Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C765 Tactics of Luring a Tiger out of the Mountain

C765 Tactics of Luring a Tiger out of the Mountain

0Amongst the four of them, two of them held Sniper Rifle s in their hands and two of them held onto handguns as they slowly moved towards the two sides of the door.    


They wore camouflage uniforms and helmets. Their faces were painted with oil and they looked like standard commandos.    


The leader stuck close to the wall and listened intently. He raised his right hand and did a few consecutive movements, meaning that the target was not to be pushed inside. First, he could use the tear gas to destroy his fighting spirit.    


One of them nodded in understanding. When he took out a tear gas bomb and opened it, the other had already kicked open the door and threw the tear gas bomb into the room.    


Sssii! *    


With a sizzling sound, the tear gas bomb immediately emitted a yellow smoke. The four people outside quickly put on their gas masks. The leader muttered a dozen words before rushing into the room.    


The four of them quickly charged in and stood in the middle of the room. Their guns were aimed in four different directions, but they didn't see any targets. They immediately spread out and began searching the cabinets and windows.    


"Reporting in, the cabinets are linked!"    


The big man who searched the cabinet, upon realizing that the cabinet was connected, immediately reported loudly.    


"Not good, follow me!"    


The leader shouted and rushed out with his gun in his hand. He did not manage to get out of the courtyard before he jumped onto the wall and flipped over.    


There was no one living in the small yard over there.    


The leader rushed to the door and kicked it open without caring if it was dangerous or not. Just as he rushed in, he felt a loud bang from his head and fell face first onto the ground.    


The other three people quickly climbed over the wall and saw him lying on his back at the entrance. Without saying a word, they raised their guns and fired at the interior of the house.    


After a moment, one of them threw himself into the room. Looking left and right, there was no one in the room. The cabinet in the corner was pushed aside, revealing a hole.    


The leader of the criminals who was ambushed shouted, "Quickly go to the other rooms and search! Everyone be careful, the target has a gun in your hands! "    


After he was knocked to the ground with a punch from Ye Xinshang, the gun was taken away.    


His three men answered loudly, and two of them went through the hole.    


A few minutes later, the four of them gathered at the entrance of a small courtyard.    


There was no need to ask; they had not found their target.    


Ye Xinshang, he escaped. Before he fled, he took a gun.    


The leader's eyes turned serious. He took out a phone used by law enforcement personnel and reported in a low voice, "Sir, the mission has failed. The target has already escaped."    


On the way to a certain department, Qin Ziyang's mood was perturbed, her imagination ran wild, and she even had a bad premonition.    


These negative emotions made her realize that she would most likely never see Ye Xinshang again.    


The person in charge of 'escorting' Qin Ziyang was just a driver and a middle-sized officer. From the looks of it, they were not experts either, they were just the usual pundits. They didn't even make any preparations for her escape.    


Qin Ziyang was puzzled. If the bad feeling wasn't getting stronger and stronger, she would have thought that this was just an ordinary investigation.    


Of course, it wasn't good for her to recklessly injure these two people and then escape just because of this feeling.    


In that case, she would be in trouble even if there was nothing to do. The most important thing was to implicate Ye Xinshang. And she's pregnant now.    


Subconsciously, Qin Ziyang placed her right hand on her belly as her eyes softened. Regardless of whether she was a member of the law enforcement team or not, if a woman got pregnant during the state's punishment period, she would be exposed. At the very least, she would have to wait until after the birth of the child before she could deal with it.    


Not being able to bring calamity to innocent people was the greatest embodiment of a legal society. If it were in a war-torn country, who would care if you were pregnant or not, you would have already been shot dead.    


Qin Ziyang's heart gradually calmed down as she thought about how she could keep her descendants alive no matter how terrible the consequences would be. She calmly looked outside the car window to enjoy the scenery outside. Then, she heard her phone ring.    


It was the lieutenant colonel's cell phone.    


He picked it up and said, 'Hello, I'm...' The other party cut him off and nodded, "Yes, I understand. Execute it now!"    


After he hung up the phone, the lieutenant colonel ordered the driver, "Little Li, stop the car by the side!"    


The driver, Xiao Li, immediately swung the steering wheel and squeaked as he pulled over to the side of the road.    


Under Qin Ziyang's puzzled gaze, the lieutenant colonel pushed the door open and walked to the back door of the car, opening it for her. He then saluted and said, "Miss Qin, I just received the order that you don't need to go anymore."    


Qin Ziyang blinked and said blankly, "What?" I don't need to go? "    


The lieutenant colonel lowered his hand and stepped back to make way for the door, "Yes, we still have other military matters to attend to. Please get off Miss Qin and take a taxi back to the hospital. I'm sorry!"    


What did that mean? I was ready to deal with any accidents by sneaking me here from the hospital, but then I told me that nothing was wrong and told me to get out of here. F * ck, playing with me, this pregnant woman, right?    


Even though there were eight of them who were unhappy, nine of them unwilling, and ten of them being completely baffled, Qin Ziyang was unwilling to go to that department to be investigated, even if she had to tie them up with ropes!    


After confirming that the lieutenant colonel was not spouting nonsense, he immediately jumped off the car.    


