Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C1606 You Can Really Protect Me

C1606 You Can Really Protect Me

4After more than a year of contact, Wang Chen basically understood glasses, and established a deep friendship with him.    


Different from the friendship between men and women, it was a pure relationship between siblings. It was more like her eldest brother than her bodyguard.    


For more than a year, regardless of whether Wang Chen was bored or happy, Glasses had always stood on her side. Whenever she was frustrated, she would count with that man without a conscience, and when she was happy, she would smile with the most sincerity.    


In Wang Chen's eyes, Glasses-man, who had been famous throughout Europe for more than 20 years, was a true gentleman. He was tolerant, magnanimous and cultured. He was always smiling and optimistic no matter what happened.    


Wang Chen didn't know that Glasses already had a very high position in her heart. He was her best friend and her big brother.    


Therefore, in her current angry situation, in order to comfort Du Zikang, she put on a proud and emotionless face and told her glasses to get lost.    


Although she said these words with a firm tone, completely speaking on behalf of Du Zikang's girlfriend, she actually thought that the glasses would be like before, smiling like her big brother when she was angry and angry and complaining about it. If not, she would pinch Mo Mo's head, and ask her who it was that offended her, even wanting to live until she was coaxed into a happy mood.    


However, what made her shocked was that the glasses didn't do that. Instead, she straightforwardly said that and got in the car, then drove out of the parking lot.    


"He left just like that?"    


Wang Chen's eyes were wide open as she stared unblinkingly at the spot where the car with glasses had disappeared. Her face was filled with disbelief. How can he do that? "    


Instinctively, Wang Chen took out her cell phone and started dialing the number of her glasses.    


A clear prompt sounded out from the phone as the phone with his glasses was turned off.    


A feeling of helplessness caused Wang Chen's hand holding her phone to droop. She slowly sat down on the stairs, completely ignoring the weird looks people were giving her when they passed by. How could such a beautiful and refined girl casually sit on the front steps of a restaurant?    


Wang Chen stared blankly at the highway. She had never had such hope before. She wished that the red car would come back and drive back. She walked up to Wang Chen and rubbed her hair with her hand as usual and asked with a smile, "Who caused our Princess Chen to be angry?" Say, man, I'll castrate him.    


The red sedan didn't come, the glasses didn't come.    


Wang Chen knew very well that the way Glasses treated him was the way Gao Fei treated him. Rather than looking forward to Glasses' return, it would be better to say that she felt Gao Fei had finally decided to give up on her, venting his anger for Du Zikang.    


Wang Chen could swear that she didn't have that kind of feeling toward Du Zikang. At best, she felt that he was a friend that she could get along with. She accepted his flowers as an invitation, but it was really just to take revenge on Gao Fei.    


But what was the result of revenge?    


Aside from losing, she might have lost Gao Fei forever, so she only gained the pain of being at a loss.    


Suddenly, Wang Chen thought it through: She shouldn't have treated Gao Fei like this. Even though that guy really had a lot of women outside, in his heart, he definitely placed her in the position of wife, the only position. Otherwise, when he was at Lingnan, he wouldn't have given Chen Guoguo such a romantic wedding.    


"No, I can't just walk away, I can't."    


Wang Chen bit her lips and picked up her phone again to call Gao Fei.    


She made up her mind. When Gao Fei answered the phone, she would tell him that she was going to find him and go today!    


"The number you have dialed has been shut down. Please wait a moment before dialing again. ThenumberyoudialedhasturnedoffPleasedialagainlater … "    


The voice that she did not want to hear came over the phone.    


"Is he ignoring me too? "No, I'll go look for him now. Even if we're going to break up, we have to make things clear to him!"    


Wang Chen muttered and was about to stand up when Du Zikang walked over.    


The blood on his face had been wiped clean with a wet towel, but it was still swollen.    


There was such a person in this world. No matter how miserable his appearance was, even if he was slapped thirty-four times in the head and his head was swollen like a Pig Head, he could still maintain his usual indifference and elegance.    


Du Zikang was such a person. He still smiled gently with sincerity in his eyes, just like his voice: "Where do you want to go? I'll see you out. "Wherever you go and whoever you want to find, I'll go with you."    


"I'm going to the Jinnan to find Gao Fei!"    


Wang Chen blurted out these words without even thinking.    


If it was any other man, he would have been stunned by Wang Chen's words, no matter how magnanimous he was. His eyes were filled with disappointment and pain.    


However, Du Zikang was not like that. His gaze did not waver at all as he nodded and said, "Alright, then I'll accompany you to Jinnan and look for Gao Fei."    


With that, he reached out his hand to pull Wang Chen up.    


Wang Chen looked up and down at him. After staring blankly for a few seconds, she suddenly laughed, looking very happy. "Hah, you think I'm really going to look for him? Didn't you see that I had already chased away the glasses he had sent? Come on, I'm joking with you. "Hmm, I want to climb the Great Wall. Can you accompany me there?"    


