Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C1622 You Have Hurt a Man

C1622 You Have Hurt a Man

2Liao Wusi was the Black Dragon of Nine Dragon King. Even if he was retired, he would still have an extraordinary status in the Divine Dynasty.    


To put it bluntly, if anyone wanted to touch him, they would have to punish him by sending him to a prison or place like the one in the province.    


Therefore, Zhao Xianjing was unable to confirm if the Liao Wusi, who had escaped, was actually the Black Dragon from the Nine Dragon King.    


All she could sense was that once that person escaped, there would be a series of bloody killings.    


If this had happened in the past, Zhao Xianjing might have been worried or even afraid.    


Until now, her heart was still as still as water. To put it more realistically, even if a good person was killed by a bad person, she wouldn't feel that anything was wrong. There were no good people in the world, no matter if it was good people dying or bad people dying, they would all just be walking to the end of their lives.    


Like the lions on the plains of Africa, when they were hunting antelope, who would think that the lion was cruel when the antelope was eaten and then kill the lion?    




The antelope was eaten by lions, which was a law of nature, because if a lion did not eat other small animals, he would starve to death, and the other small animals struggled to reproduce in order to become food for the lion.    


Just like how bad people were called bad people because they relied on bullying good people to live their lives.    


This was similar to the law of survival of the fittest in nature. The reason was simple, but Zhao Xianjing had never thought about it before.    


That was because for more than twenty years, Zhao Xianjing had been living a carefree life. The world in her mind was peaceful. There was no suffering, only darkness, only a hopeful tomorrow, and sweet love.    


However, after Zhao Lv died in Spring City, Zhao Xianjing's life had undergone a tremendous change. First, it was the pain of losing her brother, then it was Lee Nanzhe who used their love to threaten Zhao Family, then it was her father who dejectedly left QL, Lee Nanzhe brought people to Faang Family Village to find him, but was assassinated in the midst of all this chaos and so on …    


Zhao Xianjing finally understood that this world wasn't as beautiful as she had imagined. Her previous desire for life was only because her father was protecting her. She didn't have the chance to see the dark and gloomy side of human nature.    


The current Zhao Xianjing felt that prison was a good place to live, far away from the world that was filled with deceit after tearing off her beautiful skin. She could quietly enjoy life here.    


Ordinary and indifferent was the truth.    


Zhao Xianjing had clearly understood the meaning of his words. The wealth and glory that people sought with all they had was merely a passing cloud or a bubble. They simply could not withstand the wind and waves. Once they were destroyed, there would only be pain in their lives.    


He would die if he couldn't bear it. If he couldn't, he wouldn't want to enter society anymore.    


This was also the reason why so many people in the world chose to stay out of the world. Furthermore, she was thinking about the deaths of so many people, but Zhao Xianjing only smiled faintly, not caring at all.    


Seeing that Zhao Xianjing's face was abnormally calm, but in fact, she was smiling at him, Lee Xiaoyan sighed, "Ah, Jing Jing, perhaps I know what you're thinking, but I think you're wrong. The reason why people are alive and society is progressing is because people pursue them."    


"You're pursuing the benefits, right?"    


The corner of Zhao Xianjing's mouth curled up, her eyes filled with disdain.    


"People die for money, birds die for food. This is a very normal thing to do in the first place."    


Lee Xiaoyan thought for a moment and said, "If people don't have the pursuit of benefits, then what motivation is there to live? Take you for example. Maybe you don't have any expectations for your life anymore, so you can stay here with your heart at peace. But what about the others? No matter how harsh the environment is, he will do his best to survive. "    


"Perhaps, it is because of the existence of these people that our world is so colorful -- I can't speak, only have a little insight of my own, maybe I was wrong. "Hur hur, go rest. Good night."    


Lee Xiaoyan walked behind the door and flipped it shut.    


As the door closed, the sound of dogs barking in the distance was blocked again. The room became quiet again, but Zhao Xianjing didn't close her eyes. She just stared at the ceiling, thinking about something.    




Gao Fei's gaze swept across Loong Yun'er's face. He didn't stop at all and completely treated her as a passerby. "I can still enter this place without you, so it's best if you don't take yourself seriously."    


This made Loong Yun'er feel that she was being looked down upon. She turned around and said to Master Loong in a low voice, "Grandfather, let's go."    




Master Loong was stunned and asked, "Why are you leaving?"    


"They don't need us anymore. Is there a need to stay?"    


After Loong Yun'er finished, she left the main tomb chamber in quick steps, although she really wanted to know how Gao Fei, who had gone missing, came here.    


Gao Fei definitely did not know, but Lee Chengming and the rest were very clear on how much effort the Long family's ancestors put into finding the main tomb, or perhaps, the person who suddenly disappeared.    


The two of them had to use all the skills they had at their disposal before they finally undid all the traps and found the main tomb chamber.    


When they finally arrived at the main tomb chamber, they found Mr. Gao, the person they cared about the most, lying there leisurely and waiting for them.    


The difficulty of the various mechanisms in the tomb path had greatly exceeded Master Loong's expectations.    


