Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C1611 A Rat Growing up in a Dragon's Cave

C1611 A Rat Growing up in a Dragon's Cave

4Gao Fei was sure that when he and Shen Yinbing arrived at this place six days ago, there was a waterway on the left.    


But now, this place was the same as the surrounding alleyway walls. Under the bright light, there were no signs of doors.    


Needless to say, that waterway must have been sealed by the young master in order to trap Gao Fei and the other man.    


As for whether or not he could open the alley walls and find the passageway, that would depend on Master Loong. Who told him to claim to be the most powerful person in the world, even the mechanism to activate the alley walls could not be found.    


Without waiting for Master Loong to say anything, Loong Yun'er stood up with a compass in her hand and slowly walked to and fro in front of the passageway.    


Master Loong naturally shouldn't bother with such a small matter. He was only responsible for stroking his beard with his left hand and for making a face that was as calm as the clouds and the wind.    


"Master Loong, why do these rats grow up to be so big?"    


At this moment, Lee Chengming, who was completely relaxed, walked over, took out a pack of cigarettes and spread it out, casually asking a question.    


In fact, why do these rats grow up to be so big? It's best to ask the biologists.    


The biological expert would definitely be able to give the most correct and authoritative answer: The reason why these mice and the Blood Python were so much bigger than normal was because they had been fed a substance that contained a large amount of hormones. Their genes had mutated, which had caused a change in their bodies.    


Lee Chengming didn't expect Master Loong to give him the most scientific answer even if he asked the question to pass the time.    


However, Master Loong's reply stunned Gao Fei and the others.    


With a slight frown, he raised his head to look at the top of the passageway and slowly said, "You must think that the reason these mice can grow up is because their genes have changed."    


Lee Chengming chuckled, "Isn't it so?"    




Master Loong lowered his eyes and looked at his granddaughter who had lightly knocked on the alley wall. He said, "Let me ask you two a question. Do you know how old she is?"    


Tai-Sheng, also known as meat ganoderma, is the legendary Qin Shi Huang painstakingly looking for immortal medicine, according to the "Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing" records: meat Ganoderma lucidum, non-toxic, nourishing qi, increase wisdom, cure the knot in the chest, long time to take light body not old.    


In recent years scientists have said that the age of the earth is a non-animal, non-plant, non-fungal species of the fourth species -- as to whether or not it is true, no one can be sure, but the people know that there is a saying: the age of the earth.    


It was the same as an egg hitting a rock.    


Lee Chengming was also aware of this, but he didn't understand why Master Loong suddenly mentioned too old, so he could only nod: "I've heard, too old is a very strange species, it's rumored that drinking water soaked with it can cure diseases like cancer, I wonder if that's true."    


"I don't know if it's true or not."    


Master Loong smiled and said, "Director Li, everyone knows that Taisui is a very strange species. Even until now, scientists have never been certain about its existence. "Actually, in our industry, the existence of Taipei is related to feng shui."    


To discuss a certain topic with you, of course, you would not deviate from your line of work. Lee Chengming snickered in his heart, but on the surface, he said respectfully, "Please explain it to Master Loong."    


Even when talking to an otherworldly expert like Master Loong, Lee Chengming became gentle. It seemed that his extraordinary aura would always affect others.    


Since Master Loong wanted to show off his profession, he naturally had to mention the mysterious phenomenon of celestial body movement.    


Ever since there was a human record of the movement of celestial bodies, for more than three thousand years, there was a six-star phenomenon that occurred every hundred years or so.    


The so-called Six Star Linked Pearl was the same as the Nine Star Linked Pearl that only occurred once every six thousand years. The so-called Six Star Linked Pearl was the same as the Nine Star Linked Pearl that only happened once every six thousand years.    


When the star was connected, it would form a powerful radiation, like an invisible beam of light shining on somewhere on Earth.    


When the radiation from an alien body reached a certain location on Earth, the soil, microorganisms, and naturally, small organisms would all experience changes.    


If a long period of time (about half a month's time each time) was spent connecting the beads to a certain part of the Earth, it would cause some small creatures to mutate and eventually become a rare life form on Earth, and that was the time one grew up in the earth.    


The size of one's' skill 'depends on the number of star connection beads one has.    


Anyone who touched an old man would get into trouble -- a point that has a lot of leash in Master Loong's industry, but they won't mention radiation, magnetic fields, etc., they'll call it feng shui.    


And the Dragon Point in feng shui, was similar to the nature of a celestial being that was born after being linked by a star.    


Just like the 'passing stone' Dragon Point that Master Loong found for the landlord old wealth, in the end he buried a black dog inside it and raised it into a Black Dog Essence. Just like these snake rats that lived in the Riverbed Tomb, they absorbed the spirit energy of the Dragon Point and in the end they became this big and refined.    


"Master Loong, are you saying that the reason these rats can grow so big is not because they were fed special food, but because they absorbed Dragon Point's spirit energy?"    


After listening to Master Loong's explanation, Lee Chengming's face was filled with disbelief.    


However, because Master Loong's name was too famous, even if he said it was ridiculous, he would still embarrassedly question it. After all, they were experts who were trusted by many big characters, and they were not people he could afford to offend.    


