Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C1635 Repaying Resentment with Virtue

C1635 Repaying Resentment with Virtue

4Quan Zhixing had just squeezed through the crowd when he saw Quan Jin kneeling on the ground in a daze along with Jin Lizhi. His heart sank: Could it be that these two small characters are the culprits?    


To be honest, Quan Zhixing still thought highly of Quan Jin and Wu Tie. Otherwise, he wouldn't have treated them as elite soldiers and brought them to the Holy Empire.    


Of course, whether they liked them or not was their concern. When Quan Jin and Quan Jin were affecting the group's interests, Quan Zhixing would abandon them without hesitation to calm Faang Family Village's anger.    


To build a factory in Faang Family Village, to strive to obtain benefits within half a year, this was a death command given by the chairman to his trusted confidant Quan Zhixing, no matter what, he could not afford to make any mistakes!    


Soon after, he saw the car with his national flag on it and Cui Zhiloong, who had an embarrassed look on his face.    


Quan Zhixing ignored Quan Jin and Cui Zhiloong (he had met Cui Zhiloong twice and knew that he worked in the embassy of the Holy Empire, but he didn't have the time to greet him under the current situation). He quickly walked in front of Faang Leezhu and stretched out his hands with a humble smile, "Mr. Fang."    


Faang Leezhu had a good impression of Quan Zhixing, being humble, enthusiastic and generous.    


Even though Faang Leezhu was also very clear that people with Nanhan had some sort of inferiority complex in their bones, he still welcomed people who were able to reliably invest in Faang Family Village.    


"Mr. Quan, I'm very sorry. I can't help you with this matter today. The matter is like this."    


In the end, he spread out his hands and said with a helpless look on his face: "Mister Quan, you also know what position Director Gao holds in the eyes of us Faang Family Village people, especially those stubborn elders, they definitely do not allow anyone to slander him, so when the employees of your corporation do something irrational, and when your embassy's Mr. Cui is unyielding, we can only choose to ask you to leave."    




After listening to Faang Leezhu's explanation, Quan Zhixing nearly fainted. "I thought I made some unforgivable mistake, but after all that, it's like this!"    


Without thinking, Quan Zhixing raised his right foot and kicked Quan Jin's head hard, knocking him down to the ground.    


Those who had watched Korean dramas would realize that there was a habit of beating people up, especially those wild girlfriends who were good at beating the back of the head of a male lead. Therefore, it was normal for Quan Zhixing to kick Quan Jin ruthlessly.    


Amidst Quan Jin's screams, Quan Zhixing was just about to give Jin Lizhi another kick, but he put it down: no matter how angry he is, he shouldn't beat up a female employee in front of so many people.    


"You two, from now on, you are no longer staff members of Star Electronics Group. Someone else will send you home later!"    


Without any trace of politeness, Quan Zhixing turned around to look at Cui Zhiloong and said coldly: "Mr. Cui, this is a misunderstanding between our Big Star Electronic Group and Faang Family Village at the mall. We do not need any politicians to participate in it, so I hope that you can apologize to Faang Family Village for your irrational actions just now."    


Pausing for a moment, he continued, "Of course, whether or not you want to apologize is up to you. However, whether or not you want to complain to your leadership is in my hands. Mr. Cui, please remember that you do not have the authority to make any decisions for our Star Electronics. "Your duty is to take our taxpayer's money and protect us in foreign countries. Please speak after you figure out your identity, so that you don't cause a great deal of harm to us!"    




What kind of status did Cui Zhiloong have? Plus, he was speaking from the perspective of his countrymen, yet was reprimanded by Quan Zhixing and treated him like a dog with a mouse. How could he not be angry?    


Quan Zhixing didn't care at all. He just bluntly said, "Later, I will report the details of this matter to the Board of Directors of the Star Electronics Group in detail - all responsibilities. Please bear them, Mr. Cui."    


Hearing Quan Zhixing's words, Cui Zhiloong was stunned on the spot.    


If it was really as Quan Zhixing had said, the Great Star Electronics Group, who was in a bad situation, would definitely place some of the blame on him and request for a series of preferential policies from the Heaven Palace: In Nanhan, he, Cui Zhiloong, would at most, be a sacrifice.    


Village Chief Fang, I wish to express my deepest apologies to your village. It is some of our ignorant staff that have harmed our brotherly friendship.    


As Quan Zhixing spoke, he bowed deeply towards Faang Leezhu.    


Faang Leezhu smiled bitterly, "Mr. Quan, I actually don't want to do this either."    


Before Faang Leezhu could finish his words, Quan Zhixing immediately turned his body and bowed deeply towards the old men three times and said, "Respected elders, I am very sorry. Please forgive our ignorance. In order to make up for the ignorance that we have committed, our Big Star Electronic Group will give us one million and donate it to the Faang Family Village's charity department.    


"A million, hmph, is that a lot? Do you think that when we lose our temper, it's all for your million?"    


Ola Man Faang snorted and ignored him.    


Quan Zhixing began to bow again with a sincere attitude.    


Ola Man Faang waved his hand and was about to say something, when he suddenly heard someone say: "Ola Man Faang, let this go."    


Ola Man Faang and the rest were stunned. They saw a man with a yellow face walk out from the crowd. He took out a tissue and wiped his face. When he took his hand away, his face was already exposed.    


