Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C1250 Shore Attacks

C1250 Shore Attacks

5Shen Yinbing was no stranger to the black King Snake.    


Her father, Su Beishan, was the kind of snake that drilled into his mouth and burst out of his mouth.    


Gao Fei had also told her, that they had also seen this kind of snake in the Taklimakan Desert and the underground tombs of the grassland's Mengal.    


Yan Moji, her subordinate, also used this snake as one of her main weapons.    


It could be said that she didn't have any good feelings towards this kind of snake Shen Yinbing, and she was also extremely disgusted. If it wasn't for the fact that she had just managed to control Greedy Wolf and needed to hire someone, she definitely wouldn't let Yan Moji, her arch enemy, off.    


Even though Yan Moji had specifically explained this matter to her, saying that she only killed Su Beishan according to the orders from the higher-ups at that time, she had no other choice.    


Was killing a father a grudge something that could be resolved just by saying 'I have no other choice'?    


Shen Yinbing refused to believe that no matter how much her father deserved to die, as a woman, sooner or later she would have to seek justice for her father.    


Shen Yinbing thought that Yan Moji was the only one who could drive this kind of black King Snake in the mainland, but now, this kind of snake had appeared again. If it was Su Qing who followed her here tonight, she might end up like Su Beishan.    


Just as Chen Guoguo threw the King Snake away, Shen Yinbing grabbed onto her arm. Just as she was about to say something, a flashlight appeared about ten meters in front of her.    


It was clear that she had already planned this a long time ago. When the black King Snake appeared, it was when the Intense Light's flashlight suddenly lit up. It shone right into Shen Yinbing's eyes, forcing her to raise her head and block her eyes.    


However, Chen Guoguo only lowered her head.    


She was also unable to adapt to the sudden appearance of the Intense Light.    


The light and rapid footsteps disappeared from behind the flashlight.    


Apart from the footsteps, she heard nothing else, but her sixth sense told her that a few dozen meters in front of her, at least a dozen pairs of eyes were watching her from the shadows, like snakes hidden in the grass.    


Chen Guoguo didn't like the feeling of being watched in secret. If it wasn't for Shen Yinbing, this burden, she was confident enough to uncover these people. She didn't even bother to ask a single question and directly killed them.    


Shen Yinbing slowly lowered her hand that was blocking the light and looked around, but didn't see anything. She frowned and said to the light, "Since you invited me here, and yet you're not able to show your face, what's the meaning of this?"    


No one answered, only the sound of the wind blowing through the trees.    


"It's fine if you don't come out, but I'm leaving."    


Shen Yinbing was about to leave, but her feet didn't move. At this moment, the sound of rain could be heard from the surrounding grass. Instinctively, she asked Chen Guoguo, "What is that sound?"    


Listening to the faint sound of a flute playing in the distance, Chen Guoguo sighed and replied, "Sigh, if I'm not mistaken, your underlings have already turned traitor."    


Shen Yinbing was stunned. "Who?"    


Without waiting for Chen Guoguo's reply, she immediately understood. "You mean, Yan Moji?"    


Chen Guoguo blandly said, "Other than her, who else can drive these reptiles away? In this world, only the people from the Yan Family of Shu will possess such evil skills. "    


Chen Guoguo was the king of Anggui Cult, so she naturally understood some of the things that had happened in the past.    


Speaking of which, the ability that the Anggui King could change ten thousand times over, was learned from other people's Yan Family. However, after the people of the were almost completely exterminated by the people of the prairie, the Yan Family actually lost its ancestral ability.    


Shen Yinbing was furious. "Why would she betray me?"    


Chen Guoguo laughed. "If I get rid of your father, but you become my boss, and you want me, I will leave you to find a new boss. "Sigh, I really don't feel safe under your hands."    


Shen Yinbing's heart was filled with fear and her voice started to tremble. "So the person who invited me here was her. She wants to take the first blow so that I don't have to settle the score with her in the future."    


Chen Guoguo broke a branch with a raise of her hand and stabbed a snake on the head with it while it was still in the grass.    


This snake was not a black King Snake, but a common red and white snake.    


Chen Guoguo held the snake up in front of Shen Yinbing and smiled. "That's about it. Are you scared?"    


"What about you?"    


Shen Yinbing was naturally afraid, but she was unwilling to say it out loud.    


"I'm not afraid, because I have the confidence to break out."    


Chen Guoguo shook the tree branch in her hand and said with a smile, "However, you may be in for a ride of misfortune."    


Shen Yinbing was relieved. "As long as you're fine, I'll be fine."    


Chen Guoguo was curious. "You have a lot of confidence in me."    


"Even though you wish that I would die, you know that I definitely cannot die right now, so you will not let me die."    


Shen Yinbing held Chen Guoguo's arm tightly and looked around, "Tell me, am I right?"    


"That's not right."    


Chen Guoguo giggled as she retracted her spear. This time, she did not bring anything back. However, the rustling sound of the flute became more rapid and the sound of the flute also became more mournful.    


Shen Yinbing, however, didn't notice this. She continued hugging her arm and snorted coldly. "Hmph, if you're not afraid that so many people will die for me, then you can leave now …"    


Before she could finish her sentence, Chen Guoguo suddenly grabbed her by the waist and jumped towards a tree that had the thickness of a bowl. She threw her into the tree and yelled, "Hold onto the branch, don't fall off!"    


