Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C703 The Gravel in Mason's Hand

C703 The Gravel in Mason's Hand

Gao Fei looked inside and saw that the room was empty.    


Oh, wrong. There was a man lying on the floor in the middle of the guest room, but he was dead.    


The dead man was just a corpse, not a human.    


There was a puddle of blood on the sofa, a road on the floor, and beside the corpse, and the blood had connected the couch to the corpse, but it had frozen and turned black.    


Old George stood at the door for a moment before slowly walking in. He squatted down in front of the corpse, raised his hand and caressed the chestnut hair of the corpse. His voice was full of sadness as he said, "Her name is Mussen. I rarely misjudged anyone, so I didn't misjudge Mussen's loyalty to me. "But the meaning behind 'rarely does it exist' is that it also exists, so I misjudged Fannie, caused the death of Mussen, and caused the abduction of Nier."    


Gao Fei walked in and looked at the bloodstain.    


The blood occasionally shone eerily in the light.    


Gao Fei also squatted in front of Mussen's corpse. He picked up her clenched right hand and asked, "How do you know that your most trusted subordinate betrayed you?"    


Old George closed his eyes as tears fell from the corners of his eyes.    


At this moment, he was no longer an invincible killer. He was just an old man who had been scolded badly for his death in the Lover: "Fannie is the only one other than Mussen and I know that Nier is in this hotel. Most importantly, after Fannie failed to kill you, she didn't report back to my hotel and disappeared without a trace. "The only person who escaped after assassinating you was found dead in the car. The military knife used by the killer was the one Fannie usually used."    


Of course, Gao Fei didn't have the 'love of a fish' that Old George had for her. In his eyes, Mussen was just a corpse, a corpse that knew how to talk.    


"She didn't die in vain."    




Old George's face was filled with confusion. He raised his hand and wiped his tears.    


Gao Fei broke Mussen's grip on his right hand.    


Because she had been dead for a long time, her body had become stiff. When she opened her right hand, the knuckles of her fingers cracked slightly.    


A grain of sand not much bigger than soybeans rolled from Mussen's hand onto the floor. Old George picked it up and looked at it carefully.    


Although he didn't understand why Mussen wouldn't let go of such a sand grain before he died, he knew that Mussen was telling him that this sand grain contained a secret that might be related to Nier's whereabouts.    


While Old George was inspecting the gravel, Gao Fei turned to Mussen's corpse and expressionlessly unzipped her jacket.    


Mussen didn't wear much, under his black jacket, there was only a red underwear.    


Gao Fei saw a full, solid body when he lifted up the black coat along with the red underwear.    


Gao Fei didn't have the interest to look at a dead man. He checked the bullet hole, and even stretched his right index finger down the bullet hole, and after wiping it clean on the corpse's clothes, he said: "She was ambushed to death, and the bullet hole was shot at 180 degrees. Before she was shot, she didn't do any dodging or resisting movements, and just like that, she was shot down on the sofa."    


Turning his head to look at the sofa, Gao Fei continued, "However, after being ambushed, the muscles on her body instinctively reacted as if they were protecting her life. That's why her heart wasn't hit directly, it just knocked her unconscious. So not long after the enemy left, she woke up and rolled off the sofa to crawl towards the door. In the process, she found the grain of sand. "    


Taking the sand in Old George's hand, Gao Fei looked at it and said, "Where this sand came from, then Nier will most likely be taken there. This is what Mussen wants to tell you before he dies." "It's a pity that she's too injured to tell us too much information. For example, besides Fannie and Wu Tie, who else has been here."    


Old George gently closed Mussen's round eyes and said in a low voice, "She will not die in vain. I swear to pay my respects to her with that bitch Fannie's blood."    


"Now is not the time to bite the bullet. The most important thing is to find out where Nier is."    


Gao Fei stood up, strode towards the door and said, "I'm leaving, you'd better pray that Little Caesar is safe and sound."    


Old George said, "Wait."    


Gao Fei stopped and turned around to look at him. He said slowly, "I will absolutely not change my mind just because you are Nier's grandfather, Little Caesar's maternal grandfather."    


Old George kneeled in front of Mussen's corpse and replied in a loud voice, "My responsibility is mine, I will not avoid it. I told you to stand still because I wanted to tell Glasses to go with you. He knew about Nier's entire wedding plan, and maybe the first person you wanted to see was Nikov. "    


… ….    


The grand wedding banquet was held at the most luxurious hotel in Las Vega, the wedding venue was actually a large church in the northwest suburbs of the city.    


