Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C709 The Devil in the Church

C709 The Devil in the Church

What Gao Fei wanted to do was simple. He needed to kill someone to suppress his worry for his son.    


Of course, the best target to be killed was undoubtedly the groom Nikov, because Old George had already contacted the subordinate he had arranged to assassinate Little Caesar, but didn't contact anyone. This proved as he had predicted, the person he sent to kill Little Caesar had already been killed by Fannie, and the person he sent to kill Little Caesar had already been replaced with Nikov's subordinate.    


Unfortunately, the real Nikov was not at the wedding.    


But that didn't matter. Nikov was not here, and his family was. For example, his sister Helen, that cool British woman.    


As the saying goes, fathers pay back their debts, or they call it brothers and sisters pay back their debts. Gao Fei desperately needs to kill people to dilute his worry for his son.    


Seeing Gao Fei's eyes turn red and the Evil Qi rush into the sky, his glasses went blank for a moment, but then he thought of something and a cold light flashed across his eyes: "Child, child is in trouble?"    


Glasses guessed that only when Little Caesar was harmed would the calm Gao Fei release the Evil Qi that wanted to kill. At the same time, he immediately thought of the worst case scenario: once Little Caesar was killed, Gao Fei would definitely not let Old George off.    


So, should we take advantage of the chaos and get rid of him?    


"The child is fine for the time being, but I can't guarantee that he will survive."    


Gao Fei turned around abruptly and looked at his glasses coldly, "Did you guess what I was going to do? So you wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of me in order to cure Old George's hidden danger?"    


Glasses-man wasn't surprised at all when he heard Old George's thoughts. He sighed and said, "Sigh, I once swore that as long as I am alive, no one can hurt Old George."    


"Alright. If my son is truly in trouble, I will kill you before I kill that old bastard. "    


Gao Fei laughed sinisterly, turned around and jumped on the bench. He stepped on the back of the chair as he rushed into the church.    


"Are you that confident that you can kill me? To express doubt. "    


The corner of Glasses-man's mouth twitched a few times. His face regained its calm and he was no longer in a hurry to rush out of the church. He sat in the last row of chairs and looked ahead.    


Dozens of America special forces who were hired by a large amount of money were quickly divided into three groups. One group was to protect Helen, one group was to protect Kruse, and another group was to surround those reporters and guests who were taking photos with guns.    


At this moment, Mr. Gao suddenly appeared in front of all the bodyguards. "F * ck, what is this murderous guy trying to do? Is he trying to court death by standing so high?"    


Subconsciously, at least thirty bodyguards raised their guns and aimed at Gao Fei.    


However, the moment before they fired, Gao Fei leaped down like an eagle and kicked the chin of the closest bodyguard who had just raised his gun. Gao Fei smashed his jaw, grabbed his gun, and fired towards the glass chandelier hanging above the church.    


As the gunshots rang out, the glass in the chandelier shattered. Amidst the screams of the crowd, the glass shattered from the sky.    


After shattering the chandelier with a few shots, Gao Fei raised his elbow and hit a bodyguard who pounced over. His target this time was the wall lamp on the wall of the church.    


With the sound of gunfire mixed with screams, all the lights in the church were broken by Gao Fei. The big guys sank into darkness, their wails became louder, and the unfortunate ones who were shot were crying and howling.    


There was no helping it, there were hundreds of guests running around like headless flies in the church. Some unlucky fellows must have taken the initiative to hit the bullets and died on the spot. It was fortunate that they were lucky.    


Originally, all the bodyguards had locked onto Gao Fei and no matter how strong he was, he couldn't escape everyone's attacks. However, after the huge church fell into darkness, the bodyguards became headless and didn't know what to do.    


They can't shoot around in the dark, can they?    


The one in charge was an active lieutenant. His reaction was fast. He immediately jumped onto a chair and fired several shots into the sky. He shouted, "Everybody, squat down! Shut up! Otherwise, we will kill without mercy!"    


Before the lieutenant could finish his words, a bullet struck him in the forehead and his huge body fell heavily onto the ground.    


Although the lieutenant was dead, his last words were effective. All the guests tightly shut their mouths and squatted on the ground. Except for the unfortunate silencer, even their wails were cut off by an invisible knife.    


Within the huge church, there were hundreds of distinguished guests who did not have time to run out of the church. No one dared to make a sound, so the scene immediately fell into a strange silence.    


However, everyone, including those bodyguards, felt a sense of fear from being watched by some demon in the dark. It was as if in the next moment, a bloody mouth and ferocious fangs would appear beside them.    


Of course, everyone present had cellphones as well as flashlights for illumination. However, no one would foolishly switch on their flashlights and allow the demons hidden in the darkness to swallow them in one gulp.    


The moment Nikov was stabbed in the throat, Helen, who was sitting in the front row watching the ceremony, felt an inconceivable fear.    


But soon after, when she saw that the bodyguards didn't care about Nikov who was cut by the knife and had rushed over to protect them, she realized that Nikov was fake and immediately cursed how crafty Nikov was.    


