Star Core War

C312 I Look Forward to It

C312 I Look Forward to It

I look forward to chapter 312.    


Zhang Yongchao believed that Qin Tian's calmness indicated that he was very confident in joining the sect. Because Qin Tian was so calm. He didn't care about such a high elimination rate at all.    


Seeing this, Zhang Yongchao was very satisfied with Qin Tian's performance. He also believed that Qin Tian had the ability to do so.    


"Alright, let's end this topic here. Don't think too much about it. At this time, all of you should cultivate first and absorb the spiritual Qi." The voice of the sect's emissary continued.    


"I believe that you are now on the third floor of the Sun Moon Tower. I can also feel that the spiritual energy here is very dense. I believe that you are also very curious about the spiritual energy in the third level of the Sun Moon Tower. How can it be so dense? Actually, all of you don't need to be confused anymore. You don't need to make random guesses in your hearts. Actually, the reason why the spiritual energy here is so dense is all because of you. This spiritual energy is prepared for all of you." Zhang Yongchao looked at the youths present and said slowly.    


After Zhang Yongchao said this, he looked at the young men and some of them still had puzzled expressions on their faces. Seeing this, he continued to explain.    


"It's not without reason that I would prepare such a huge amount of Qi for you all. Because, when many of you passed the second level of the White Screen, the increased gravity within the ___ will create a huge burden on your bodies. Many of you here are also injured because of this. So because of this, we are on the third floor of the Sun Moon Tower. I have prepared a huge amount of spiritual energy for you to absorb. It will allow you to quickly recover from your injuries and allow you to adjust your bodies to their best condition. " Zhang Yongchao looked at the crowd and said.    


Hearing the words of the Sect's emissary, everyone was enlightened. This could also explain why there was such a huge amount of spiritual qi on the third floor of the Sun Moon Tower.    


When Qin Tian heard what the messenger said, he was also enlightened. Sure enough, the spiritual energy of the third floor of the Sun Moon Tower was so dense. It wasn't without a reason. He had also considered it thoroughly when he saw the sect.    


"I can see that some of you are still injured. His body condition hadn't been adjusted to its peak condition yet. So... I suggest that you all adjust your bodies first... Adjust to your best condition, because after you recover your body... We should be able to prepare and set off for the sect... When the time comes, we'll participate in the sect's official disciple selection. " Zhang Yongchao said slowly. These words of his... It was no less than throwing a bomb at everyone in the crowd.    


"Wow..." When the youths present heard the words of the sect's envoy, everyone was extremely excited. Even the faces of the youths began to turn red.    


When these youths thought about how they were about to participate in the official selection of the sect, their hearts instantly became extremely excited. It was simply difficult for them to control themselves.    


Although they were all mentally prepared just now, but now... After hearing the words of the sect's envoy, their hearts were unable to calm down at all. As long as they thought about being able to enter the sect, their hearts would tremble.    


In the hearts of these youths, a sect was an incomparably sacred word. To be able to join a sect was the dream of their entire lives. Now that they had heard of themselves, they would be able to enter the sect in a while. The excitement in their hearts could be imagined.    


"Alright, everyone quiet down. Now, all of you can sit down. Let's start absorbing the spiritual energy. When everyone has adjusted to their best state, we can also prepare to set off. " Zhang Yongchao looked at the excited youths around him and said with a smile.    


Hearing the words of the sect's emissary, everyone suppressed the excitement in their hearts. The people who were still standing silently sat down. Then, they began to absorb the spiritual energy. In many people's hearts... They wanted to recover their bodies as soon as possible and adjust themselves to their best states. This way, they would be able to reach the sect as soon as possible.    


Everyone was looking forward to the sect. Their enthusiasm was extremely high.    


In an instant, the third floor of the Sun Moon Tower started to become very quiet. No one said anything, and everyone was silently absorbing the spiritual energy.    


When the messenger of the sect, Zhang Yongchao, saw that everyone was consciously absorbing the spiritual Qi. When he saw this, he was very satisfied. He saw that the situation on the third floor of the Sun Moon Tower had already stabilized. After thinking for a while, he walked towards the White Screen. He was preparing to head towards the 1st Level Of Sun Moon Tower. He wanted to see the situation of those eliminated youths. Furthermore, there was something that he had yet to say.    




At this moment, on the second floor of the Sun Moon Tower, the youths that had been eliminated were still leaving one after another.    


There were still around a few hundred youths who had yet to leave the Sun Moon Tower. This was because many of the eliminated youths wanted to retreat out of the Sun Moon Tower in an instant. This was not so easy, and retreating also required time.    


Moreover, when many of the youths were retreating from the third level of the Sun Moon Tower... Many of them were unwilling, and they didn't want to leave the Sun Moon Tower. As a result, everyone's movements became slow. As a result, many of them were still staying inside the Sun Moon Tower.    


At this moment, the second floor of the Sun Moon Tower was filled with a sorrowful atmosphere. All the youths were silent. Everyone thought that they had already been eliminated. No matter how hard they tried, no one could smile. Every youth was in extreme pain. Depressed.    


The current atmosphere was extremely depressing.    


"The sect emissary is here, the sect emissary is here..." Suddenly, an excited voice sounded from the calm second floor of the Sun Moon Tower. It immediately drew everyone's attention.    


This was because Zhang Yongchao had walked out of the White Screen. The moment he walked out, he was immediately seen by the youths present.    


When the youths saw the emissary of the sect, they immediately cried out in alarm. This voice immediately alarmed everyone on the second floor.    


When the youths present saw the arrival of the sect's emissary, they immediately stopped and stopped moving. Everyone's gaze turned towards the sect's emissary.    


When the youths present saw the sect's emissary appear, many of their eyes lit up.    


"Could it be that Envoy Lord will bring us some good news?" The youths present looked at the Sect Envoy. They all had this question in their hearts, and this was what they were looking forward to.    


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