Star Core War

C158 The Arrow Killed the Wild Yak

C158 The Arrow Killed the Wild Yak

The 158th arrow kills the Wild Yak    


When Qin Tian saw the Wild Yak, he shot an arrow at it. The arrow flew towards the Wild Yak.    


"Roar..." The arrow was too fast, and the Wild Yak didn't react at all. The arrow hit its chest, and in an instant, the Wild Yak let out a loud roar.    


Qin Tian saw that his arrow had hit the Wild Yak's body, although it had hit it. However, the arrow had only shot a little bit into the Wild Yak's body, and it wasn't even ten centimeters long. There was still a long section of the arrow that was left on the chest. Qin Tian did not expect the Wild Yak's skin to be so tough. It was only a small part of the ___ that was shot in. One should know that... The quality of the arrow was already very good, but it still could not do anything to the Wild Yak.    


"Roar! Roar!" When the Wild Yak saw a human attacking him, it immediately noticed Qin Tian who was a hundred meters away. It immediately roared at Qin Tian and started to walk. It started to rush towards Qin Tian, and a huge force was exerted on the ground. In an instant, the ground began to rumble, and the force was astonishing.    


Qin Tian didn't panic when he saw the Wild Yak chasing after him. He immediately started to dodge. Distance with the Wild Yak was a strategy that Qin Tian had decided on from the very beginning. Now, it was a perfect implementation. The speed of the Wild Yak was its weakness. Qin Tian wanted to prevent the Wild Yak from catching up to him, but the Wild Yak simply couldn't get close to him.    


When the Wild Yak saw the human in front of it, it immediately pulled away from it. In an instant, the Wild Yak charged even wilder towards Qin Tian, increasing its speed.    


However, all of this was futile. If Qin Tian used his speed, the Wild Yak wouldn't be able to get close to him. As Qin Tian retreated, he picked up the Longbow again and shot out another arrow.    


"Whoosh..." The arrow quickly shot towards the Wild Yak.    


However, what shocked Qin Tian was that his arrow did not hit the Wild Yak. Instead, it missed.    


When Qin Tian saw that his arrow missed, he felt his heart ache. A long arrow had been wasted just like that, because Qin Tian's arrows were limited. Every arrow had to be used on the edge of the blade.    


But Qin Tian thought about it. There was a reason why he missed the arrow. Qin Tian's archery skills were not very good. He had never learned any martial skills related to archery. Furthermore, Qin Tian was still moving, shooting the arrow while retreating. It was understandable that he missed. Besides, the Wild Yak was not a pushover that could be easily squeezed. Even if the speed of the Wild Yak was not its forte, it was still a Three-star Savage Beast. It couldn't be underestimated.    


When Qin Tian thought of this, he immediately felt that the situation in front of him was a little too optimistic. The arrow that shot into the sky just now had woken Qin Tian up. He immediately calmed his mind. He started to concentrate. He could not lose control of Jingzhou.    


"Roar... Roar... Roar..."    


The Wild Yak was continuously roaring furiously as it chased after Qin Tian in a wild manner. When it chased after Qin Tian, its huge body caused the ground to rumble.    


When Qin Tian saw the Wild Yak rushing towards him, he immediately started to dodge. He started to circle around the Wild Yak and continuously dodge. The Wild Yak simply couldn't get close to Qin Tian.    


"Swoosh..." Another long arrow was shot at the Wild Yak. This time, Qin Tian was very serious in shooting the arrow. Qin Tian felt that his arrow would not miss.    


"Roar..." The result was just as Qin Tian expected. The long arrow smoothly hit the Wild Yak's chest. The moment it hit the Wild Yak, the Wild Yak instantly roared.    


The Wild Yak was hit by Qin Tian's two arrows. It did not cause any special damage to the Wild Yak. However, it had infuriated the Wild Yak, causing it to go crazy. It increased its speed crazily and charged at Qin Tian with all its strength.    


Qin Tian looked at the Wild Yak calmly. He didn't go crazy because of the Wild Yak at all. He felt scared. Qin Tian calmly dodged, maintaining a distance of over a hundred meters from the Wild Yak. No matter how crazy the Wild Yak was, the distance between them couldn't be shortened by even a little bit.    






Qin Tian immediately started to shoot out long arrows at a faster speed. Two arrows in a row hit the Wild Yak's chest. However, Qin Tian found out that he kept hitting the Wild Yak in the chest. The damage to the Wild Yak was limited. It simply couldn't cause any serious damage, but Qin Tian knew how bad his archery skills were. He could only shoot at the chest area of the Wild Yak, which was the safest place. If he shot at the more critical parts of the Wild Yak... For example, the head and throat area, he was completely uncertain. At that time, it was very likely that he would miss the target. Thinking of this, Qin Tian didn't have any good ideas. The only pity was that he didn't have any archery skills. If he had an archery martial skill, then he would not be in such a difficult situation right now.    


