Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C2104 A Fear That Never Existed

C2104 A Fear That Never Existed

Gao Fei had not only found the clone in the cave of the mountain, but he had also found himself.    


The dead Gao Fei.    


If a person still had a soul after death, they would only have a faint smile when they see their corpse before drifting away to do whatever they needed to do.    


His soul, on the other hand, was immortal. Throwing away that body after he died and waiting for a new reincarnation was the natural law of flowers blooming in the sky. There was really no need to be afraid or sad about this.    


According to what the Buddhist Sangha said, the body is only the host of the soul. Leaving this body and going to another body is very normal.    


However, if a living person were to see so many of their dead bodies, how would they feel?    


Especially when they looked at him, their eyes were wide open like they were looking at a devil. Their faces were livid with fear that they never had before, but even now, Gao Fei couldn't forget it.    


Even though Chu Yang and the rest had repeatedly comforted him and told him that those were merely clones. Strictly speaking, they were merely cells. Or … Broken meat, after being used by others, was copied into his appearance. As long as his original body was here, it was fine. Since Gao Fei was already dead, there was no need to be afraid anymore.    


Gao Fei didn't say anything at the time. He was stunned for a while and then started to vomit.    


Shen Yinbing didn't see Gao Fei's clones with her own eyes, but she could imagine how terrible his mental state was right now.    


At the same time, Shen Yinbing also felt very lucky that those Gao Fei were already dead. If they hatched and ran all over the world, then … Shen Yinbing didn't dare to think any further, she just hugged Gao Fei tightly, pressed her chin against his forehead, and comforted him, "Don't be scared, it's okay, it's all over, this is just a dream. You should sleep well now, and when you wake up, everything will be fine."    


Gao Fei didn't say anything, but his body was no longer trembling.    


At this moment, Shen Yinbing's delicate body exploded with a strong maternal love like a wolf on the prairie. She stood up for her wolf cub and confronted the hunter with all her might, even though her body was full of scars.    


This was a type of aura, a safe aura.    


The aura did not increase just because someone dared to fight it. It was a type of aura that came from the mind, even if the owner was weak, as long as the owner could unleash this aura, it would be able to fill the entire sky with ruthlessness.    


No matter how strong a man was, there were times when he needed comfort after injury. Just like now, when Gao Fei was hugged tightly by Shen Yinbing, he would no longer tremble and quickly fell into a deep sleep.    


From yesterday until now, he had been in a state of extreme fear, his nerves so tense that they were about to break. When he felt Shen Yinbing had brought him safety he had never experienced before, all his cells finally loosened up, and the tiredness and sleepiness pressed down on him like a mountain, forcing him to fall asleep.    


Shen Yinbing sat upright on the sofa with her back straight. She held Gao Fei with her left hand and gently stroked his hair with her right hand. She listened to his snoring and murmured, "Don't be afraid, I'm here. You always used to tell people, so what if the sky falls? As long as you're here, nothing's a problem. Now that your sky is falling, you can't take it anymore, but I'm here. No matter what happens, one of us has to stand up, right? "    


Time passed by quickly. After an unknown amount of time, Gao Fei was still asleep. Night had quietly arrived, and the noisy world outside the house gradually quieted down as the snow and frost fell.    


Gao Miaomiao had returned a long time ago, but she did not dare to enter the house.    


When she saw Shen Yinbing holding Gao Fei from the door, she felt something was wrong. She didn't eat dinner and went back to her room. She sat on the brick bed and stared blankly.    


Ever since she had that kind of relationship with Gao Fei, Gao Miaomiao felt that she had finally found herself again, or it could be said that she had given up all hope. That was, she would honestly stay by Gao Fei's side and do things from now on – as that night went by, she had already treated this place as her home.    


Without a doubt, Gao Fei was the man of this family and the pillar of this family.    


In these few days, as long as she thought of Gao Fei, Gao Miaomiao would have a special feeling of fullness. Her body was also full of fighting energy and along with the change in her identity, she became more and more powerful while working in the Beishan Group.    


Someone had already said in secret that Secretary Gao was actually one of Boss Gao's little Concubine.    


When she had heard these rumors before, not only did Gao Miaomiao not get angry, but instead she was proud and arrogant, but her heart was actually empty. She always wanted to get rid of this feeling and run far away, but she didn't know where to run to.    


Now it was different. Whenever her subordinates looked at her strangely, Gao Miaomiao would not be proud nor domineering. She would only be calmer and display her 'matriarch's aura' instinctively.    


Her subordinates could also clearly sense the change in Gao Miaomiao, and thus, they had no choice but to obediently obey her commands.    


Gao Miaomiao was definitely the kind of person who was born to lead others. Otherwise, she wouldn't have created her own prestige in the shortest amount of time possible with her Beishan Group.    


Gao Miaomiao enjoyed this feeling very much. She hoped that this would continue for the rest of her life, allowing her to become an eternal queen in her own kingdom of consciousness.    


But tonight, when she saw that the man who gave her so much confidence was actually very weak and was being held in Shen Yinbing's arms, she felt a terrifying and intense sense of loss.    


It was as if the next moment, Gao Fei would die and no one would protect her anymore, causing her to fall back into the nightmare of being hunted down in the past.    


What had happened?    


