Star Core War

C153 Kill the Opponent

C153 Kill the Opponent

"Haha, good, great, kill!" Qin Tian released a loud roar, charging at his opponent again.    


The ninth style of the Nine Spirit Fist.    


Qin Tian smashed at his opponent with all his strength. Qin Tian unleashed the full strength of the Nine Spirit Fist, its power astonishing.    


13! When he saw Qin Tian madly rushing towards him, he showed no mercy at all. In an instant, he attacked Qin Tian.    


The tip of the needle was pointed at the wheat.    


Both sides started to fight crazily again.    






The figures of the two people in the arena were constantly intersecting, and all kinds of fist techniques were continuously striking each other. Both parties were constantly using their martial techniques, even though the fight was intense. However, it did not cause much damage to the other party.    


Both sides were in a stalemate just like that. After a few dozen moves, both sides were still unable to do anything to the other side. No one gained any advantage over the other.    


Qin Tian had been fighting for so long, but his momentum hadn't decreased at all. He was still at his peak condition, and his spiritual energy wouldn't lose to 13. One should know that '13' was a Three-star Bone Refining Stage, two stars higher than Qin Tian. However, he didn't gain any advantage.    


As the battle between '13' and Qin Tian continued, he couldn't help but feel surprised in his heart. ...... Being able to feel the strength of his opponent meant that he wouldn't lose to him. Unlike what Qin Ying had told him, the opponent was an Eight-star Vein Refining Stage martial cultivator, and his opponent's strength wouldn't be any weaker than his.    


However, 13 didn't care about anything else, nor did he care about how strong his opponent was. In his heart, he could only obey orders. Gradually, during the battle, '13' became more and more wild. His entire person also became wilder and wilder, and in the end, he didn't even care about dying. He had always wanted to attack Qin Tian.    


All of a sudden, the battle had become more intense.    


Qin Tian wasn't afraid at all. When he saw that his opponent had become crazy, he didn't show any signs of weakness. He also rushed forward crazily.    


The ninth style of the Nine Spirit Fist.    


Qin Tian punched out with a tremendous force. His fist was aimed at his opponent's left shoulder. 13 actually didn't dodge, nor did he dodge. He directly used his left shoulder to withstand Qin Tian's punch.    


"Ah..." '13' let out a miserable cry. In an instant, he received a heavy injury.    


However,' 13 'immediately seized the opportunity. The moment he was hit, he threw out a punch. Then, he threw a punch towards Qin Tian's chest with his right hand.    


This punch was as fast as lightning. It seemed like '13' had been premeditated for a long time.    


Qin Tian did not expect that his opponent would not dodge. In order to hit him, he had to withstand his full strength. Qin Tian could not dodge in time and was hit in the chest by his opponent.    


"Puchi..." Qin Tian spurted out a mouthful of blood and was instantly sent flying. Qin Tian was instantly injured, and blood kept flowing out of his mouth.    


13. Although it was a punch to Qin Tian, he could not continue to attack immediately. His injury was more serious.    


The two of them stood there and looked at each other.    


Qin Tian looked at his opponent. He still had lingering fear in his heart when he saw what had just happened. It was too dangerous just now. He had almost been hit in the heart by his opponent. Fortunately, his opponent was the one who was injured first, and that punch was aimed at him. It was much less powerful. Fortunately, he had dodged it. He managed to dodge it and did not get hit at the critical part. Fortunately, his body was also very strong. Otherwise, Qin Tian would have known that he was severely injured right now. When Qin Tian thought of this, he still felt a lingering fear in his heart.    


Qin Tian had never seen such a crazy opponent. In order to attack him, he didn't even care about his own injuries.    


Qin Tian saw that his opponent's left shoulder was already covered in blood. Dark red blood kept dripping down. Qin Tian was sure that his opponent's left shoulder was seriously injured. He wouldn't be able to use his left hand anymore. However, when Qin Tian looked at his opponent's face, he found that his expression didn't change at all. It was as if his left shoulder wasn't injured, as if his left shoulder wasn't his. His expression remained the same, as if he didn't feel any pain. His eyes were still as cold as ever.    


When Qin Tian saw this, his facial expression instantly turned serious. Qin Tian knew that he had been careless in front of him. He should have gone all out from the very beginning. Judging from the current state of his opponent, he absolutely couldn't be underestimated. The man in front of him was definitely a ruthless character, not an ordinary person.    


Even though he had the advantage now, and his opponent was already seriously injured, he still couldn't let his guard down.    


"Just who sent you here? You better hurry up and say it, or else you won't have the chance to say it." Qin Tian asked in a deep voice.    


... "" But the other side still remained silent.    


"Alright, then I'll send you on your way." After Qin Tian finished speaking, he immediately rushed towards his opponent.    


"First style of the Raging Flames Nine-fold Fist."    


Qin Tian unleashed the Raging Flames Nine-fold Fist. He decided to finish off his opponent as soon as possible. This was because the opponent in front of him was too dangerous. This kind of person who didn't care about his own life... Who knew what would happen next? Qin Tian suppressed his injuries. In an instant, he unleashed his most powerful martial skill.    


