Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C2100 Can You Call Me He Xiucheng

C2100 Can You Call Me He Xiucheng

Why did Liao Shuifen want this scripture book?    


That was because Black Robe, Lu Xiucheng's father, was likely to be the king of Western Anggui Religious Sect after she received the news.    


It was said that when one of the kings of the Anggui Cult went to the west with his men, he felt heartache over how the Eighteenth Street in the Three Palaces and Six Academies fought to the death over a few books. He angrily resigned after that, bringing his men to the west to recreate the Anggui Cult there.    


When the Western Anggui King left, he copied all four scriptures.    


In order to determine whether or not Black Robe was a Western Anggui King, the best way would be to know whether or not he possessed the Anggui Scripture.    


Therefore, when Liao Shuifen was proposed to Lu Xiucheng, she had to go through a book to make a gift.    


Just as Jing Hongming and the others had speculated, Lu Xiucheng's father had really taken out the Anggui scripture, which proved that he was the king of the Western Anggui Religious Sect and confirmed that the so-called Atlantis was actually Western Anggui Religious Sect.    


Liao Shuifen wanted Tie Chui to disregard life and death, to send the scripture to the Jinnan, and hand it over to Gao Fei. She wanted him to appraise if this book was real or not.    


When Liao Shuifen saw the book reappear at the wedding, she knew that no one needed to appraise it to prove it was real.    


After Princess Lingyu's sudden death, how could Lu Xiucheng, the only son of the Western Anggui Religious Sect and the future Anggui King, willingly hand over the scripture to Liao Shuifen? After all, the Death of the Three Palaces, Six Courtyard, Eighteenth Road, for the sake of belonging and killing each other, so as to confirm the importance of these scriptures, he had handed it over to her.    


Don't forget that Liao Shuifen gave the book to Gao Fei, and Lu Xiucheng and Gao Fei were sworn enemies.    


Therefore, when Lu Xiucheng told Liao Shuifen that he would give this book to her and never take it back, she definitely wouldn't believe him.    


Lu Xiucheng didn't intend to make Liao Shuifen believe his words. He put the book on the table, picked up a piece of steamed fish with his chopsticks and ate it gracefully before asking with a smile, "Are you interested in listening to my story?"    


Of course, Liao Shuifen wasn't interested in Lu Xiucheng's story, nor was she in the mood to listen to it.    


However, seeing that his current behavior was a little abnormal and that there was nothing he could do, he still nodded his head and said, "Alright then. Tell me, I'll listen."    


"I basically heard this story from Golden Flower."    


As Lu Xiucheng said that, he turned around to look at Yin Jinhua in the bath.    


She was already asleep, her head resting on the pillow of water on the stairs, her chest heaving slightly, a faint smile of happiness on her face.    


Liao Shuifen also looked at her and suddenly had an illusion that this woman was as innocent as a baby. She couldn't help but ask, "How old is she this year?"    


Women were curious, as was Liao Shuifen.    


Ever since she found out that Yin Jinhua was the nanny who took care of Lu Xiucheng, she thought that Yin Jinhua would be at least sixty years old. However, looking at her face and her figure, Liao Shuifen felt that she was at most thirty-six years old.    


"She came to my house at the age of twenty-six. I wasn't even a year old then."    


Lu Xiucheng raised his glass, waved it at Liao Shuifen, then drank it himself.    


Lu Xiucheng is 30 years old this year, and Yin Jinhua is 26 years older than him. In other words, she's an old woman close to 60 years old, a woman in her 50s, which means she's definitely an old woman. But she looks like a young woman now, and she has to marry Lu Xiucheng while crying.    


Liao Shuifen felt that if she was a man, the mere thought of Yin Jinhua being an old woman would make her feel disgusted, no matter how beautiful she was or how well-built she was.    


Noticing the obvious disgust between Liao Shuifenwei's brows, Lu Xiucheng just smiled and started to tell his story.    


From the year he was sensible, all the way to today's wedding.    


The story spanned more than twenty years and was filled with rich content, including Lu Xiucheng's blissful childhood. When he was thirteen, he was tricked into the brick bed by Yin Jinhua, and later, he was unable to leave her completely. How much he longed to marry Liao Shuifen until his own background was revealed, with the appearance of Black Robe.    


At the beginning, Liao Shuifen was still nonchalantly listening. After all, no matter who it was that fell into her current situation, and from Yin Jinhua's obvious killing intent, she was certain that she wouldn't live past tomorrow, she would still have the mood to listen to the story.    


However, Liao Shuifen was attracted by Lu Xiucheng's story and forgot that time was quickly passing. The sky quickly darkened as she instinctively cooperated with what he said. Anger, regret, heartache, and regret were all on her face.    


"I know, when you decided to marry me, other than Liao Wusi and his wife being kidnapped by me, you also wanted to use the opportunity to marry me and figure out who my real father was."    


When Liao Shuifen felt cold and subconsciously wrapped her mink coat around her, she realized that the sky had already darkened.    


Tonight's Jingdu City's night sky was surprisingly good. The stars in the sky were bright, and the air was so fresh that it made one's heart palpitate. However, Lu Xiucheng's voice had become a lot hoarser, and his face looked so blurry in the darkness.    


"Turn on the lights."    


Liao Shuifen suggested, "I like people who are afraid of the dark."    


"Don't you think that listening to my story in the dark would have a unique flavor?"    


Lu Xiucheng lit up a cigarette and took a deep breath. Then, he started to cough heavily.    


