Star Core War

C211 The more war goes on the stronger the war becomes

C211 The more war goes on the stronger the war becomes

Qin Tian's relaxed punch had directly penetrated a Stone-carved Savage Beast's chest.    


The might of the sword was already this strong, he could feel that Qin Tian's strength had increased by who knows how much when compared to before.    


Before Qin Tian attacked, he already knew that his strength had increased by a lot, and he could not attack these Stone-carved Savage Beast with all his might. was afraid that he would damage these Stone-carved Savage Beast too much, and if he cripple these Stone-carved Savage Beast, that would be his loss.    


It had to be known that the Blade Lord had left behind a message saying that there was a way to subdue these Stone-carved Savage Beast, and that these Stone-carved Savage Beast were all left for Qin Tian.    




Qin Tian began to swiftly dodge, and in an instant, he had flashed behind a Stone-carved Savage Beast, throwing a punch towards its back.    


"BANG." A loud sound echoed out.    


After being struck by Qin Tian, the Stone-carved Savage Beast immediately let out a loud sound, and a hole was formed in its back.    


"Bang, bang, bang, bang."    


The Stone-carved Savage Beast that was struck by Qin Tian was instantly sent flying, and immediately collided with the four Stone-carved Savage Beast beside him. The huge force immediately sent the four Stone-carved Savage Beast flying together.    


He could feel that Qin Tian's punch was extremely powerful.    


But slowly, Qin Tian realized that he was already surrounded by Stone-carved Savage Beast. There were simply too many Stone-carved Savage Beast, filling up almost all of the space. It was difficult for him to execute his movement skills now.    


Seeing this, Qin Tian realized that since his own movement skills were not easy to execute, and he couldn't dodge anymore, then he wouldn't plan to dodge anymore.    


Qin Tian decided that he would not leave immediately. He would stay and fight with the Stone-carved Savage Beast for a while. He had to properly 'teach' these Stone-carved Savage Beast today.    


they would continuously attack the Stone-carved Savage Beast, injure it, and then continuously restore the Stone-carved Savage Beast. This way, the strength of the Stone-carved Savage Beast would constantly increase.    


It was because Qin Tian thought that these Stone-carved Savage Beast could now be considered his things. After he subdued them all, these Stone-carved Savage Beast would be his help.    


So Qin Tian had attacked these Stone-carved Savage Beast, injured them, and then recovered them. This way, their strength would be strengthened, and in the future, after he had subdued these Stone-carved Savage Beast, they would help him increase his power.    


Battling would allow Qin Tian to unleash his full strength, and would allow him to have a better understanding of his current strength.    


And right now, his strength had just risen to the Nine-star Bone Refining Stage. Through constant fighting, that could also allow him to become more familiar with the changes in his own strength, and even better. It was also a form of tempering for himself, allowing him to experience even more deeply the changes in his own strength.    


After all, Qin Tian had just raised her Nine-star Bone Refining Stage, so she had to get used to the changes in her strength.    


"Crack crack crack."    


"Crack crack crack."    




The Stone-carved Savage Beast was getting closer to Qin Tian.    


When Qin Tian saw this, he also made his preparations. He wanted to confront these Stone-carved Savage Beast directly.    


Qin Tian started to flash his body in a small circle, and threw a punch towards the Stone-carved Savage Beast that was approaching him.    




With a loud crash, Qin Tian hit the Stone-carved Savage Beast's chest and sent it flying.    


Just like this, Qin Tian continued to attack the Stone-carved Savage Beast.    


Compared to Qin Tian, the speed of Stone-carved Savage Beast was completely incomparable. Qin Tian's speed was far faster than the Stone-carved Savage Beast, so in many situations, it was Qin Tian who took the initiative to attack the Stone-carved Savage Beast.    


When Qin Tian attacked the Stone-carved Savage Beast, he always attacked the ordinary parts of the Stone-carved Savage Beast. Without attacking the important parts of the Stone-carved Savage Beast, he was afraid that if he used too much strength, the Stone-carved Savage Beast would be crippled.    


Time continued to pass in this manner.    




A quarter of an hour passed by quickly.    




With a huge crash, Qin Tian sent a Stone-carved Savage Beast flying.    


At this time, after a quarter-hour had passed, there was no longer a single Stone-carved Savage Beast that could still stand. All of the Stone-carved Savage Beast were knocked down by Qin Tian.    


A large number of Stone-carved Savage Beast had fallen on the ground.    


Seeing these Stone-carved Savage Beast, their wounds were all on their chest, and you could see that there was a big hole on their chest. If this kind of injury to normal Savage Beast s, it would already be extremely terrifying, but for Stone-carved Savage Beast s, it was nothing.    


Qin Tian looked at the Stone-carved Savage Beast lying on the ground and roughly counted. He realized that there were exactly thirty Stone-carved Savage Beast lying on the ground. When he saw this, he felt very satisfied.    


Qin Tian felt that his current state was very good. Even though he had just fought against so many Stone-carved Savage Beast, Qin Tian could feel that the spirit qi in his body had been consumed.    


