Star Core War

C125 Qin Yougui's Thoughts

C125 Qin Yougui's Thoughts

# 125 Qin Yougui's thoughts #    


"Yes, I hope you guys can leave immediately. Forgive me for not seeing you guys out." Qin Tian also did not hesitate to chase them away. Everyone looked at Qin Tian in shock.    


"You trash, what right do you have to chase us away?" Qin Xiaojian said it in anger. His heart was filled with anger. He had never thought that Qin Tian would say such a thing in front of Wang Mengyan.    


Wang Mengyan also looked at Qin Tian in surprise. Wherever she went, she would be the center of attention. Now, Qin Tian actually wanted to chase her away. When she thought of this, she could not help but feel slightly angry in her heart. However, her good self-restraint didn't make her flare up on the spot. She looked at Qin Tian. Without saying another word, she left the place.    


"Wang, Miss Wangmengyan, don't lower yourself to the level of that trash." Seeing Wang Mengyan leave, the others also quickly followed. Qin Xiaojian gave Qin Tian a fierce look. He immediately followed Wang Mengyan. He said from the side.    


Very quickly, this group of people disappeared in front of Qin Tian's eyes. When Qin Tian saw that they had all disappeared, his ears finally had peace and quiet.    


Qin Tian thought that Qin Xiaojian had always called him trash. When the time came, he would leave Qin Xiaojian with an unforgettable lesson in the arena. And these people just now, they were all petty people who were attracted to power. Qin Tian didn't take these people seriously at all.    


Qin Tian thought that although Wang Mengyan was beautiful, judging from her performance just now, she didn't seem like a good person either.    


Actually, what Qin Tian did not know was why Wang Mengyan came to see him. It was because Wang Mengyan came to Qin Manor to choose a husband. Wang Mengyan wanted to choose a young man as her husband in Qin Manor. Therefore, the young masters of Qin Manor were all candidates. When Wang Mengyan came, her father hoped that she could consider the son of the number one expert of Qin Manor, Qin Zhenye. After all, her father was so powerful. Therefore, Qin Tian had received a lot of attention.    


However, it was widely known that Qin Tian was a piece of trash, so Wang Mengyan came to see him in person. She wanted to see if Qin Tian was as terrible as what was said outside. The result naturally made Wang Mengyan disappointed. The name of Qin Tian's trash was widely spread outside. It was really not an exaggeration.    


At this time, Wang Mengyan had already eliminated Qin Tian in her heart. She absolutely would not find a "trash" like Qin Tian to be her husband.    


Qin Tian naturally did not know about these circumstances, but even if he knew about this situation, he did not care. He had no interest in Wang Mengyan at all.    




At this moment, the Qin Manor had become lively because of Wang Mengyan's arrival. Beautiful girls were very popular. Furthermore, a beautiful woman with an outstanding beauty was even more attractive. The young men of the Qin Manor were all restless, and some of the young masters of the Qin Family were even more aware of this. What was Wang Mengyan doing here? Everyone was hoping to get the beauty back. Such a beautiful and powerful girl. No one would not like her.    


Soon, the news of Wang Mengyan's arrival in the Qin Family spread across the entire Qin Manor. The young masters of the Qin Family were also restless. They knew that... This time, the Wang Family wanted to marry their family. Since Wang Mengyan was here... In that case, the husband of Wang Mengyan could only be a few young masters. Thinking of this, their hearts were filled with excitement.    


Currently, the Qin Family had fifteen young masters from the direct line of descent, and Qin Tian was the Ninth Young Master. In front of Qin Tian, there were six older brothers, and all of them were Qin Tian's cousins. In front of Qin Tian, there were two older sisters, and behind them were nine younger young masters. This was the structure of the next generation of the Qin family.    


Qin Tian's cousins had thought of this long ago. They knew that Wang Mengyan was going to choose her husband. They also thought of this situation and analyzed it. Everyone knew that the current situation was very likely that Wang Mengyan would choose a husband from one of the six young masters before them. It was impossible for Qin Tian to be chosen, and those other young masters were too young. They were not even fifteen years old.    


When Qin Yougui heard the news, he was very excited. He was the fourth young master of the Qin family. After analyzing the situation, he knew that he only had five competitors.    


They were the eldest young master of the Qin family, Qin Chao. The eldest young master, Qin Chao, was seventeen years old, and he was handsome and dashing. His current strength was at the Eight-star Vein Refining Stage, and Qin Yougui knew that Qin Chao was a formidable opponent for him.    


The second young master, Qin Hu, was also seventeen years old this year, and his current strength was at the Nine-star Vein Refining Stage. He was the strongest amongst the younger generation of the Qin Family, and his cultivation talent was extremely strong. He was an out-and-out genius, and Qin Hu was a big and tall man. He had a forthright personality, was obsessed with martial arts, and was born to be a battle maniac. No one knew how many young geniuses in Langdong City had been defeated by him. Qin Hu's name resounded throughout the entire Langdong City. He was the one who had the highest chance of returning with a beauty. After all, with Qin Hu's reputation and strength, no one would look down on him. However, Qin Yougui wasn't worried about Qin Hu because according to Qin Yougui's understanding, Qin Hu was not very interested in the relationship between men and women. In Qin Hu's eyes, what beauty was not as important as martial skills? It was not as important as cultivation. Qin Hu was just a blockhead. In this person's head, other than cultivation, it was cultivation. Therefore, Qin Yougui felt that the threat he posed to him was the smallest.    


