Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C2112 Shen Yin Bing Recurrence

C2112 Shen Yin Bing Recurrence

Gao Miaomiao had never used such a serious attitude to swear that she didn't betray Gao Fei.    


Ever since that night, when she slept like a Persian cat in Gao Fei's arms until dawn, she didn't want to leave this life and strive for her previous dream.    


When a person lives, he should be safe, happy and calm. He should slowly grow old together with the person he cared about, especially when it was a woman.    


Gao Miaomiao felt that it was not too late for her to see through this. After all, she was still young, with a face as beautiful as an angel, a body as seductive as a demon, and skin as smooth as satin — she definitely had the right to live again.    


But who would've thought that just as she was about to give up and start anew, Shen Yinbing viciously wanted to kill her … If not for Gao Fei's warm embrace, she would have thought that she was dead and everything in front of her was fake.    


At this time, Shen Yinbing had changed back into the face of the manager's wife. She said gently, "Gao Ling only cut off a little of your earlobe and knocked you out. You didn't die, and I won't kill you."    


Just when Gao Miaomiao raised her hand to rub her injured earlobe subconsciously, Gao Fei said, "There's a bug hidden in your earlobe."    


Seeing the bug that was smaller than a green bean in Gao Fei's hand, Gao Miaomiao's tears that were filled with grievance stopped abruptly. She slowly picked it up with a surprised expression on her face and said hoarsely, "A bug? In my earlobe? I, why didn't I know? "    


"If you knew, you'd never wake up."    


Shen Yinbing replied indifferently.    


The meaning of her words was obvious: Gao Miaomiao let her go because she didn't know she had such a bug in her earlobe. If she knew that he had this thing with him, and she still dared to stay in his old house, it would prove that she was willing to serve Black Robe. Shen Yinbing would definitely not let her off.    


Gao Miaomiao was also the type of woman with a high IQ. After staring blankly with the bug in her hand, she figured out what was going on: Shen Yinbing gnashing her teeth in an attempt to kill her before she fainted; in reality, she was acting.    


At the same time, Gao Miaomiao also thought for a while and felt that if she was Shen Yinbing, she would also do the same thing. After all, even if Shen Yinbing killed her with this excuse, Gao Fei wouldn't say anything.    


Putting the bug on the cabinet, Gao Miaomiao said to Shen Yinbing in a low voice, "Director Shen, I'm sorry. I misunderstood you. Thank you for forgiving me."    


"It's nothing. You are mine now. As long as you are loyal, I will give you the happiness you want."    


Shen Yinbing shook her head and changed the subject. "Tell me, why did you suddenly come home?"    


"I got a call."    


Gao Miaomiao sniffed and sat on the edge of the brick bed. "I can hear that it's Exorcist's voice," she said softly.    


"The Red Dust Demon Dao?"    


"Yes, that's her."    


"What does she want you to do?"    


"She said she wanted to see Boss Gao."    


Gao Miaomiao raised her head and looked at Gao Fei. "Let me meet with you in her place."    


Gao Fei and Shen Yinbing looked at each other, and they could see the pride in each other's face that their scheme had succeeded.    


Gao Fei lit a cigarette. "What did she say?"    


Gao Miaomiao said, "She told me to ask you to go to Bat Hill at eleven o'clock tomorrow night."    


"Bat Mountain? Where is Bat Hill? "    


While Gao Fei was frowning slightly, Shen Yinbing took out her phone and started to look for the exact location of Bat Mountain.    


Like the Swallow Mountain, Qianfo Mountain and other mountain ranges, they all belonged to the mountain range of Mt. Tai. However, compared to the other mountain peaks, the Bat Mountain could be said to be a truly poor mountain.    


The mountain contained some extremely acidic ore, but it had no mining value. Perhaps this ore had no value, and aside from the thorny jujube trees on the mountain, there was no way to grow fruit trees, so the mountain was still completely barren. It was said that even wild rabbits did not want to live there.    


However, there were many large and small caves on Bat Mountain, and many black-flowered bats lived in these caves. It was said that zoologists who studied species were very interested in these bats.    


Of course, Gao Fei wasn't interested in these Black Flower Bats, he was only concerned about his date with Hong Chen.    


"Alright, I understand. From now on, don't go to work, rest at home, and don't go out."    


Taking Shen Yinbing's phone and looking through it, Gao Fei said to Gao Miaomiao: "It's best if you don't even leave the house."    


"I know."    


Gao Miaomiao nodded her head in agreement. Then, she continued, "But, the work on Beishan Group has already reached a critical moment. The middle and upper echelons still need to wait for me to return to the meeting to study the new products …"    


Shen Yinbing interrupted her, "That's alright. There will be someone to work for you."    




Gao Miaomiao said no more.    


More than an hour later, four black Mercedes-benz s slowly drove to the bottom of Faang Family Village's archway.    


Because something was not right with the recent situation, Faang Family Village s had been strengthened their patrols, and all foreign vehicles that entered the Faang Family Village s had to undergo strict investigation. Ergou was currently the main person in charge of this work.    