Even though the momentum of the battle just now was extremely great, when Qin Tian was fighting, it was practically effortless as he normally could kill a Stone-carved Savage Beast with a single punch.    


Qin Tian felt that the battle had been fought to his heart's content, and he was very satisfied. No matter what kind of Savage Beast it was, they had all been knocked down by one punch from him.    


Qin Tian was very satisfied with his own strength. Compared to before, his own strength was like a leap forward.    


Qin Tian observed the injured Stone-carved Savage Beast on the ground and discovered that their bodies were flickering with a black light. He could sense that their bodies were slowly recovering with the help of the black light.    


Especially the three Stone-carved Savage Beast among them, which were slightly darker in color. One could feel that the black light on their three stone sculptures was much more intense, and one could feel that their recovery speed was also faster. It was obvious that they were different from the other Stone-carved Savage Beast.    


Qin Tian knew that these three Stone-carved Savage Beast were the first three Stone-carved Savage Beast he had encountered. It seemed that the more injuries a Stone-carved Savage Beast suffered, the more times it would recover, and the stronger it would become.    


Seeing this result, Qin Tian was very satisfied. Now that these Stone-carved Savage Beast were all his own things, the stronger they were, the happier he would be.    


"Ka … Ka … Ka …"    


"Ka … Ka … Ka …"    




A concentrated burst of crackling sounds came out, and immediately attracted Qin Tian's attention.    


"So many Stone-carved Savage Beast have awoken at the same time …"    


Qin Tian unwittingly said this as he watched.    


In the small hall, the originally motionless Stone-carved Savage Beast began to slowly awaken. The remaining Stone-carved Savage Beast all instantly woke up.    


Qin Tian looked around and roughly counted. He realized that there were at least twenty Stone-carved Savage Beast that had woken up.    


The spirit energy in the small hall began to surge and rush into the bodies of the Stone-carved Savage Beast, creating a huge commotion.    


The Stone-carved Savage Beast that was about to awaken started to crazily absorb spirit energy.    


In less than a dozen breaths of time, the surging spiritual energy in the small hall stopped. The Stone-carved Savage Beast had completely awakened.    


"Ka, ka …"    


"Crack crack crack."    


When the Stone-carved Savage Beast woke up, it immediately let out a loud cracking sound and rushed towards Qin Tian.    


Qin Tian's movements flashed, he took the initiative to go forward and fight.    


"Crash …" A series of intense sounds rang out.    


Qin Tian's figure quickly flashed, and then, he continuously swung his fist to attack the Stone-carved Savage Beast.    


Qin Tian's speed was too fast, and the speed of his punches were too fast as well. A burst of dense sounds came out, and the Stone-carved Savage Beast that had just woken up was continuously being hit, causing it to fall down continuously.    


In less than a dozen breaths of time, Qin Tian had already knocked down all of the Stone-carved Savage Beast that had just awakened.    


To the current Qin Tian, Stone-carved Savage Beast that had just woken up, fighting was just too easy.    


But he didn't wait for Qin Tian to heave a sigh of relief.    


"Ka … Ka … Ka …"    


"Ka, ka …"    




Qin Tian immediately heard a burst of crackling sounds.    


Qin Tian realized that all the Stone-carved Savage Beast in front of him had recovered and were charging towards him once again.    


Qin Tian immediately went forward and started fighting.    


Qin Tian quickly approached a Stone-carved Savage Beast and punched it.    




Qin Tian smashed down the Stone-carved Savage Beast with one fist and instantly sent the Stone-carved Savage Beast flying. However, even though he had sent the Stone-carved Savage Beast flying, Qin Tian felt that the Stone-carved Savage Beast's body had become a bit stronger than before.    


Qin Tian was very satisfied when he read up to this point. The Stone-carved Savage Beast was now regarded as his own, and the Stone-carved Savage Beast was able to continuously raise its strength. Naturally, Qin Tian was extremely happy.    


Qin Tian started to fight again and again, attacking the Stone-carved Savage Beast nonstop.    


"Crash …"    


Huge explosions were heard.    


Time slowly passed.    




A quarter of an hour passed by quickly.    


At this time, Qin Tian had already knocked down all the Stone-carved Savage Beast and there was no longer anyone left standing. All of the Stone-carved Savage Beast had been knocked down to the ground.    


However, as it fell to the ground, the injured Stone-carved Savage Beast started to heal its body under the effect of the black light.    


Qin Tian could feel that the speed at which these Stone-carved Savage Beast were recovering from their injuries was getting faster and faster, and the time it took to recover was getting shorter and shorter.    


Qin Tian looked at the Stone-carved Savage Beast that was still healing itself, and instantly decided that he would leave this place to check on the other two doors to see what exactly the Blade Lord had left for him.    


He started to observe the three gates. There were still two gates left, but Qin Tian had yet to go through them.    


Qin Tian seriously thought for a moment, and instantly decided which door he wanted to enter the second time.    


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