Fifth Young Master Qin Yin was sixteen years old this year. His strength was at the five-star Vein Refining Stage, and his cultivation talent was not bad either.    


Sixth young master, Qin Wei, was also sixteen years old this year, and his strength was also at the five-star Vein Refining Stage. In Qin Manor, he usually kept a low profile.    


Seventh young master, Qin Tan, was fifteen this year, and he had just started cultivating. His strength wasn't very strong, and he might only be at the strength of a one or two star Vein Refining Stage. This seventh young master, Qin Yougui, had a very small chance of knowing about this.    


Of course, there was also Qin Tian, but he was automatically excluded by Qin Yougui. Qin Yougui would never believe that Qin Tian would be able to carry a beauty home, because in the Stellar Core World... Without strength, he was not even comparable to a dog. Furthermore, Wang Mengyan was such a perfect girl, how could she choose Qin Tian? Although Qin Tian had a powerful father, in the Stellar Core World, the most important thing was to fight for a father. One's own strength was the most important. Without strength, one wouldn't be able to gain everyone's respect.    


Wang Mengyan had just reached the age of sixteen, and she was already a five star Vein Refining Stage martial cultivator.    


Qin Yougui was the fourth young master of the Qin Family, and he was seventeen this year. Qin Yougui's strength had also reached the Eight-star Vein Refining Stage. Among the younger generation of the Qin family, among the younger generation, his strength was second only to Qin Hu's. His strength was also very powerful. Qin Yougui's father, Qin Ying, was also a powerful figure in the Qin Manor. He was the Hall Master of the Qin Manor's Law Enforcement Hall.    


Qin Yougui thought about his own situation and the situation of the others. He realized that he still had a great chance of getting the beauty back. Comparing him to the others... Qin Yougui realized that he would never lose to anyone in any aspect. Qin Yougui thought that his father was also very supportive of him. Qin Ying also hoped that Qin Yougui could marry Wang Mengyan, because Wang Mengyan's status in the Wang Family was very high.    


Qin Yougui knew that he had to work hard now. Now that his opportunity was so good, he had to seize it. Qin Yougui swore in his heart.    


He thought of the order given by his family to ask the six young masters of the Qin Family to receive Wang Mengyan. Qin Yougui knew that the family was probably going to choose one among the six of them. Thinking of this, Qin Yougui immediately thought about what kind of greeting gift he would give Wang Mengyan later. It would allow him to leave a good impression in Wang Mengyan's heart.    


At this moment, Qin Yougui was not the only one thinking about what he would give Wang Mengyan when they first met. His brothers were also thinking about it. The six of them knew what he meant by welcoming Wang Mengyan this time. Their parents had also told them about the strong relationship between them. They told them what Wang Mengyan came here for. They all knew. Wang Mengyan came to the Qin Family and might choose one of them. When the marriage was decided, they would be able to carry the beauty home. They were all thinking about what their meeting gift was.    


Of course, only five of them were troubled, but Qin Hu wasn't. If Qin Hu's family didn't force him to go and receive Wang Mengyan, he wouldn't even bother to go. In Qin Hu's heart, becoming a strong person was his only pursuit.    


Very quickly, the six of them were ready. They all came to the hall and began to wait for Wang Mengyan. At this moment, there were only six young masters and some servants in the hall. The higher ups of the Qin Family didn't come either. The people of the Luo Family also knew about this. It was better to let the young men come into contact with them first.    


"Eh? All of you are wearing such formal clothes. Haha, you even have a gift in your hands." Qin Hu said with a loud laugh as he looked at the other five brothers. Everyone was wearing clean clothes. It was a very formal feeling. He said with a big smile.    


When the other five people heard Qin Hu's words, they could not help but criticize in their hearts, Who is like you? You received Wang Mengyan today and you are still dressed so casually. You are still wearing training clothes and did not change at all. Both of your hands are empty. Aren't you being too disrespectful to other people's homes by doing this?    


However, he only said these words in his heart. He definitely wouldn't say these words out loud. After all, Qin Hu's strength was obvious, and everyone knew what kind of person he was. This was what he was like.    


When the other five saw Qin Hu's performance, they felt even more relieved. Indeed, Qin Hu had no interest in Wang Mengyan at all. They were also missing a big competitor.    


"Brother Hu, how dare we be as unrestrained as you and bring nothing with us? If our parents find out that we have lost our manners, we will be scolded to death." Qin Yougui said with a smile.    


"Yes, Brother Hu. Only you are the most unrestrained among us. I envy you, but I can't get it."    


"Yes, Brother Hu."    


Qin Hu was a forthright person. Everyone had a good relationship with him. Everyone spoke up one after another.    


"Alright, Little Tiger, and everyone else, calm down. I heard some voices coming from outside. It should be Miss Wangmengyan. Everyone, go out and welcome Miss Wangmengyan. " Eldest Young Master Qin Chao said loudly. After saying that, he immediately left the hall. To welcome Wang Mengyan.    


Everyone had never seen Wang Mengyan before, and they were all looking forward to seeing her. After all, Wang Mengyan was one of the "twin beauties" of Langdong City, and her appearance was absolutely as beautiful as a fairy.    


Everyone walked out.    


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