Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C1616 The Mystery of the Tang Man

C1616 The Mystery of the Tang Man

0Of course, Gao Fei was not as willful as Lee Chengming thought. After being provoked by Loong Yun'er, he rushed in recklessly.    


If he didn't even have the calmness that he should have, then he would truly be an oddity to have survived until now.    


Actually, when Loong Yun'er screamed at him to stop, Mr. Gao had already achieved his goal. He was about to go down the slope and wait for the dead girl to break the mechanism for him when he heard a voice beside his ear, "Gao Fei, keep walking, you'll be fine."    


"Don't ask who I am, I won't harm you."    


The voice continued, "Of course, you don't have to listen to me, but your parents will be in trouble. You choose which direction you want to go."    


Gao Fei's parents were Gao Jiancheng and Faang Xiaotine. Not long after they were expelled from Gao Family, they both resigned from their official positions in disappointment. They no longer paid any attention to their family's matters and went on a tour around the world.    


They were running away from it, never caring whether their sons were dead or alive — the act of a parent was undoubtedly the act of a weakling, an irresponsible act, but what else could they do other than do so?    


After all, Gao Family was not an ordinary family. If the Wu couple excused themselves to protect their son, then their Gao Family would suffer a blow from another family. In this kind of wealthy family, the family's benefits outweighed all else.    


Therefore, they could only choose to evade and travel around the world. Even though the Scorching-Sun Parasite s in Gao Fei's body and his Water Powder Group were using them elegantly, they did not appear. It was as if they had disappeared from the world.    


But now, the person who spoke from nowhere used them to threaten Gao Fei to continue on his way.    


For the sake of their so-called family interests, Faang Xiaotine and her wife could escape.    


However, as the children of humans, if they were to disregard their parents' decision in the face of an unknown danger, that was not something that a human could do.    


Therefore, Gao Fei continued walking forward without any hesitation.    


Perhaps, from the moment he entered the passageway to scare Loong Yun'er away, he had embarked on a path that had to be walked down.    


The instant the secret door closed, the darkness swallowed Gao Fei up. Gao Fei felt like he was flying and he felt like he had fallen into an endless abyss.    


Luckily, it wasn't really bottomless. When Gao Fei's feet touched the ground, he quickly jumped forward. Without waiting for the strong inertia from falling and the greatest impact to his ankles, he lifted his right foot.    


Even if it was an abyss in front of him, if Gao Fei wanted to protect his right foot from being crippled, he would have to use a forward pounce to dissipate the inertia caused by his falling body.    


There was no abyss in front of him, it was also a hard ground. Once Gao Fei's left shoulder touched the ground, he quickly flipped forward and stood up, safe and sound.    


As soon as he stood up, his eyes lit up.    


First, it was a dark orange color, just like how a low voltage was, but it gradually turned brighter. The lights switched on as if they were very concerned about Gao Fei, afraid that they would suddenly open the Intense Light and provoke his eyes.    


When the lights were the brightest, Gao Fei had also adapted to the current light and realized that he was in a room.    


It was a very modern room. There was a sofa, a brick bed, a television, wine cabinets, and other common household items. However, there were no air-conditioners, refrigerators, etc.    


The room was not very big, about fifty to sixty square meters. Judging by the layout of the sofa, it should be a resting lounge that could be used for meetings. A person wearing a black tang suit and a black cloth hood was sitting safely on the sofa with his right hand slowly retracting from the desk.    


On the desk was a desk lamp with a knob switch.    


From the way he was dressed, he seemed to be a man. From his voice just now, he seemed to be an old man who was at least sixty years old.    


Other than him, there was no one else in the room.    


Gao Fei stared at him for a moment before slowly saying: "I know you, right?"    


Under the black hood, Tang Zhuangren let out an aged laugh: "Hehe, just because I'm wearing a hood, does that mean you know me? I just don't want you to see what I look like. "    


"I don't care who you are."    


Gao Fei walked over and sat on the sofa in front of him. He slowly put his right hand on his right leg and looked up. "Where are my parents?"    


Only then did Gao Fei realize that the house wasn't big, but it was about five to six meters tall. From the outside, it should be a barrel-shaped house. No wonder he felt so deep when he fell down.    


"Other than Old Master Gao, perhaps even Gao Yunhua doesn't know your parents' whereabouts?"    


Tang Zhuangren laughed again: "As an outsider, I naturally don't know about this."    


In order to ensure that someone would do him harm while Gao Jiancheng was outside, Old Man Gao strictly forbade anyone from finding out about them, even Gao Fei, as his son, did not know.    


Actually, as long as he thought about it, he could guess that someone was lying to him, using his parents' safety to trick him to keep moving forward. However, Gao Fei didn't have time to think about it at that time, even if he knew it was a trap, he still had to do as Gao Fei said.    


"So you tricked me into coming here."    


Gao Fei let out a sigh of relief in his heart. After confirming that Tang Zhuangren was lying to him, he relaxed and calmed down. He was in no hurry to do anything. He looked at Tang Zhuangren with interest and asked: "Speak, why did you trick me?"    


