Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C546 Taiji Eight Trigram Diagram

C546 Taiji Eight Trigram Diagram

The coffin was about seven to eight meters tall, as tall as two floors. Its surface was very smooth, and if Living Buddha Kayang wanted to jump up from below, not to mention ordinary people, it would be an impossible task.    


However, on both sides of the coffin, there were nine wooden pegs, each more than one meter in length.    


The two rows of wooden pegs on either side of the coffin had a name. It was called Heaven Stairway, which meant that one could climb the sky from here.    


Living Buddha Kayang jumped up just now to use these nine wooden pegs to climb up the coffin.    


But who would have thought that just as he jumped, two large stones suddenly fell from the sky.    


The big one was below and the big one was above.    


Looking at the two rapidly falling rocks, Living Buddha Kayang let out a mournful roar, but he didn't have enough time to dodge. He could only flip his hands up and actually caught the rock.    


However, his body that was trying to get up was also hit by the stone.    


The moment his feet touched the ground, Living Buddha Kayang roared again and threw the stone. At the same time, he rolled to the side as fast as he could in hopes of avoiding the second falling stone.    


Unfortunately, the time between the two stones was too short. Before he could roll out even half a meter, the stone grazed his body and fell to the ground. With a roll, it pressed down on his right leg.    


The second stone was two times bigger than the first, and was as big as the table of the Eight Immortals Table. Fortunately, it didn't directly smash into Mr. Lifesaver, otherwise, it would definitely smash him into meat paste. After all, falling from over thirty meters high, the stone itself, coupled with its strong inertia, weighed at least a few tons.    


However, even if Living Buddha Kayang's luck was not bad, after being pressed down by that large rock on his right leg, his face instantly turned pale as he let out a heart-wrenching scream.    


Seeing this, Mr. Gao was happy.    


Gao Fei was originally the type of person who was always happy when he heard that he was unlucky. When he saw Living Buddha Kayang, who had repaid the debt of gratitude and enmity, he immediately became spirited. He almost carried Liu Tie as he charged through the rain of stones and arrived under the huge coffin on the shore.    


"Save me, save me!"    


Living Buddha Kayang used both of his hands to lift the unmoving rock and cried for help.    


"Save you? Heh heh, I'm not sick! "    


Gao Fei chuckled gloatingly. He put Tieh Tu on the rock and jumped up.    


The rock had crushed Mr. Buddha to death, and now there were two men standing on top of it. One of them purposely stomped on it with his foot, making him scream even louder.    


Needless to say, with this rock as a stepping stone, the distance between Gao Fei and the top of the coffin became much shorter.    


"Lao Tieh, you hide first, get ready!"    


Gao Fei raised his head and looked at the top of the yacht-like coffin. He took a deep breath, grabbed a wooden pin and shook it vigorously a few times.    


The wooden pegs that had been wedged into the coffin were firm and unmoving.    


Gao Fei leaped up and quickly climbed to the top of the coffin with nine wooden pins like a monkey.    


The top of the coffin was very flat and wide, like the deck of a yacht. It was enough to hold dozens of people.    


Gao Fei's heart sank as he observed the thickness of the coffin lid.    


When the calamity arrived, Gao Fei thought of climbing into the coffin to hide. This was undoubtedly the best place to hide.    


However, when he climbed up the coffin, he discovered that the coffin lid was several tens of centimeters thick. Moreover, it was firmly nailed in place. Opening the coffin wasn't an easy matter.    


The most important question was, even if he could open the coffin, would he be able to hold up a coffin as thick as the deck of a yacht?    


"What should I do? How can I get in?"    


Gao Fei thought irritably and dodged a falling rock. He removed the Golden Snake Sword and fiercely slashed at the coffin lid.    


He hoped that he could use the Golden Snake Sword s to cut through the metal like mud, and split the lid of the Gold Silk Sannan Wood Coffin.    


The Golden Snake Sword was indeed sharp, even though it was made of golden silk and zhennan wood, it was as hard as steel, but it was still cut open by the treasured sword.    


But if he wanted to rely on the Golden Snake Sword to cut open a hole in the coffin's lid, he would need at least an hour to succeed.    


Tieh Tu and Living Buddha Kayang had both said that after the Dragon Point activated its self-destruct mode, the time needed to completely destroy the coffin would be within two hours. In theory, Gao Fei had enough time to split the coffin lid.    


However, even if Gao Fei could split open the lid of the coffin as fast as he could and climb into the coffin in time, the coffin would no longer be sealed and the lake water could be poured into the opening he had made.    


He used his sword to cut a hole in the coffin. The way he got into the coffin didn't work.    


The only way was to open the coffin and climb in.    


However, not to mention Gao Fei's unsteady feet, even if he was on the ground, he still wouldn't be able to open up such a huge coffin, right?    


What should he do?    


[Is he going to die just like that?]    


Gao Fei, who only used his treasured sword to hack down once, stared at the smooth coffin lid in a daze as despair surfaced in his eyes.    


At this moment, Living Buddha Kayang's voice came from below, "Gao Fei, quickly save me, I have a way to open the coffin!"    


Gao Fei suddenly lowered his head and shouted, "What can you do?"    


Living Buddha Kayang replied, "Save me first, or everyone will die together!"    


Gao Fei never intended to leave Living Buddha Kayang behind (He wanted to take out who is the traitor from this old thief's mouth), hearing this he nodded his head, but just as he was about to let go, Tieh Tu shouted in time, "I know how to open this coffin!"    


"That's great, why didn't you say so earlier!"    


Jack was overjoyed. He jumped onto the coffin and quickly took off his Gao Feiet and pants, tore them into strips and tied them together, then hung them down like ropes. "Lao Tieh, hold on to the rope!"    


