Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C1803 A Sudden Appearance of Evil Spirits

C1803 A Sudden Appearance of Evil Spirits

Tonight, the stars were shining brightly. The night breeze was like the hand of the girl whom Zhang Dongsheng had secretly fallen in love with for seventeen years, slowly sweeping across his face with an unreal sense of happiness.    


Zhang Dongsheng was a first lieutenant of the Coast Guard. After the 106 major cases set off a fiendish wind on the island, he was transferred to the mountains of Celestial Clouds Mountain together with a company of comrades.    


The mission was very simple; it was to protect the monastery at the peak of the mountain.    


Zhang Dongsheng was not a local citizen, but when he was very young, he had heard of the legends of the Celestial Clouds Mountain. He knew that on the peak of the mountain, there was a Taoist Hongchen who was countless years old.    


He seemed to have heard his grandfather say that this Taoist Hongchen was quite old. Her existence was akin to the ancestor of the Bao Island, and it was also under her protection. That was why the Bao Island area was at peace today.    


From a certain point of view, the Celestial Clouds Monastery has risen to the level of a 'faith' since the forties and fifties of the previous century. Taoist Hongchen even had the intention of becoming an 'Imperial Protector' of the ancient dynasty. In the following decades, whenever there were major festivals or festivals, the highest Superior would personally visit the Celestial Clouds Mountain.    


Just like how the emperors of the ancient dynasties of the dynasty went to the temple to pray for peace.    


Celestial Clouds Monastery was so important on the Treasure Island, so logically speaking, it should be quite famous. Every day, there would be an endless stream of people coming to pay their respects.    


But in reality, Celestial Clouds Monastery was just like the Heavenly Court that only existed in myths and legends. It was widely spread among the people, accepting the beliefs of commoners and emperors and generals, but it never revealed its true face to all living beings (referring only to ordinary people).    


Especially in the legends of the Celestial Clouds Monastery and Taoist Hongchen, which had been around the Treasure Island for hundreds of thousands of years, yet not an ordinary person could get close to it. Thus, its mysteriousness and sense of mission would rise sharply, becoming the belief of all the living beings on the Treasure Island.    


Before Zhang Dongsheng and the rest were transferred to Celestial Clouds Mountain, they only knew that they had to carry out a rather important mission. Otherwise, they wouldn't have used their company.    


Their company was the most elite force in the entire Treasure Island.    


After arriving at Celestial Clouds Mountain, they found out what they wanted to do: Protect the faith of Treasure Island at all costs — Celestial Clouds Monastery, Taoist Hongchen.    


It turned out that there really was a Celestial Clouds Monastery, and Taoist Hongchen really was in the Celestial Clouds Monastery.    


After coming into the mountain, Zhang Dongsheng and the rest realized what tasks they were tasked with. They were nervous, scared and more excited.    


They were nervous and scared because they were well aware of the importance of this mission and more or less couldn't bear it. After all, they already knew that the devil who had wreaked havoc in these 106 cases would very likely offend the sacred grounds in people's hearts. They were afraid that their abilities were insufficient and they were unable to ensure that their Celestial Clouds Monastery would not be affected even the slightest bit.    


The reason for their excitement was even simpler, not every special combat unit had the qualifications to protect their Celestial Clouds Monastery.    


After the mission was completed, Zhang Dongsheng and the others solemnly vowed: Even if I have to use up the last drop of my blood, I will not let those evil monsters offend the Celestial Clouds Monastery, or Taoist Hongchen!    


Within these few days, they had been dispersed several hundred meters away from the Celestial Clouds Monastery the entire time. With Celestial Clouds Monastery as the center, they formed a large encirclement, and hid in the darkness and monitored any movements in the surrounding area.    


Wu Tie and the others all had a wish, which was to see the legendary Taoist Hongchen in this mission. He was a deity with white hair and white eyebrows, but he looked like a cute and innocent girl. If anyone was lucky enough to have her hand on their head, they would be safe and happy for the rest of their lives.    


Unfortunately, for the past seven or eight days, they had been hiding within a few hundred meters of the Celestial Clouds Monastery. They could see the Daoist temple of the people on that treasured island, but could not see anyone.    


That monastery was just like the one that had been standing there since the ancient times, but no one had ever entered or left it. The surrounding weeds were waist-deep, and aside from the wind blowing past where fallen leaves drifted down, not even a hare appeared.    


However, every time night fell and the sound of the ocean tide came from behind Celestial Clouds Mountain, the lantern on the left side of Celestial Clouds Monastery's front door (inside were candles, or lamp oil, Zhang Dongsheng and the others couldn't clearly see what was inside, it definitely wasn't a light bulb) would light up. When the eastern horizon revealed the dawn's light, the lantern would extinguish.    


For seven or eight consecutive days, this was the case. However, he did not see a single person until noon yesterday.    


Yesterday noon, Zhang Dongsheng received the order from the highest commander: Immediately retreat to the southwest for three kilometers.    


Zhang Dongsheng and the rest didn't understand why their leader would give them such a mission. However, unconditionally obeying an order was a criminal duty. Zhang Dongsheng and the rest would only follow the order and would not procrastinate.    


They had been hiding in a valley three kilometers southwest of Celestial Clouds Mountain the entire time, until a new order came in: Before nightfall, rush to the original hiding place, ensure that no one was allowed to come within three hundred meters of the Celestial Clouds Monastery!    