Gao Miaomiao sat on the edge of the kang, her left hand holding the box as she looked down at the dresser. She frowned. But would Shen Yinbing tell me? Would he scold me and let me do my own thing and not meddle in other people's business?    


Just as Gao Miaomiao was lost in her thoughts, she heard the sound of the main hall door opening.    


Then, the sound of light footsteps could be heard.    


Gao Miaomiao immediately stood up and tiptoed to the unlocked door. She quietly lifted the curtain and looked outside.    


She saw Shen Yinbing walk into the courtyard.    


Immediately, Gao Ling and Gao Cui emerged from the darkness like ghosts. "Director Shen."    


Shen Yinbing raised her right hand. It was a note.    


Gao Cui took the note with both hands and read it carefully under the light of the yard lamp. Then, she tore it into pieces and put it in her pocket.    


"Remember this place?"    


"I'll keep that in mind."    


"Alright, now, and now, with the exception of Gao Ling, send all the forces that you can muster to this place and find clues to kill everyone who has ever stayed there. No matter how many people you sacrifice, no matter how far away you go, you must kill them all. All things, incinerate. "    


Shen Yinbing's voice was not loud, but it carried a coldness that was even lower than the current temperature. "Anyone under the Greedy Wolf Tribe, including the twelve emissaries, regardless of who disagrees with this operation, intentionally delays or resists, will be killed without mercy."    




Gao Cui nodded and didn't ask anymore. She turned around and quickly walked out of the Mansion of Faang Family.    


After Gao Cui's footsteps disappeared into the distance, Shen Yinbing let out a light breath and walked back and forth in the courtyard with her hands behind her back.    


Gao Ling stood silently at the side.    


"Little Ling, are you curious why I used all my power to investigate something?"    


Shen Yinbing halted her steps and suddenly asked Gao Ling.    


Gao Ling didn't hesitate at all and immediately replied, "Director Shen, you are Greedy Wolf Wolfmaster. No matter what kind of mission you give us, all of us only need to do our best, and we don't need to know the reason why."    


After a pause, Gao Ling said, "I can see that this time, Director Shen really has an irrepressible killing intent. Because … From what I know, ever since the establishment of Greedy Wolf, I have never used my full strength, not sparing to reveal my full strength, in order to investigate some matter. "    


Shen Yinbing had said so much when she was on her mission just now. Actually, there was only one thing that mattered, and that was to utilize all the power one could muster to accomplish this task, no matter the cost.    


This proved that she was currently in a state of extreme anger, and did not hesitate to reveal all of her strength.    


Just as Gao Ling had said, there had never been a Wolfmaster who would spare no effort to reveal all of her strength when doing something. It was very dangerous, and if the authorities noticed, she would face complete annihilation.    


A qualified Lili wouldn't do that unless she had no other choice.    


Since Shen Yinbing had issued such an order, it meant that something had made her feel an unprecedented threat, which was why she had decided to eliminate it, regardless of the consequences.    


Gao Ling really wanted to know what was written on that slip of paper, but since Shen Yinbing didn't say anything, she would never ask.    


"I-Forget it, go rest."    


Shen Yinbing opened her mouth to say something, but then waved her hand.    


Gao Ling nodded and quickly disappeared into the darkness.    


Shen Yinbing stood in the patio and looked up at the night sky. She did not move for a long time. The frost and snow quickly whitened her hair and her beauty.    


Gao Miaomiao, who was hiding behind the door, didn't even dare to breathe.    


Just like Gao Ling, she didn't know what had happened, but from Shen Yinbing's expression, her keen senses told her that things weren't going well and that she had reached a very serious stage.    


She slowly closed the curtain and stood up straight. She tilted her head and frowned as she tried to think of all the dangers that she could imagine. However, she could not think of any dangers that could make Shen Yinbing act as though she was facing a great enemy while Gao Fei hid in the room and did not show himself.    


She could only confirm that something was wrong with Gao Fei.    


"What happened to him?"    


As Gao Miaomiao was lost in thought, she could not help but say these words, and the door opened.    


A cold breeze blew over, causing Gao Miaomiao to shiver uncontrollably. She subconsciously let out a low cry, "Ahhh! Shen, Director Shen, you're here!"    


Shen Yinbing walked in and closed the door behind her. "What did you see? What did you hear?"    


After hearing Shen Yinbing's question, Gao Miaomiao knew she couldn't hide it anymore. She lowered her eyes and whispered, "I'm sorry, Director Shen. I just feel a sense of danger. My heart is always beating so fast that I can't sleep."    


"You can't sleep, and neither can I."    


Shen Yinbing seemed to have entered her own bedroom. She walked to the brick bed and sat down, pointing at a chair. She said to Gao Miaomiao, "Sit."    


Gao Miaomiao sat on it obediently, lowering her head like a prisoner awaiting trial.    


"Now that you can be considered a member of my family, I feel that I shouldn't hide this from you. You have the right to know about this."    


Shen Yinbing's words made Gao Miaomiao's eyes light up. Warmth filled her heart, and she raised her head to thank Shen Yinbing. "Thank you, Director Shen, for your trust."    


Shen Yinbing ignored Gao Miaomiao's thanks and asked softly, "Have you ever heard of clones?"    


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