Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C682 A Street Encounter

C682 A Street Encounter

Just as Gao Fei thought, after he expressed his interest, the female manager at the counter enthusiastically recommended at least a dozen types of children's toys, all of which were suitable for a two-year-old boy to play with.    


Perhaps seeing that Jack was being honest, the manager recommended something that was worth tens or even hundreds of dollars, something like an Apache helicopter, a Lincoln carrier, a Vosfield spacecraft.    


"Sir, this Transformer is also quite good. It is one percent of the proportion of a Hornet's Nest in a movie. As long as the power is turned on, it can produce at least seven different shapes."    


Seeing Mr. Gao, who would buy it without hesitation as long as he said yes, the counter manager, who had just gotten married, looked at him with a strange look in his eyes. There were a lot of people buying toys for their children, but the Gold Card that was used to settle the bill had a long string of Arab numbers, which was rarely seen.    


If possible, the female manager hoped that Mr. Gao would 'brush' her away. The price was fair. Ten thousand dollars a night would do …    


Unfortunately, the female manager with a curvy body was far from being as interesting as toys in the eyes of this handsome Asian man. Unfortunately, the female manager with a curvy body was far from being as interesting as toys in the eyes of this handsome Asian man, but she was only smiling like an idiot as she nodded her head repeatedly.    


An hour later, Gao Fei bought a bunch of the latest toys for his son that he had not seen before. A male waiter specifically followed behind him, looking at him as if he was an idiot.    


Gao Fei never cared about how others treated him as an idiot, because when others looked at him in this way, he also looked at him in this way: People are already very tired to be alive, so why do you have to sneakily laugh in your stomach when you see a fool, you idiot.    


"Sir, we welcome you to visit us again. I will definitely provide you with a more thoughtful service."    


When Gao Fei left the toy store, the female manager politely shook hands with him and took the opportunity to put her business card into his hand. She blinked her left eye and said in a low voice, "You can call me anytime, anytime anywhere."    


Gao Fei rarely refused a woman's kind intentions. Even if he was in no mood to think about this young woman, he still smiled like a gentleman. He put the business card to his mouth and kissed it.    


Even if he didn't have any intentions of telling the female manager Dunlun, as an educated gentleman, he should have left her with a beautiful, waiting hope.    


After pushing a cart full of toys out of the city, Gao Fei finally felt that he had bought a bit too much. This wasn't a toy delivery, it was a toy wholesaler.    


After putting all the toys into the taxi, Gao Fei finally thought of a substantive problem: He didn't even know where his son was, nor did he know if his son was in the city or not … How should he give out these toys?    


Call James and ask Nier through this guy where my son is.    


What made people angry was that James had actually turned off his phone, what kind of nonsense was that!    


Mr. Gao didn't know how to contact Nier. He only knew that her wedding banquet would be at the Imperial Hotel, but he couldn't just send the toys there, right?    


"Sir, where are we going?"    


The taxi driver was a black guy with countless braids. When he saw Gao Fei finish his call, he looked confused, but didn't say where he was going.    


"Oh, let's go back to Kerry's first."    


Kerry Hotel was where Gao Fei stayed last night. Right now, there was nowhere to go, so he could only go there first.    


The Black Brothers were very chatty, from the Bermuda Triangle to the Martians, from the White House to the President's office, and on the way there they became his talk show, which could be said to be fun and, when they were happy, they would shake their heads and sing a few lines of the Carpenter siblings' Yesterday Reappearance.    


When Brother Hei was singing the words' Evelyn, Evelyn, oh oh oh oh 'with deep affection, the car arrived in the parking lot of Kerry Hotel. He then shut his mouth, got off the car first and opened the car door for Gao Fei.    


"There's no need to look for it. The rest can be considered as tips."    


After handing the Black Brothers a bill that surprised them, Gao Fei looked at the toys in the trunk. He picked up one of the aircraft carrier models and asked: "How many children do you have?"    


The Black Brothers proudly raised three of their fingers: "Three, the oldest is seven years old, the youngest is two years old."    


"What kind of toys do they play with?"    


"It is usually their mother who makes them. As you know, people like us who live in the slums don't have the money to buy these for them."    


Brother Hei looked at those toys enviously. He paused for a moment and then said with a firm tone, "But I believe that as long as I continue to work hard, there will come a day when I buy them such exquisite toys!"    


"Congratulations, your hard work has paid off. These toys are my gift to the children. Don't ask me why, because I like America and Black Brother.    


Gao Fei raised his hand and patted the guys' shoulders. He carried the model aircraft and walked up the stairs in front of the hotel lobby.    


"I also wish you the best of luck, brother of the Dynasty of God."    


