Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C1821 He Had Let Her down

C1821 He Had Let Her down

Wang Chen.    


This woman who had attracted the favor and respect of Chief Li and Manager Li the moment she appeared was actually Gao Fei's ex-wife, Wang Chen.    


The last time Gao Fei left the Jingdu City, he thought that the relationship between him and Wang Chen was completely finished.    


Most of the time, the end of a relationship would be filled with pain or depression due to not wanting to remember.    


Without a doubt, the ending between Gao Fei and Wang Chen was filled with depression.    


Perhaps, neither of them thought of ending their relationship, but too many misunderstandings caused them to choose this path.    


One of the main reasons why Gao Fei came to the capital this time was because he was summoned by the Old Man Chen Family. No matter what, he and Wang Chen must have an 'official' breakup agreement.    


Before he came here, Gao Fei had also considered what kind of mood he would have after seeing Wang Chen in Chen Family, and was even determined to take all the faults on his own shoulders — He looked down on the man who berated the woman when he parted ways with her.    


But he had not expected to see Wang Chen at the Hotel Montelisa tonight.    


If it was just seeing Wang Chen, it wouldn't be a big deal. After all, it was normal for her to stay in a hotel.    


However, what was abnormal was that she didn't come alone, much less with her girlfriend. Instead, she came with a man.    


A man who was obviously drunk.    


This man's name is Du Zikang.    


Wang Chen held Du Zikang with both of her hands, while the latter's right hand rested on her shoulder. Wang Chen held Du Zikang with both of her hands, while the latter's right hand rested on her shoulder.    


A young couple came to the hotel in the evening to get a room. What did they want to do? Even Gouzi on the street could guess it, let alone Gao Fei.    


The moment Gao Fei saw Wang Chen, the corner of his mouth twitched a few times, but he quickly returned to normal.    


He suddenly realized that from the moment he and Shen Yinbing became husband and wife, his relationship with Wang Chen had become a parallel line that would never again collide.    


He (she) was destined to be just a passerby in his (her) life.    


Wang Chen would accept Du Zikang's pursuit and walk with him – this was something Gao Fei firmly believed in. In fact, he had long since confirmed their relationship.    


Now that he saw Wang Chen, the corners of his mouth twitched, and a pang of anger rose in his heart. This was only because of a man's jealousy and selfishness: no one liked it, his woman (past or not) was intimate with other men in front of him.    


Luckily, Gao Fei quickly adjusted his mentality. Since he had already divorced Wang Chen and married Shen Yinbing, what reason could he have to stop them from seeking his own happiness?    


What's more, Du Zikang also seemed to be an outstanding person. Ye Zichen believed that he could take good care of Wang Chen.    


Seeing Wang Chen and Du Zikang come here to get a room, Gao Fei should not be angry, it should be blessed.    


This was a man's most hypocritical moment.    


Gao Fei nodded at Wang Chen with a smile, then turned around and started registering without saying anything else.    


He didn't want to say anything, but Wang Chen took the initiative to speak to him. "You … you're here?"    


"Ang, you're here."    


Gao Fei put down the form in his hand and turned around to look at Wang Chen with a smile.    


Soong Huiqiao, who was beside him, was still leaning on the front stage. She looked similar to Du Zikang.    


Wang Chen didn't know that when Gao Fei wasn't willing to talk to her, she would take the initiative to greet him.    


After asking this question, she realized that she had nothing left to say. She fidgeted and bit her lower lip, trying to find something to say. "What room are you staying in?"    


"It should be a Silver rank."    


Gao Fei answered casually.    


Wang Chen immediately found a topic to talk about, "Ah, you live in purple gold, right? I've been here before, the condition of the purple-gold room is the best! "    


"No need, there's no room left."    


"No more rooms?"    


Wang Chen looked at Chief Shen at the side. She didn't notice the expression on his face and asked Manager Li: "Manager Li, is there any more purple gold?"    


Manager Li noticed that Gao Fei and Wang Chen's relationship wasn't ordinary. He quickly said, "Director Wang, there's another set. It was originally ordered by Chief Shen -- just now, he said he would give it to you."    


Hearing Manager Li's words, a hint of happiness flashed across Chief Shen's eyes. He nodded at her: "Well, there's one more purple gold. I originally wanted to order it, but now that you're here, I'll give it to you."    


Wang Chen's heart was in a mess right now, but she didn't think about all this. She said to Gao Fei: "You should come and live this purple gold, right? I know that wherever you go, you get used to living in the best house. "    


Hearing Wang Chen's words, Chief Shen's heart turned cold, "Damn, what background does this fellow have? Even our Chief Officer is trying to curry favor with him?"    


Just when Chief Shen opened his eyes wide and secretly observed the relationship between Wang Chen and Gao Fei, the proud Mrs. Shen didn't want to do it. She frowned and said to Wang Chen, "Hey, aren't you being too boring? Our clan's Elder Shen has taken the initiative to give you the house. You didn't even say a word of thanks, and you even gave the house to someone else.    


Chief Shen could swear that he married Mrs. Shen because she was young and beautiful, but he didn't expect her to be an idiot: Are you blind? Can't you see that I'm trying to curry favor with Director Wang?    


After being scolded by Mrs. Shen, Wang Chen was stunned for a moment before she seemed to see Chief Shen present as well.    


"Shut up!"    


Chief Shen abruptly pulled his wife, causing her to stagger and fall unsteadily to the ground.    


