Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C1626 It's Time to Go Home

C1626 It's Time to Go Home

5When Gao Fei walked out of the factory, it was already 4 a.m.    


He did not close his eyes the whole night, but he did not feel tired at all. Instead, he felt a hundred times more energetic.    


He was very clear that this was all because of the Scorching-Sun Parasite that had been hiding in his soul.    


After almost two months of time, he had had enough of the Scorching-Sun Parasite's torment. Especially when it came to Lingnan, he gave up on drinking and wanted to end his own life ahead of time to release this endless pain.    


No one was willing to die, especially successful people like Director Gao, who had over a hundred million yuan worth of wealth and numerous beauties.    


Now that he had finally gotten rid of the demon and kept it for his own use, he could not even use the phrase 'unloaded a heavy burden' to describe his relaxed state. When he walked out, his body was staggering and he felt like flying.    


At the entrance of the workshop, a dozen or so Enforcer s stood silently on both sides. Although they had not slept the entire night, they were still standing upright like javelins, making Gao Fei's hair stand up solemnly.    


Gao Fei was no longer a criminal, but he felt that other than this way, he couldn't find a more appropriate expression.    


The Enforcer disciples were not surprised that Gao Fei saluted them, they just raised their hands in unison and returned the greeting.    


He raised a hand and placed it between his brows. It was soundless, but it was all the more solemn and respectful.    


Gao Fei put his hands down and slowly walked past the Enforcer that were divided into two sides. Then, he saw two people standing not far in front of him.    


There was no need to look at their faces. Just from their stature, Gao Fei knew that they were Tieh Tu and Ye Xinshang.    


After they received the news that the Riverbed Tomb stone door had been opened, Tieh Tu and the other person immediately drove over here.    


However, they did not go in. Those Enforcer were ordered by Lee Chengming to not allow anyone to enter without permission.    


"You've been here for a long time?"    


Gao Fei walked over.    


"I didn't check the time."    


Ye Xinshang answered.    


"Oh, do you have a cigarette?"    


Gao Fei sniffed and smiled.    


Tieh Tu took out his cigarette and handed it to the two of them.    


The three of them faced each other as they puffed out a cloud of smoke, looking extremely satisfied.    


Tieh Tu finally spoke up when he was almost done smoking: "It's almost daybreak. Do you want to take us to see your new home?"    


Gao Fei didn't say anything. He took out a stack of papers and handed it to him.    


"What is this?"    


Tieh Tu received it doubtfully while Ye Xinshang turned on the flashlight.    


An expert, even if compared to Master Loong, Tieh Tu was just an expert. However, after a quick glance, he threw away the cigarette in his hand and squinted his eyes, "This is a plane anatomy of the ancient tomb, and there is also a secret mechanism installed. How did you get hold of all these?"    


"Someone gave it to me, and now I'm giving it to you again."    


Gao Fei raised his hand and patted Tieh Tu on the shoulder. "I'll tell you more about it in the future." You can go down and take a look, and then draw a new picture of yourself and present it to Heaven. "Hehe, to be honest, I don't think there's a need to preserve this place as a cultural relic. It would be better to develop it into a tourist attraction.    


Gao Fei gave the Riverbed Tomb to Tieh Tu and Tieh Tu because he wanted to give them this contribution to the Heavenly Palace (Because of certain matters, a certain department would already be unhappy with them, so they believed that after giving out this picture, some people would shut their mouths).    


Of course, Tieh Tu and Wu Wei were clear on Gao Fei's intentions, but they didn't say anything grateful.    


Talking between brothers was pure nonsense, it was meaningless.    


Ye Xinshang didn't care about that. He just asked: "Even if you offer it, it should be in a year, right?"    


Gao Fei needed to stay in the thousand year ancient tomb that was filled with Yin Qi for a year. Tieh Tu and Tieh Tu were very clear on this, so after hearing that Gao Fei was going to give out the ancient tomb, they asked.    


"Lao Tieh, Xinshang, do you believe that some people's luck is very good, so good that they released the shackles on them a year earlier?"    


Gao Fei was puzzled. His teeth, which were smiling, flashed in the light.    


Tieh Tu clenched both of his hands tightly, and his voice was a little hoarse: "You, you dissolved the Scorching-Sun Parasite?"    


"Do you want to know how I..."    


Gao Fei was about to buy another item, but Ye Xinshang interrupted him: "No!"    


Pausing for a moment, he then continued, "Actually, only by retaining a bit of suspense will one's life become even more colorful."    




Gao Fei laughed again: "Since you don't want to listen, then I'm too lazy to say."    


"Xinshang is right, I also like suspense. At the very least, when I lose sleep at night, it can be used to pass the time."    


Tieh Tu handed the blueprints to Gao Fei: "Also, I don't need to use these things to please some people. "If anyone comes to cause trouble in the future, we'll …"    


Ye Xinshang quickly said, "Then we will raise our hands to welcome you. "How can life not be troublesome? How boring can that be?"    


"Ha, haha."    


Gao Fei was stunned. He raised his head and laughed, "Not bad, not bad. A life without troubles is really boring … Hey, brother, can you come over for a bit?"    


His last sentence, however, was directed towards a Enforcer.    


The Enforcer ran over quickly and saluted habitually: "May I ask what you are instructing me?"    


"Hand him over to Lee Chengming and you will be praised."    


Gao Fei put the blueprint in his pocket, turned around and walked away, "Lao Tieh, Xinshang, are you interested in walking along the river? In the dawn, let's see how our mother river flows eastward slowly."    


