Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C737 A Happy Life in High Altitude

C737 A Happy Life in High Altitude

It was seven days after Christmas when another heavy snowfall hit the ground.    


Gao Fei followed Nier back to her manor in the outskirts of New York City. There was a castle in the manor, which was said to have been built by a governor when the Eagle Britain people first set foot in the American colony.    


The style of the castle was ancient, and from the outside it looked somewhat dilapidated. However, the decorations inside were rather luxurious.    


It was said that the royal palace of the young prince of Saudi Arabia was built on the basis of the interior decoration of the castle.    


It wasn't Gao Fei's first time at the manor. A few years ago, he had spent half a year here with Nier, each day with a Cuban cigar in his mouth and a wine glass in his hand. He received the worship of the manor's servants like a gentleman.    


But now, he didn't have much of a nostalgia towards this manor. Nier stayed by his side all the time, even when she was at work. When the servants in the manor saw him, they always seemed to laugh until their skin went numb.    


Gao Fei became worried.    


At this moment, he only wanted to rush back home as fast as he could. When he saw Little Caesar, he would accompany him on the streets every day. Lee Decai, Chen Dabiao and the others would kick anyone they didn't like, exposing the faces of the happy popinjays.    


Old George was already sick and very serious.    


For this reason, Gao Fei couldn't reveal his desire to return as soon as possible, because in ten days, it would be his days to go to Eagle Britain and discuss with the Gerard family. During this time, he had to properly accompany Nier and live a sweet two-person world.    


She had been harmed by him, and he had given birth to a son. Not only would he not be able to marry her, he would have to look at her across the ocean like a groom weaver … At this time, Old George was very sick, if he left again, would he still be human?    


Don't forget that after he returned home, the two of them wouldn't see each other more than a few times a year. Anyway, his son was already safe, Lee Decai, Liu Xiaoloong and the others were enjoying their lives under his remote control, so he could take this opportunity to enjoy his good life.    


Of course, Gao Fei was also very worried about Yan Hong, Qin Chengcheng, and Liang Jiaojiao.    


Qin Chengcheng had already been arranged by Gao Yunhua to stay in the safest sanatorium, but the effect of detoxification wasn't good at all. When he was on the phone with Gao Yunhua, Gao Fei heard him say tactfully that in order to alleviate Qin Chengcheng's pain, the hospital had been forced to take some extraordinary measures.    


Gao Fei was very clear about the so-called extraordinary method, but he wasn't willing to say it out loud.    


As for Yan Hong, there was still no news of her at all.    


Liang Jiaojiao was probably the luckiest person among them, and had yet to be found.    


But she was also the one that troubled Gao Fei the most: no matter how Gao Yunhua tried to persuade her, she refused to accept the offer of protection.    


Gao Fei felt guilty towards Qin Chengcheng, he felt anger towards Yan Hong, and a headache for Liang Jiaojiao, but he felt helpless towards Shen Yinbing.    


God knows what had happened. After Gao Fei contacted Shen Yinbing, he could feel the woman's coldness even though he couldn't see her through the radio waves. It was a real coldness, the relationship between a beggar and a rich lady.    


Of course, other than these few women that Mr. Gao was worried about, Bai Ci made Gao Fei feel much more comfortable. During the two calls, she had always been full of love and even suggested using online videos to play and comfort her when the time was right.    


Gao Fei was very moved by Bai Ci's suggestion, but he thought about it and decided to let it go. It seemed like secretly doing that kind of thing in Nier's house was too disloyal.    


What's more, Mr. Gao was looking forward to see Nier's aunt every day, so how could he have the energy to make such a video?    


He was young and had good physical qualities, so every time he had a relationship, he would need at least 40 minutes.    


However, what the people said was right. Only a dead tired cow would not be able to plow the ground. Mr. Gao was a human, not a tireless god. If he got too tired, it would definitely harm his body.    


Leaving aside these entangled women, Gao Fei also had another worry on his mind, and that was Little Caesar.    


Hearing Gao Yunhua say that Old Master Gao, this heartless old thing, disliked Gao Fei, but he was extremely fond of Little Caesar, and when they heard that he would sooner or later return to the America to inherit the George Family, they even went into a rage for a while, and said that Gao Family was not lacking in money, there was no need to send such a obedient great-grandson to the America just for some smelly copper objects.    


Tsk, this old man doesn't know how to keep a low profile.    


What if he called in an anti-graft team?    