Ergou knew that, in addition to the three patrollers he was leading, there were at least ten other criminal punishments lurking in the small buildings on both sides of the road — warriors of Iron-Blood Third Company. They were divided into several groups and monitored the situation of the memorial archway 24 hours a day.    


Since he had the help of the criminal law, Ergou naturally had an unparalleled spirit. Seeing that the Mercedes-Benz was only two hundred meters away, he had already brought people to stand by the roadside, waving the small red flag in his hand, signalling for the car to stop for inspection.    


The car stopped and someone got out of the first car. It was a man in a black suit with sunglasses and chewing gum. He looked very arrogant.    


"May I ask who you are? Is there anything I can help you with?"    


The fact that Ergou was able to bring an invitation when he first spoke, rather than something like this meant that Ergou's quality had improved significantly. What was even more rare was that he even had a friendly smile on his face when he spoke.    


Right now, the people of Faang Family Village had the right to be arrogant, but they also understood that the qualifications to be arrogant were brought here by thousands of outsiders, and they were here to give them money.    


The black suit didn't pay any attention to Ergou's bowing head as he looked into the car. He only said, "My surname is Han, I'm here to pick you up."    


"Who are you picking up?"    


Ergou asked subconsciously, but his pupils suddenly contracted. From the passenger seat, he saw a standardized submachine gun, and in the backseat, there was a man also carrying a submachine gun.    


"Spear, spear..."    


Ergou thought he was someone who had seen a lot of things, but after seeing the situation, he suddenly felt his heart palpitating. He felt cold all over and his tongue went stiff. He really wanted to shout out what he saw, but no matter how hard he tried, his voice was like a mosquito humming.    


Ergou's reaction caught the eyes of the black suit, but it did not take it seriously. Instead, it stared at the slowly approaching car and its eyes lit up. "We are here to pick up Director Shen."    


Director Shen, which Director Shen?    


Ergou looked around and saw a car parked by the side of the road. A girl jumped down from the car and opened the back door.    


Next, Shen Yinbing, who was wearing a white windbreaker, walked out of the car.    


"Director Shen, be careful. They have guns, let's go!"    


Seeing Shen Yinbing unexpectedly appear here, the ice-cold Er Gou suddenly boiled with blood, broke through all the shackles, and roared out loud. Then, like a madman, he jumped to her side and spread out his arms to protect her. Although his face was terrifyingly pale and his body was trembling, he still tried his best to stand in front of her.    


Two years ago, Ergou was still a irritating person. Even his old mother had said that Gouzi was destined to be a bachelor and live his entire life by himself. This was his life.    


Gouzi also thought the same, so he was more lazy and didn't want to get ahead.    


But who would have thought that at the same time, because of Gao Fei's return to Faang Family Village, Ergou would bring about such a huge change to the village. Relying on his status as a ruffian, Ergou shamelessly followed Faang Leezhu to the position of Security Captain, barely obtaining a proper job, hoping to change his life.    


Ergou worked hard like everyone else because he had witnessed the great change in Faang Family Village. He had gone from a toad to a swan, just like Ergou. He had been told by his mother that he would be single for life, but now he was living in a small building.    


Just like everyone else with Faang Family Village, Ergou knew that it was all thanks to Gao Fei that he was able to achieve his current state.    


No matter what happened, the people from the Faang Family Village would unconditionally stand by Gao Fei's side. This was an unwritten rule made by Ola Man Faang and the others, but it was even more clearly remembered by everyone in the Faang Family Village than the written rules of the village.    


Since Shen Yinbing was Gao Fei's wife, then it would be normal for everyone from the Faang Family Village to rush to protect her when they realized that she was in danger.    


In fact, this had already become the instincts of Ergou and the others.    


Gao Ling, who was standing behind Shen Yinbing, was startled by Ergou's sudden action. She was about to do something, but then immediately retracted her hand.    


Shen Yinbing was also very surprised, but she was immediately moved. She patted his shoulder and said softly, "Er Gou, don't worry. We're on the same side."    


"My … my own people?"    


Ergou was stunned when he saw more than a dozen men in black suits get out of the car. Together with Han Jiajun, they bowed towards Shen Yinbing and greeted her loudly, "Director Shen!"    


Shen Yinbing walked around Ergou, who was stunned, to Han Jiajun and looked at all her subordinates. She smiled and said, "You won't blame me for disturbing your peaceful life again, will you?"    


"It's our honor to be able to follow Director Shen!"    


When Han Jiajun looked up and spoke, his eyes were very bright, and his voice even had a hint of a sobbing tone.    


After Gao Ling and co. appeared, Han Jiajun and co. were sent to another place.    


Although their treatment had been raised and they had become the bosses of every department in Greedy Wolf, they were both happy and sad to think that they had been abandoned by Shen Yinbing.    


But just when they thought that they were about to be slowly forgotten by Director Shen, they received the summoning order yesterday, and immediately rushed over to the Jinnan from all over the country.    


Seeing Shen Yinbing, Han Jiajun and the others, who were even more graceful and luxurious, feel their blood boiling, knowing that from then on, they could once again follow beside Director Shen and witness the entire process of her gorgeous transformation with her Greedy Wolf.    


Director Shen was finally going to return.    


We were always trusted by Director Shen!    


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