Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C769 Second Aunt

C769 Second Aunt

5The battle of Handler Forest in the prairie wasn't too dangerous for Gao Fei.    


Under the leadership of Sarana, he and James had defeated nearly a thousand terrorists without much effort. It was definitely a miracle.    


However, Gao Fei knew that it was the most tragic battle between Tieh Tu and Ye Xinshang. The fifty most outstanding secret agents of the Divine Dynasty, other than the two of them, had all died in battle, including Huang Loong, the only female member of Nine Dragon King.    


If it wasn't for Gao Fei saving them in time, he believed that both Tieh Tu and Gao Fei would never have returned alive.    


At that time, Gao Fei and Tieh Tu both saw that the biggest reason that led to the complete annihilation of the Special Agent of the Dynasty was because the Sky Shocking Plan team exposed their spies and exposed their actions to the enemy. That was why they were forced to fight with thousands of terrorists.    


Later on in the underground tomb of Mengal, Honest Monk also wanted to know who was the traitor so he threatened Gao Fei to save him. However, with the collapse of Dahan Mausoleum, Honest Monk's death came to fruition, and this clue ended.    


In the battle of Handler Forest, forty-eight people had been sacrificed. This could not be blamed on the law enforcers of the God Dynasty who were furious, and thus, the identity of the traitor could be strictly investigated.    


If it was Gao Fei, he would also not give the traitor any chance to escape after getting the conclusive evidence.    


However, he didn't believe that this traitor was Ye Xinshang.    


Tieh Tu didn't believe it either.    


After a long silence, Gao Fei asked, "When I went to rescue them, other than Qin Ziyang and Wu Tie, you were the only one left on the battlefield. Qin Ziyang and you have no such possibility, only Xinshang has the ability to become a traitor … He was the only one who survived the battle and had not been found after hiding for several days and nights. According to his deductions, he was indeed suspected of being a traitor. "But, I don't believe that Xinshang is a traitor."    


Tieh Tu's voice was a bit hoarse: "I don't believe it either, but I can't find any evidence to clean Xinshang up."    


The evidence to clean up Ye Xinshang's mess was to find the real traitor.    


Only Honest Monk knew who the traitor was, but he had already been buried several hundred meters underground. No one knew who the traitor was anymore. No one could wash away Ye Xinshang's grievances.    


Gao Fei lit up a cigarette, took a long drag and asked, "Who provided evidence that Xinshang was a traitor?"    


Tieh Tu replied, "This is highly confidential."    


Actually, when Gao Fei asked this question, he knew Tieh Tu would answer in this way.    


The two once again fell into silence. After a long time, Gao Fei finally said: "I understand. Now that Xinshang has fled, he won't show his face for a short period of time. When I return, I will think of ways to find out about the evidence. "You must tell Qin Ziyang that at this most sensitive moment, she must not do anything stupid, or no one will be able to save her."    


"I don't need you to tell me. I know."    


Tieh Tu sighed. Before he hung up the phone, he suddenly said something senseless: "Qin Ziyang, she's pregnant."    


Before Gao Fei could react, Tieh Tu had already hung up the phone.    


"Pregnant? "Damn, their relationship is developing quite quickly."    


Scratching the back of his head, Gao Fei let out a bitter laugh. The phone that was getting hot started to vibrate again.    


It was an unfamiliar number with a public message from the Holy Dynasty.    


Gao Fei's heart skipped a beat and he quickly picked up the phone.    


He hoped that it would be Ye Xinshang's.    


It was a familiar man's voice. "Don't ask me who I am. I'm just going to ask you one thing. Do you believe that he is that person?"    


Gao Fei replied without hesitation, "He definitely isn't that person, I dare to use my head to give him a guarantee."    


That person heaved a sigh of relief, "Alright, then I will be at ease. I will not let him down from my painstaking efforts to warn him in advance … If he contacts you, you'd better tell him not to go back to his hometown to look for his only family. Alright, I'm hanging up. You better take care of yourself. "    


The phone clicked off.    


In Gao Fei's heart, there was a trace of warmth.    


The person who called him was his cousin Gao Yunhua.    


Gao Fei did not understand why Gao Yunhua trusted Ye Xinshang so much. He dared to take the risk of giving a big warning, but he knew that Gao Yunhua was right to do so.    


Perhaps, this was not Gao Yunhua's own intention. There was someone at a higher level who believed Ye Xinshang, so he came to warn him. With Gao Yunhua's qualifications, he didn't seem to know about the secret operations of the Military Affairs Department 13.    


Ye Xinshang, there will be a day when I wash my face.    


Gao Fei was very clear about Gao Yunhua's final warning, but he was a bit helpless.    


