Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C691 Chase

C691 Chase

Congenital heart disease, with abnormal blood vessels, which had not been seen in children.    


However, as the child's body increased in weight and the demand for blood in his body increased, his weak heart and blood vessels were unable to provide him with the necessary fresh blood. Thus, he would eventually die from lack of oxygen in his entire body.    


Nowadays, his medical skills had already reached an advanced stage where he could switch his heart, but he was still unable to change his blood vessels. This was an indisputable fact.    


But now, Moxie Zhengdong told him about the child's symptoms.    


After hearing Gao Fei ask this question, she suddenly stopped in her tracks.    


Gao Fei, who was running after her, was caught off guard and ran two steps forward before he stopped and turned around.    


Moxie Zhengdong's left hand pressed on the side of her child's neck. After a moment of silence, she said, "It should be possible."    


Jack was overjoyed. "Can you change his heart, his blood vessels?"    


Moxie Zhengdong shook her head. "No."    


Gao Fei was stunned: "Then why did you say you could save him?"    


King of Loulan said lightly: "To save someone, you don't have to change their organs. "Prince Consort, I don't understand. As a member of the Divine Dynasty, have you never heard that the greatest effect of ancient martial arts was to strengthen the body and strengthen the body?"    


"This Prince Consort of mine is unworthy of his reputation."    


Gao Fei tried to explain and asked, "You mean, you want to teach your child martial arts?"    


Moxie Zhengdong nodded her head. "Yes, but I have to take him to Lou Lan and soak him in the holy pond's water before I can teach him the 'Inner Qi Small Circulation Technique'. As long as he can train this technique to thirty percent, he will be able to gradually modify his inborn organs and become a normal person." "Of course, training is hard work."    


"No matter how hard you work, as long as you can survive!"    


Gao Fei nodded vigorously and asked curiously: "Can I learn that inner breathing method?"    


Moxie Zhengdong's eyes flashed, and chuckled: "That's fine, as long as you come with me and stay in the ancient city for ten years, I can guarantee that the next time you meet the Queen of Anggui, you will beat her to a pulp."    


"Ten years?"    


Gao Fei grinned. "Forget it. Furthermore, the Anggui King seems to be very nice to me, why should I beat her up like this? "    


Moxie Zhengdong coldly snorted, "Hmph, I forgot, you two have already been working together. That shameless woman, of course she wouldn't want to harm you. "However, since she dares to set her sights on my Prince Consort, I will kill her sooner or later!"    


Gao Fei forced a smile and said, "We are all high-level intellectuals, don't shout and kill us..."    


"Wu, wu la," the siren interrupted Gao Fei's words.    


The two Law Enforcement Vehicle quickly caught up and stopped beside them. Four Enforcer s jumped down from the car and one of them was the Enforcer that Gao Fei knew: "Sir, Madam, we need you to cooperate with our work and make a trip to the Police Station."    


"Leave the child to me. Don't worry, I will take responsibility for him. I don't like dealing with them, so I'll leave first. "    


Moxie Zhengdong said lightly as if she did not see those Enforcer s. With a flash, she had already carried the child onto the endless road.    


Seeing the car that was flying at a normal speed charging towards her, a few of the Enforcer s turned pale with fright, "Mistress …"    


Before they could even finish their exclamations, they were shocked to see that even though several cars that didn't have enough time to stop had already crashed into her, she had unimaginably floated and flashed through the cracks of the cars and onto the opposite sidewalk, disappearing very quickly.    


"What the hell?"    


A few Enforcer s wiped their eyes in disbelief, and the drivers who had stopped the car in time, all looked at the front of the car with baffled expressions, thinking: "My eyes must be playing tricks on me, that's why I mistook it for someone being hit." Hmph, I'll ask the old doctor when I get back. Didn't he solemnly swear that my eyes were no longer blurred?    


The purpose of these Enforcer's chase was to ask Gao Fei and the others to send the children back to the hospital and then invite them to Police Station for investigation. After all, Gao Fei was the person involved.    


Gao Fei knew that since Moxie Zhengdong said she could save the child, then she could do it. A heavy burden was lifted in her heart and her mood improved.    


Of course, after a child goes to the Ancient City of Loulan, they will suffer a lot, so it wouldn't be easy to see him again.    


But what of it?    


The Old Ancestor had already said that one would be able to rise to the top after suffering through hardships.    


As for seeing him, no matter how hard it was, it was still much easier than going to the Underworld to see him, right?    


Gao Fei, who had completely relaxed his body, followed Enforcer into the car.    


His Golden Snake Sword had not been retrieved, and would probably be sent to the Police Station now.    


And what he did today, was definitely done bravely. With so many people as witnesses, he believed that the Enforcer would give him an award, and maybe even give him a medal, inviting him to be the honorary Citizen of the Las Vega.    


"Beauvoir, leave quickly! Don't worry about me!"    


Mannock, who had a shoulder injury, clenched his teeth and pulled the trigger as he shouted, "Even if we die, we have to send Caesar to the Holy Empire! Quick, quick! "Don't hesitate, the plane is about to take off, you must get on the plane before it takes off. As long as the plane takes off, no matter how capable they are, they won't be able to stop you. Hurry!"    