Wu Tie's words revealed that he didn't believe him, but Master Loong didn't care. He took the opportunity to say, "Some things don't matter if you believe it or not. From a different point of view, the conclusions you come up with are naturally different too."    


Lee Chengming was stunned for a moment and then looked at Gao Fei with a coy smile.    


Gao Fei sniffed and said, "I didn't believe this before."    


He meant that he didn't believe this before, but now he did.    


These cultures that were regarded as evil and exotic by most of the modern era, to be able to survive in the dynasty for thousands of years, they definitely had their own reasons. It was just like how feng shui was often used in modern buildings.    


Just as Lee Chengming opened his mouth to say something, a soft cracking sound came from behind.    


He turned around and saw that a hole had suddenly appeared on the wall of the alleyway behind him.    


This was the waterway that was hidden by the alleyway walls. The foul smell of the sewage immediately assaulted their faces and there was too much dirt on the water surface. As a result, under the light of the multiple Intense Light s, not much water could be seen.    


"Don't go into the water, it's poisonous!"    


Gao Fei stopped a criminal when he saw he was about to try to go into the water.    


These criminals were brought here later on. These sewage had once flowed out from under the stone door. After being tested, the relevant authorities found that it contained a toxin which could itch and fester people's skin.    


Compared to Gao Fei's persuasive words, Loong Yun'er did not have any good feelings towards these soldiers. She said coldly, "Anyone who feels like they can reach the center of the tomb can stand up and raise their hands, then I won't be bothered to follow them."    


The leader of the criminal team quickly reprimanded his reckless subordinate, but he did not say anything to Loong Yun'er. They did not care about Loong Yun'er's background, they only listened to the orders from their superior, even if it was Blade Mountain Flame Sea Guild in front of them, they would not hesitate to charge up if Lee Chengming wanted them to.    


Gao Fei had a feeling that Loong Yun'er's words seemed to be directed at him, which made him even more annoyed.    


Loong Yun'er did not care that Gao Fei was feeling good, she was still unhappy. She held the Intense Light lamp and observed the alley's wall for a while, then took a military knife from a criminal, turned the handle of the knife, and lightly knocked on the alley's wall while mumbling something.    


Gao Fei watched as she knocked on the door for three minutes and there was no change in the waterway. Just as he was about to remind Master Loong to attack, along with the sound of shaking iron chains, countless iron chains fell from above and plunged into the water.    


The sudden appearance of the metal chain caused everyone to instinctively take a few steps back. Then, they saw the metal chain slowly straighten, tighten and slowly rise up. A pitch black metal bridge slowly floated up from the water.    


The iron bridge was not very wide, about one and a half meters, and it did not have any railings. However, it was big enough for the two of them to walk side by side.    


After the iron bridge rose to the surface of the water, everyone discovered that there were many iron chains that were still attached to the bottom of the bridge.    


When the iron bridge was about one meter above the water surface, the iron chain underneath it was stretched taut. With a crisp clanging sound, the bridge stopped rising.    


There was a chain tugging at it from above, and a chain tugging at it from below. The iron bridge that had been floating on the surface of the water no longer swayed left and right.    


Lee Chengming walked over and stepped on it. After testing it with his feet, he turned around and shouted in a low voice: "Everyone, be careful not to slip and fall into the water. Go!"    


Following Lee Chengming's order, the criminal law users jumped onto the iron bridge and switched on the Intense Light flashlight on the submachine gun. Some of it shone on the front, some of it on the top, some of it on the left and some of it on the left.    


His feet were slippery, but it was nothing to these well-trained criminal law practitioners.    


As for the civil experts, they had to wait until the other side was completely safe before they could follow. They all consciously dodged open the waterway to study how Loong Yun'er had found the mechanism to open the waterway.    


As the name implied, the earth experts were naturally involved in building houses and tunnels, and more or less understood the art of mechanisms. However, it was absolutely impossible for them to find waterway traps in a short period of time, like what Loong Yun'er had done.    


Thus, it was normal for these people to look at Loong Yun'er with worshipful gazes.    


Little girls love to be proud, especially when they are worshipped by experts. Loong Yun'er was the same. She snorted lightly as she walked up the metal bridge with her chin held high.    


"Master Loong, after you."    


Gao Fei raised his hand and made a "please" gesture.    


Master Loong smiled and refused: "This bridge is very hard to walk on. I'm already old and can't control my legs, so I won't be going over." I believe Yun'er can help you find the main tomb chamber. "    


You seem to be at most in your fifties, but your legs aren't convenient. Are you trying to be lazy?    


Gao Fei muttered in his heart, but he could only nod his head and follow behind Loong Yun'er as they walked onto the metal bridge.    


With the light coming from behind, Gao Fei could see Loong Yun'er's figure … Oh, that's not right, it was a walking posture. Although the little girl's body was very thin, like a matchstick, she did not attract the attention of men. However, her walking posture was very beautiful.    




As Mr. Gao stared at the girl, Loong Yun'er's foot suddenly slipped. She screamed and raised her hand, but couldn't grab onto anything. She could only fall into the water.    


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