Shen Yinbing, who had been thrown onto the tree as if she was dreaming, instinctively stretched out her arms and hugged the tree branch as she fell.    


"What are you doing?"    


Shen Yinbing didn't understand why Chen Guoguo had thrown her up the tree. It gave her a fright. She said that the girl in black stockings looked very indecent while she was lying down on the tree. Of course, she wouldn't be happy.    


However, just as she shouted out those words, she heard an exceptionally shrill flute sound. Then she saw a strange golden sword appear in Gao Fei's hand. It swept out horizontally and gave off a golden light.    


Using the light from the flashlight, Shen Yinbing was shocked to see that at least a dozen snakes pounced towards Chen Guoguo with hissing sounds. These snakes were all black King Snake, with their mouths wide open, revealing their white fangs.    


Fortunately, Chen Guoguo's hands were moving very quickly, and the Golden Snake Sword was even sharper than before. With a pale golden light sweeping across, the black King Snake was split in half, but without a lower half of the snake head, it still pounced towards her, forcing her to dodge left and right.    


Seeing wave after wave of black King Snake rush towards Chen Guoguo, Shen Yinbing finally realized why she was thrown onto the tree. She hugged the tree tightly and screamed, "Gao Fei, be careful!"    


Who knew how Yan Moji managed to get so many black King Snake from above. Using the light of the lamp, Shen Yinbing saw that within a few seconds, her position within a radius of ten meters was covered with these King Snake.    


Furthermore, these black King Snake s were still under the control of the flute music and knew how to attack in batches. Every time, there would be more than ten of them flying towards Chen Guoguo's face and there would also be the same number of attacks on her lower body.    


There were too many black King Snake, covering the sky and covering the earth, as if they could not kill all of them no matter how hard they tried. However, there was a time when they would run out of manpower.    


No matter what, Chen Guoguo would not be able to kill all these King Snake, but it would be very difficult for these King Snake to keep her alive.    


No matter how fast those King Snake were, they wouldn't be able to be faster than her.    


However, she couldn't just leave like this, because there was still Shen Yinbing on the tree over there.    


The reason why Shen Yinbing could still safely stay on top of the tree and scream for help was because Chen Guoguo still didn't dare to leave the tree.    


The sound of the flute became more and more mournful, the King Snake seemed to have increased in number, Chen Guoguo's legs were already like snakes that were split into two halves, her feet were slippery. Some of the snakes' heads and mouths were still open and close, as though they would jump up and bite at any moment.    


Other than the way Yan Moji changed, women were always afraid and hated cold-blooded animals like snakes. Chen Guoguo was the same as well.    


If she had to choose between fighting against thousands of King Snake and hundreds of enemies, she would choose the latter without hesitation. Without mentioning anything else, just the stench of blood coming from the King Snake's mouth was enough to make her gag and her martial arts have a discount.    


"Ah, be careful of the back!"    


When Shen Yinbing's scream came from above her head, Chen Guoguo didn't even look back as she swung her sword to cut off a King Snake that was sneaking an attack from behind. She said impatiently: "Shut up, does laozi even need you to remind me?"    


"You idiot, you only know how to stand on the ground and kill snakes like a madman?"    


Shen Yinbing became angry from embarrassment after being scolded out of good intentions, "You don't know how to climb trees? Those reptiles can jump very high, but they can't jump up a tree, can they? "    


The King Snake's height was around 1.56 metres. If one wanted to climb up the tree, they would have to climb up the tree. According to Shen Yinbing's idea, as long as Chen Guoguo sat on the branch beside her, she would only need to deal with the things that climbed up and not jump around like a monkey.    


"Idiot, I really don't know how you grew up!"    


Chen Guoguo sneered, "If I listen to you and climb up the tree, then we're dead for sure. Do you think reptiles won't crawl over from other trees? Or do you think others can't see that you're climbing up a tree to be a target? "    


"You are the fool!"    


Shen Yinbing was angry. She was about to retort back, but then she screamed out, "Watch your step behind you!"    


Actually, even without Shen Yinbing's reminder, Chen Guoguo could already sense the strange air flowing behind her back. She continued swinging her sword backwards, accurately slashing at the object behind her.    


Instinctively, Chen Guoguo drew back her sword but did not retract it. That strange air current charged at the back of her head, causing her to feel alarmed. She let out a loud hiss as her head flew forward.    


While doing an exceptionally beautiful low altitude somersault, Chen Guoguo glanced backwards and saw four to five Shadow s.    


The backhand stab just now had accurately hit the shoulder of the person at the front, but that person had used his hand to grab her strange sword.    


Anyone who was hit by the strange sword would let out a painful groan, even if they were able to grab the blade with their hands. However, he did not make a single sound.    


While Chen Guoguo was rolling in the air with her head down, the strange sword, like a high-speed meat grinder, hacked down on the ground with its thirty-nine slashes, completely shattering the King Snake s on the ground. Only then did she suddenly turn around and stand on the ground, looking at that person.    


The man was still walking toward her, his movements stiff.    


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