Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C711 Street Police War

C711 Street Police War

After seeing the red light suddenly turn green and that he did not have a car accident, Zong Xialee was pleasantly surprised. After seeing the Enforcer at the intersection, he finally felt the warmth of a savior.    


Zong Xialee thought that as long as the Enforcer, who dealt a blow to evil and represented justice, was present, the gunmen behind him would definitely be scared witless. Just as he subconsciously stepped on the brakes, he suddenly saw that all the Enforcer were lying on the ground, and blood was flowing out from one of their shoulders.    


Zong Xialee had learned a lot from childhood, but he was very quick-witted and had a fast reaction time. Otherwise, he wouldn't have immediately driven away after noticing that something was wrong in the airport.    


Seeing that Enforcer was also injured, Zong Xialee immediately understood. Those gunners did not care about Enforcer and dared to shoot at them, which could only prove that Enforcer was temporarily unable to protect him. All he could do was to continue running.    


Zong Xialee roared, then raised the throttle again and rushed forward rapidly.    


In the blink of an eye, a few cars sped past the intersection and headed towards the city.    


James, who followed closely behind the blue business car, wanted to pass the car several times to intercept the gunner, but the criminal driving the car was also very skilled. Whenever he got close, he would shake his tail and the gunner lying in front of the car window would take the opportunity to shoot at him.    


James couldn't do anything about it even though it had been like this for several times. He could only yell angrily, but no one knew who he was scolding.    


Jingdu City was the heart of the dynasty, and could be said to be the center of economy, culture and politics. Its defense was the most important of all, and after the current car-chasing incident, the relevant authorities immediately reacted: They purposely opened a green channel for the container driver, and wherever his car headed, the road would be filled with green lights.    


At the same time, a large number of criminal law personnel were rapidly dispatched to gather at the area where the incident occurred from the ground and the air at the fastest speed, in an attempt to kill the criminals who were chasing after the boxes and goods in the suburbs.    


In a short period of time, half of the northwest suburbs of Jingdu City rang with the sound of countless sirens, and countless criminals roared through the streets.    


In fact, when the gunners saw the appearance of the Enforcer, they knew that they had nowhere to go other than surrender or be killed. They could only hope to kill the kids before they were exterminated.    


The eyes of the three bandits in the MPV had turned red. They repeatedly raised their guns to shoot at the children, and several times pointed their guns at the pedestrians, causing at least six innocent bystanders to be affected.    


It had to be said that before the group of gunners moved, they already prepared well. The car had sufficient magazine clips prepared. That was why they dared to recklessly shoot.    


Perhaps Little Caesar had the blessing of Buddha, maybe Zong Xialee's car skill was too good, he could always make the car sway at the most dangerous moment, maybe the gunners' luck was bad. In less than ten minutes, not even fifty meters away, no matter how crazy the shooting was, the children in the shopping cart were completely unharmed.    


This could not prevent the gunman from feeling angry and losing all sense of reason. No matter what, he had to kill the little guy!    


Unfortunately, their time was running out. As long as Zong Xialee passed the intersection in front of them, the four criminal snipers would be lying on the rooftops on both sides of the intersection with their fingers on the trigger. The target was not the gunman's head, but the wheels of the MPV.    


If the front wheel of a speeding car suddenly explodes, it is a very dangerous phenomenon.    


Zong Xialee's panic gradually dissipated after being chased for more than ten minutes, but he was still unharmed. Instead, he became excited and turned around to look at the road sign outside. Now, he was near the dinosaur museum.    


Thinking that as long as he survived this disaster, he would be interviewed by the reporters and become famous, Zong Xialee's heart would be in his throat. He would be so excited that his heart would pound.    


There was another intersection in front, and it was still green. All the cars that had to pass through this intersection had already been ordered by the Enforcer to the side of the road, the road was completely empty.    


Within a few breaths, the goods had rushed to the intersection.    


But at this moment, an accident suddenly happened!    


A sanitation car that specialized in carrying trash suddenly roared out from the northern intersection and landed horizontally in front of Zong Xialee.    


"Ah, no!"    


Seeing that the car was about to crash into the sanitation truck, Zong Xialee's eyes suddenly widened. With a scream, he stepped on the brakes, and the van, which had a speed exceeding 100 miles, suddenly turned around after speeding forward. With an ear-piercing noise, the two wheels on the left of the car were suspended in the air, and the entire car suddenly tilted to the right, about to flip onto the ground.    


The criminals lying in ambush at the intersection felt their hearts leap into their throats. Once the car flipped over, the MPV would definitely crash into the cart behind and harm the child.    


After an unexpected accident, the squadron leader responsible for this sniping operation was forced to issue the order to shoot in advance: "Fire!"    


As the four furious sniper bullets whizzed towards the blue MPV, the van that was tilting outwards and about to flip over, with godly help, the two left wheels turned around and fell back to the ground.    