It was already late in the evening, so it would take them at least an hour and a half to get to the Great Wall. By the time they got there, it was already completely dark and the Great Wall booking office had already left.    


Du Zikang didn't care about all this and didn't try to persuade her to find Gao Fei. He just nodded and said, "Okay, let's go climb the Great Wall."    


Seeing Du Zikang walk down the stairs to the car, Wang Chen stood up and suddenly asked, "Du Zikang, you are such an outstanding man, you are more than a hundred times stronger than Gao Fei. No matter what kind of girlfriend you want, it won't be too difficult …" But you, why are you chasing after a broken flower like me? Is it because he was his wife? "    


"I don't care whose wife you were or what relationship you have with your ex-husband. "All I know is that you are free and that I am legally after you, and that no one has any reason to stop you unless you marry someone else again."    


As Du Zikang said this, he slowly turned around and looked at Wang Chen, "The reason why I'm chasing you is because from the first time I saw you, your faint sadness had attracted me. It gave me a strong hope to protect you forever and protect you from any harm."    


Wang Chen narrowed her eyes slightly. "Can you really protect me from any harm?"    


Du Zikang nodded and did not speak. Although his action was light, it was firm.    


"But Liu Xiaoloong hit you just now, you don't have the strength to fight back."    


When Wang Chen said these words, her tone carried a clear ridicule.    


Du Zikang thought about it and replied seriously, "In the future, no one will be able to touch a single finger of mine."    


"I don't know what made you say that, but I do."    


Wang Chen slowly walked down the steps and said, "I'm going to climb the Great Wall. You come with me."    


Du Zikang raised his hand and gestured: "Please follow me."    


"Director Li is waiting for you there. I called you ten minutes ago, but your phone was turned off."    


"Maybe there's no electricity?"    


Gao Fei took out his cellphone from his pocket. After pressing it for a while, he didn't see any reaction. He put it away casually: "Are you sure you can open the stone door tonight?"    


"I don't know the specifics either."    


Mariko shook her head and brought Gao Fei to the factory.    


Compared to six days ago, the area within a kilometer of the factory was filled with military police, and the entrance to the factory was heavily guarded by armed criminal law enforcement personnel.    


"This is Tianya Group's Gao Fei, Mr. Gao. Director Li personally invited him."    


Just when the two criminals came over and wanted to stop Gao Fei from asking something, Makiko quickly explained.    


Gao Fei had received a call from Lee Chengming at the welcoming banquet for Zhang Tao organized by the Germany branch factory. Master Loong and the other soil experts from the XG had already made significant progress and would probably open the stone door tonight.    


After hearing this news, Gao Fei immediately drove back to Jinnan.    


The two criminals lifted the leather curtain that hung at the door.    


Immediately, a strong light spilled out.    


Inside the factory, which was five to six hundred square meters wide, all the abandoned knitting bags and machines had already been swept out. There were at least ten high quality Intense Light lights gathered at the entrance of the secret passage, and seven to eight old men were standing in a circle, holding blueprints in their hands and discussing something loudly.    


Lee Chengming sat on the chair on the side with his hands on the table. He was talking to a man in a black robe, and when he saw Gao Fei walk in, he immediately stood up and laughed, "Gao Fei, come over here. Let me introduce you to him."    


When Gao Fei walked over, the man in the robe also stood up. The moment he saw Gao Fei, his eyes flashed with a strange color and then returned to normal.    


"This is Long Feitian from XG. Master Loong. He is also one of the top students of the Dynasty of God in Wind and Water."    


Lee Chengming passionately introduced, "Master Loong, this is the Gao Fei that you want to meet."    


Master Loong was wearing a long green robe and black round shoes. His appearance was very ordinary, and other than his eyebrows being a bit too thick, he didn't look anything special. He was just a 40-50 year old man, not much different from those fortune-tellers.    


However, when he took a closer look, Master Loong seemed to have aged by at least twenty years. Under his ordinary appearance, he gave off a distinct feeling of a 'reserved' light. When you carefully captured this feeling, he disappeared.    


"Master Loong, I've heard a lot about you. I'm very happy to meet you."    


When Gao Fei took the initiative to extend his right hand, he couldn't help but ask: "Master Loong, how old are you this year?"    


He wanted to ask Master Loong how old he was this year, but he seemed to be in his forties or fifties. If he said that word, it might exaggerate his age.    


After all, no matter if it was a man or a woman, after they passed the middle age, they didn't like others thinking that he was very old.    


"Director Gao, you're too polite, what's with my name now? Thanks to the importance that my friends attach to me, I've only gained a bit of a reputation, hehe. "    


Master Loong didn't care at all. His voice sounded soft and gentle, and he said with a laugh, "I'm 91 years old this year."    




Gao Fei was stunned for a moment and quickly said: "Sorry, this brat is rude. He has offended the Master."    


"No offense, I'm just a few years older than you."    


Master Loong enjoyed Gao Fei's respect for his elders, so when he spoke again, there was already a clear sense of intimacy in his tone.    


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