    




Just like that, time continued to pass. After Qin Tian continuously absorbed for a few hours, he quickly finished absorbing the herbs. Qin Tian stopped cultivating.    


Qin Tian stopped his cultivation. He could feel it during the past few hours. He had absorbed a lot of Qi from the Small Star in his mind. When Qin Tian saw this, he was very satisfied. It seemed like he had reached the Bone Refining Stage. His strength hadn't decreased at all. Qin Tian was very satisfied with this result.    


Qin Tian saw that the sky was completely dark. He ate some dry food. He was ready to leave this place. Qin Tian was preparing to go out to battle at night. The Savage Beast of Round Mountain Forest was roaming around at night. The probability of encountering the Savage Beast was too high.    


Very soon, Qin Tian was ready and left the cave.    


When Qin Tianyi came out, he immediately inspected his surroundings to see if there was any danger.    


"Hong......" Suddenly, a roar was heard. Qin Tian saw a Two-star Savage Beast crazily roaring a hundred meters away from him. Qin Tian saw that he had encountered a Savage Beast the moment he came out. It seemed like the Savage Beast in Round Mountain Forest really lived up to its reputation.    


Qin Tian immediately picked up the Longbow and started attacking the Savage Beast in front of him.    


"Whoosh..." In an instant, a long arrow shot out at lightning speed towards the Savage Beast. According to Qin Tian's current strength, the power of this arrow wasn't small either.    


"Awoo..." The huge size of the Savage Beast was a very good target. The long arrow hit the Savage Beast's chest. The arrow only penetrated less than ten centimeters into the chest of the Savage Beast. There was still a large part of the arrow that couldn't penetrate into the body of the Savage Beast. The Savage Beast's skin was rough and thick, so it wasn't easy for it to pierce through the Savage Beast. The key was that the arrow Qin Tian used was very ordinary. It was the kind of arrow that cost a hundred gold coins per arrow. The power of this kind of arrow could be imagined.    


If he used that kind of even more valuable arrow, Qin Tian believed that one arrow would definitely be able to pierce through the Savage Beast.    


The Savage Beast in front of him began to go crazy. When it saw a human attacking it, it instantly roared and charged at Qin Tian.    


When Qin Tian saw the frenzied Savage Beast, he wasn't afraid at all. The Two-star Savage Beast in front of him was really nothing to him. This time, Qin Tian was prepared to train his archery skills. Therefore, Qin Tian did not plan to engage in close combat with this Savage Beast.    


When Qin Tian saw the Savage Beast approaching, he immediately pulled away from it.    


The Savage Beast simply could not get close to Qin Tian. Qin Tian instantly picked up the Longbow and shot another arrow at it.    


"Awoo..." The Savage Beast's foot was hit by Qin Tian's arrow. It continuously roared in anger. The Savage Beast casually pulled out the two arrows from its body. In an instant, two small bloody holes could be seen on the Savage Beast's body. Blood kept flowing out from the holes, but to the Savage Beast, these small wounds were nothing. This was because the Savage Beast was too big. Compared to the Savage Beast's five-meter tall body, the small wound was negligible.    


"Roar..." The Savage Beast still charged at Qin Tian ferociously. The Savage Beast in front of him was completely enraged.    


Qin Tian still kept a distance from the Savage Beast. The Savage Beast simply could not get close to him. At this time, his speed was displayed to the fullest extent. Qin Tian pulled apart the distance between them and began to continuously shoot long arrows at the Savage Beast.    








Qin Tian's arrows kept hitting the Savage Beast's body, causing it to continuously howl. In just a few dozen breaths of time, Qin Tian had already shot out over thirty arrows. Except for one arrow that didn't hit the Savage Beast, the rest of the arrows had hit their target. More than thirty bloody holes appeared on the Savage Beast's body, and blood kept flowing out. Although the Savage Beast was huge, there were so many wounds on its body. Those wounds couldn't be underestimated. Qin Tian saw that the Savage Beast's aura was getting weaker and weaker. He knew that the Savage Beast's injuries weren't light anymore.    


Qin Tian knew that his chance to kill the Savage Beast was coming.    


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