Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C784 The Lucky Man

C784 The Lucky Man

3After Claire ran out of the hotel, she ran along the sidewalk and ran eastward. After running for a few hundred meters, she stopped at a lamppost and started to cry.    


She had hoped to find her own parents from the day she understood things.    


Even if they were no longer alive, it was still better than not knowing who their parents were.    


The greatest tragedy in the world was that he did not know who his parents were.    


God made Claireku wait eighteen years, finally satisfied her wish, let the glasses found her.    


However, she did not expect that God was actually a cruel, aggrieved old hooligan. He had arranged for Claire to be a freak with three hands just like little Tiantian and Britney.    


If she had a choice, Claire wished she had no parents.    


However, she had no other choice. Comrade Glasses-man had already stepped on a rainbow cloud. He gracefully appeared in front of her with a gentle smile on his face. "Good child, this is your father …"    


Claire felt a sense of horror and disgust when she thought about the scene where her bespectacled dad had a hand under his ribs and grabbed Gao Fei's neck.    


Although she could feel the love the glasses had for her, and could understand how strong his willpower had been over the years, she could not accept that her father was a three-handed monster.    


"Hey, hey!"    


Sensing that lunch was going to come out of her throat, Claire heard a cold voice come from behind her. "Disgusting, is it because of your father?"    


Claire nodded vigorously and covered her mouth.    


She didn't want to know who was talking to her. She just wanted to keep it down and get away from here.    


The clear voice was philosophical. "A highly educated person always knows too many things that he doesn't need to know, but knows too little that he should know."    


Claire felt upset, but she retorted, "I … I don't know what?"    


The voice said blandly, "Do you know how much he has paid in order to have you? Do you know how much courage he mustered to see you? Do you know how much his stomach hurts when you think of him, but all he can do is laugh and say it doesn't matter as long as you get on with it? Do you know that as long as you can call him dad, even if you let him bang his head to death, he wouldn't hesitate in the slightest? "    


"How, how do you know all this?"    


Claire's body quivered like lightning. She slowly raised her head and saw King of Loulan, whose slim figure could drive people crazy but whose face could make people have nightmares.    


Night slowly descended and the street lights lit up. They twirled in the night sky as they disappeared into the distance. King of Loulan's body swayed from side to side, giving off an unreal feeling.    


"Of course I know."    


King of Loulan's hands were in the pockets of his trench coat as he stared at the distant street lamp. His voice seemed to come from an ancient era, filled with magic (this was also a type of martial arts, similar to hypnosis).    




"Then listen carefully. In order to have a child of his own, he had given up his carefree life of wealth and had secretly been someone else's slave for eighteen years. He was like a lunatic all the way to see you, smiling and scared... "    


Claire interrupted King of Loulan loudly, "But, I can't accept him! He's a monster! "    


King of Loulan suddenly lowered his head and stared at Claire. His voice was like a steel needle piercing into her heart, "He is a monster, this is not his fault. He had no choice when he was born, just like how you can't choose you to be a test tube baby!"    


Claire avoided King of Loulan's eyes, but couldn't avoid her voice: "He wanted you to be healthy and healthy. He wanted you to make up for the greatest regret in his life. You are the continuation of his life. If you want your monster father to disappear, never see him again. I can guarantee that he won't live more than three days. "    


Claire made an obvious swallowing motion as her body trembled and tears streamed down her face.    


After giving her a cold glare, King of Loulan turned around and left: "I've said everything I need to say. If you want him dead, he won't complain even if he dies. No one will blame you and force you to go see him. I hope that one day, you will understand all of this in front of his grave, so don't regret it. "    


"I, I will never regret this. I will never regret this. I don't want a monster like him as my father!"    


Claire shook her head in pain as she watched King of Loulan's gentle and gentle back gradually grow further and further away. She staggered for a few steps, but then abruptly turned around and ran towards the hotel.    


She was really scared and disgusted by King of Loulan's words, so she decided to run away, but at a certain moment, she suddenly thought of what King of Loulan had said.    


Glasses was her father, just like all the children his father doted on. No matter how terrifying he was, he was the only one who was willing to go through fire and water for her.    


Because she was a continuation of his life.    


He was the father she could not choose from. Perhaps even if he died, he would still worry about her on the other side of the world.    


Why did she want her father to be separated from her? Why didn't she throw herself at him and call him father while he was still alive, forgetting that he was a monster. She only wanted to remember the sacrifices this monster had made for her!    


Time passed by very quickly, and it was also very slow. This feeling all depended on one's condition.    


Glasses now looked forward both to the time and to the slowness.    