Ye Xinshang was not an orphan. At least when he met Qin Ziyang, his parents were still alive, but both of them were killed in a traffic accident.    


Ye Xinshang only had one relative at the moment, and that was his hometown, Second Aunt.    


Second Aunt had no children. Her husband had died early, so she treated Ye Xinshang as her own son. She had visited him in the army several times. Gao Fei and the others all knew the widowed woman.    


After Ye Xinshang got along well, he wanted to bring Second Aunt into the city, but he was rejected.    


Second Aunt's reason for rejection was very simple: deep in the mountains in her hometown, there were her husband, her parents-in-law, and other relatives. She didn't want to wait until the next day to come back to clear the world before coming back to sweep the tomb.    


Gao Fei held his phone. After frowning for a moment, he suddenly dialed Qin Ziyang's cell phone.    


When Qin Ziyang answered the phone, she heard the sound of a car's engine just as she was about to hang up the call. It seemed like she was driving: "Gao Fei, do you know everything now?"    


"Yes, Tieh Tu just called me."    


Gao Fei nodded and asked, "You're driving."    






Gao Fei suddenly came to his senses: "You want to go to Pingbei?"    


Pingbei, was Ye Xinshang's hometown.    


Qin Ziyang did not deny it. "Yeah, I'm already on my way. Gao Fei, do you believe that Xinshang is a traitor? "    


Gao Fei said lightly: "If he is, then so am I."    


Qin Ziyang heaved a sigh of relief. "Good, Tieh Tu said the same thing. To be able to be handed over to the two of you, it is his greatest fortune. He can die with no regrets."    


Gao Fei didn't say anything. He didn't know what to say. Because of his relationship with Qin Ziyang, he had always felt a strong sense of guilt towards Ye Xinshang.    


Qin Ziyang asked again, "Do you think Xinshang will go back home?"    


Gao Fei thought for a moment and then said, "Definitely, but not at the moment. It's very likely to be the first day of the month of La, because it's Second Aunt's birthday. I thought that as long as he is alive, he will have to go back. "    


Qin Ziyang said in a low voice, "Today is the 27th day of December, and there are four more days until Second Aunt's birthday. Originally, I agreed with him that we would leave home the day after tomorrow, but who knows Gao Fei. Do you think the authorities would guess that he would go home too?"    


"The relevant departments are already making arrangements," Gao Fei said. Qin Ziyang, let me give you a word of advice. Hurry up and turn around, because you won't be able to get to that place. "    


Gao Yunhua had already warned Gao Fei about this just now. This proved that the relevant departments had also thought of this and would not allow Qin Ziyang to get involved. They would very likely stop her halfway.    


Qin Ziyang said as if she was smiling, "There are more than ten thousand ways to get to the Pingbei. They won't be able to stop me."    


Without waiting for Gao Fei to say anything, she suddenly asked, "Gao Fei, do you think Second Aunt would go home if she died before her birthday?"    




Gao Fei was stunned for a moment, and then he jumped up from the sofa with a 'whoosh' and shouted sternly, "Qin Ziyang, don't act recklessly! "If you dare to hurt Second Aunt, Ye Xinshang will never forgive you, and I won't let you off!"    


Gao Fei had just said that as long as Ye Xinshang was alive, he would come home to visit Second Aunt at the beginning of every year. The related departments must have investigated thoroughly and found out that he would return, so they set up an inescapable net in his hometown.    


Qin Ziyang was currently unable to contact Ye Xinshang, preventing him from going back to his hometown to visit Second Aunt. Therefore, in order to prevent Ye Xinshang from getting caught, she had the thought of killing Second Aunt in advance.    


From a certain point of view, making Second Aunt die early was the best way to protect Ye Xinshang.    


Furthermore, based on Qin Ziyang's ruthlessness, she would definitely be able to do such a thing.    


Afraid that he wouldn't be able to persuade Qin Ziyang, Gao Fei continued to speak harshly: "Qin Ziyang, you have to be f * cking calm down! You are already pregnant with Xinshang's child, and Second Aunt is the child's second grandmother. If you hurt her, you would be deceiving your teacher and destroying her ancestors.    


"You, you know that I'm pregnant, pregnant? Who told you that!? "    


The piercing sound of brakes came out from the phone like Qin Ziyang's voice.    


Gao Fei said coldly, "Who told me that, it's not important. What's important is that you definitely can't do something so stupid. "You have no idea how much Second Aunt means to Xinshang. He has already treated Second Aunt as his own mother."    


Qin Ziyang breathed heavily for a long time before calming down. Suddenly, she chuckled. "Alright, I understand. I was just joking with you just now." Alright, I won't tease you anymore. I will take good care of Second Aunt for Xinshang. Actually, I didn't want him to worry about Second Aunt when I went over there. "    


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