Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C1079 Wedding(4)

C1079 Wedding(4)

0Wang Chen was well aware of the predicament Tianya Group was currently facing.    


Just as he said, Gao Fei was originally worried about the corporation and didn't get a good night's sleep. He originally wanted to take advantage of the marriage to relax for two days, but this kind of thing happened.    


All of this was due to Wang Chen's insistence on keeping the can-do bridegroom program.    


Sister Wang felt as much regret as she could feel at this moment. She felt as guilty as she could feel. Liu Xiaoloong had no choice but to comfort her and stop crying after a while.    


There were still more than ten minutes before the toast. Wang Chen was afraid that Gao Fei would be worried about his injuries, so after wiping her tears, she changed the topic: "Gao Fei, where did you go that night?"    


"What night?"    


Liu Xiaoloong, who seemed to be very careful while sitting on the sofa, finally understood what Wang Chen was asking after asking.    


On the night before their wedding, Shen Yinbing, Chen Dabiao, and the others went to the Tianya Group production base to look for Gao Fei. Wang Chen even went to the development region's branch office to ask Liu Xiaoloong to use the Enforcer's positioning system to look for Gao Fei.    


However, after a busy night, they still couldn't find Gao Fei.    


Just as Liu Xiaoloong was about to ask them to send people to look for Gao Fei, his father called him Jingdu City.    


After arriving at Jingdu City, Liu Xiaoloong found out everything about Gao Fei. He immediately notified Jinnan using Gao Fei's tone, saying that he had some matter to attend to and would be able to return very quickly. But on the way here, he lost his phone and so on.    


Only after receiving the message from 'Gao Fei' did Wang Chen, Liang Ming, and the others heave a sigh of relief.    


The next morning, Wang Chen rushed back to the Jingdu City and only saw Gao Fei today.    


In fact, Sister Wang was very clear that Gao Fei had been wandering around like a hero in the past, and it was normal for there to be no news on the 20th day of the month. If it weren't for the strange things that Chen Dabiao had said that night, as well as the fact that Shen Yinbing seemed to have met with trouble, she wouldn't have cared at all.    


After hearing Wang Chen mention this problem, Liu Xiaoloong, who was already prepared for it, immediately explained it. He was worried about the cosmetics and suddenly thought of a friend somewhere else, maybe he had some ideas and so on.    


"Oh, that's about what I thought."    


Wang Chen did not see any flaws, and asked: "Gao Fei, I want to ask you something. On the day you left Jinnan, why did you get into a car accident at Chen Dabiao's mother-in-law village, and get drunk at her house, saying something very strange. Also, tell Chen Dabiao, what exactly is going on with the old woman in Mansion of Faang Family? "    


What Wang Chen said was provided by Chen Dabiao. Liu Xiaoloong was also there at the time, so he was very clear about it. He had guessed that Wang Chen would ask this and prepared an excuse beforehand, "That old lady is the mother of a good brother of mine when I was abroad."    


Liu Xiaoloong explained that Shangguan Fengling was an old lady who was a comrade of Gao Fei's when he was overseas as a mercenary. Shangguan Fengling was an old lady who was a comrade of Gao Fei when he was overseas as a mercenary.    


Since she was the mother of a good brother, she was Gao Fei's own mother. In order to give her a comfortable old age, Gao Fei asked for her opinion before bringing her to the Mansion of Faang Family in the countryside.    


Who would have thought that after arriving at Mansion of Faang Family, the old lady would think of her hometown, and even more so think of her comrades who had died abroad, triggering Gao Fei's worries. He seemed to have returned to the battlefield where war raged in the past, causing him to lose his focus and crash into a tree.    


As for the strange words Gao Fei said while drinking at Chen Dabiao's mother-in-law's house, it was also about his comrade-in-arms: that mercenary comrade-in-arms fell in love with a girl, only to realize later that the girl was his Little Cousin!    


After his comrade-in-arms figured out this point, he became depressed and extremely sad. In the end, he lost his life due to bad luck in a mission. Before he died, he still had to ask Gao Fei to take care of his mother for him.    




After saying all that, Liu Xiaoloong sighed with sorrow and muttered: "Maybe Mansion of Faang Family provoked this old man's memories of his son. When I woke up in the middle of the night and rushed back to the old man's house, the old man had already left. I still haven't found her. "    


"Oh, so it's like that. Gao Fei, don't worry, I'll keep an eye out for that old woman for you in the next few days."    


After listening to Liu Xiaoloong's explanation, Wang Chen's doubts disappeared. Just as she was about to ask him how he felt after putting on the dog skin plaster, Gao Yunhua knocked on the door and walked in. "Gao Fei, Wang Chen, it's time to drink a toast."    


A wedding banquet to toast the wine was something that was required both abroad and at home. It was the highest point of the entire wedding banquet. The young people especially liked it and could make a name for themselves and speak dirty words in front of the beautiful bride.    


Within the hall, over a hundred tables were divided into six rows, with each row having about twenty tables. In the hall, over a hundred tables were divided into six rows, with each row having about twenty tables.    


Those close friends and relatives of the Chen and Gao Families who were not qualified to enter the box were all sitting in the hall. Their tables were at the back of the hall, followed by some of the more senior officials.    


As for the people sitting at the tables in the corner behind the door, they were even less noticed. Even the reporters wouldn't take the initiative to strike up a conversation.    


Only, no one would have thought that the third young master of Gao Family would be elegant and sit at such a table.    


Sitting with him were Jiao Enzo, Zhang Yaoming, and a few others who were closer to Elegant and Elegant.    