He didn't even look at her and just explained while nodding and bowing to Wang Chen, "Director Wang, she doesn't have any manners in speech, don't mind her."    


Wang Chen really didn't mind. After seeing Gao Fei, she was too lazy to pay attention to others. She merely acknowledged softly and stopped looking at him.    


Chief Shen had fought in the government for such a long time, so of course he knew how to watch the flames burn. Seeing that Wang Chen wasn't willing to talk to him, he immediately turned around and dragged his slightly dazed daughter-in-law out of the hotel.    


"Let go of me. You're surnamed Shen. What the hell do you mean by that?"    


It was only after being dragged out of the hotel that Mrs. Shin came to her senses and began to lose her temper.    


Looking at the hotel official at the entrance, Lao Shen said in a low voice, "That is our Chief Officer …"    


"So what if it's your Chief? You're still the Deputy Chief! "    


Mrs. Shen's words proved once again how mindless she was.    


Director Shen sighed and said, "Oh, you know what? If she's dissatisfied with me, as long as she slanted her mouth, I would no longer be the Deputy Chief, do you understand? "    


Whether Mrs. Shen understood it or not, Wang Chen naturally did not know. All she knew was that her heart was currently in a mess. She actually had the feeling of having a wife coming to a hotel on her husband's back, only to run into him in the hotel.    


Although she didn't come here with Du Zikang tonight as she feared.    


In fact, Du Zikang got drunk tonight because he was frustrated by his pursuit of Wang Chen again.    


Du Zikang reminded her: Gao Fei already married other women, you should think about your life.    


However, Wang Chen never agreed to his pursuit. She only said that she didn't want to think about her personal issues and so on.    


The depressed Du Zikang was drunk. Wang Chen had no choice but to send him to the hotel to rest and get ready to go back after settling him down. Unexpectedly, she met Gao Fei here.    


When she saw Gao Fei, that feeling rose in her heart, Wang Chen ignored everyone else, including Soong Huiqiao.    


After hearing Wang Chen's words, Gao Fei suddenly had a bitter taste in his heart.    


It was only then that he realized how important he was in Wang Chen's heart. Even though she had started dating other men, she had never forgotten him.    


But what about him?    


It was as if he had never thought of Wang Chen ever since he left the Jingdu City last time, even when he married Shen Yinbing.    


He had let her down.    


At the very least, he had let Wang Chen down in terms of the feelings they had towards each other.    


He should feel guilty, he deserved to die — but what good would it do?    


Now that he was married to Shen Yinbing, there was no longer any possibility of getting married to Wang Chen.    


If they were to continue pestering her like this in the future, it would be a great deal of harm to Wang Chen.    


Gao Fei's brows trembled slightly. He held Soong Huiqiao tightly in his arms and said with a smile, "Haha, thank you Wu Tie for your good intentions. I've already booked a room."    


Only then did Wang Chen see Soong Huiqiao.    


After being embraced by Gao Fei, Soong Huiqiao still kept her head low without saying anything. No one could clearly see her appearance, but from her lithe figure, it could be seen that she was a top-notch beauty.    


He had come here with other women to get a room.    


Hehe, Gao Fei, you're already married to Shen Yinbing, why are you still messing around with other women?    


The moment she saw Soong Huiqiao, Wang Chen's chaotic emotions suddenly calmed down. She smiled indifferently: "Oh, since it's like this, then I'll book a room. Manager Li, I want that set of purple gold."    


As she spoke, Wang Chen followed Gao Fei's example, putting her arm around Du Zikang's waist and using a lot of strength.    


The drunk Du Zikang felt Wang Chen's enthusiasm and looked up abruptly. He smiled foolishly and said, "S-Chen, promise me, okay?"    


"I promised you a long time ago. You drank too much, so I forgot."    


Wang Chen smiled gently, took out a handkerchief and wiped the corner of her mouth. She supported Du Zikang and walked him up to the elevator: "Manager Li, I'm going up first. Please send someone to send the room card up."    


Gao Fei sighed in his heart as he watched the two of them walk into the elevator, then he pushed Soong Huiqiao away.    


He wasn't someone with a low IQ like Mrs. Shen. From the conversation between Wang Chen and Du Zikang, he could tell something was wrong. He felt even worse, but he also had a sense of relief: this way, she could forget about me and start her own life.    


It was the same for men. When he discovered that the woman who loved him was in pain for him, he would be magnanimous and hope that she could quickly find his happiness. That way, he wouldn't feel guilty.    


Seeing that he was trying to curry favor with Gao Fei, Manager Li naturally served him well and sent someone to escort Soong Huiqiao to her room.    


Only after the elevator door slowly closed did Manager Li relax. Just as he was about to ask his little sister for a glass of water, he saw two people walk into the hall.    


They were two men. One of them was handsome and could be considered a standard pretty boy.    


The other one had a gloomy face. There was a long scar on his face, which made him look very frightening.    


"Hello gentlemen, is there anything I can help you with?"    


Manager Li immediately put on a smile and quickly walked up to welcome him.    


Although the man with the scar on his face had a scary appearance, he looked very respectful towards the adonis and followed behind him.    


The adonis looked at the elevator and said with a smile, "You stay in the restaurant and have your meal too."    


"Oh, I'll have to trouble the two of you to register with me."    


Manager Li brought the two people to the front desk and explained the current situation of the hotel room.    


The adonis was not picky. He felt that the grade of the silver room was low so he simply took out his identity card and placed it on the front desk.    


With a casual glance, Manager Li recognized the pretty boy's name: Tang Peng.    


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