After receiving the new order, Zhang Dongsheng's team immediately rushed to the original hiding place, and arrived at the designated location before nightfall. They once again surrounded the Celestial Clouds Monastery, and closely searched for any signs or movements in the surrounding area.    


Zhang Dongsheng and the others wanted to know what exactly had happened at Celestial Clouds Monastery during the dozens of hours they were asked to leave the hiding place.    


However, no one told them. Naturally, they wouldn't go to their superiors to ask about it. They just strictly followed the orders and maintained sufficient vigilance from the moment they arrived, not letting any suspicious points go.    


The night grew darker and darker.    


Halfway up the mountain in the Celestial Clouds Monastery, there was also a large area of white mist. Like a wave, it gently rose and fell along with the night breeze, slowly churning upwards.    


Just like many high altitude mountains, there was a sea of clouds halfway up the mountain, but the sky above the mountain peak was clear, and one could clearly see the stars blinking.    


"Chief Zhang, it looks like you'll still have to spend the night here. How about you go and rest first, and replace me at dawn?"    


Assistant Xiao Zheng quietly walked behind a boulder and asked Zhang Dongsheng who was leaning against it, looking up at the Celestial Clouds Monastery.    


"What time is it?"    


Zhang Dongsheng asked. He raised his wrist and looked at his luminous watch.    


It was now half past eleven in the night, and the cries of all sorts of unknown insects came from all directions. The lantern in front of the Celestial Clouds Monastery door had long since lit up, and from afar, it looked like an eye.    


The entire special forces company had a total of one hundred and ten people. After arriving at Celestial Clouds Mountain, they split into two teams, alternating between duty and rest, taking turns to stand guard every two hours. Right now, it was the start of the first round of rotations.    


In the darkness of the night, there were comrades who had changed their guard everywhere. It was quick and quiet.    


Zhang Dongsheng was very pleased with his subordinate's strict and outstanding performance in carrying out his mission. Using a little strength from his waist, he stood up from the rock, raised his hand to stretch, picked up the telescope hanging in front of him, and looked towards the Celestial Clouds Monastery: "Okay, I'll go rest first. You concentrate, and don't let anything go wrong.    


Zhang Dongsheng suddenly exclaimed before he finished speaking.    


The aide asked, "What's wrong?"    


Zhang Dongsheng suddenly put down the binoculars, as if he was wondering if he was seeing things, wiped his eyes and quickly raised them again.    


The aide-de-camp's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately raised his binoculars to look in that direction as well. He was shocked to find that under the lantern at the left side of Celestial Clouds Monastery, a black Shadow had actually appeared!    


This was not an illusion, but definitely a Shadow. Because from the high frequency, high precision, and infrared night vision goggles, it was possible to see everything three hundred meters away clearly.    


A black Shadow!    


The Shadow was about 1.8 meters tall and had a slender figure that looked like a woman's.    


Whether the black shadow was a woman or a man didn't matter anymore.    


Most importantly, how could he (or she) pass by dozens of soldiers who were surrounding the Celestial Clouds Monastery, and even if a mosquito flew past, he or she would have to register whether it was male or female …    


Just when Zhang Dongsheng and Xiao Zheng were shocked by the sudden appearance of the black shadow, the black shadow seemed to turn and look in their direction. From the telescope, they could clearly see that face.    


Using the starlight and the dark red light emitted by the lantern at the Celestial Clouds Monastery gate, Zhang Dongsheng and the other two saw that face. What kind of face is that?    


Especially those eyes, which shone with an inhuman light in the dark night. They were as cold as gems and should not have carried a trace of emotion, yet they made people feel a hint of ridicule.    


Zhang Dongsheng couldn't help but shiver and sweat profusely on his back.    


He opened his mouth to scream: Who is it!?    


However, when he opened his mouth, his vocal cords couldn't release any life. He could only foolishly look at that face as his mind buzzed.    


The shadow only looked back once before turning its head back.    


The southern wind suddenly changed direction. The instant it blew towards the north, that black shadow was like a paper paste, more like a ghost that had turned into night, being blown by the wind towards the entrance of Celestial Clouds Monastery.    


What was that?    


Was it a human, a ghost, or a thousand-year tree spirit within the Celestial Clouds Mountain?    


Zhang Dongsheng's mind was in a mess as he stared blankly at the black figure that seemed to want to escape with the wind. He had completely forgotten the mission they had here.    


Actually, it wasn't just him?    


Including Deputy Xiao Zheng, everyone who saw the shadow with their binoculars became stupid, like a computer that had crashed due to lack of memory, no one reacted at this moment.    


When the two doors that did not seem to have been opened since the ancient times suddenly opened with a creak and several lanterns appeared from inside, Zhang Dongsheng suddenly came back to reality from his trance. Like an injured Wild Wolf, he roared towards the sky: "Enemy invade, everyone pay attention!"    


Zhang Dongsheng's howl immediately woke up the over one hundred special soldier soldiers from their trance.    


The sound of a bolt being pulled came out from the trees and grass hundreds of meters away from the Celestial Clouds Monastery. Everyone jumped out from their hiding spots and under Zhang Dongsheng's lead, they rushed up with their fastest speed.    


A distance of three hundred meters, even on the craggy peak of the Celestial Clouds Mountain, was like flat ground for Zhang Dongsheng and the other members of the special forces. They could pounce on him within half a minute.    


They definitely could not let the evil spirits offend Taoist Hongchen, even if it meant death!    


At the moment, this was the only thought in Zhang Dongsheng's mind.    


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