For a well-known reason, Elegant originally didn't want to participate in this wedding and knew that his appearance would cause people to point at him from behind. However, Jiao Enzo suggested that he should come.    


Part of the reason for the wedding was not only Gao Fei's wedding, but also Old Master of Gao Family's eightieth birthday banquet.    


The other was that Jiao Enzo wanted him to carefully observe Gao Fei to see if he could see any flaws.    


Ever since the wedding had started this morning, Gao Fei's brother, who was supposed to be the busiest, had been staying in the hall. It wasn't until the wedding ceremony that he found the most unremarkable corner.    


Because of what he had done elegantly, his current Gao Family position had plummeted. Not only did this old man Gao Family not give him a good look, even the Faang Xiaotine who had doted on him the most in the past, had completely ignored him during this period of time.    


Otherwise, Old Man Gao would've been unhappy first if others didn't mention that the main members of the Gao and Chen families who just went to the private box were elegant and didn't go there.    


Elegant sat at the head of the banquet. Not long after the feast began, he drank more than half a catty of white wine.    


The alcohol tolerance was not high, but his face was red and gloomy, and he did not say a word for a long time.    


Jiao Enzo remained calm.    


This time, he came as Zhang Yaoming's friend. There were so many people at the scene, so there was no need to introduce him to others. Occasionally, Zhang Yaoming would whisper and laugh with Zhang Yaoming, as if he had already made up his mind.    


For some reason, Zhang Yaomingson had always felt uneasy. When Gao Yunhua came out with the bride and groom to toast them, he stole a glance at Elegant and whispered to Jiao Enzo, "If Gao Fei really was someone else, you wouldn't have exposed him on the spot, would you?"    


Jiao Enzo smiled sinisterly: "You want to expose him in front of everyone? Heh heh, I wouldn't do that. Right now, other than making him lose face for the Gao Family, what other benefits would he have if he were to be targeted by the other party? Moreover, it's too early to expose him now. At the very least, after the wedding night has passed, the second young master Gao Family would have to pretend to be someone else in order to arouse people's interest. "    


"Is it a lie to expose him after the wedding night?"    


Zhang Yaoming might not be an idiot, but his IQ was not low. After hearing Jiao Enzo's words, he understood Jiao Enzo's intention after being stunned for a moment. A layer of cold sweat immediately broke out on his back.    


When he looked at Jiao Enzo's pretty face, he felt like he was looking at a poisonous snake. He started to warn himself in his heart that it was best to slowly distance himself from Jiao Enzo in the future, otherwise, he would be bitten mercilessly by him sooner or later.    


Just as Jiao Enzo said, if Gao Fei was indeed disguised as someone else, then even if Gao Family were to be exposed now, even if it was abnormally embarrassing, they would definitely pay attention to him and take the necessary action against him. Gao Fei was fake, Gao Family had long known, the Anggui King who had disguised himself as Gao Fei had already died at Lingnan, and this Gao Fei was a candidate that Gao Family had found.    


Once it was exposed, no matter who it was, the person would definitely make the person's Gao Family lose face and would not let him off.    


However, if he waited until the night of Gao Fei and Wang Chendong's marriage and ingeniously leaked the news, it would cause a huge commotion in a certain circle of Jingdu City and then start paying attention to this matter.    


Then, rumors spread everywhere: In order to give Gao Fei the face to get married on time, Gao Family did not hesitate to find someone to pretend to be Gao Fei, and let him and Gao Fei's woman have a marriage ceremony … At that time, not only would his Gao Family be disgraced and his prestige crushed, if Gao Fei was still alive, he would definitely not be able to lift his head.    


This result was exactly what Jiao Enzo wanted.    


At the same time, it was what Elegant wanted to see: As long as it could strike at Gao Fei, he wouldn't hesitate to pay any price!    


In any case, Elegance didn't participate in this matter, and he wasn't the one who leaked the news either. Even if Gao Family's reputation suffered any more damage, it had nothing to do with him.    


Anger would always blind smart people.    


He never thought that Jiao Enzo's vicious plan would not only be used against Gao Fei, but also Gao Family. After the reputation of one's Gao Family has been completely destroyed and one's prestige plummeted, there would definitely be someone who would benefit from it.    


The person who got the benefit was the person who washed Jiao Enzo clean.    


Zhang Yaoming vaguely thought about this. However, he didn't really believe that Jiao Enzo would ally with any wealthy family. He just made up his mind to avoid dealing with Jiao Enzo in the future.    


While Jiao Enzo was looking at the wind and clouds with an indifferent smile on his face, Liu Xiaoloong and Wang Chen had already had seven or eight tables filled with dishes under Gao Yunhua's leadership.    


The seven or eight tables they had sat at were all filled by people who were relatively close to Gao Family. There were also colleagues from Faang Xiaotine and her wife.    


"Hehe, Gao Fei, Wang Chen. Come, let me introduce you guys to Young Master Han Zekai and Young Master Han. This is his wife, Haolian Yanyue, the bureau chief of the ninth round."    


Gao Yunhua brought the two people to a table and introduced them with a smile.    


Gao Yunhua also knew that the Anggui King who pretended to be Gao Fei had interacted with Haolian Yanyue before, but he wasn't sure that Liu Xiaoloong and Wang Chen would know the couple.    


Even though Liu Xiaoloong was one of the 'famous people' in the Jingdu City circle, he had never interacted with Haolian Yanyue and his wife before.    


He did not know that when Anggui King pretended to be Gao Fei, he had that relationship with Haolian Yanyue. He could only imitate Gao Fei's actions to the best of his ability and said into the wine cup, "Young Master Han, Director-general Hao Lian, Wang Chenjing and I thank you two for attending our wedding!"    


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