Tang Zhuangren didn't answer and instead asked, "You will definitely treat Shieh Hongyan like a husband treating his wife, right?"    


"Why did you mention Shieh Hongyan to me?"    


Gao Fei was silent. After staring at Tang Zhuangren for a while, he said, "You're using her as a bargaining chip again. Why are you threatening me?"    




Tang Zhuangren stood up slowly, walked to the liquor cabinet and took out a bottle of wine and two glasses. After coming back, he put them on the table: "Wait a while, can you accompany me for a drink?"    


"Wait a minute. That means you're going to let me see what you look like, right?"    


Gao Fei asked instead of answering.    


"That's it."    


Tang Zhuangren said as he opened the bottle and poured two cups of white wine.    


The wine was the Five Grains Liquid, and the wine was fragrant and mellow.    


"This bottle of wine is quite old, at least 20 years old. It is the blessing of every wine drinker to be able to drink such fine wine." But unfortunately, I can't drink. "    


"You can have a drink tonight. It'll be fine."    


Tang Zhuangren said lightly.    


"Alright, then why did you mention Shieh Hongyan now?"    


"Answer my question first."    


"She is a very beautiful woman. Although she is older than me by several years and has experienced many hardships, she is now truly in love with me."    


Gao Fei thought for a moment and continued, "I might not treat her like my wife, but no matter what danger she will encounter in the future, I will do whatever it takes to help her. Are you satisfied with my answer? "    


"To be honest, I am not very satisfied, because you have only placed her in the position of your Lover."    


Tang Zhuangren paused before continuing, "Compared to your other Lover, her position is much worse. I can see that your words are sincere, and that you are not lying to me — and that, as you say, there is a lack of necessary emotional friction between you and her. "    


"Alright, as long as you can treat her sincerely in the future, I'll be satisfied."    


Tang Zhuangren sighed and acted like he was giving a lot of face.    


Gao Fei asked, "Can you tell me who you are now?"    


"You should have guessed."    


"I can guess?"    


Gao Fei frowned slightly and nodded: "Oh, I got it, you are her relative."    


"I'm her father."    


When Tang Zhuangren said those five words, his tone was filled with ridicule.    


It was a mockery of himself.    


Gao Fei had also understood Shieh Hongyan's background and knew that she was the daughter of a merchant. After her parents met with an accident, they had married Shangguan Yin, who was determined to withdraw from the Anggui Cult to be an ordinary person. They had given birth to Zhang Wenwen, and after Shangguan Yin's death, they had been forced by some people to come to the Jinnan to be widows for seventeen or eighteen years.    


Until the night when Shen Yinbing was kidnapped by Qin Ziyang and Su Beishan died three years ago, she mysteriously disappeared.    


All these years, Shieh Hongyan had gone through many hardships and lived a humble life. Only she could understand how difficult it was for her to survive.    


Now, Tang Zhuangren suddenly appeared and claimed to be her father.    


Could it be that Shieh Hongyan's father didn't die back then?    


Gao Fei did not say anything as he believed that Tang Zhuangren would definitely explain it to him.    


Sure enough, Tang Zhuangren began to explain: "The couple that brought Shieh Hongyan up were not her real parents. I can swear that I am her real father."    




Gao Fei said indifferently: "You are someone from the Broken Army, right? Otherwise, you wouldn't be here, and it seems like you're pretty powerful, since this place isn't a place normal people can enter. "    


"I'm not someone from the Broken Army."    


Tang Zhuangren shook his head, "But I can barely be considered to be very powerful. Otherwise, I wouldn't have found the way in from the place Shen Yinbing left. "    


"I know what you want to say next. You just want to ask why I haven't come out to help Shieh Hongyan in the past few decades, when she's suffering."    


Without waiting for Gao Fei to say anything, Tang Zhuangren continued, "The reason is simple, because I didn't know that I had such a daughter. I only found out from her mother that she had left me a child."    


Tang Zhuangren raised his head, and recalled: "That was 37 years ago, when I went to Liao Province, because of a coincidence, one reason was because I was unable to control myself and had a relationship with a local woman. We were very close. He sneaked around like this for over a year. But then, for the sake of my own future, I made up my mind to leave her.    


For his own future, after Tang Zhuangren had cruelly left the girl, he did not know that she was pregnant.    


Eight months after his disappearance, the woman gave birth to a daughter.    


The woman didn't know who Tang Zhuangren was. She only knew which city he came from, so she carried her daughter to that city. The result was obvious. The girl didn't find Tang Zhuangren, but she was seriously ill.    


After her death, her daughter was sent to an orphanage and adopted by a business couple.    


After the woman died, her family brought her back home and buried her in any place they could find.    


37 years ago, it was a shame for any family to have such a thing happen, so the woman's family naturally wouldn't go looking for the child they had taken away.    


After that, the girl was completely forgotten. Her grave was somewhere deep in the mountains, and she stayed alone for many years. It was only by chance that Tang Zhuangren found out about this, knew that he actually had a daughter, and started searching for his daughter.    


"In the words of you youngsters, this is a very old and very unlucky story, but it's true."    


After Tang Zhuangren said this, he sighed and turned off the lights.    


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