Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C1842 The Setting Sun Did Not Die

C1842 The Setting Sun Did Not Die

"Bro, brother?"    


After a long pause, Hee Xiucheng called out softly.    


He had clearly seen Hee Luori being stabbed in the heart by Yin Jinhua with his own eyes, unable to come back to life. Yet now, he just stood there proudly.    


Hee Xiucheng was afraid that this was a dream or an illusion. If he shouted a little bit, Hee Luori would disappear.    


"Cough, cough!"    


Hee Luori coughed lightly and slowly said, "Xiucheng, you did not see wrong, and you are not dreaming. I was not killed by that woman."    


Hee Xiucheng didn't say anything else and just jumped up. He scrambled up the stairs and stumbled in front of Hee Luori. Once again, he kneeled down in front of Hee Luori and hugged his leg, crying loudly.    


Hee Luori's eyes flashed with a hint of heartache. He slowly lowered his hand and gently caressed his brother's hair as he said in a low voice: "Don't be afraid, it will be fine. I'm here."    


"Bro, Bro!" You really didn't die, that's great! Do you know how scared I was? "    


Hee Xiucheng cried bitterly, just like when he was nine years old and had to beg Hee Luori to help him escape that calamity after killing a beggar in his car on the street.    


"Hmph. I truly never would have thought that a person like you would actually have sincere brotherly feelings."    


Before Hee Luori could say anything, the woman supporting him snorted coldly and lowered her head to say to Hee Xiucheng, "You should thank your brother. His heart is on the right side. I should be even more thankful for being able to arrive in time. Otherwise, even if he were to place his heart at the soles of his feet, he would not be able to escape from that woman's hands. "    




Hee Xiucheng was stunned and then raised his head. His eyes were filled with disbelief, but more importantly, it was filled with ecstasy as he looked at Hee Luori.    


"My heart was born on the right. It is a secret that I have never wanted anyone to know. Who would have thought that I would be able to escape this calamity."    


Hee Luori smiled bitterly and started coughing again.    


Since there was a three-legged toad in the world, there were people with hearts on the right side. There were very few of these people; the heart was on the right side because during their embryonic development, the heart did not complete the transposition, but organs such as the liver and the kidneys were normal.    


Anything that was different from normal was considered as an unusual phenomenon. It made people feel that it was different from other people's inferiority complex.    


That's why Hee Luori never wanted others to know that his heart was on the right side.    


But he really did not expect that he would be able to escape a great calamity based on this.    


One had to know that Yin Jinhua had decided to kill him the instant she attacked. However, he never expected that Hee Luori would actually escape death.    


Just like what the mysterious woman said, if she didn't arrive in time, even if Hee Luori's heart was at his feet, he wouldn't have escaped from Yin Jinhua's hands. Since that woman decided to kill Hee Luori, she had to make sure that he was dead.    


Of course, it was fortunate that Hee Xiucheng had personally witnessed his brother being plotted against and fought desperately with Yin Jinhua to get into the bedroom with her. Only then did the mysterious woman casually save Hee Luori.    


Before she left, the mysterious woman warned Hee Luori to be careful.    


At that time, Hee Luori thought that when the woman warned him to be careful of Hee Xiucheng, he never expected the danger to come from Aunt Yin, who was nothing special.    


Hee Luori was very familiar with Aunt Yin, to a certain extent, he already treated her as a family member of Hee Family.    


After all, Yin Jinhua had already been a babysitter in Hee Family for more than twenty years.    


Hee Luori didn't know that the mysterious woman had already seen through Yin Jinhua's secret -- if he didn't come tonight, the mysterious woman would probably get rid of Yin Jinhua.    


Not long after the mysterious woman left, he felt that Hee Luori might not be able to understand her meaning. He was a bit worried, so he turned around and sneaked back into Hee Xiucheng's villa.    


When she came, she happened to see Yin Jinhua assassinate Hee Luori.    


She was shocked and was about to pounce on him, but Hee Xiucheng had already made his move.    


The impression Hee Luori gave the mysterious woman was pretty good: If there really was a righteous man in the dynasty, then this person would undoubtedly be Hee Luori.    


Of course, Hee Luori wasn't a pedantic gentleman. He knew how to be flexible, or else he wouldn't have achieved his current result.    


The grand array, the flag of righteousness. This was Hee Luori's attitude towards handling matters.    


Just when Yin Jinhua was carried into the bedroom by Hee Xiucheng and was desperately struggling to get away from him, the mysterious woman took the opportunity to enter the living room and carry Hee Luori away, hoping to save his life.    


However, what surprised the woman was that when she rushed out of the mansion with Hee Luori in her arms, he actually opened his eyes and said that he was fine.    


Hee Luori's heart actually grew on the right side, which also made the mysterious woman very surprised. She repeatedly praised him for being so lucky and not dying, it seemed like God didn't like him.    


Although Hee Luori wasn't as fierce as the women, he wasn't an ordinary person. Back then, if it wasn't for his family members stopping him, he would have become a part of Nine Dragon King of Dynasty like Gao Fei and Tieh Tu.    


He was also a ferocious person. Although he had been stabbed right through, as long as he didn't injure his vital parts and stop bleeding in time, he would still be able to maintain his self-care.    


After Hee Luori was rescued by the mysterious woman, just as he was about to ask her to go back and save his brother, the woman rushed into a villa with him and started a massacre. She did not want the people from Broken Army to witness the process of her rescue of Hee Luori.    