He was hoping that Claire would appear in front of him within half an hour, just like Gao Fei had said.    


He hoped that it would be slow, but he was afraid that Claire would not come. He hoped that the time would stay forever within this half hour because there was still hope within this half-hour period.    


Ignoring what the glasses were thinking, he continued to walk forward like a woman twisting her hair toward the bathroom. Soon, twenty-eight minutes had passed.    


Glasses tightly held onto the cup as he looked down at his feet. He had maintained this posture for more than 20 minutes without moving.    


Gao Fei sat on the chair and drank his water. He was smoking and had a relaxed expression on his face.    


He didn't look at his watch, but he was calculating the time.    


Half an hour was equal to thirty minutes, which was equal to eighteen hundred seconds.    


"Gao Fei, you lost."    


When he counted to 1749, he had completely lost all hope. When he raised his head to look at Gao Fei and smiled as if nothing had happened, hurried footsteps came from the corridor outside.    


"It's not clear who will win."    


Gao Fei, who was preparing to slow down the time on his phone, breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the footsteps. He opened his mouth and blew out a smoke ring towards the door. Victory was in his hands.    


As soon as Gao Fei finished, a slim girl appeared at the door. It was Claire who rushed out half an hour ago.    


Claire was panting heavily from running too fast. She held onto the door with both her hands and looked at her glasses. Her face was flushed and water was glistening in her eyes.    


He slowly stood up with his eyes and Adam's apple bobbing in his throat. He was unable to say a single word.    


The father and daughter pair slowly looked at each other without saying anything.    


When Claire's breathing gradually calmed down, Gao Fei walked out.    


The father and daughter duo, however, acted as if they didn't see him. Their eyes were only focused on each other.    


After who knows how long, Glasses-man subconsciously raised his hands. Claire suddenly rushed over and threw herself into his arms, screaming, "Dad!"    


"Claire …"    


Tears poured from her eyes like a flood over a dam. She held her daughter tightly in her arms and patted her back.    


"Why did you come to me? "After so many years, do you know how much I've missed you? How much I've missed you …"    


Claire pounded the back of her glasses, letting out a sorrowful cry.    


"It's father's fault, it's father's fault. Good child, don't cry, don't cry."    


Glasses didn't know how to comfort his daughter at all. He just slowly stroked her smooth hair, letting tears flow freely down his face. But inside, he was laughing madly: "Ha, ha, who said I would be alone for the rest of my life?" I have a daughter, my own daughter! Thank you, thank you!    


King of Loulan was standing in front of the window at the end of the corridor outside the private box. His hands were in the pockets of his trench coat as he quietly looked outside, as if he didn't notice Gao Fei's approach.    


Gao Fei, who was standing beside her, also looked out of the window.    


The night had completely fallen over St. Petersburg, and from this position, one could see a dimly lit alley in the distance. There were also many women in colorful coats standing there, lifting their coats and picking out their slender legs whenever a pedestrian passed by.    


Gao Fei stood beside King of Loulan for more than ten minutes. Then, he impatiently asked, "Are you envious of them?"    


God dared to pat his skinny ribs. In this world, only Gao Fei dared to mock King of Loulan like this. If it was anyone else, they would have already been slapped and then cut him again so that he could put on his coat and go to the other side of the street.    


When Gao Fei said this, he was prepared for King of Loulan to fall out with him. At the same time, he felt that he was being extremely mean: Don't you know that this woman is so cocky and purposely provoked her?    


Unexpectedly, King of Loulan nodded: "Yes, I do envy them."    


This answer made Gao Fei's brain short-circuit. He was stunned for a moment before laughing out loud: "Ha, if you join them, others will definitely not be able to get any more business."    


King of Loulan ignored them. He then explained the reason he was envious of them: "At the very least, they are not alone, so they don't need to be pitied by others."    


The smile froze on Gao Fei's face. He finally understood why King of Loulan was envious of those street girls.    


King of Loulan, who was on high, looked brilliant. However, she was destined to only be able to live up to 28 years old and be forced to marry her brother.    


As for these street girls, regardless of whether they were forced or not, they did not have to marry their brothers, nor did they have such a heavy burden on their shoulders.    


To say that someone felt sorry for her was a blow, to feel sorry for someone was to feel sorry for her.    


Right now, Gao Fei sympathized with King of Loulan and said with a smile: "I was just joking, don't mind me." "Actually, I just wanted to thank you. Thank you for helping my glasses catch Claire."    


King of Loulan didn't appreciate her kindness and said lightly: "Even if I don't chase her back, she will definitely come back by herself. I went after her just for my own sake. "    


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