Zong Xialee, who seemed to have lost his soul, suddenly felt the vibration from the wheel. His face was covered with tears and he laughed crazily. He quickly adjusted the steering wheel and charged straight out.    


Zong Xialee, who didn't know why he was being chased, also didn't know that just when his car was about to turn around, the shopping cart hanging on the back of the car also sped away from the car like a train that had its hooks unhooked. Carrying Little Caesar's shopping cart, under powerful inertia, the cart rushed towards the entrance of the Beijing's dinosaur museum.    




A loud sound rang out as three bullets hit the tire on the right side of the MPV.    


The blue MPV that was turning right was like a wild horse that had suddenly lost one of its forelegs as it galloped forward rapidly. It fell heavily onto the ground with its four wheels pointing upwards, skidding to the right for more than ten meters before colliding with a lamppost and coming to a stop.    


The sound of glass shattering could be heard. The driver who was driving a sanitation car was about to get off when a sniper shot through the glass and hit the driver's left temple. Puff! He fell onto the road.    


James, who arrived later, suddenly stepped on the brakes.    


At this time, he could not act rashly, or else he would be mistaken by the highly focused sniper as a gunner's accomplice. If he did, he would be in deep trouble.    


The moment the car driver fell to the ground, dozens of heavily armed criminal pundits lying in ambush at the intersection charged at the two cars with submachine guns in their hands.    


Within the blue MPV, a gunner struggled to lift his gun. Before he could pull the trigger, a rain of bullets swept through the area …    


James did not care what Enforcer would do with the gunmen. What he cared the most about were the children. Just as he opened the car door and was about to jump out, he was stopped by several other criminal punishers pointing their guns at him: "Don't move!"    


Today was the weekend, so Faang Xiaotine woke up early.    


In fact, Faang Xiaotine got up early every day after she saw Gao Fei for the last time. She had already eaten breakfast before daybreak.    


During this time, Faang Xiaotine had become much more silent and haggard.    


Everyone knew why she was silent and haggard, but no one knew how to comfort her. This was because they had all changed their positions and thought that if they were in her shoes, they would lose their minds in the face of their two sons.    


Perhaps Faang Xiaotine needed a long time to think alone and calm down.    


After returning to Beijing, Faang Xiaotine liked to go to the library and museum.    


She felt that in this quiet and charismatic atmosphere, her unwilling and irritable heart would finally calm down and find a place to entrust herself to.    


During the time she was back in Beijing, Faang Xiaotine didn't go to the Film and Television Bureau to work. Every day, she would go to all the major libraries and museums. Today, she arrived at the Beijing Mountain Dinosaur Museum.    


This was the third time she had visited this museum in the northwest suburbs.    


For some reason, when Faang Xiaotine stood in front of the giant dinosaur fossil, she always felt an inexplicable sense of intimacy, as if she was a ferocious Tyrannosaurus Rex in her previous life. In general, strong people always subconsciously imagined themselves to be a tiger, or a dinosaur.    


Actually, whether it was the museum or the library, it was not too early in the morning for them to open the door. Actually, whether it was the museum or the library, it was not early in the morning for them to open the door.    


Only in a crowded bus, Faang Xiaotine will find a sense of security, feeling that the world is not abandoned in a mother's heart, the child is her world.    


It was only just after 7: 30 when Faang Xiaotine arrived in front of the Jing Shan dinosaur museum. There was still more than an hour before the museum opened.    


She wore a long and wide white down jacket, a white wool hat on her head, and a blue woolen scarf that covered most of her face. She had her hands in her pockets as she stood on the steps of the museum, quietly looking at the intersection in front of her.    


If one were to look at Faang Xiaotine's figure and her pair of watery eyes, others would definitely not be able to tell that she was a middle-aged woman in her forties. Perhaps they would even think that she was a 20 year old girl.    


Faang Xiaotine did not care how cold the weather was. Standing silently on the stairs, watching the cars that passed by, an unknown amount of time passed by. Just as she was about to move her slightly stiff legs, several Law Enforcement Vehicle wailed as they drove over.    


As the door opened, countless fully armed criminals quickly took control of the intersection and directed the passing vehicles to move to the side.    


What happened?    


Faang Xiaotine's dull gaze finally showed some changes as she became curious.    


The intersection which had been bustling just a moment ago became empty soon after the appearance of the criminal law practitioner.    


The criminals were able to quickly hide in their surroundings.    


The area in front of the museum was over a hundred meters away from the intersection, so the criminals did not notice her.    


Just as Faang Xiaotine was getting curious, the crisp sound of gunfire could be heard from the left side of the road.    


Subconsciously, Faang Xiaotine quickly stuck to the back of a pillar in the museum hall and looked over there. She saw a van dashing over with a dark blue business car chasing closely behind it. Some people even stuck their heads out of the windows and fired towards the front.    


"A street police battle?"    


As this thought floated in Faang Xiaotine's mind, she suddenly realized that there was a shopping cart hanging from the back of the van.    


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