Ignoring the unknown Enforcer, Tieh Tu and the other two followed behind him and answered straightforwardly, "Not going."    


"What, do you find my words sour?"    


Gao Fei turned his head and asked.    


Tieh Tu said lightly: "It's not like you're going to be sour all day. We've already gotten used to it. We're not going because we have to go. "    




Gao Fei paused and lowered his voice. "Reply to the XG?"    


"Bai Rong is pregnant."    


Ye Xinshang glanced at Tieh Tu and said with a smile, "Someone has to go back and serve her. She has a mind to return home, when will she have the time to accompany you along the riverbed when she's acid?"    


"So that's how it is."    


Gao Fei suddenly felt warm inside his heart.    


When he was in trouble, Tieh Tu and Tieh Tu rushed to the mainland without caring about their pregnant girlfriend. During this period of time, they had been in danger and worried for Gao Fei. No matter what, they would always stay by his side.    


Now that the shackles on Gao Fei's head had been removed, it was time to celebrate their victory. However, they did not want to delay any longer and only wanted to hurry back to the XG with their fastest speed.    


XG wasn't their home, but there were people they loved.    


The place where a lover lived was his home.    


Looking at Tieh Tu and Tieh Tu's gentle smiles, Gao Fei felt his nose go sour. He forced a laugh and said: "So the two of you are afraid of your wives."    


"Don't you know that only a man who's afraid of his wife can live a better life?"    


Lao Tieh, who rarely talked to anyone like this, patted Gao Fei on the shoulder, turned around and walked towards the car in the distance.    


"Gao Fei, don't walk around for now. Hurry up and return to Faang Family Village. There are people waiting for you there."    


After walking seven or eight meters away, Ye Xinshang stopped and turned his head, "Oh, by the way, I almost forgot to tell you, Liao Wusi escaped from prison last night. You'd better not interfere in this matter. His killing is also a bit too heavy. "    


Gao Fei didn't say anything as he watched the two of them get on the car, start the car and quickly drive away.    


Ye Xinshang advised Gao Fei not to interfere with Liao Wusi's business. It wasn't to advise him not to get into trouble, but to remind him that it was best not to get involved with Liao Wusi's business.    


Liao Wusi was a cruel and merciless person. When he did something, he would always do it. When he was determined to do something, he hated it when people tried to persuade him. In the worst case scenario, he might even turn hostile.    


Liao Wusi was a ruthless lone wolf. It was fine with his vicious character, but he was still fickle. Therefore, Ye Xinshang felt that there was no need for Gao Fei to get involved in this mess for the sake of those people who plotted against Liao Shuifen.    


Actually, Gao Fei didn't want to get involved because he had a lot of things to do and he never cared about meddling in other people's business. As for those who plotted against Liao Shuifen, no matter how vicious Liao Wusi's revenge was, they deserved to be punished.    


"It's time to go home."    


Gao Fei walked to the front of his Bugatti Wyvern, looked at the obviously pale East, took a deep breath and then opened the door to get on the car.    




After the car drove onto the embankment road and turned left, Gao Fei stepped on the throttle and sped towards Faang Family Village.    


The cold wind that carried the coolness of the middle autumn blew in from the window, causing Gao Fei's face to hurt a little, but it did not affect his burning heart-- He suddenly missed Bai Ci very much, very much, Shieh Hongyan. He also wanted to use his fastest speed to rush back to Faang Family Village and roll on the brick bed with the two of them.    


It was a familiar and strange feeling, a normal reaction to a man's thoughts of a woman.    


That was because it wasn't the first time Gao Fei felt this way.    


Although he was unfamiliar with it, he had never felt this way in the past two months. It was the kind of normal man who wanted to be intimate with a woman.    


Within two months, whether he wanted to or not, he would have to cling to a woman like a landscape bug whenever the time came.    


When a man needs the most primitive instinct of a woman but is held hostage by something, it is no longer pleasure but pain.    


That was supposed to be the best thing for a man, wasn't it?    


It was really the first time. Gao Fei was like a normal man, eager to be with his woman.    


As for other things, such as him telling Gao Yunhua about getting rid of the Scorching-Sun Parasite and the people from External Flying Dragon Tribe to Lee Decai and the others, they had all been forgotten by him.    


Right now, he wanted to rush back to the Faang Family Village with his fastest speed, and use a passion that he had never felt before to own his woman, so that they could all share in his current happiness.    




The car sped up, and like a ghost gliding across the morning light, the silver Bugatti Wyvern gracefully flew forward. However, as it passed by a temporary command post for flood control, it suddenly braked, paused for a moment, and then slowly retreated.    


A girl with a thin figure wearing a navy sports coat was walking along the side of the road as if she had lost her soul.    


She seemed to only walk for the sake of walking, not caring at all where she would walk to or where she would go. She just walked slowly like this, as if walking solitarily in the world, not caring at all about external things, even if Gao Fei's car backed up in front of her and gently blew the horn.    


She only glanced at him indifferently before ignoring him and continued to walk forward with large and small strides.    


"Hey, you're called Loong Yun'er, right? Where do you want to go? Do you want me to send you? Seeing you like this, aren't you afraid that the bad guys will tie you up and sell you in the mountains? "    


Gao Fei asked with his left arm on the window.    


This girl who seemed to be walking alone in silence was Loong Yun'er, who disliked him.    


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