Star Core War

C217 The Explosion of Nine Stars

C217 The Explosion of Nine Stars

Nine stars in chapter 217.    


Qin Tian picked up the tool made from the Condensate Stone and walked to the side of Spiritual Energy Pool. He began to store the Spirit Liquid.    


Soon, Qin Tian was done. He took the Spirit Liquid and sat down cross-legged, preparing to treat his injuries.    


"Dao can be said, Dao can be said, name can be called, very famous..."    


Qin Tian began to silently recite the Tao Te Ching.    




Qin Tian silently chanted the Tao Te Ching. In an instant, a large amount of cool spiritual energy began to erupt within Qin Tian's body. This cool spiritual energy was now extremely terrifying and abundant.    


If the cool spiritual energy produced by the Tao Te Ching was compared to a tiny stream in the past, then this cool spiritual energy would have turned into a small river. This was a huge leap.    


This cool spiritual energy could be increased by such a terrifying amount. One had to thank Qin Tian for the training he had received from the Gravity Step a few days ago.    


At that time, Qin Tian's body was under a strong gravitational force. He was constantly injured, so at that time, Qin Tian was constantly circulating this cool and refreshing spiritual energy. He had almost never stopped healing his body. Under the continuous circulation of the spiritual qi, the cool spiritual qi also started to increase.    


Under the enormous pressure, under the enormous pressure, the cool spiritual energy became stronger and stronger, which was why it had such a scale now.    


This cool spiritual energy began to continuously affect his body and began to heal his injured body.    


In less than fifteen minutes, Qin Tian felt that his body had recovered completely. He had already recovered to his peak condition.    


He instantly felt very relaxed.    


Qin Tian had recovered so quickly. The Spirit Liquid that he had prepared for himself was useless.    


He had never thought that he would be able to recover so easily without using the Spirit Liquid.    


Qin Tian also felt very surprised. This was also after he came down from the Gravity Step. He had never thought that the effect would be so good when he started cultivating for the first time. This cool spiritual energy could heal injuries. It was actually this terrifying.    


When Qin Tian saw this, he couldn't help but think. In the future, he could be at ease. With this huge amount of cool spiritual energy, if he were to get injured in the future, his body would be able to recover very quickly.    


When Qin Tian thought of this, he couldn't help but think about it. In the future, when he was fighting... He would have a huge advantage. After being injured in the battle... That would allow him to recover very quickly. That would mean that he would be able to fight for a long period of time in the future. That was a very terrifying thing. When he was fighting a martial cultivator... In that case, he would have a lot of advantages.    


Regarding the injury, he could easily face it.    


After a while, Qin Tian calmed down again.    


Qin Tian was not anxious. He immediately began to absorb the Spirit Liquid. Instead, he prepared to continue absorbing the spiritual energy. He looked at the Spirit Liquid in the Condensate Stone. He picked up the Condensate Stone and poured a mouthful of Spirit Liquid into his mouth. He began to absorb it.    




As soon as the Spirit Liquid entered his mouth, a massive amount of spiritual energy began to explode within his body. A very abundant amount of spiritual energy began to erupt within Qin Tian's body.    


Qin Tian immediately started controlling this huge amount of spiritual energy and ran it into his mind.    


Qin Tian began to absorb the spiritual energy.    


After a while.    


"Sigh, I still can't absorb the spiritual energy. It seems like I have to break through to the True Blood Stage in order to continue absorbing the spiritual energy."    


Qin Tian sighed and stopped his cultivation.    


When he was cultivating just now, he felt that although he had absorbed a lot of spiritual energy in his body, it was still flowing in his body. He couldn't absorb this spiritual energy at all.    


Looking at the current situation, Qin Tian instantly knew that there was only one path he could take. He could only break through to the True Blood Stage, that was the only way he could continue absorbing the spiritual energy and increase his strength.    


"But a Spirit Liquid shouldn't be of much help to him in breaking through."    


Qin Tian had just felt the spiritual energy emitted from the Spirit Liquid. He felt that although the spiritual energy wasn't small, it shouldn't be of much help to him in breaking through to the True Blood Stage.    


"... I have to make use of the Spirit Liquid. The Spirit Liquid contains such a huge amount of spiritual energy. If I can make use of it, it will help me break through to the True Blood Stage. It will definitely help me a lot, but now, I have to use some kind of method. How can I make use of these Spirit Liquids?"    


Qin Tian began to ponder.    


After thinking for a while, Qin Tian's eyes suddenly fell on the Condensate Stone. In an instant, Qin Tian thought of a solution.    


"Oh right, I can use the Condensate Stone. I can take out a big piece of Condensate Stone and empty it. I'll pour the Spirit Liquid inside and then sit inside the Condensate Stone. In that case, he would be able to break through. I will need the Spirit Liquid. "    


Qin Tian instantly thought of this and felt very happy. He turned the Condensate Stone into a 'large bucket' and poured the Spirit Liquid into it. That way, he would be able to absorb the Spirit Liquid very well.    