He had thought that Loong Yun'er, who had inherited almost all of his power, would be able to open all of the tomb mechanism's defenses. However, in reality, even if he went personally, he still had to put in a lot of effort to get to the main tomb chamber.    


Especially after finding out the exact location of the main tomb, but was unable to find the mechanism to enter after a long time. Master Loong lost his original demeanor of a 'master out of the world', and in a short period of time, his hair seemed to have turned white.    


The earnest attitude of the old man when he was working had earned the respect of Lee Chengming and those experts in the field -- it was just that Gao Fei seemed to be too frivolous.    


As an old man, Lee Chengming couldn't help but frown. He quickly walked to Gao Fei's side and whispered a few words.    


Master Loong didn't go out with his granddaughter, but walked slowly in the tomb chamber and felt every inch of the smell on the wall. When he arrived at the place where the flower racks were burning up, he bent down and rubbed the ground with his fingers.    


Hearing Lee Chengming say that Master Loong and his granddaughter had tired themselves to death in order to find him, Gao Fei felt guilty. He walked up to Master Loong and respectfully bowed: "Master Loong, I'm sorry. I'm a bit stingy, so please forgive me."    


However, Master Loong shook his hand disapprovingly: "It's alright, it's my granddaughter who is also not sensible. Director Gao, I have some questions that I would like you to answer. "    


Gao Fei knew what Master Loong wanted to ask, but he didn't say anything. He smiled at Master Loong and glanced at Lee Chengming.    


Lee Chengming mistook Gao Fei for being inconvenient to say it out in front of too many people. He raised his hand to let the criminal go out, but he heard him say, "Director Li, take your people with you to a place with me."    




Lee Chengming agreed without any hesitation. He turned around and ordered the two criminals to guard the tomb door. He then led the other five people to the flower rack with Gao Fei.    


As for the earth experts, they all left the tomb chamber.    


They were all smart people, from Gao Fei's hesitant attitude just now, they could tell that it was not convenient for him to say anything, so there was no need for them to stay here. After all, it wasn't a good thing to know too much about it.    


Gao Fei tapped on the wall a few times and a secret door silently opened. A thick smell of blood rushed out and Lee Chengming, who was very sensitive to it, immediately took out his handgun.    


Gao Fei walked in first, Lee Chengming and the others followed, while Master Loong walked in last.    


"The fire in here should still be burning."    


When Gao Fei came to the middle of the alley, he walked a few steps back and forth and opened the hidden door on the wall of the alley.    




The pungent smell of kebabs was much worse than the smell of blood. As the secret door was opened, they all rushed into the alleyway. Lee Chengming and the rest immediately widened their eyes.    


According to the price in their eyes, they could naturally tell what those burning pieces of black stuff were. At the same time, they also noticed the operating tables and the surgical equipment.    


"Director Li, do you know what this room is for?"    


Gao Fei turned around, and just as he asked this question, he heard Master Loong sigh and say, "What a sin, what a sin! How could they do such a thing-- sigh, sin, sin."    


Lee Chengming immediately caught the meaning behind Master Loong's words. "Master Loong, you seem to understand how these people died, don't you?"    


"Director Gao, I have something to say to you."    


Master Loong didn't answer Lee Chengming's question. He turned around and walked towards the main tomb chamber. "Director Li, Sun Tie will explain everything to you later."    


Lee Chengming nodded and didn't say anything else.    


Master Loong slowly walked into the main tomb chamber. Looking at the remains of the flower racks on the floor, he asked, "Director Gao …"    


Gao Fei interrupted him, "Master Loong, you should just call me Gao Fei. Director Gao or not, that's just a lie."    


"Hur hur, alright then, I'll call you Gao Fei." To be honest, I also feel it's a bit awkward calling you Director Gao. "    


Master Loong smiled and said, "Do you know what's strange about these ashes?"    


"This is a flower rack. It should contain something that can make people lose their minds and go crazy, right?"    


Gao Fei shook his head in disbelief when he thought of Liao Shuifen's expression at that time.    


"There is no poison in the wood of the flower racks. What is poisonous is the raw paint that is used to brush the wood. When the wood burns, the poison mixed with the raw paint is released, giving the illusion of being released. "    


Master Loong looked at Gao Fei. His dull eyes became sharp at this moment, as if he could see through Gao Fei completely, "When a person smells poisonous gas, any living being that looks will become something he fears the most. For example, a demon. Because of fear, he would unleash his potential and begin to fight with the devil. "    


"Those who smell this poisonous gas, no matter how gentle or weak, will become extremely powerful. They will use the Zhou family and the teeth as weapons to tear apart any living being that they can see."    


After Master Loong said this, he looked away and looked at the 'drawing of the land as a prison' and said: "Gao Fei, you must have experienced this right?"    


Gao Fei immediately nodded: "I have."    


Master Loong continued, "Furthermore, after entering this tomb chamber, I felt the remnants of the Bloody Evil Qi. This is sufficient to prove that you have hurt someone."    


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