Ola Man Faang's cloudy old eyes immediately lit up and his white beard began to tremble: "Gao, Fei!"    


"Ah, it's Fei!"    


"He's not dead, he's back!"    


Grandma Wang and the others were also extremely excited. They surrounded him with tears in their eyes and held Gao Fei's hand: "Child, how come you didn't die?"    


Being surrounded by a group of old geezers, Mr. Gao felt like he was being surrounded by a warm current.    


After seeing all of this with his own eyes, Gao Fei finally understood that in the hearts of the Faang Family Village people, he held such a high position: it was almost time to worship him as a god.    


However, the reason he had developed his Faang Family Village and built his factory here was just because he wanted to live a better life and be prosperous.    


The fact that his Faang Family Village had developed to such a state was truly far beyond his expectations.    


Especially after the citizens spread the news that Faang Family Village was a precious place to conduct business, how many people knew that this was merely a howl that he had planned with Nier, Helen, and the others?    


As for the Feng Shui Master that the investigation team hired from the Treasure Island, he even charged him a considerable amount of 'labour fees', which was why he was able to make such a big fuss on behalf of Faang Family Village.    


Through this incident, Gao Fei suddenly found out that the influence of the traditional culture of the Holy Dynasty was actually this great that even the chairman of Great Star Electronics Group had to build a factory here as his only chance to make a comeback.    


However, the fact that the old man from Faang Family Village would establish such a thing for him was far beyond his expectations. Even more so, he did not expect that Ola Man Faang and the others would want to kick out the Big Star Electronics because Quan Jin had ridiculed his sculpture.    


Furthermore, they had already punished Quan Jin, reprimanded Cui Zhiloong, and even offered a million yuan in support of Faang Family Village as a charity. From all aspects, Gao Fei had to stand out to smooth things over.    


The fact that Gao Fei was deep in Riverbed Tomb was not a secret in Faang Family Village. After all, after he had died, Faang Leezhu had also brought people there. It was just that he couldn't help, and was driven back by Lee Chengming.    


A good day like the Faang Family Village could be said to be brought about by Gao Fei; otherwise, Ola Man Faang and the rest wouldn't have given him a reputation. His life and death would directly affect the future development of the Faang Family Village.    


Naturally, it was with his death that the situation went in a bad direction. This was unacceptable to the people, because they really did not want to become ordinary again after a short period of good days.    


So, after seeing him standing there alive, the surrounding hundreds of people all applauded in unison and shouted for Gao Fei to come back.    


Facing the enthusiasm of the people of Faang Family Village, Gao Fei had no way to repay it. He could only imitate Quan Zhixing and bowed to everyone.    


Only after a long while did the applause stop. Only then did everyone quieten down.    


Ola Man Faang let go of Gao Fei's hand and said with a smile: "Good, good, it's good that you're back, it's good that you're back. "You have the final say on how to handle this matter, us old fellows have no objections."    


"Thank you for Ola Man Faang's support."    


Gao Fei thanked Quan Zhixing and looked at him with a faint smile. "Are you the person in charge of this area, Big Star Electronics?"    


Quan Zhixing had clearly heard what Gao Fei had said. He was ecstatic and quickly bowed: "Yes, I am Quan Zhixing. Please take care of me in the future!"    


"Hmm, it's fine. I can guarantee that as long as you guys really invest here, you won't have any worries."    


"Thank you, thank you for Director Gao's support!"    


Jack was overjoyed, and the boulder hanging in his heart fell to the ground. He thought he would donate it soon, but he didn't want to leave Director Gao with the bad impression that he was talking big and empty.    


When Quan Zhixing saw his image, he was very clear about Gao Fei's position in Faang Family Village. Of course, he knew Gao Fei was the one with the most authority.    


Those old geezers and Faang Leezhu, they all had to listen to him. As long as he spoke, the matter was settled.    


"I'm fine."    


Gao Fei smiled and shook his head. He looked at Quan Jin and the other two who were still stunned on the ground. He sighed and said, "Sigh, you must have put in a lot of effort to work for the Star Electronics Group, right?"    


Quan Jin and the other guy nodded in confusion.    


Just like Gao Fei said, Quan Jin and Quan Jin went to work at the Star Arena and were given great importance. That was because they put in a lot of effort. Who would have thought that they would end up …    


"This is just a lesson. No matter where you go in the future, you must remember this lesson because I can't guarantee that everyone will be as magnanimous as me."    


Gao Fei then looked at Quan Zhixing, "Mr. Quan, I want to ask you a favor."    


Quan Zhixing quickly asked, "Director Gao, please tell me. As long as I can do it, I will do my best!"    


"Don't expel these two youngsters, and don't punish them. After all, people will make mistakes. There is a saying in our country, "If you know your wrongs, you can correct them. If you do, you can't say too much. I believe that they will learn from this and value their work more in the future."    


Gao Fei kept saying that Quan Jin and Quan Jin were young people, but he was actually around the same age as them.    


However, when he said these words, regardless of whether it was his tone or demeanor, they all had a vicissitudes that did not match his age, causing others to not feel the least bit awkward.    


Towards Gao Fei's request, Quan Zhixing naturally didn't have the slightest intention to resist. Plus, this was a good thing.    


Quan Jin and Quan Jin really didn't expect Gao Fei to repay the kindness with virtue. After being stunned for a moment, they got up, bowed to him one after the other, and sobbed out their thanks.    


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