Liao Shuifen didn't know why, but she suddenly felt Lu Xiucheng's cough was like an old man's. It was full of the tiredness of the passage of time. The more he coughed, the more it got worse.    


At this moment, she suddenly felt that Lu Xiucheng was very pitiful.    


A woman's benevolent heart was always like her unprovoked anger. It was unknown when it would surge forth.    


Liao Shuifen stood up. "Alright then. Let's not turn on the lights, but you must be cold. I'll go get you some clothes. I can tell from your coughing. You must have caught a cold."    


Lu Xiucheng coughed and did not say anything.    


Liao Shuifen stood up and stretched her numb legs a few times before walking quickly into the balcony.    


The voice-activated wall lamp on the balcony was switched on. Liao Shuifen saw a black coat hanging on the wall and took it off. Just as she was about to turn around and leave, she felt a sudden shock run through her body as if she had been electrocuted.    


Under the light of the wall lamp on the balcony, Liao Shuifen saw a pair of eyes in front of the brick bed. They flickered a few times in the dim night, and then she saw another person sitting on the brick bed.    


After Liao Shuifen recovered from her shock, she instinctively opened her mouth to ask who it was. However, that person waved his hand, signaling her to remain silent.    


Strangely, Liao Shuifen listened to his suggestion and gave him another deep look. She then took her coat and slowly left the balcony, going out onto the platform.    


Liao Shuifen didn't even need to look at him closely to know who he was — Black Robe, Lu Xiucheng's biological father.    


Black Robe had left shortly after the wedding, and now here he was again, sitting on his son's new bed in the den, as silent as a ghost everywhere.    


Lu Xiucheng's story had been told from the end of the wedding banquet until now. Liao Shuifen was so engrossed in listening to it that she had already forgotten the concept of time and did not know when Black Robe had arrived.    


However, she was sure that Black Robe had heard what Lu Xiucheng had said.    


This story was not only Lu Xiucheng's secret, but also Black Robe's secret.    


How could someone like him allow Liao Shuifen to hear his secret?    


The only explanation was that Liao Shuifen would soon die.    


Those who were about to die wouldn't have the chance to reveal these secrets.    


However, Liao Shuifen didn't care too much about death right now. At most, she would feel a chill down her spine when she retreated, as if a poisonous snake was behind her. She didn't know when she would pounce out.    


The venomous snake did not pounce. It seemed like Black Robe did not want Liao Shuifen to die right now.    


When Liao Shuifen retreated to the outside platform, the sound control light on the balcony went out. She looked into the bedroom and saw nothing in the darkness, but she could clearly feel Black Robe sitting on the kang, watching her in the dark, listening to Lu Xiucheng's story.    


Liao Shuifen didn't tell Lu Xiucheng that her father was in the bedroom listening to his story and just draped the coat over him.    


When the coat landed on Lu Xiucheng's shoulder, he stopped coughing and reached out to grab Liao Shuifen's hand that was about to retract.    


Subconsciously, Liao Shuifen struggled with all her might, but was unable to break free.    


Lu Xiucheng let go of her and said in a hoarse voice, "Thank you."    


He was thanking Liao Shuifen for covering her with clothes.    


Liao Shuifen could tell that he was thanking from the bottom of her heart. She sighed and sat back down on the chair. When she wrapped up her coat, she saw Lu Xiucheng lighting a cigarette with his head lowered and said, "It's best not to smoke anymore."    


"It's fine, I'll just smoke these tonight. After I finish smoking this box, I won't smoke anymore. I'll never do that again."    


Lu Xiucheng's voice became much louder after he took a puff of smoke.    


Liao Shuifen acknowledged him with a light grunt, but didn't pay him any heed. She looked at the bathing pool and said softly, "If you think it's inconvenient for you to talk about your father, then don't talk about it."    


There is a heating pipe under the bath that keeps the water at the desired temperature for a long time.    


As the sky darkened, the temperature dropped significantly, and the heat above the bathtub became more obvious. One could only faintly see Yin Jinhua lying in the water.    


She was still sleeping, and it was very sweet. There was a light snoring sound, and in the silence of the night, it was very clear.    


Liao Shuifen felt that if she was Yin Jinhua, she wouldn't be able to sleep so soundly when she'd finally cultivated to the peak. Because she would surely be excited, excited, and angry that a certain woman still hadn't died.    


Of course, Liao Shuifen would not remind Yin Jinhua of this.    


Even though she knew she couldn't live past tomorrow, she wanted to live a little longer. People always found something beautiful when they were about to lose it forever, didn't they?    


Lu Xiucheng also looked back at the bath, then smiled and said, "There's nothing inconvenient. "Didn't you just want to know what kind of attitude I had towards my own father?"    


Liao Shuifen glanced at the balcony from the corner of her eyes and grunted her agreement.    


"I did a genetic test to confirm that he is my real father."    


Lu Xiucheng's tone was as indifferent as ever: "I can also see that he really wants me to continue his current career. But if I had a choice, I would rather not have a father like him. "    


Raising his head to look at the sky, Lu Xiucheng's eyes shone under the starlight and muttered: "I feel that I should be a person with Hee Family, forever a person with Hee Family. No matter how others look at me, I am proud of being a person of Hee Family. Sister Fen, I also hope that you can treat me as someone from the Hee Family … Can I ask you to call me Hee Xiucheng when you mention me in the future? "    


Liao Shuifen was silent for a long time, then she said softly, "I like your name more, Hee Xiucheng."    


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