Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C721 Wonderful Blood Type

C721 Wonderful Blood Type

A black, majestic city. Many soldiers wearing black armor were holding axes and other weapons as they stood inside the wall like statues. There were many people riding a horse and leading an ox on the road outside the city.    


Facing the city gates was a towering black palace. Above the palace, there was a signboard with a few small charms written on it. There were several suns in the sky in the distance...    


It was a pair of computer desktop wallpaper.    


After seeing this piece of wallpaper, Gao Fei was a bit surprised. "Eh, you've been there too?"    


The description on the wall paper was exactly the Ancient City of Loulan that Gao Fei had personally seen.    


Manager Hee didn't say anything. With a flick of his finger, the desktop changed once again.    


This time, a beauty appeared on the tabletop. She wore a bronze mask on her face. Although she looked very ferocious, from her casual actions, one could tell how beautiful she was.    


The wallpaper changed again. The bronze mask on the beauty's face had disappeared. The breathtaking Moxie Zhengdong appeared in Gao Fei's line of sight.    


Gao Fei's expression changed with the changing of the wallpaper. After reading more than a dozen pieces, the wallpaper returned to the first page.    


Manager Hee let out a sigh of relief and asked with a trembling voice, "Are you talking about these?"    


Gao Fei nodded slowly. "That's right. Since even King of Loulan had seen it, you should believe that Lou Lan did not destroy the entire country, right?"    


Manager Hee shook his head with a bitter smile: "We have never seen these things before."    


"Haven't you seen it before?"    


Gao Fei was slightly stunned and then immediately understood: "Oh, you guys got it from the Sea Serpent Mirage."    


"Yes, it's the Sea City Mirage. From generation to generation, our ancestors passed down that under the Taklimakan Desert in the northwest of the Divine Empire, there was an ancient city. It was where our ancestors lived for hundreds of years, and every year, during the Spring and Autumn Equinox, our people would go there countless of times, hoping to find the intersection of the ancient city. But unfortunately, we have never entered that area which is known as the Guisha before. "    


Manager Hee had a face full of regret. He looked at Gao Fei with eyes full of envy: "We, the legitimate descendants of King of Loulan, were not able to get in, but you just stumbled on it … "Well, what do you say?"    


Gao Fei thought about it and said, "Maybe it's fate? Actually, I don't want to go to that damned place. I almost didn't come back. Oh, well, let's get back to the subject. Perhaps, I can bring your boss to that place and pay respects to your ancestors. Then, do you really need to cause a ruckus and return back to your country? "    


Manager Hee's expression kept changing. After pondering for a long time, he said in a low voice: "Do you think that we will be willing to stay in that small country after we have great power?"    


Without waiting for Gao Fei to say anything, Manager Hee suddenly raised his voice and said: "I won't! It was because our ancestors had been forced to move to the Central Plains that they swore to build Lou Lan on the vast land and mountains. Why should we only be fit to be a neutral country in that barren piece of desert? It is precisely because of this unwillingness that we had the powerful Prairie Empire of over 700 years ago! "    


Looking at the impassioned Manager Hee, Gao Fei really couldn't bear to pour cold water on him.    


However, after thinking for a moment, he still said what he wanted to say, "It was precisely because of the existence of the powerful Prairie Empire that your ancestors were destroyed by the Prairie People, and you were almost completely annihilated on Everest."    




Manager Hee's expression suddenly turned hideous as he looked at Gao Fei viciously with the corner of his mouth twitching.    


Gao Fei said with an indifferent expression: "I'm just speaking the truth. If that's not the case, then just take it as me talking nonsense."    


Like a balloon that has been pricked, Manager Hee's hideous face disappeared and was replaced by bitterness: "You are right. There was a saying that was very correct. If one was not of my race, then their heart would definitely be different. However, all of the elites of the Anggui Cult were almost slaughtered clean, leaving behind only a few low-level disciples. With the help of three《 Anggui Scripture》, he has learnt a little of the basics, and will no longer be able to live up to the elegant demeanor of having disturbed the world with his Anggui Cult. "    


"What a sad history of tears and blood."    


However, before Manager Hee could become angry, he had rushed to ask: "I have already heard of the《 Anggui Book》 countless times, and have the honor of seeing three of them, but I can't see anything miraculous about them. I have also asked many people, including King of Loulan, and the current Anggui King, but none of them were able to satisfy me, so do you have anything else to say?"    


Manager Hee's eyes suddenly widened as he raised his hand to grab Gao Fei's shirt.    


Gao Fei grabbed his wrist and said with a little force, "What are you doing? Are you going to fight?"    


"No, no, I'm just a bit too excited."    


Manager Hee struggled for a while, then asked while panting heavily: "You just said, you have seen three [Anggui Sutra]?"    


Gao Fei let go of his hand and said with a frown, "Do you think I need to lie to you?"    


"What about the scriptures?"    


Manager Hee asked urgently.    


Gao Fei thought about it and said, "I gave it away."    


Manager Hee's face twisted: "Giving it away? You, you actually gave the scripture to someone else! "    


Gao Fei said, "I know that a man's wealth is his own ruin. Since many people want this book, it is useless to me. If you were me, you might give it to others, or burn it to avoid trouble."    