Last night's snow had covered the city with a layer of silver, making the whole world look like a complete mess. Passengers passing by the cathedral would stop and look in that direction, wondering which rich and powerful country was holding their wedding ceremony here.    


There was no helping it, the three black Rolls Les Phantoms parked in front of the church were not owned by just any rich person. After all, one could not just buy a black Phantom Shadow with money, the most important thing was to have a respected identity.    


The butler in charge of receiving the guests was in charge of receiving the guests. He was wearing the traditional tailcoat with Eagle Britain, and stood at the entrance of the church with a warm smile on his face, politely inviting every guest who entered the church to present their invitation.    


Inside the church, there were sturdy men dressed in black heart and White Shirt s, with wireless blue teeth Ear Microphone s hanging from their ears. They walked slowly, secretly observing the movements of every guest, and even their facial expressions.    


The priest in the church was also excited to be the host of the wedding of two talented youths of such status. Whether it was Mr. Nikov from an established clan or the CEO of Ion Fund, he couldn't just meet them whenever he wanted to.    


The most common Western weddings take place in two ways: in the afternoon or evening, when the ceremony is held, and around 11 a.m., when the ceremony is followed by a luncheon party.    


Nikov's and Nier's wedding was in the evening, the Christmas evening.    


Thin snowflakes began to fall again that day, and by five o'clock local time, the church was filled with guests.    


At this time, the string quartet began to play a soothing classical tune, and the voices of the people gradually became softer. Many people began to hope that the wedding ceremony was about to begin.    


Ten minutes later, the music slowly drifted away. A priest in black robe walked through the wedding aisle and onto the wedding stage. He walked to the center of the reception area, stood in front of the guests, and began to speak.    


In general, the ceremonies of Western weddings were nothing more than the speeches of the host (mostly the priest), the betrothal oaths, the exchange of rings, and the lighting of candles. After the wedding was announced, they would go to a hotel to eat and drink. The only difference was that the atmosphere was simple and crude. It was more or less the same.    


Mr. Nikov's wedding would definitely be grand. Just by looking at the surroundings of the church and the black bodyguards in the church could be seen.    


When the priest in charge of the wedding spoke, Gao Fei and his glasses came to the door of the church.    


His glasses were still the same outfit, and his black suit looked very straight. His left hand was in his pants pocket while his right hand was playing with a string of Car Key s.    


Gao Fei's lips had a mustache and his nose had also grown a little. His hair was combed bright and oily, with a few extra Gentlemanly Manner s, which made him look like a young master who owned hundreds of millions of dollars.    


An invitation to the wedding was a must, and that didn't bother Gao Fei and his wife.    


Old George was the biological grandfather of the bride, so giving each of them an invitation card wasn't difficult at all.    


"The two of you, please come in."    


After the butler checked the authenticity of the invitation, he bent over with a smile and raised his hand, inviting Gao Fei and the other disciple in.    


"Thank you."    


After thanking him with a nod, Gao Fei walked into the church first.    


However, just as he entered, he was stopped by two black suits. One of them held an electronic detector that could detect firearms, knives, and other dangerous instruments.    




A man in a black suit apologized with a smile.    


Gao Fei smiled but didn't say anything. He opened his arms.    


Black suit took the electronic detector and circled around him quickly. Although he was fast, he had done a thorough check. He had even checked the soles of his shoes. It was obvious that he had received professional training.    


Gao Fei was very curious about whether his glasses would show an extra hand out of the corner of his eye, but he saw that the guy was still holding the keys in his left hand while holding his pocket with his left hand, looking cool and disdainful.    


The third hand of the glasses was also given by his parents. It was a physical body and did not contain any metal. As long as he did not take off his clothes to look, the electronic detector would not be able to detect it.    


"Thank you for your cooperation."    


Apart from the belt, the fire engine, and the tie pin, he didn't find any other dangerous equipment on the black suit. After smiling apologetically, he raised his hand to invite the two distinguished guests into the wedding venue.    


This church was definitely dedicated to the wedding of big figures. It could accommodate over a thousand people at the same time, and it didn't seem to be congested at all. It allowed everyone to have a seat.    


Of course, the reporters who interviewed the wedding site would not sit down.    


The two of them sat on the chairs on the right side of the church and looked up.    


According to the customs of Western weddings, seated at the very front were the seniors of a couple of newlyweds: On the left, seated at the very front were a few men and women, most likely from the Gerard family.    


On the right, a few men and women also sat down. However, Old George, who should have appeared, was nowhere to be found.    


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