"I'm sorry, Miss Qin. Sorry for disturbing you!"    


The colonel saluted again, and without waiting for her to say anything, he flew into the car.    


In the blink of an eye, the military vehicle had already sped away, leaving the confused Qin Ziyang at the side of the road.    


"Oh, I got it. It must be that after Xinshang and Lao Tieh saw me being taken away, they immediately contacted me and changed the department head's decision."    


After standing there for a moment, Qin Ziyang came to her senses. She happily picked up her phone and was about to tell Ye Xinshang, "Whoa, ha, ha, ha. My Miss Qin is back!"    


However, what surprised her was that Ye Xinshang's phone was turned off.    


"No electricity?"    


Qin Ziyang scratched her ears and started dialing Tieh Tu's cell phone again.    


Tieh Tu's phone connected quickly: "Hello, this is Tieh Tu."    


Qin Ziyang asked, "Where's Xinshang? Let him answer the phone."    


Tieh Tu, who just got his phone back from Commander Song, felt relieved when he saw Qin Ziyang's call. As long as she could still make a phone call, it meant it wasn't serious.    


Tieh Tu glanced at Commander Song, who frowned after he answered the call, and said in a low voice: "I'm not with Xinshang."    


Qin Ziyang was stunned, "You're not with Xinshang? "Then where did you go?"    


"I, I … cough."    


Tieh Tu obviously wouldn't say that Commander Song wanted to introduce someone to him, so he could only cough dryly and say: "I'm out for something."    


Qin Ziyang didn't mind. She just said, "Oh, forget it then. I can't get through to Xinshang's cell phone."    


"Maybe there's no electricity."    


Tieh Tu said half-heartedly. He glanced at Commander Song and asked in a low voice: "What's the situation on your side?"    


Qin Ziyang looked around and said snappily, "What's the situation? Someone threw him on the street. "They took me to the East Flower Gate area, but when they received a call from their chief, he told me that there was no need for me to go and be investigated, so they threw me here."    


"There's no need to go over there to be investigated. This is a good thing."    


Tieh Tu laughed silently. Just as he was about to tell her to take a taxi back and hang up the phone, a thought suddenly flashed through the depths of his mind. He cried out, "Ah, not good!"    


Tieh Tu's words startled Qin Ziyang.    


Without waiting for her to ask anything, she suddenly woke up as if she was infected by that dangerous idea floating in Tieh Tu's mind. She also shouted, "Not good!"    


She was summoned by a certain unit for investigation, but was thrown into the open. Tieh Tu also came out. From his' not good ', Qin Ziyang realized something: the scheme of luring a tiger out of its lair!    


Other people used an excuse to move her and Tieh Tu out of the hospital, and it was very possible that it was to deal with Ye Xinshang!    


Lily didn't care who was after Jack, or even if she'd made a mistake or not, or if he really had no power, or whatever. She had to get back to the hospital as fast as she could.    


When he was sitting in the car just now, he felt a strong sense of unease because something might have happened to Ye Xinshang.    


A chubby guy waited for a long time. Finally, he found an empty taxi. Just as he was about to open the car door, Qin Ziyang ran over and lifted him with her shoulder, knocking him onto the ground.    


"Aiyo, motherf * cker, you dare to slam your brother's head? Grandson, no, granddaughter, your bro told you, today next year is your memorial day!"    


The chubby boys stood up with their hands over their butts, stamping their feet and shouting at the car.    


Qin Ziyang didn't care how much it hurt, she took out several tens of bills from her pocket and slammed them onto the dashboard. Her long and narrow phoenix eyes glowed with a frightening light as she shouted, "Use the fastest speed possible to get to the main hospital. If you dare to delay me for even a second, I want your life!"    


Qin Ziyang had killed many people and witnessed a bloody scene before. With her glare, her entire body naturally emitted a murderous aura, which scared her brother to the point where he didn't dare to disobey at all. Coupled with the threat of several tens of large bills, this brother didn't even give a fart, he didn't care about retrograde anymore and immediately turned around to run towards the east.    


It should have taken them half an hour to get there. Under the threat of Qin Ziyang, it only took them ten minutes to arrive at the main hospital. They drove directly to the small courtyard.    


A few hundred meters away, Qin Ziyang saw some heavily armed soldiers standing in front of the courtyard. When they saw a taxi rushing over, two criminals immediately came over and ordered the taxi to stop immediately.    


The taxi driver did not dare to ignore the greeting and hurriedly pulled over.    


Before the car could come to a stop, Qin Ziyang jumped out of the car and ran towards it.    


"Halt, otherwise, kill him!"    


The soldiers pointed their guns at her.    


Qin Ziyang had no choice but to stop and raise her hands: "Where is your Superior? I want to find your Superior! "    


An army major walked over and looked Qin Ziyang up and down. "Who are you?"    


Qin Ziyang didn't have any other documents other than her ID. She said, "My name is Qin Ziyang and my boyfriend is recuperating in this yard. Can you tell me what happened?"    


"I'm sorry, but we are in the middle of a military operation to track down a major traitor. Please leave immediately."    


The major waved his hand coldly, signaling the soldiers to chase her away.    


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