Even the siblings were pale in the face of such supreme power.    


After the scene was engulfed in darkness, just like the others, Helen also had the feeling that she was being watched by a devil. Moreover, she was keenly aware that the devil's main target could very likely be her.    


No, I must move on in the dark or I'll regret it too late.    


Helen subconsciously raised her hand and looked at the luminous watch on her wrist. It was now 7: 30 PM, and other than Shen Yin who was shot by the bullet, the inside of the church was still deathly silent. Someone had once tried to charge in with a flashlight, but fell on the ground as soon as they stepped through the door.    


Apparently, there were demons guarding the front gate of the church, preventing reinforcements from entering.    


Helen listened attentively for a moment, then she slowly bent down and slowly squeezed her way through the crowd towards the back of the church. When she squeezed through the crowd of bodyguards, there were also people who realized that they were going to slowly move to the back and sides of the church without saying a word. They were all hoping to have their backs against the wall so that they could feel safe.    


The bodyguards were obviously unable to stop him, because this was the best method right now.    


Helen slowly squeezed through the crowd, worried that her high heels would attract attention. She quietly shook off her shoes and tiptoed to the back of the church.    


Her luck was good as she safely made it to the back door of the church.    


The walls on either side of the back door of the church were lit by wall lamps, but they were not very bright, enough for her to see the doors of light that were out of danger.    


Tap, tap … The sound of light footsteps came from behind her. Helen turned her head to look behind as she pushed open the door, and then she was scared out of her wits: she saw a young man, the man who had jumped onto the back of the chair just before the lights went out!    


Helen hadn't been able to clearly see what the demon looked like, but now she was certain that it was the person who wanted to hurt her.    


Her hunch was right, this person was Gao Fei.    


When Helen turned to look at her, she had already raised her handgun and smiled cruelly, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.    


"No, don't kill me!"    


Helen was scared out of her wits when she saw Gao Fei raise his pistol. She screamed as she pushed open the back door and rushed out without caring about anything else.    


There was a lingering sense of fear in Helen as she rushed out into the snow and ice: she felt that before she could reach the outside, the bullet would have pierced her body.    


However, to her surprise, none of this happened. As soon as she set her foot on the snow, a chilling cold spread out, causing her to run forward as fast as she could.    


Just like how Mannock was being hunted while hugging Little Caesar, Helen did not know how long she could run or where she could run for. Her running actions were just a subconscious act of fear.    


Helen didn't forget to look back a few times as she ran: the demon chasing her with a pistol in his hand, neither too fast nor too slow, as if he was sure she couldn't escape his grasp.    


Outside the back door of the church was a small garden, all the flowers and plants covered in snow.    


Passing through this small garden was the back door of the church's backyard, an iron fence, and outside was the endless road traffic.    


Helen's only thought was that as long as they ran onto the highway, they would have a chance of escaping from the demons. She used all her strength to run as fast as she could, but her tears still dripped from her extreme fear.    


Finally, Helen rushed to the iron fence. She could even see a drunkard waving his hands and singing as he passed by. She grabbed onto the iron fence and yanked it!    


With a crashing sound, the iron bars were chained shut, making it impossible for her to open them.    


"Ah, how could it be like this?"    


Helen screamed in despair as she turned her head to look. The demon had already appeared four to five meters behind her.    


"Don't come near me, don't come near me!"    


Helen screamed in despair as she grabbed onto the iron bars with both hands, desperately trying to climb up. She wanted to jump over the bars before the demons pounced on her.    


Under extreme fear, Helen's movements completely deformed. Normally, she could only climb up the iron fence a few times, but she failed to do so a few times, but the last time she managed to climb up, a cold hand grabbed her ankle. With a tug, she screamed and let go, falling down.    


During the fall, Helen's eyes rolled back as she fainted.    


Gao Fei originally wanted to kill Helen, but the moment he was about to pull the trigger, he changed his mind. He felt that it would be more useful for her to live than die, perhaps he could find out Nikov's whereabouts from her.    


When Helen fainted and was carried by Gao Fei, finally, one of the bodyguards rushed out of the back door of the church and shouted, "Stop, stop!"    


Gao Fei turned his head and looked at those people coldly. He carried Helen on his shoulder and placed his right foot on the iron fence. He grabbed the fence with his left hand and used his strength to carry Helen over.    


Bang, bang bang!    


After a few shots, a few bodyguards rushed over and jumped over the fence. They looked around: apart from the cars on the road and a few pedestrians, there was no sign of an assassin.    


When the bodyguards dispersed and looked everywhere to find Gao Fei's whereabouts, the reinforcements finally arrived. More than a dozen America Enforcer Enforcer s rushed into the church with Intense Light s as torches in their hands and started to disperse the people outside in an orderly manner.    


Glasses calmly followed the stream of people out of the church. He looked around and took out his phone, "Master Jue, I think it's time for you to leave."    


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