Star Core War

C324 The Envoy's Instructions

C324 The Envoy's Instructions

The Messenger's account in chapter 324.    


The young warriors of Chao Ming Cheng had found the 'organization' and the messenger of the sect. They were all very happy in their hearts. They felt even more at ease beside the messenger of the sect.    


After all, they had just arrived at their sect, and there were some things that they needed the help of the messenger of their sect. Now that they had someone with them, they wouldn't be like headless flies in the sect anymore. They now had a backbone in the Ming Yang Zong.    


"Alright, everyone quiet down. I'll bring you to the gathering point now. There are a lot of people here today, so don't wander around." Zhang Yongchao looked at everyone and said. After saying that, he turned around and left.    


When everyone saw the messenger of the sect walking in front of them, they followed him closely, not daring to fall behind.    


Qin Tian walked on the square and followed behind the sect's messenger. At this moment, he was not idle either. He kept observing the people around him and the young men around him.    


"There are really quite a number of young men with formidable strength!" Qin Tian couldn't help but sigh in his heart.    


Qin Tian discovered that there were quite a number of young men with formidable strength in this huge square. When he walked in the square, he would occasionally see some youths walking by. All of them were very strong.    


Among the young men he saw in the square, not many of them were at the Vein Refining Stage. Almost all of the young men Qin Tian saw were at the Bone Refining Stage. A young man whose strength had reached one star, two star, and three star Bone Refining Stage. No one knew how many of them there were. These young men with such strength were very ordinary in this place.    


There were also plenty of youths with stronger strength. Just now, Qin Tian saw a group of martial cultivator warriors walking past him. There were a few of them who were at least at the Seven Star Bone Refining Stage. Some of them were even at the Eight Stars Bone Refining Stage.    


When Qin Tian saw this, he could only sigh with emotion. The sect was indeed a gathering place for geniuses. There were so many of them, and all of them were young men with such formidable strength.    


When Qin Tian thought of this, he knew that when the official selection was about to begin... After all, there were so many of them. All of them wanted to join the sect. There were only so few of them. Therefore, these young men who were participating in the selection... They were all competitors.    


However, Qin Tian wasn't afraid of these competitors at all. He didn't put them in his heart at all. Because he was confident that he could join the sect. He was confident that these young men... None of them could pose any threat to him.    


The reason Qin Tian had such confidence was because of his strength.    


This was because Qin Tian's current strength was definitely a lot stronger than the young man he had tested together with. There was simply no comparison between them.    


Therefore, the only person who could stop Qin Tian from officially joining the sect was himself. No one else could stop him, and Qin Tian had great confidence in this.    


Qin Tian followed behind the sect's messenger and looked around. These thoughts kept flashing through his mind. Time passed as Qin Tian kept thinking about the matter.    


Zhang Yongchao, who was walking in front, stopped after walking for a while. He had walked for less than a thousand meters.    


Zhang Yongchao stopped. Qin Tian and the others who were following behind him also stopped.    


Zhang Yongchao pointed at a group of people and said to the young man behind him, "This is the gathering point of the Chao Ming Cheng. All of you can go in and meet up. Wait for me here. I'll go and fetch all the young men from the Chao Ming Cheng. I'll arrange it for all of you then. "    


After saying that, Zhang Yongchao turned around and prepared to leave. However, all of a sudden... He seemed to have thought of something and instantly turned around. Then, he looked at the young men and said, "I have something to tell you guys. You will be standing here in a while. Don't leave this place even a single step. Stay here and don't run around. "    


"I know you guys just came to the sect, and you're still very excited. I'm also very curious about the sect, and I really want to see what the sect really is like. However, I'm telling you right now, all of you are not allowed to walk around without permission. "    


" As you can see, there are so many people who came to the sect today. When the time comes, if you leave the team without permission, then you will be lost. If I can't find you, then the official test of the sect will be... All of you won't be able to participate. Furthermore, there are some places in the sect that you can't go. Your lives will be in danger. Remember what I said." Zhang Yongchao looked at the few hundred young men in front of him and said in a serious manner.    


After saying these words, he turned around and left without hesitation.    


Qin Tian stood in the crowd and heard the words of the sect's emissary. At this moment, he also knew what the messenger had just told them. It was also true that Qin Tian didn't intend to go anywhere else. Although he was very curious about the situation in the sect.    


At this moment, Qin Tian noticed that there were a few hundred young men around him, and all of them were from the Chao Ming Cheng. Everyone was very excited, and many of them were talking excitedly, expressing the excitement in their hearts.    


When they arrived in the sect, everyone was very happy. They had been very curious about the sect since they were young, and now that they were able to come here in person, it was imaginable how excited they were.    


Many of the young men were looking at the bricks, tiles, grass, and trees in the sect. They were all able to discuss for a long time. They were all extremely excited. Everything in the sect was extremely rare and precious to them.    


Because they loved the sect very much, they felt very good looking at everything in the sect. This was love for the house and for the crow.    


At this moment, Qin Tian was looking at a young man who was constantly talking in the crowd. He couldn't help but reveal a smile on his face. This was because this young man was the one who spoke the loudest and also the one who was the most excited. He waved his arms and legs about as he spoke, and it was extremely lively, because of his existence. It made the surrounding young men extremely happy as well, and it brought along a large group of martial cultivator warriors.    


This young man was' Lonely Guy 'Fang Yingzhen.    


At this moment, Fang Yingzhen was talking to all the young men around him. He was very lively, and loud laughter could be heard continuously. It was obvious that all of them were very happy.    


When Qin Tian saw the lively and happy Lonely Guy, he couldn't help but laugh. Lonely Guy was really a member of the Paradise Sect. He was really very happy. He had never changed his personality no matter where he went. He had always been this happy. He was able to get along with everyone, and this kind of personality was very likeable. He was also very good at regulating the atmosphere.    


Laughter continuously rang out.    


Qin Tian stood among them. He did not join the group of people who were chatting. He just quietly watched them chat.    


Qin Tian was waiting for the teleportation to end.    




Soon, fifteen minutes passed in the blink of an eye.    


At this moment, after fifteen minutes of continuous teleportation, over a thousand young men from the Chao Ming Cheng had arrived at the sect. All of them had gathered together.    


The envoy of the sect, Zhang Yongchao, was standing in front of everyone, looking at the thousands of young men.    


"Alright, everyone pay attention now." Zhang Yongchao looked at everyone and said loudly. When they heard the words of the sect's emissary, all the youths present instantly focused their attention on Zhang Yongchao.    


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