"If I were you, I would never give it away. Not even if you beat me to death!"    


"Unfortunately, you are not me. You are too greedy, and that is the same as being greedy in Buddhism. You will be punished. Oh, by the way, can you tell me what those scriptures are used for?"    


Actually, Gao Fei had once heard Peng Yunmu, Moxie Zhengdong, and the others talk about the effects of the Anggui Scripture . However, everyone's description was different, he hoped to hear a different version from Manager Hee.    


Of course, it was purely out of curiosity. Even if he could become an omnipotent Superman after obtaining the trap《 Anggui Scripture》, Gao Fei was just curious.    


After seeing that Gao Fei didn't seem to be lying, Manager Hee calmed down, retracted his hand and said: "I am just an average manager in the organization. I can guarantee that what I know is not as much as what you know. But in the organization, there is a saying. "    


"What do you mean?"    


Gao Fei asked in concern.    


Manager Hee looked at the entrance of the hall, and said in a low voice: "When the four classics are separated, no one will be able to see its use. But when all four volumes are put together, a great secret is discovered. Or rather, one of the four classics will produce a mysterious phenomenon that science cannot explain. "    


Gao Fei's eyes lit up, and he blurted out, "After collecting all four books, there will be a magic broom that will fly out and let you ride it across the world? "Perhaps a golden dragon will come out of nowhere, and from then on, you won't need to do anything else. You only need to pay the entrance fee and you will be able to live a life without worries for three generations?"    




Just as he was about to throw a tantrum, he calmed down. He snorted heavily and said, "Humph, I've already said it before, I don't know the specific mysterious phenomenon, but I promise that one day you will regret sending out the scriptures."    


Gao Fei's expression was dejected as he thought, "I don't regret it, because the scripture was stolen. It wasn't something that I was willing to give away."    


Seeing that Gao Fei seemed to regret it, Manager Hee's mood improved a lot. He changed the topic: "I'm surprised that you didn't get affected by our incense."    


Gao Fei said indifferently: "I am the nineteenth generation disciple of the Five Poison Saint Seedling Border, a mere incense stick, what can you do to me?"    


Manager Hee was finally angered by Gao Fei's bullshit. His mouth twitched as he said, "Nonsense!"    


"Since you know what I'm saying, then what else do you want to ask?"    


"Alright, I won't ask."    


Manager Hee took off his glasses and heaved a sigh of relief. He took out a piece of soft deer skin from his pocket and wiped it off, then said: "This ends our happy conversation, now it's time to talk about proper business. Do you agree to what I said? "    


As if suffering from amnesia, Gao Fei asked, "What is it?"    


Seeing Gao Fei feign ignorance, Manager Hee resisted the urge to open his mouth and bite: "Turn into Nikov, help us control Gerard, and help George, the two great families."    


Gao Fei was not pretending to be stupid this time, but really asked: "I am confused, since you have Worries-forgetting Powder s that can make people unable to escape and can prolong their lives, why do you still have to spend so much effort to control them? Giving them the Worries-forgetting Powder is not better than anything else? "    


"You really have a lot of questions, but fortunately, your luck wasn't bad and you didn't die from all these curiosity."    


Manager Hee coldly explained: "Worries-forgetting Powder s can control people, and let them extend their lifespan, but there are always good sides to everything, and also bad sides to everything. The Worries-forgetting Powder was useful to the vast majority of people, this was the good side. On the other hand, it is not good for AB blood types. Unfortunately, both Mr. Nikov and Miss Nier are of the same blood type. "    


It is well-known that humans have a total of four major blood types: O, A, B, and AB.    


Taking the 13.3 billion people of the dynasty as an example, the O-type blood was the most ancient blood type in anthropology, also known as the hunting blood type. It was mainly distributed in the Central Plains, and its origins were the Yellow Emperor Group and the Dongyi Group.    


The next was the A-type blood. Those ancestors who had this type of blood had used it to cultivate crops in ancient times, and it was also known as the farming blood type.    


Compared with the first two blood types, type B is an anthropologically later blood type, the first nomadic people accustomed to climate and other changes, also known as nomadic blood types.    


The type AB is the latest and rarest blood type, accounting for less than 5% of the population. This group has the characteristics of some type A blood and some type B blood. Historically, this group of type B blood men have been mixed up with other type A blood men.    


As for Nikov and Nier, why did they have AB blood type, and whether their ancestors were a mixture of farming blood type and nomadic blood type, that could not be verified, and there was no need to test, in any case, Gao Fei only needed to know that AB blood type was immune to Worries-forgetting Powder.    


In fact, in the current population of drug users and smokers and alcoholics, people with AB blood type were much simpler than other blood types, whether they were addicted to drugs or quit drinking. People with this type of blood type were usually very smart.    


As for why the AB type blood has so many benefits, that's something that requires genomics to ask. Those are the colors of scientists, we don't care, we only care about what's in front of us …    


"Oh, so that's how it is."    


Gao Fei nodded thoughtfully: "Ok, I promise you."    


Manager Hee smiled. "I knew Mr. Gao would agree. After all, this matter is of benefit to you."    


Gao Fei also smiled: "But, you have to agree to three conditions for me."    


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