Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C704 Where Do We Not Meet in Life

C704 Where Do We Not Meet in Life

Nier's biological parents had passed away many years ago. It was Old George who raised her, so it wasn't easy for her to be both a grandfather and a parent.    


Today, Old George's granddaughter was finally going to be married off to someone else. Normally, Old George would definitely be at the wedding, but he wasn't there.    


People who didn't see him grow up would be confused, but no one would ask that question.    


Maybe Old George was just feeling unwell, or because he didn't want to be sad after seeing his granddaughter getting married, so he missed the wedding. Anyway, there were people from George Family present there.    


The representative of George Family who replaced Old George to attend the wedding was a cousin of Nier's, named Kroen.    


Perhaps it was because of Old George's absence from the wedding, but the Gerard Clan's old patriarch was not present either. The one who represented the clan in the church was Helen, the most outstanding woman in the history of the Gerard Clan, and the biggest competitor for the new clan head.    


Lily was the youngest daughter of the old patriarch, two years older than Jack. She was twenty-nine years old, slender, fair skin, long blond hair, blue eyes, and a high nose bridge    


In short, she was a very attractive lady, and it was said that she had participated in beauty pageants in her university days, and had finally made it into the top ten of the English competition.    


Today was a day when her brothers were overjoyed, but Helen's expression didn't look good.    


Helen couldn't be blamed for this.    


In order to obtain the position of the Patriarch, after more than a year of hard work and hard work, Helen, with her outstanding performance, had left her three siblings far behind. Just as she was preparing to push her brother and sister even further, the Patriarch invited her to a conversation and explicitly told her that the next Patriarch could only be Nikov.    


Helen was stupefied when she heard her father's decision.    


The Patriarch also felt that this result was very cruel to Helen, but for the sake of the family, he had no choice but to choose an even more outstanding successor. Thus, he told her everything that Nikov had done in the dark and planned out the George Family since a few years ago.    


After listening to her father's words, Helen realized that she had lost. She and the other two siblings had tried hard to fight for the position of family head just to add fuel to the fire for Nikov.    


She was very unwilling, but she could do nothing about it. She was very clear that once Nikov's plan succeeded, the Gerard Clan would benefit greatly, and this was not something that she could achieve by working hard.    


After the failure of the fight for the Patriarch, the Patriarch did not forget to squeeze out her remaining value. He specially sent her to be the Family representative to rush to Las Vega to witness Nikov's wedding.    


Helen had a calm expression, but a ball of anger was hidden in her heart. She wore a white dress as she sat on the chair and watched the priest who was giving his speech. Her right hand was tightly clenched into a fist.    


At this moment, she wished that Nikov, who was about to appear, would suddenly die from a heart attack.    


Just like how the princes of the feudal dynasty did not hesitate to make a big fuss in order to climb the throne, the few effective successors of the Gerard Clan Patriarch also hoped for their opponents to have an accident or to simply scheme.    


Helen also wanted to plot against Nikov.    


Before this, she felt that the one who posed the least threat to her family head was this little brother, so she did not put him in her eyes at all. When she realized that Nikov was actually the strongest one among the four siblings, it was already too late for her to play dirty tricks.    


Compared to the disappointed and dispirited Helen, the representative of George Family, Kroen, had a high-spirited look on his face.    


Nikov had guaranteed that after he married Nier, he would be promoted to the second highest ranked person in George Family.    


Of course, the person at the top of the George Family like Cruise had to be controlled by Nikov.    


However, Krose didn't care at all. With the George Family of Old George and Nier, he was just an outsider and had become an important person other than Nier. Even if he was a puppet, it would be a great surprise for him.    


The other young talents in the tribe were now looking at Krose with envy in their eyes.    


He even felt that as long as he had enough time, with his mentality and methods, he would one day be able to struggle free from Nikov and become the person at the top of George Family.    


"That's about it. Unfortunately, it's too short. I don't have time to search for more information."    


His glasses were lowered, and he was playing with the keys in his hand. He spoke in a low voice, but it was just enough for Gao Fei to hear.    


After hearing that, Gao Fei looked up at Helen's back and said thoughtfully, "Oh, it seems like we can win over this Helen now."    


Glasses-man said blandly, "She was the one who wished for an accident to happen to Nikov the most. This woman has a strong desire for power and she is indeed very capable. Unfortunately, she found out the truth too quickly."    


"It's not a bad thing for a woman to have a strong desire for power. At the very least, it's not a bad thing for me."    


Gao Fei chuckled and said, "I think she must be hoping for an accident to happen to Nikov now."    


Glasses asked coldly: "Get rid of Nikov on the spot?"    


Gao Fei retorted, "What's wrong with that?"    


Glasses reminded, "After I get rid of the killers who tried to assassinate Master Jue, Nikov will guess that we will look for trouble with him. He must have made ample preparations. I don't think it will be that easy."    