"Sigh, a bunch of unscrupulous people. Just what crime did this bro commit in his previous life that I would be entangled with you all my life!"    


Mr. Gao sighed in his heart as he looked up at the sky.    


It was a sunny day. Mr. Gao got up early. After brushing his teeth and washing his face, he walked out of the castle onto the lawn. It was already 10: 30 in the morning.    


As soon as Gao Fei walked down the steps to the lawn, he spread his arms and did a chest expanding exercise. The butler with a white cloth wrapped around his head walked over, bent over towards Gao Fei with his right hand, and respectfully said, "Good morning, Young Master."    


"Ah San, good morning."    


Gao Fei raised his hand to cover his mouth and greeted politely.    


The corners of the butler's mouth twitched. He was dissatisfied with the insult, but seeing as it was worth over ten thousand dollars a month, he thought he was deaf. He still said respectfully, "Young Master, Miss said that you can go to the back garden when you wake up."    


"Got it, Ah San."    


Gao Fei nodded with a smile. He put on his cotton shoes and walked towards the back.    


Behind the castle was a small hill, with a garden, swimming pool or skating rink, as well as golf courses, tennis courts and other sports fields. These were all in Old George's manor, it was so extravagant that people couldn't help but catch Old George's hair and give him a few big slaps and scold him a few more times.    


Last night's snow had given the manor a snow-white color, but it had already been cleaned up by the hardworking Fei servants. Even the lawn and flowers had been cleared away. If it weren't for the surrounding mountains being completely white, it would be hard to tell that it had snowed last night.    


Gao Fei slowly walked to the back of the castle on Fei Fei Fang Grass.    


Compared to the front, the field was too big and there were too few cardinals. Therefore, there was still snow on the lawn, making it look like a silvery white color.    


At the edge of the garden, there was a house made of glass. From afar, one could see Nier sitting on the boss's chair, as well as five to six men and women in black suits sitting on the sofas around the glass house.    


Gao Fei knew that these people were Nier's men and they were reporting something to their boss. It should be because of Old George's illness.    


"Good morning, Young Master."    


Seeing Gao Fei come in, the other men in black suits all stood up, placed their hands on their thighs. Their respect was not inferior to that of the butler, Ah San.    


A few years ago, when Gao Fei lived here, everyone called him Mr. Gao.    


When he entered the manor for the second time seven days ago, Ah San and the others still called him Mr. Gao.    


Mr. Gao did not like the name Mr. Gao, saying that he was now Old George's genuine young master. If he were to be called Mr. Gao by the servants, it would be too disrespectful, so it was best to call him Young Master.    


Being called 'Master' would always make a man feel especially straight.    


After hearing these people call him Young Master, Gao Fei felt a great sense of accomplishment: this was Nier's trusted aide, not one of her men in the mall.    


Even though those people were earning money from Nier, they still maintained their self-respect. They never put themselves in their grandsons' shoes. Don't they know that eating people is the shortest way to go?    


Only Nier and her trusted aides were in line with Gao Fei's intentions. They called him 'Young Master' like Liu Tie when they saw him. Not only did they curry favor with Mr. Gao, but they also raised their own status in Nier's heart.    


"Hello everyone, sit down, sit down. Family, there's no need to be so polite."    


Gao Fei nodded and walked to Nier's side.    


Nier had already made way for her class chair and brought him a cup of milk tea.    


Drinking milk tea in the morning is good for your health.    


When Gao Fei saw that the people sitting down were all Nier's trusted aides, he knew that this wasn't any official business. He took a sip of the sweet milk tea, took the tissue from Nier, and wiped the corner of his mouth like a gentleman, "What's the matter?"    




Nier's eyes dimmed for a moment. She sat beside Gao Fei and whispered, "Gao Fei, Owen and the others came because of grandpa's illness. They took their grandpa's checklist and visited several large hospitals in Europe and the United States these days. They visited a lot of experts, but their results were not satisfactory. "    


Gao Fei stopped smiling lazily and frowned slightly.    


Old George, who was in his 80s, had not been in good shape for the past two years. After receiving a series of attacks from his close confidant, nearly causing the death of his granddaughter and his great-grandson, he returned to New York and laid on his bed.    


Old George was an influential figure in the world, a spiritual leader who focused both on George Family and the world around him. It was definitely a big matter for him to be seriously ill or even to be able to affect the stock market of Wall Street.    


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