Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C1621 Someone Broke out of Prison

C1621 Someone Broke out of Prison

0When she saw Wang Ming, Lee Xiaoyan was also stunned for a moment before she immediately stopped.    


Lee Xiaoyan could obviously tell that Wang Ming was courting her.    


Actually, she was also very satisfied with Wang Ming. After all, this young man looked like a genius, and his family's condition was also not bad. She heard that he would be called out of the Enforcer System very soon.    


"Hehe, Xiaoyan, where's your shift today?"    


Wang Ming walked over with a giggle.    


"Nonsense, who else would want to come here if not on duty?"    


Lee Xiaoyan, who was well versed in the art of 'capturing by force', crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.    


He walked over and scratched the back of his head, saying, "Xiaoyan, after you get off work tomorrow, I'll invite you to the city area to eat western cuisine. Hmm, let's go to Sunset Restaurant. How about it? Are you free yet?"    


"Who knows? I can't say for sure what will happen tomorrow. "    


After giving an ambiguous answer, Lee Xiaoyan glanced at the small dark room and casually asked, "Who is this? Why are you so unlucky as to come here to suffer?"    


"A murderer, very unreasonable. He beat Little Liu (the Enforcer who was knocked out) and climbed down. His surname seems to be Liao, right? His name is Liao Wusi, but I really have forgotten about that name."    


What Lee Xiaoyan asked was not a secret, so Wang Ming did not take it to heart and just said it casually.    


"Oh, that little black room hasn't been occupied for a long time. There must be someone watching over it tonight."    


Lee Xiaoyan asked again.    


Looking at the high wall not far away, Wang Ming shook his head, "Sigh, in order to see such a vile criminal, we should strengthen our guards." Sigh, in order to see such a vile criminal, we should strengthen our guards.    


"Scram, don't be so corny."    


Lee Xiaoyan scolded with a smile and took out a paper, "If you have nothing else to do, can you help me buy a toothpaste from the super city up ahead? "Remember, you need the three or seven from Yunnan, for that girl inside."    


"Oh, that young miss with the surname Zhao."    


Wang Ming took the bill, looked up at the door and said, "Sometimes I suspect that this girl is in jail and is on vacation. She lives alone in a small villa all day long …"    


"Alright, stop talking nonsense. Are you going or not?"    


Lee Xiaoyan glared at him and asked.    


"I'll go, I'll go, I'll go immediately!"    


Noticing that Lee Xiaoyan was getting impatient, Wang Ming did not dare to say anything else and quickly left with a grin.    


Lee Xiaoyan casually swept a glance over the side of the house and then walked back to the women's prison area. She didn't pay any attention to the female prisoners who came to curry favor with her and quickly returned to the 'small villa' that Wang Ming mentioned.    


After hearing the sound of the door, the woman who was sitting by the window turned around and smiled. She asked gently, "You're back so soon?"    


This woman was the woman who was thrown into prison because of the murder of Lee Nanzhe.    


Just like how people were used to forgetting about prisons, Zhao Xianjing who had been here for two months also seemed to be forgotten. Even though the investigation into the murder of Lee Nanzhe was very clear, she still didn't go out.    


She didn't ask to go out either, because here she had a peace of mind she'd never had before.    


Perhaps she had experienced the process of ascension and decline, and deeply felt the sorrows and joys of the mortal world. No matter what Zhao Xianjing looked at, she seemed to have a calmness that she had never felt before.    


She even felt that she might be the best person to live in such a place.    


In the past two months, she had formed a deep friendship with all the female prisoners, especially that one called Mu Tianya. Even the female prisoners who were known as' Sun Erniang 'would not be able to hide their valiance in front of her.    


Zhao Xianjing was now the priest in the eyes of all the women.    


No matter what crime she had committed or how hateful people were, everyone loved to chat with Zhao Xianjing.    


As for Zhao Xianjing, she was like a priest, giving every woman prisoner who went astray the greatest psychological relief — after all, they were all doctors of higher education, and they also had some psychology, so it was easier to get along with them since they were both female prisoners.    


After living here from Zhao Xianjing, the rate of trouble on the women's side of the prison had dropped sharply.    


Many female prisoners would go back while crying when they were talking to her. They swore that they would definitely change their ways and start a new life.    


Zhao Xianjing's role as well as her extraordinary background had attracted the attention of the higher-ups in the prison. They had accordingly increased her treatment, even treating her as part of the management.    


Due to Zhao Xianjing's existence being reduced, all the female Enforcer s, including Lee Xiaoyan, liked her a lot and no longer treated her as a criminal.    


"Hey, when I just got out of the door, I coincidentally met Wang Ming who brought a murderer to Little Black's room to be confined room, so I ordered him to buy toothpaste. In any case, his legs are worthless and he runs fast, so I would be happy and free. "    


Lee Xiaoyan set her hat on the table and poured herself a glass of water.    




Zhao Xianjing didn't mind and asked casually, "Who is that person? What did he do wrong?"    


"I think it's Liao. What's his name? Liao Wei?"    


Lee Xiaoyan nodded. "Yes, that's the weird name. He hit Xiao Liu."    


"Liao Wusi?"    


Zhao Xianjing was stunned. She stood up from the chair and asked, "Are you sure that person is called Liao Wusi?"    


"That's right, it's precisely that name. I will definitely not remember it wrongly. After all, there are very few people with the surname Liao."    


Lee Xiaoyan said, "What? You know this Liao Wusi?"    


"I've heard that name before, but I don't think it could have been him."    


Zhao Xianjing thought for a moment and said, "How could someone like him come here? Even if he made a mistake and got caught, he wouldn't be imprisoned here. "At the very least … I should be in the God Punch prison."    


