Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C1610 The Smell of Rot in the Roadway

C1610 The Smell of Rot in the Roadway

4Gao Fei and Shen Yinbing both said that there were rats bigger than dogs in the alley, Blood Python living in poisonous water, and even more terrifying monsters. Only Lee Chengming and the others didn't think that they were exaggerating.    


Since they all said that there was a dangerous creature behind the stone door, there had to be one.    


He thought that there would be monsters that had never been told before. As the stone door slowly descended, they would pounce out screaming. Even though Lee Chengming was confident that he could kill them with his gun, he was still extremely nervous.    


Creak creak - The stone door slowly descended until it was knee-high.    


Due to their nervousness, Lee Chengming and the rest had forgotten about the strange smell that came out of the passageway as the stone door fell.    


It was the smell of a highly decomposed corpse. It was very unpleasant to the nose. Gao Fei, who was standing beside the alley, sniffed a little and covered his mouth and nose with his hand.    


The stone door descended and slowly disappeared under the horizon of the passageway.    


However, the passageway was completely silent. There were no rats as big as dogs, Blood Python with eyes the size of two lightbulbs that had appeared, nor were there any other monsters … Everything seemed so normal, like when people came home at night, opened the door with a key, and opened it, nothing happened.    


However, no one let down their guard, including Gao Fei, even though he vaguely guessed something.    


Everyone maintained their original position as they stared at the pitch-black passageway. After the monster came out, their nerves tightened up even more.    


Just like that, three minutes passed. Relying on his keen sixth sense, Gao Fei made sure that there were no signs of life within fifty meters of the depth of the passageway. Then, he slowly walked in front of a criminal and pointed at his waist.    


These seven fully armed criminals all had glowing rods on their waists that could move in the dark. They were the kind of lamps that would light up with a single hit.    


The criminal took the hint, took down a glow stick and hit the ground, then bent down like he was playing softball, and threw it into the dark alley with a whoosh.    


Although the light emitted by the glow stick wasn't as bright as a light bulb, it was very eye-piercing in the darkness. It was like a lightning bolt that pierced the night, allowing people to clearly see the places it passed by in an instant.    


Gao Fei saw it clearly. There were a few black things on the ground dozens of meters behind the disappeared stone door. They were the size of domestic dogs. They lied there and seemed like they could pounce at any time.    


This was a mouse that was the size of a dog.    




When Gao Fei saw those mice, Lee Chengming also saw them. He immediately waved his hand and gave the order to shoot.    


Tap, tap, tap!    


With Lee Chengming's order, the seven criminals who were already prepared pulled the trigger at the same time.    


The bullets drew a dark blue trajectory in the dark passageway, accurately hitting the mice.    


At the same time, Lee Chengming had once again forcefully thrown in a fluorescent stick into the uncut gunshot.    


The light stick accurately landed beside the mice, but everyone found that they didn't move at all. They were studying the ground, not moving at all. It was as if they were dead.    


Gao Fei saw with his own eyes that a bullet was about to hit a mouse on its head, but it still didn't do anything. Gao Fei raised his hand and shouted, "Stop!"    


Lee Chengming immediately ordered: "Stop shooting."    


The gunfire stopped, and the air was filled with a distinct smell of smoke.    


At this moment, there was a circle of criminals surrounding the entrance of the secret passage. All of them pointed their guns at the entrance of the passage and concentrated their attention on it.    


"The rats are dead."    


Gao Fei looked at Lee Chengming and said, "They were already dead before we shot. You should carefully observe the air in the passageway. Is there any smell of decay?"    


After Gao Fei's reminder, Lee Chengming finally realized that there was a disgusting rotten smell in the air. He immediately raised his hand and made a gesture.    


Those criminals quickly took out their gas masks from their waist bags and put them on.    


Lee Chengming waved his hand again, and two criminals took off the Intense Light light bulb from the wall. They looked at each other, then slowly walked into the alley with their bodies to the left and right.    


Their other five companions immediately followed with guns, covering their advance.    


In order to prevent the stone door from rising up again, the group of people were trapped inside. Under the command of several earth experts, seven or eight assistants carried some steel troughs to the place where the stone door had fallen. They walked along the sides of the passageway and immediately built a steel frame.    


It was similar to the load-bearing steel frames in the tunnels of the mines. They could withstand the crushing force of several tons, up, down, and even if the stone door rose up, it would be impossible to destroy it.    


After making sure that his escape route was unobstructed, Gao Fei, who was holding the 'key' in his hand, said to Master Loong and the other soil experts: "Master Loong, everyone, you …"    


"Since we've been here for so long, we naturally have to go in."    


Without waiting for others to say anything, Loong Yun'er, who looked at Gao Fei in an inexplicable way and disliked him, answered first. She took off the Intense Light lamp on the wall and walked into the alleyway.    


The Intense Light lamps installed on the walls all carried a long electric wire that was more than a kilometer long.    


The other soil experts, of course, shared Loong Yun'er's view. They immediately ordered their assistants to follow up with tools in hand.    