When Qin Tianyi used the Raging Flames Nine-fold Fist, his momentum immediately increased once again. The temperature around Qin Tian instantly rose. Next to Qin Tian's fist, a faint flame appeared. The power was astonishing. The current Qin Tian was like an erupting volcano. Extremely terrifying.    


Seeing the martial skill that Qin Tian used, the expression of '13' finally changed slightly. However, Thirteen's expression quickly returned to normal. He had experienced too many dangers. He was a person who had climbed out from a pile of dead people. He basically didn't care about life and death anymore. He immediately raised his right hand and counterattacked. His entire person instantly charged forward. He attacked Qin Tian.    


"Bang! Bang! Both of their fists collided and their right hands exploded. The flesh on their right hands exploded in an instant, and the bones and flesh on their right hands danced in the air. The blood sprayed out and dyed both their bodies red, causing their right hands to disappear. '13 'was directly sent flying.    


Qin Tian, on the other hand, spat out a mouthful of blood on the spot. This attack had worsened the injury on his chest, but it didn't affect Qin Tian at all. His Qi was still very vigorous.    


"The ninth form of the Nine Spirit Fist."    


Qin Tian saw that his opponent was seriously injured. He immediately used his movement technique and caught up with his opponent who was standing firmly. He immediately struck out with the Nine Spirit Fist martial skill.    


"Bang..." '13' had no time to react. In an instant, he was punched in the chest. Blood kept spraying out. In an instant, '13' meant that his life was on the verge of death. With a plop, he fell to the ground with his face facing upwards.    


Qin Tian suppressed the injuries on his body and immediately asked, "Who sent you? Quickly tell me." Qin Tian left 13 breaths to ask who sent him.    


13 lied on the ground and looked at the sky. Even though he was about to die, his eyes did not change at all.    


Qin Tian looked at Thirteen's eyes and couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. Qin Tian never thought that there was really someone in this world who wasn't afraid of death. Even though he knew that he was going to die soon, there wasn't the slightest fluctuation in his eyes. This... He was really too terrifying. He didn't even treat his own life as his own.    


"Hurry up and tell me, who sent you here?" Qin Tian knew that the person in front of him must have been sent by someone else to kill him. Although Qin Tian knew that he might not answer, he still asked with a little bit of hope.    


"Qin... Qin..." '13' suddenly opened his mouth and said. After saying that, he immediately stopped breathing.    


"Qin... Qin, what does he mean by 'Qin'?" Qin Tian was puzzled as he thought of this.    


Qin Tian looked at the dead man on the ground. He knew that the man in front of him must be the man of sacrifice trained by someone else. Those men of sacrifice had no thoughts or thoughts. Their minds were filled with obedience to their master. They were not afraid of death at all. It could be seen from the performance of the person in front of them just now.    


What exactly did the word 'Qin' mean? Qin Tian was deeply puzzled.    


Qin Tian thought that 'Qin' was his surname. Could it be that the last word he wanted to say was his name? But after thinking about it, he felt that it shouldn't be.    


Qin Tian thought about whether the other party wanted to say his master's name in the end, and his master's surname was also 'Qin'. 'Qin '. The more Qin Tian thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible. Because if the other party was really a suicide soldier... Then, the person who left the deepest impression in his mind must be his master. Before he died, it was absolutely possible for him to call his master by his name. However, what troubled Qin Tian the most was that he had only said the word 'Qin'. It was really hard to tell what was going on now.    


Qin Tian thought for a while and his heart couldn't help but skip a beat. He suddenly thought of a conjecture that he couldn't believe. Could it be that this assassin was sent by the Qin Family? Or was it sent by his own family?    


Because Qin Tian thought that the assassin in front of him was obviously waiting for him. It was obvious that this assassin was here to deal with him. He also knew his' strength 'and his whereabouts. Only a few people in the Qin Family knew that he was leaving the family. This news wouldn't spread to other places so quickly. Furthermore, Qin Tian remembered that he didn't make a big fuss when he left the Qin Family. No one else should know about it.    


However, Qin Tian quickly suppressed this thought. He couldn't figure out why. Why would the Qin Family send a powerful assassin to kill him? They were all from the same family. Could it be that he had offended someone? Qin Tian thought for a moment and felt that the possibility wasn't high.    


He shouldn't have offended anyone in the Qin Family, only Qin Xiaojian and Qin Yougui. But Qin Xiaojian was dead now, so it shouldn't be him. The possibility of Qin Yougui being defeated was very small. It couldn't be because of him. He wanted to kill him.    


Qin Tian quickly suppressed the thought in his mind. He immediately walked to the side of the dead martial cultivator. He began to search his body, but found nothing. Qin Tian didn't have Qianshou San either. He knew what valuable things he wanted to find. That was very difficult. Qin Tian thought that he would have a chance to find out who was trying to harm him behind his back in the future.    


Qin Tian saw that he didn't find anything, so he left the place.    


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