"Yo, that Liao Wusi you know is awesome?"    


Lee Xiaoyan was a little surprised. "What does he do?"    


Zhao Xianjing previously paid attention to Gao Fei so she understood him a little. Now that she had nothing else to do, she said: "Alright, let me ask you, have you heard of Nine Dragon King of Dynasty?"    


"Nine Dragon King of Dynasty?"    


Lee Xiaoyan frowned as she thought about it, then shook her head and said, "I know there are a total of four Dragon Kings. The most famous one is Dragon King Ao Guang of the East Sea, how can he have any Nine Dragon King?"    


"Sigh, Nine Dragon King of Dynasty refers to the nine people. Legend has it that they are the strongest elites within the Special Agent of the Dynasty."    


Zhao Xianjing laughed and sighed, then told him in detail about all the Nine Dragon King of Dynasty she knew.    


Now that she had too much free time, it was normal for her to tell stories in great detail.    


"Wow, this Nine Dragon King is that strong?"    


After listening, Lee Xiaoyan praised and continued: "Speaking of which, this Liao Wusi is definitely not the Liao Wusi of Nine Dragon King... That's weird, where did Wang Ming go? "Humph!"    


When the sky turned completely dark, Wang Ming didn't come back because he had received a temporary mission and went out.    


Wang Ming was a young Enforcer who worked outside. Other than Lee Xiaoyan, no one else cared.    


At ten o'clock in the evening, Lee Xiaoyan, who had been patrolling around the woman, arrived at the small door on the high wall. She was ready to go to the front and ask Wang Ming where he had died.    


She had just opened the door a crack when she saw two shadows flash past the small door.    




Lee Xiaoyan was about to scream out in surprise when a hand came out from behind her back and covered her mouth.    


Lily was about to struggle out of instinct when she heard a familiar voice call out by her ear, "Shh! Don't move! Sofia, it's Chen Fang!"    


Chen Fang was the highest leader responsible for all matters concerning the female supervisors.    


After confirming that it was Chen Fang who was covering her mouth, Lee Xiaoyan's tensed nerves finally relaxed as she asked in a low voice, "Director Chen, what's wrong?"    


"Wait a moment. No matter what happens in the Quiet Room or what happens, you don't have to worry about it. Go back quickly."    


Chen Fang said in a low voice, raising her hand and making a gesture for her to leave.    


According to Lee Xiaoyan's judgement, the two shadows sneakily passing by the door were not Enforcer but the prisoners.    


As for how they ran out of the cell at night, Lee Xiaoyan didn't know. However, from Chief Chen's words, she could guess that they were heading for Liao Wusi.    


Maybe, tomorrow morning, the prison will send out the news of Liao Wusi being a violent soldier?    


It was normal for a group of people with inner darkness to have something dark inside the prison.    


However, this kind of matter was not something that a little Enforcer like Lee Xiaoyan could interfere with. She didn't even have the qualifications to ask and immediately listened to Chen Fang, obediently returning to the duty room.    


She thought that she might be able to hear something inside the duty room because the east wall of the bathroom and the west wall of the confinement room were the walls. If she listened attentively to any movement over there, she would be able to hear it.    


After returning home, Lee Xiaoyan found a paper cup and placed it against the east wall of the bathroom, pressing her ear against it.    


The faint sounds of voices came from the other side. This proved that the two black shadows had indeed gone to the confinement room, but no sounds of fighting could be heard.    


"Could it be that the reason the two of them went to find Liao Wusi was to pass on some news, but it was under our close surveillance? "Un, that must be the case. There's no meaning to it, what's the point in not fighting?"    


Disappointed, Lee Xiaoyan threw the paper cup into the basket and walked out of the bathroom. She then sat on the chair opposite Sister Wang, who was on duty.    


The two of them chatted for at most seven or eight minutes before they heard gunshots from outside: Bang!    


"Ah, gunfire!"    


After hearing the gunshot, Lee Xiaoyan and Sister Wang jumped up and rushed out of the duty room with the rubber sticks on the table in their hands.    


At this time, gunshots rang out continuously, along with sharp whistles, barking dogs and the shouts of the Enforcer.    


Someone escaped.    


After hearing how chaotic it was outside, Lee Xiaoyan and her sister could obviously guess what was going on.    


As expected, just as the Enforcer s who were on duty in a few corners ran out, Chief Chen appeared on the field and shouted sternly: "I just received confirmation that the criminals in the Reflection Chamber have escaped with their lives! Tonight, everyone be in high spirits, and do not let your guard down! "    


"Yes sir!"    


Seven to eight female Enforcer s answered in unison. Then, they quickly formed groups of two and ran towards their respective patrol segments.    


Lee Xiaoyan had just run a few steps when she heard Chen Fang shouting, "Lee Xiaoyan, go and protect Number 111. Ensure her safety!"    


"Yes sir!"    


Lee Xiaoyan replied loudly as she turned around and ran towards the 111th cell.    


The one who stayed in the prison was Zhao Xianjing.    


Zhao Xianjing, who had been awakened by the gunfire, had already put on her clothes and was sitting on the brick bed. When she saw Lee Xiaoyan push open the door and enter, she asked, "What happened?"    


"It's fine, don't panic."    


Lee Xiaoyan walked to the window, lifted the curtain and looked out. She put it down immediately and said, "That Liao Wusi who was locked in the confinement room killed someone and escaped from the prison!"    




Zhao Xianjing was stunned for a moment before she muttered, "Could it really be him?"    


Lee Xiaoyan also seemed to have thought of something. "The Black Dragon you mentioned in the Nine Dragon King?"    


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