Hee Luori had also killed before and was killed just now. However, this was the first time he saw someone killing a person with such ease: with just a lift of his hand, his throat would be cut and bright red blood would gush out like an arrow.    


After slaughtering the people responsible for monitoring the Broken Army at Hee Xiucheng's villa, the woman took Hee Luori and sneaked into Hee Xiucheng's bedroom from the back of the villa. The reason she came back with Hee Luori was to let him see with his own eyes how Hee Xiucheng would behave in the future.    


At the same time, the woman also wanted Hee Luori to know Yin Jinhua's true appearance.    


Everything depended on whether Hee Xiucheng wanted to say it or not.    


Hee Xiucheng did not let Hee Luori down, because from Hee Xiucheng's reaction, he could already feel what it meant to be a brother.    


Even though some of Hee Xiucheng's methods had disappointed Hee Luori.    


However, those true brotherly feelings that were thicker than water would not be diluted by mistakes.    


"Brother, it's good that you're fine, it's good that you're fine!" "Thank you, thank you for saving my brother!"    


When Hee Xiucheng said the last sentence, he had already heavily kowtowed to the mysterious woman.    


Hee Luori's resurrection made Hee Xiucheng extremely grateful to this woman.    


At this moment, even if the woman wanted him to die in order to repay her kindness in saving Hee Luori, Hee Xiucheng would not hesitate: this was sufficient proof that even the worst person would have a pure land in the deepest part of their heart.    


Facing Hee Xiucheng's most sincere thanks, the woman dodged to the side and said, "You don't need to thank me, thank your brother if you want. Because I came here tonight to kill you. If you really want to thank me, then answer the questions in your brother's heart. "    


"Brother, what do you want to know?" Brother, what do you want to know?    


Without any hesitation, Hee Xiucheng moved his knee and turned to Hee Luori.    


Hee Luori said in a deep voice, "You are my blood related brother, I don't like you talking to me on your knees. No matter what you did wrong, it was like this before, and it will be the same in the future!"    


Hee Xiucheng stood up as he wiped the blood from his face.    


"Who is she?"    


Hee Luori looked into Hee Xiucheng's eyes and slowly asked this question.    


Hee Luori had known for a long time that there were only two people in this villa: Hee Xiucheng and the nanny Aunt Yin.    


However, he was almost killed by a woman hiding in Aunt Yin's bedroom.    


Who was that beautiful and powerful woman?    


This became what Hee Luori wanted to know the most.    


"She is …"    


At this point, Hee Xiucheng hesitated to look Hee Luori in the eye.    


Hee Luori sighed lightly and said in a low voice: "Xiucheng, if you don't want to say it, then forget it."    


"Brother, she … she's Aunt Yin!"    


Before Hee Luori finished his sentence, Hee Xiucheng had already said this.    


Actually, Hee Xiucheng wasn't unwilling to reveal Yin Jinhua's true identity when he hesitated just now. It was because he was ashamed to say it. After all, for the past dozen years, he had always thought that Yin Jinhua was his aunt.    


Having maintained an abnormal relationship with his own aunt for so many years, even a shameless man would not be willing to say it out loud.    


"What?" "What did you say? She's Aunt Yin?"    


Hee Luori was shocked. His face was full of disbelief: "Xiucheng, are you lying to me?"    


No wonder Hee Luori thought Hee Xiucheng was lying to him.    


He knew Yin Jinhua a step earlier than Hee Xiucheng.    


In Hee Luori's memory, when Yin Jinhua first came to Hee Family, she was just a simple rural woman. After so many years, her complexion was the same as many other people of the same age.    


But now that Hee Xiucheng told him that the charming young woman who tried to assassinate him was the old Aunt Yin, Hee Luori obviously wouldn't believe it.    


"You'd better believe him."    


Hee Xiucheng hadn't said anything yet, but the mysterious woman said lightly, "You should have heard that there's a woman by Gao Fei's side who knows how to change her appearance in a myriad of ways."    


To Hee Luori, the fact that Chen Guoguo was able to change her appearance so many times was not a secret. Furthermore, during the Liao Province, he had personally witnessed this kind of change in appearance that should not exist in the world.    


However, he never expected that the Aunt Yin that he was familiar with would also possess such a miraculous cultivation skill.    


"Really, really?"    


Hee Luori swallowed his saliva and asked Hee Xiucheng.    


Of course, Hee Xiucheng also knew how magical Chen Guoguo's transformation was, so he sneered in disdain, "Tsk, she can only change between Aunt Yin, who is sixty years old, and Yin Jinhua, who is thirty years old. She can't even be compared to that evil woman."    


From Hee Xiucheng's reply, Hee Luori was sure that the mysterious woman was right. He sighed and asked, "Then, what is your relationship with her..."    


Actually, Hee Luori didn't need to ask Hee Xiucheng about the relationship between Yin Jinhua and Hee Xiucheng, because he knew clearly in his heart: a hot-blooded young man like Hee Xiucheng can't be related to a seemingly charming young woman living in a villa for a long time.    


However, Hee Xiucheng's answer was out of Hee Luori's expectations. "I … I always thought she was Mama's younger sister — before today."    


Hee Xiucheng looked away as he said that.    




Hee Luori was stunned once again. Anger appeared in his eyes and when he suddenly raised his hand to hit Wu Tie, he touched his wound. He gritted his teeth in pain and sighed heavily again, "Ah, you don't have to say anymore. We should go, please help me out, okay? "    


His last sentence was directed at the mysterious woman.    


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