When the Dragon Point activated its self-destruct mode, it was extremely terrifying. However, at this moment, other than the ground slightly trembling, the muffled booms were still the same, and the steam coming out from the cracks were becoming thicker and thicker, the sky was no longer falling stones, as if it had stopped its self-destructing.    


Gao Fei didn't know what was going on, but from the sound that sounded like muffled thunder, the steam got stronger and stronger. Gao Fei didn't know what was going on, but from the sound that looked like muffled thunder, the steam got thicker and thicker, and these phenomena looked like the Dragon Point actually didn't stop destroying itself.    


But no matter what, Gao Fei temporarily removed the danger of getting hit by a huge rock and was able to pull Tieh Tu up safely.    


After pulling Tieh Tu onto the coffin, Gao Fei panted and asked, "Since you know how to enter the coffin, why didn't you say so earlier?" "This has caused my brother's heart to turn cold."    


Tieh Tu reached out his hand to support Gao Fei's shoulder and smiled bitterly, "At the beginning, I didn't know, but it was Living Buddha Kayang who reminded me of this huge coffin with a staircase called 'Sky-Opening Coffin'. The lid of the coffin wasn't wedged together by nails, but was pushed up through the groove, just like the drawers on our computer table. "You can see that there are 999 gold nails on the coffin's lid. They are similar to decorations. They have the effect of reducing the devil's strength."    


Commander Mojin was definitely the best who knew the most about coffins in the world. Even the owner of the coffin shop knew better than him that it was a professional robber's tomb. What kind of coffins had he never seen before?    


Therefore, Tieh Tu knew from the books that he inherited from his ancestors that this Heavenly Coffin was not a rare item.    


"Wait a minute, let's talk about that later. Hurry up and tell me how you're going to get into the coffin!"    


While Tieh Tu was gasping for breath, Gao Fei quickly reminded him that this was not the time to tell stories.    


The book says that in the northwest direction of the Celestial Coffin, which is to say below the Big Dipper, there will be an invisible Yin Yang Eight Trigram Diagram. As long as you find the Eight Trigram Diagram, and press it on the fish eye of the Eight Trigrams Yin Yang Fish, turn left three times, turn right six times, and after three times, a downward hole will appear on top of the Celestial Coffin, just like the entrance to the submarine.    


Tieh Tu wrapped his arms around Gao Fei's neck and looked up at the sky.    


Half of the 24 stars above had fallen along with the debris. However, the brightest star, Big Dipper, was still shining brightly.    


"The Big Dipper has descended, there is no more life."    


After softly spitting out these eight words, Tieh Tu quickly walked towards the northwest direction of the coffin lid.    


According to the folklore, when the two gods of the north and south battled each other, 'Red in the South', 'White in the North', 'White in the North', 'The Great Death', and 'Life' in the 'mother's womb, from the' South 'to the' Big Dipper '.    


That was why Tieh Tu said that after the Big Dipper descended, there was no more life left.    


Gao Fei didn't know anything about the Southern Arena lord's death. What he wanted the most now was to find the invisible Eight Trigram Diagram, open the coffin and hide inside it before the Big Dipper fell.    


The two of them quickly walked to the northwest corner of the coffin under the Big Dipper. Tieh Tu knelt on one knee and looked at the coffin lid at a angle of 35 degrees. He immediately saw the invisible eight trigram diagram and shouted excitedly, "Look, that's the Taiji eight trigram diagram!"    


Taiji eight trigram diagram, with the center of the circle as the boundary, draw two equal yin yang fish to indicate the relationship between all things.    


The yin fish use black, the yang fish use white, this is day and night expression.    


The head of a Yang Fish has a Yin Eye. The head of a Yin Fish has a Yang Eye, which indicates that all living things are transforming into each other, permeating each other. There is Yang in Yin, Yin in Yin, Yin and Yang in Yin.    


The round center can be divided into four parts for four images.    


The four phenomena were sun, moon, shaoyang, and shaoyin.    


The four images express the north, south, east and west of space, the spring, summer, autumn and winter of time.    


Any set of contradictions, with a central point, was a set of three talents.    


Ancient philosophy believed that heaven, earth, and man were the three talents. On the basis of the theory of four images, it added another level, and added two items: Yangming and Jueyin. It combined with the four images to form the theory of six.    


He turned left three times, which meant Heaven, Earth, and Mortal.    


Six laps on the right conformed with the Six Harmonies of the world.    


Third talent, the sixth contract will be completed three times and the Yin and Yang will be opened. The two sides will be together and the lid of the coffin will open.    


After bending his body slightly to see the Taiji eight trigram diagram's location, Gao Fei immediately laid on the surface. Following Wu Tie's instructions, his right thumb pressed down on the Yin Fish Eyes, pressing it together with the other four fingers, slowly rubbing it.    


To be honest, Gao Fei didn't believe that Tieh Tu would be able to open the lid of the coffin.    


However, other than believing in it, he had no other choice. He could only try his luck and rub it vigorously.    


Then, Gao Fei saw an incredible scene. The two Yin-Yang fish in the eight trigram diagram started to spin slowly. It was heavy, but there was no stagnation.    


"There's a door!"    


Gao Fei was ecstatic. He quickly rubbed the yin yang fish and completed the steps Tieh Tu mentioned a few minutes later. Then he raised his head and stared at the coffin lid, hoping that a hole would suddenly appear on the smooth as a mirror.    


But to his disappointment, he waited a full minute, and there was no movement from the coffin lid.    


"Lao Tieh, is, is your method useless?"    


Gao Fei's voice was hoarse. Just as he finished speaking, he saw the Southeast Angle opposite of the Taiji eight trigram diagram, which was the lid of the coffin underneath Nan Dou Star, actually slowly opening.    


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