Star Core War

C333 The Selection Has Officially Begun

C333 The Selection Has Officially Begun

The selection of chapter 333 has officially begun.    


"There are quite a number of youths who can pass the test this year and come to the sect. Not only has the number of people increased, but the quality this year is also quite good." Master Of The Ming Yang Sect, Daijin Yuu, said with a smile.    


"Sect Master, the quality you mentioned is not bad. Could it be that you have seen someone..." Hearing Master Dai Jinyong's words, the middle-aged man also asked doubtfully.    


"Haha, not bad. This time, this old man has really noticed quite a number of young men. Their strength is not bad. In fact, many of them even have the strength of Nine-star Bone Refining Stage warriors. At their age, being able to reach the Nine-star Bone Refining Stage meant that their talent was at the top. If they were compared to the newly recruited disciples of other sects, they wouldn't be any weaker. They were still standing on the square, and had yet to reach the Spirit Path. I will point them out to you." Daijin Yuu said with a smile. After he finished speaking, his eyes started scanning the youths on the square.    


"That, the young man in white clothes, and that... And that young man on the left, and..." Daijin Yuu looked at the young man in the square. He pointed at some of the people in the square and said to the seven people around him.    


He pointed at the dozen or so young men on the square.    


"... The young men I pointed at just now, all of them are at the Nine-star Bone Refining Stage. Although they are relatively old, they are still quite old. They are almost 18 years old, but at their age... In the harsh environment of the outside world, lacking resources and conditions... For them to be able to cultivate to this stage, their talent is already very strong." Daijin Yuu said with a smile.    


At this moment, Daijin Yuu's eyes seemed to be able to see through everything in front of him. His eyes shone brightly. The young man he saw in the square... He could see through it immediately. His eyes swept across the young man in the square. He could immediately tell the strength and age of this young man. It was as if nothing could hide from his eyes.    


Daijin Yuu looked at the young man below the square. His face was full of smiles.    


"Good, good, good, good!"    


"Good, Sect Master, this is the fortune of our Ming Yang Zong!"    


"With so many Young Talent, it seems like Ming Yang Zong has gained a lot this time."    




Hearing Daijin Yuu's words, the seven elders standing beside him... All of them had happy expressions on their faces. Because when they heard Sect Master's words, they also heard that there were quite a number of young men. All of them were very talented, and when they heard this, they felt very happy in their hearts.    


This was because they knew that the more genius disciples the Ming Yang Zong recruited, the better it would be for the Ming Yang Zong.    


In the future, the Ming Yang Zong would have to rely on these young men. These young men were the fresh blood of the Ming Yang Zong, and the future of the Ming Yang Zong.    


"Sect Master, look, someone has already started entering the Spirit Path." Suddenly, an elder in the sky saw the situation below the square and said to Daijin Yuu.    


Hearing his words, everyone in the sky above the square turned their attention to the Spirit Path on the east side of the square.    


They all saw that there was already a young man walking into the Spirit Path and starting the test.    


"Yeah, someone has already started to walk into the Spirit Path. No one knew how far this young man could walk in the Spirit Path. How many steps can they walk? Will they surpass the results of the previous test? " Daijin Yuu looked at the young men who were continuously walking into the Spirit Path and spoke with great anticipation.    


"Sect Master, among the young men who took the test last time, the highest record in the Spirit Path was found. He only reached the 330th step, but I have no idea. Is there anyone who can break this record this time? " An elder said with anticipation.    


"It's really difficult. All of you have experienced this Spirit Path before. They also knew how difficult it was. To these young men, the difficulty of the Spirit Path is also very high. At the 330th step, the gravity there had increased by more than 30 times. Such a huge gravity, for Bone Refining Stage youths like them... At that time, they wouldn't just have to bear the tremendous gravity. They will also need to use their martial skills under such circumstances." Hearing this person's words, an elder immediately retorted.    


"You can't say that. How can it not exceed the previous record? One must know that a person's potential is limitless. Sometimes, some things don't just depend on strength on the surface. " The other elders immediately retorted.    


"However, the time given to them is still too little, so I still don't think that someone will be able to break the previous record."    


"The Spirit Path's test is to test the willpower of these young men. It is to test their talent and also to test their willpower. Whether or not they can withstand the pressure, and whether or not they can successfully break through their limits! "    




The elders of Ming Yang Zong who were standing in the sky above the square heard Sect Master's words. Everyone started to express their opinions, and this place became lively all of a sudden. Some agreed, some opposed, and the voices gradually became louder and louder.    


"Alright, let's not talk about it anymore. Everyone is looking at the situation of the young men in Spirit Path. Looking at the situation in the Spirit Path, everyone would naturally know about it. It's meaningless to say all of this now since no one has been able to surpass the previous record. " Daijin Yuu said to the seven elders. After he finished speaking, he continued to look at the young man in the Spirit Path. Then, he continued, "Look, there are already tens of thousands of young men who have entered the Spirit Path. Everyone looked carefully and saw if any of the young men had performed well. Their strength is outstanding. Everyone, keep your spirits up." Daijin Yuu looked at the young man on the square and said to the elder beside him.    


" Yes, Sect Master. "    


"Yes, Sect Master."    




Hearing Sect Master's words, the seven elders replied. After that, they turned their eyes to the Spirit Path and started to look at the situation of the young man inside.    




At this moment, the square was filled with noise and excitement.    


Just now, after everyone heard Sect Master's words, all the young men in the square started to move. Everyone stood in line and began to walk towards the Spirit Path in an organized manner.    


With the first person entering the Spirit Path, there would be a second one. There would be an endless stream of young men entering the Spirit Path.    


In just a few dozen breaths of time, it had passed in the blink of an eye.    


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