"Let's go, I really want to see how the ancient cultivators arranged the tomb."    


Master Loong smiled. He waited until those soil experts led their assistants into the alley before walking in with his hands behind his back.    


Old thing was an old thing, he wasn't excited because the stone door had been opened to enter the rather mysterious Riverbed Tomb — at least, on the surface, he seemed very calm, enough to prove that he had already seen too many storms.    


Gao Fei admired Master Loong's calmness. At the same time, he was a bit confused: If he didn't have so many people accompanying him, if he wasn't led by a fierce criminal, would he have been as calm as he was now?    


After walking seven or eight meters, Master Loong seemed to have guessed what Gao Fei was thinking and asked, "Director Gao, is there a problem?"    


"Problem?" "Heh heh, there really is one."    


Gao Fei smiled and looked at the slim figure of the person in front of him. He said with a puzzled tone, "I'm really curious." I have never seen your granddaughter before, and have never offended her, so why does she seem to be hostile towards me? "    


Master Loong replied without thinking, "You'll know why later."    


"You can't say it now?" Gao Fei asked.    


"This is an opportunity that cannot be revealed."    


Master Loong answered mysteriously.    


"Acting... Destiny, why can't I reveal it? Sigh."    


Mr. Gao, who was about to open his mouth and say 'playing tricks on us', changed his words just in time to avoid offending Master Loong.    


But he was sure that Master Loong knew what he wanted to say, so he just smiled.    


"Master Loong, Gao Fei."    


When Gao Fei followed behind Master Loong into the alley which was about 40 meters away, Lee Chengming came up to Master Loong, covered his nose with his hand and said in a low voice, "There are a total of four rodent-like monsters over there, but just like Gao Fei said, they are already dead. They are highly rotten and temporarily can't be seen for their cause of death."    


Lee Chengming was worthy of being called the head of the city police. After seeing a monster rat that was bigger than a dog, he didn't make a fuss like those local experts and maintained his composure.    


"They might have been killed by that blind Blood Python. By then, the stone door and the waterway would have been closed. These mice had nowhere to run, so it's normal for them to be killed by the crazy Blood Python."    


Gao Fei was able to guess a little about the miserable ending of those mice: "Let's hurry up and drag them out. This smell is really unpleasant."    


"I've already notified the professionals up there."    


Before Lee Chengming finished his sentence, a few people in white coats hurriedly ran over from the entrance of the alleyway with sealed plastic bags in their hands.    


Lee Chengming stood to the side and introduced them, "These are all the department's medical examiners."    


It seemed that in order to enter this tomb, the city police had made adequate preparations. Not only were they responsible for the safety of the criminal law, they also brought along forensic, ambulance, fire, on-site investigation, and even epidemic prevention professionals. Together with those civil experts, Master Loong and his grandchild, they were like a professional expedition team.    


Soon, those dead rats were put into the pocket. The professional anti-epidemic personnel started spraying disinfectant immediately. Some of them dragged in long rubber pipes from the outside and poured white water on the ground.    


With the help of these professionals, the originally strange and dangerous passageway became even more lively. Everyone started joking around in a low voice, and even when they saw a seven to eight meter long red python lying at the end of the passageway, there was no sign of fear.    


Of course, this python was dead. It lay on its back on the ground to expose its white belly. Its body also began to stink, and there was an obvious bulge in the middle of its body.    


Inside its stomach was a rat about the size of a dog. On the ground beside it, there were seven to eight large rats lying on the ground, each of them dying with grievance and depression.    


Gao Fei did not need to think too much to guess that on the night six days ago, after he and Shen Yinbing had pierced the eyes of this Blood Python together, the blinded Blood Python had gone berserk, causing a large amount of sewage to rush to the shore.    


Just like a human, when the Blood Python's eyes had been blinded, it must have been unusually furious, attacking with all its might any living creature beside it.    


Therefore, those large rats had all been met with great misfortune and were crazily being hunted down by it.    


Those big rats really wanted to escape, but unfortunately when Gao Fei carried Shen Yinbing onto the shore, the young master activated the mechanism and sealed the waterway-- As a result, the passageway that the big rat lived in became a dead end, they could only accept the tragic result of being crazily hunted down by Blood Python.    


People often say that rabbits bite when they are anxious, not to mention these big rats that dare to eat people.    


The rats who had nowhere to run had no choice but to group up and fight back. They fought a tragic war of self-defense and retaliation against the Blood Python who could not differentiate between friend or foe. In the end, both sides perished and entered the paradise.    


The temperature in the passageway was humid. Within a few days after their deaths, the corpses of these snakes and mice began to rot and reek, giving off a strange smell.    


Luckily, Lee Chengming and the others did not open the stone door at that time, otherwise, once these crazy and dangerous monsters ran out into the outside world, to the people nearby, it would definitely be a disaster, just like in the science fiction movies.    


"Behind the walls of this alley is a waterway that is hundreds of meters long."    


Gao Fei pointed to the alleyway on the left and said to Master Loong, "It has already been sealed. Whether or not it can be opened is up to you."    


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