Beauvoir shouted with tears in her eyes. She really wanted to jump out of the car and fight shoulder to shoulder with her husband and die with the enemy in the tunnel. However, Mannock's words were like a hammer that struck hard on her heart.    


Nier had done a great service to her husband and wife. Now that her son, Little Caesar, was in her arms, protecting the child's safety was the most important.    


Therefore, even if she could only watch her husband face off against more than a dozen hitmen, she could only rush to the airport as fast as she could to get there before the plane took off.    


"Hurry up and leave!"    


Mannock roared in despair and stood up from under a car that was in the middle of the tunnel.    


After receiving Nier's order, the couple drove to the airport without a pause.    


On the way, Beauvoir booked a plane ticket on her cell phone.    


Coincidentally, there would be a direct flight to the Jingdu City of the Godly Dynasty this evening, so they had enough time to do so if none of those assassins appeared.    


The assassins appeared very suddenly. They even predicted that they would pass through this tunnel and set up a ambush in it: First, they would run into each other with a truck, and after Mannock turned the steering wheel in time, after barely dodging, at least twenty assassins jumped out from several cars and started killing them.    


Nier's rescue of a heavy sum of money and the match of Mannock and his wife did not disappoint her. They fought bitterly for more than ten minutes under the siege of a group of killers chasing from the front and back, still being able to protect their child and killing seven or eight of them.    


However, there were too many of them, and they were trapped inside the tunnel. There was nowhere for them to run, so they could only struggle or hope to drive away.    


God must have been on the side of Mannock and his wife this time: a casual shot Mannock fired when he was rushing had actually blown up the gas tank of a car, causing a huge explosion.    


The assassins that sealed the exit of the tunnel were all gathered in front of the car.    


The result was obvious.    


But the problem was, Mannock was also injured, and the killers kept coming from behind. If he wanted to protect Little Caesar when he got to the airport, he could only leave a man to block the pursuers.    


Mannock was a man, so he chose to stay.    




Beauvoir sniffed fiercely and looked down at Little Caesar, who was in her arms. The child was looking at her quietly, without any joy or fear. It was frighteningly calm, like a monk who had seen through life and death.    


"Caesar, I will definitely send you to the God Court safely. Definitely!"    


Wiping away her tears, Beauvoir opened the door of one of the cars and was about to drag the scared guy out when her eyes lit up. She saw a pickup truck.    


"Mannock, get in the car!"    


Beauvoir screamed, rushed to the pickup truck, and opened the door.    


Very good, there was no one inside. After the gunfight began, the driver cleverly jumped into the tunnel.    


After putting the child on the front seat, Beauvoir jumped into the car. She started the car, put it in reverse and stepped on the accelerator. The car roared as it retreated rapidly. With a quick brake, the car was placed horizontally in front of Mannock.    


At the same time Mannock jumped onto the back of the truck, Beauvoir quickly changed gears and stepped on the accelerator.    


Clang! Clang!    


The pickup hit a car in front of him and sped toward the tunnel exit.    


After exiting the tunnel, he took a right turn one kilometer ahead, which was the international airport of Las Vega.    


Judging by the time, the airport ground crew was using her sweet voice to remind the passengers on this flight to board the plane.    


The pickup truck was like a mad bull, charging straight towards the exit of the tunnel. The killers behind also got on the truck and chased after him.    


Mannockqiang endured the pain on his body, raised his hand and fired continuously behind him.    


With a crisp sound of needles being hit, Mannock was disappointed to find that the bullets were gone. The two miniature German-made bullets were all gone.    


Next, they could only place their hopes on Beauvoir to support them until they reached the airport. Those assassins would worry about the number of people at the airport and would not dare to easily shoot.    


But would those people be afraid of hurting others in order to kill Little Caesar?    


I don't think so.    


"Beauvoir, remember, you must send your child to the Holy Empire!"    


Mannock stretched out his hand towards Beauvoir as the car sped on the roof.    


Beauvoir turned her head and looked at her husband's bloody face. She understood what he meant. She passed her gun to him and wailed, "Mannock, in my next life, I'll wait for you!"    


"I'll find you."    


Mannock took the pistol and smiled at Beauvoir before jumping out of the car.    


After her husband jumped off the car, Beauvoir felt as if her heart had stopped beating. She could only mechanically hold the steering wheel, step on the throttle to the end, and sprint to the airport in front of them.    


After falling heavily on the ground, Mannock felt that all the bones in his body were broken. He also started to regret getting on the car and blocking those people in the tunnel.    


It was good now. He had quite a few cars, so he could easily split into two groups to kill Beauvoir along the way.    


However, things had already come to this. Mannock couldn't regret it anymore. He jumped up from the road while enduring the pain. He waved the gun in his hand and roared at the cars that were speeding over: "Come on, come on, come on!"    


A screeching screech of brakes sounded from behind Mannock. A heavy truck with a smoking tire blocked the road behind him.    


Mannock looked back … As soon as he turned around, the car door opened and a very white hand stretched out.    


He swore it was a woman's hand.    


This hand looked so beautiful and soft, like a white snow lotus. It made people want to kiss it, and then hide it in their bosom to protect it.    


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