However, very quickly, Qin Tian calmed down.    


Because he suddenly thought of pouring the Spirit Liquid into the big barrel. Although this idea was very good, there was a problem that followed.    


How much Spirit Liquid was poured into the 'big bucket'? How was he supposed to control the amount of Spirit Liquid poured into the 'big bucket'?    


One had to know that the Spirit Liquid was not water, it was not an ordinary thing. The spiritual energy contained within the Spirit Liquid was very terrifying. If he poured too many Spirit Liquids into the 'bucket' at once, that way, the spiritual energy inside would be extremely terrifying.    


With such a huge amount of spiritual energy, when a martial cultivator was inside, the requirement for a martial cultivator's body was very high. With that much spiritual energy, it was possible for a martial cultivator's body to explode.    


One should know that although spiritual energy was a good thing, there were many things that pursued an appropriate amount. Once the amount of spiritual energy exceeded the limit of a martial cultivator's body, that wasn't good for martial cultivator's body, it was a huge injury.    


Qin Tian couldn't guarantee that his body wouldn't be able to withstand so many Spirit Liquids.    


However, he couldn't put too few Spirit Liquids in a big bucket. If he put too little in a big bucket, the effect would be very bad. Therefore, under such circumstances, it was hard to make a choice.    


Qin Tian thought for a while and instantly made a decision. He made up his mind. He still needed to use the Condensate Stone to make a big bucket and then put the Spirit Liquid in it.    


He no longer hesitated. Qin Tian believed that his body could withstand it, although it might be a little dangerous at that time.    


However, Qin Tian thought that it was impossible for a martial cultivator to not experience danger when cultivating. A martial cultivator needed to seek for development in a dangerous situation. Qin Tian believed that this was a chance for him.    


Furthermore, Qin Tian thought that a True Blood Stage was after all not comparable to a Bone Refining Stage. When breaking through, it would certainly be more difficult. He thought about himself. The time he spent cultivating was so short. Therefore, if he could have the help of the Spirit Liquid when breaking through... The chances of that breakthrough should also increase a point.    


Thinking of this, Qin Tian immediately began to take action.    


He first started to search around for Condensate Stone.    


If he were to find a large piece of Condensate Stone, he would be able to store his entire person.    


In a short while, Qin Tian found a huge piece of Condensate Stone.    


The Condensate Stone inside was very rich. Therefore, it did not take much effort for Qin Tian to find all of these.    


Qin Tian dug out this piece of Condensate Stone and made a big bucket.    


This Condensate Stone was very big. After Qin Tian dug it out, the space inside was also very big. It could fit three Qin Tian.    


When Qin Tian saw this, he was very satisfied.    


Qin Tian began to put the Spirit Liquid into the big bucket.    


After a while.    


Qin Tian had already finished all the preparations.    


In the big bucket, the white Spirit Liquid was shining with a crystal clear luster. It was pleasing to the eye to look at it.    


Qin Tian did not fill the big bucket up. Instead, he only filled it up to 30 centimeters high.    


However, even if it was filled to this height, there were already a lot of Spirit Liquid inside. The spiritual energy contained inside was already very terrifying.    


Qin Tian didn't dare to fill the entire bucket up with Spirit Liquid. If he filled them up, Qin Tian believed that his body would have a hard time withstanding the huge amount of spiritual qi. So, in order to be safe, Qin Tian didn't carry much.    


Qin Tian knew that if he jumped in, he would have to prepare immediately and explode the nine Small Stars in his mind.    


Qin Tian took a deep breath and jumped into the 'big bucket' containing the Spirit Liquid without any hesitation.    


"Boom, boom, boom..."    


Qin Tian jumped into the bucket. Only then did he know what was called violent, what was called violent storm, and what was called violent spirit energy.    


As soon as Qin Tian jumped inside, his body was instantly opened by the enormous spiritual energy. In an instant, he became 'fat' by a large circle. Blood continuously flowed out from his skin.    


Veins popped up on Qin Tian's face. His face instantly turned red, and blood flowed out from his seven apertures. In an instant, the White Spirit liquid in the big bucket was dyed red.    




Qin Tian let out a loud roar, gritted his teeth, and sat down on the ground.    


He felt like he was going to explode. The spiritual essence was too wild. It was too thick. He felt like he was going to explode. Every part of his body... It was as if all his bones and skin were going to explode from the immense spiritual energy.    


This happened in the time it took for a spark to fly off a piece of flint.    


Qin Tian immediately gritted his teeth and controlled the massive amount of spiritual energy to rush into his mind.    


Qin Tian immediately decided that he would use this huge amount of spiritual energy to explode nine stars and prepare to break through.    


"Rumble, rumble, rumble..."    


In an instant, a huge amount of spiritual energy rushed into Qin Tian's mind.    


In an instant, the nine Small Stars in Qin Tian's mind exploded. In an instant, nine loud rumbling sounds could be heard.    


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