Gao Fei sneered silently: "If you are even more prepared, can you block an assassin with glasses?"    


Glasses-man felt that he had been taken advantage of. "Why didn't you do it?"    


Gao Fei's reasoning was very clear: "I want to save someone (Nier). "If we kill one, if we save another, the division of labor will be clear, wouldn't that be good?"    


Before the glasses could say anything, the priest's speech ended with warm applause, followed by a beautiful wedding march. All the reporters had their cameras trained on the door of the church.    


The next step was for the bride and groom to appear on stage.    


To the surprise of many, it was not the bride and groom who first stepped onto the red carpet. It was dozens of burly men in black suits who quickly lined up on either side of the red carpet, forming two lines in a row from the door of the church to the priest.    


All the burly men had their backs to the red carpet, facing the guests. Their legs were slightly spread apart, hands behind their backs, and a pair of gleaming eyes coldly stared at the guests.    


Nikov was afraid that someone would mix in with the guests and plot against him while he was walking on the red carpet, so he created a scene that was at odds with the atmosphere of the wedding.    


Although his action surprised and even displeased many of the guests, it was undoubtedly the most effective.    


"These people should be from the Special Forces. It seems like Nikov has invested a lot into this wedding and can only succeed and not fail."    


Glasses smiled softly, his voice sounding like a mosquito.    


Gao Fei sighed, "Sigh, but this is undoubtedly the best way to prevent being stabbed. From the looks of it, it seems that even the highest level Superior in America would be on guard."    


"Ladies and gentlemen, this is our wedding."    


At this time, a professional wedding host, temporarily taking over from the role of priest, announced in a cheerful tone that the bride and groom would step onto the stage grandly.    


The applause rang out again.    


In the midst of the applause and the wedding march, Nikov, who was wearing a white tuxedo, slowly walked in with Nier, who was wearing a white wedding dress, by the hand.    


On the side of the church entrance, there was a large photo of Nikov and Nier.    


In the photo, Nier was wearing an exposed bridal gown and a very English and elegant white hat. The white veil hung down from the brim of the hat, covering her face and making her look even more mysterious and beautiful.    


Back then, when Princess Diana of the Eagle Britain was getting married, she was wearing exactly this kind of clothes.    


The instant the bride and groom stepped onto the red carpet, the lights in the church went out, causing an instinctive chorus of cheers from the guests. However, soon after, candles lit up and applause rang out.    


Candles were not only excellent props for men and women on the kang, but also one of the most romantic items.    


In addition to lighting candles, they could also give people so much fun. This was something the ancient Egyptians had never thought of. If it was in the modern era, they would definitely receive the Nobel Prize for their love.    


Under the light of the candlelight, the faces of everyone present turned blurry. However, it added a layer of mysteriousness and excitement that no one had thought of before. Some people even whistled.    


"It's not Nier."    


After the bride and groom walked away arm in arm, Glasses-man shook his head.    


The bride wasn't Nier, which was within Gao Fei's expectations.    


Before he came here, he had discussed it with his glasses. If they were Nikov, they would not let Nier appear at the wedding either. The wedding would be held in the evening and the church would be lit up with candles.    


Whether the bride with Nikov was Nier herself was no longer important to him.    


Most importantly, from tonight onwards, with all the major media reporters reporting, the whole world will know that Nikov and Nier are married.    


Tonight's wedding was just a formality.    


Glasses asked again, "What next?"    


Gao Fei spat out one word: "Wait."    


Waiting for what?    


Gao Fei didn't say anything, nor did he ask with his glasses.    


A pair of rookies slowly walked to the innermost part of the church, in front of the priests. The black suits lining the red carpet also quietly retreated. The lights were switched on again, and all the reporters who were blocked on both sides immediately rushed forward.    


"Sir, please step aside."    


Gao Fei crossed his legs and stretched his neck to look in front of him, when he heard a very polite woman's voice.    


He turned his head and was stunned for a moment. Then, he chuckled. "Life is indeed a place where we don't meet."    


The woman with the recording pen froze on her face after seeing Gao Fei's appearance. She blurted out, "It's you, why are you here?"    


This woman was none other than the best friend of the people of America, the famous reporter for XG Turkey Television, Lady Qiu Heelu.    


Gao Fei couldn't be bothered to respond to this woman. He merely flashed the invitation in his hand and stopped looking at her.    


A hint of jealousy flashed across Qiu Heelu's eyes when she saw the big red invitation card in Gao Fei's hand.    


Being able to participate in Mr. Nikov's grand wedding was something that many famous journalists yearned for even in their dreams. After all, the identity of a bride and groom was extraordinary. Their wedding would definitely attract the attention of many.    


However, even though Lady Qiu was a celebrity in XG, she was still good at promoting America. But in the eyes of big figures like Nikov and Nier, she was just a nobody, and didn't have the qualifications to participate in weddings.    


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