Qin Tian quickly made a decision. He thought that since his archery skill was like this, it was also difficult to improve it in a short period of time, so he could only accept this fact. Qin Tian thought of a good method that could increase the lethality of his Wild Yak. However, this method was a little dangerous. It was not as safe as it was now.    


Qin Tian was prepared to close the distance between him and the Wild Yak. The distance between them was a few hundred meters. Qin Tian thought. Although this would be safer for him, originally, Qin Tian's archery skills weren't that good. Now that he had increased the distance between them, his accuracy was even worse. Besides, the distance between them had also increased. The time that the long arrows took to fly in the air had also become longer. It would be difficult to hit the most dangerous part of the Wild Yak. Qin Tian was still preparing to shorten the distance between him and the Wild Yak. This way, the power of the Longbow would be even greater.    


However, this method would definitely increase the risk by a lot. After all, the distance between them and the ___ was getting closer. The possibility of being caught by the Wild Yak would be even greater. However, Qin Tian soon made up his mind. Qin Tian had absolute confidence in his movement technique, let alone this confidence. Even if he didn't use the Longbow now, he could still fight the Wild Yak.    


Qin Tian immediately flashed and closed the distance between him and the Wild Yak. The distance between the two of them was within a hundred meters in an instant. A hundred meters was already a very close distance. A hundred meters was only a few breaths of time. The Wild Yak was able to catch up to Qin Tian. Once the distance between them was shortened, Qin Tian could smell the stench coming from the Wild Yak's body.    


Qin Tian immediately started to concentrate. He knew that this was a test for him. He must not relax now, although the speed of the Wild Yak was not its forte. However, a distance of 100 meters was something it could achieve in just a few breaths of time.    


"Swoosh..." Qin Tian shot out an arrow at the Wild Yak with lightning speed.    


After Qin Tianyi shot out the arrow, he immediately started to use his movement technique and started to move around the Wild Yak.    


"Awoo..." The Wild Yak let out a painful cry. The arrow had sunk into the Wild Yak's chest. Looking at the length of the arrow, it was at least 20 centimeters long. The arrow had sunk into the Wild Yak's chest. It could be seen that the power of Qin Tian's arrow this time had increased significantly. Compared to the previous arrows... The power had doubled.    


When Qin Tian saw this, he was delighted. It seemed like he had made the right choice to shorten the distance between them.    


After Qin Tian flashed away from where he was, he immediately shot another arrow at the Wild Yak.    




The long arrow struck the Wild Yak once again. In an instant, the Wild Yak let out a heaven-shaking roar.    


After Qin Tian shot it, he immediately moved away from his original position. The movement technique, Battle Steps Technique, began to be continuously used. It began to circle around the Wild Yak.    


The Wild Yak was extremely angry. It could only use its furious roar to protest, but it was unable to chase after Qin Tian. The Wild Yak was extremely aggrieved.    




Time passed very quickly. Soon, an hour had passed.    


Time passed just like that. During this time, Qin Tian had been fighting for half an hour. After that, he continuously shot out long arrows at the Wild Yak. In this short period of time, Qin Tian had shot out at least 60 long arrows. None of the 60 arrows missed, and all of them hit the Wild Yak. The damage to the Wild Yak was tremendous.    


Now, they were looking at the condition of the Wild Yak. It was a very tragic situation. There were many bloody holes on the Wild Yak's body, and blood was constantly flowing out from its body. Its five meter tall body had already been dyed red by the blood. Especially its chest. One could see that there were many bloody holes on its chest. Blood continued to flow out from the Wild Yak's chest. Some of the wounds were very large. That was because Qin Tian usually shot long arrows at the Wild Yak's chest. Some of the long arrows hit the wound repeatedly. It immediately caused the wound to become bigger. The quality of the long arrows Qin Tian used this time was also much better. The damage to the Wild Yak was even greater.    


Therefore, looking at the Wild Yak now, it looked extremely miserable. It could be seen that the Wild Yak could no longer run agilely, and it no longer had the same imposing manner as before. Looking at the entire Wild Yak, it looked sickly and weak.    


"Awoo..." The Wild Yak was injured to such an extent. The howls were all low and low, and they couldn't be raised anymore.    


Qin Tian continuously dodged for an hour. He was completely focused on the ___. At this time, he had also consumed a lot of his own Spiritual Qi, but when he saw the Wild Yak, he couldn't help but feel that it was about to die. Qin Tian immediately made up his mind. He took out the best quality arrow on his body.    


Ten thousand gold for one arrow. Aiming at the Wild Yak's throat, he shot out an arrow.    




One could see the long arrow streaking across the night sky like a bolt of lightning, shooting towards the Wild Yak at lightning speed. Its speed was too fast, and the Wild Yak's body was injured. The Wild Yak did not even have time to react before it was struck in the throat.    


The Wild Yak's throat was instantly pierced through.    


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