As they watched Mr. Gao walk into the hall, the Black Brothers rubbed their eyes emotionally, thinking that God was far less touching than the brothers of the God Dynasty, because for a toy that was worth more than ten dollars, he had prayed dozens of times for God to bestow upon him. However, the Great God had never satisfied this tiny wish of his.    


I spent thousands of dollars buying a bunch of toys in the metropolis, but I ended up giving them all to a taxi driver.    


However, Gao Fei likes it. A person must have at least one silly act in their life, just like a man must have at least tasted a woman's taste, this is the perfect life.    


"If you want to see my son, you'll have to wait until after the wedding for James to die on Katrina's belly."    


After making another call to James, Gao Fei threw his phone to the side, lay down on the window, and shuttled back and forth with his model model model. His mind was thinking about how to play with his son, and after about half an hour of playing, a wave of sleepiness hit him and he slowly fell into a deep sleep.    


When he woke up again it was four o'clock in the afternoon.    


Perhaps it was due to him suddenly having a son, after changing into a casual sports outfit, Gao Fei decided that after eating something outside, it would be best for him to go to the casino to play a few rounds. On one hand, it was to kill time.    


After exiting the hotel, Gao Fei walked along the sidewalk for a few hundred meters before entering a western restaurant.    


He was tired of eating Western food, but to eat Chinese food, he would have to go to Chinatown. There was no need, he would have to make do with a meal first.    


Gao Fei found a table near the window and ordered a cooked steak, a seafood salad, and a glass of red wine.    


Gao Fei had always thought that with the development of human civilization, it was getting closer and closer to being retro. Otherwise, modern women would definitely not wear less and less clothes, and in the middle of winter, they would still wear dresses, showing off a pair of beautiful legs.    


"Las Vega is indeed worthy of being the world-famous Lust Paradise. Beautiful women are like the clouds in the sky."    


With the wine in his hand, Gao Fei stared at a woman in a short white fur coat, wearing only a pair of black stockings and riding boots. After walking far away, he withdrew his gaze and wiped his mouth with a tissue.    


The little kid should have just run away not long ago, and was at the age where he didn't like being hugged at all. Ignoring the advice of the middle-aged Caucasian woman behind him, he went to the window and raised his hands above his head.    


Behind the middle-aged woman, there were also two burly men. They seemed to be in the same group, and it was unknown what the relationship was between the four of them.    


A child's curiosity was the greatest. Especially a child who had just learned how to walk, he or she would be interested in anything he or she saw.    


Just like the child now, who stared at Gao Fei with his eyes wide open, as if he was looking at a monkey in a zoo, ignoring the persuasion of the woman behind him.    


The child didn't care. He stubbornly shook his body and stared at Gao Fei.    


"You're the monkey, your whole family is made up of monkeys!"    


Mr. Gao retorted without any sense of grace. He nodded at the woman who smiled at him apologetically through the window, stuck out his tongue and made a face at the child, then took out a bill and handed it to the waiter.    


"Sir, please leave well and come back next time."    


After receiving the tip, the waiter politely bowed slightly to thank Gao Fei.    


After a casual wave of his hand, Gao Fei stood up and pulled up the chair. However, he suddenly froze and turned around to look out the window: Why is the child outside so similar to the child in the photo?    


Is he my son?    


This thought flashed through Gao Fei's mind like a bolt of lightning. When he turned around and looked outside, the little child was already in the woman's arms.    


The child didn't seem to have seen enough of Gao Fei. He kept twisting his body in the woman's arms to express his opposition.    


When he saw the child's face again, Gao Fei was sure that this child was exactly the same as the child in the photo that Nier carried in her arms.    


Never in his wildest dreams did Gao Fei imagine that he would run into his son when he randomly found a restaurant to eat. The ecstasy of a volcanic eruption made his vision darken and he staggered a little.    


The waiter asked with concern, "Sir, are you alright?"    


"I-I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm really fine, thank you."    


Gao Fei put his hand on the table, pushed away the waiter as he spoke incoherently, then rushed to the door.    


Because the child was struggling, the middle-aged woman carrying him walked a few steps away. When Gao Fei rushed to the door, he happened to hear her coaxing the child: "Caesar, my little darling, let's not make a fuss."    


James once told Gao Fei that his and Nier's illegitimate child's Chinese name was Gao Kai, and his English name was Caesar.    


Gao Fei also firmly remembered these two names. Now that he heard the woman coaxing the child by saying 'Caesar', he no longer doubted her in the slightest: "That child is indeed my son." God, we met on the street.    


"Hey, wait, wait!"    


Gao Fei shouted towards that direction. The two hulks behind the woman quickly turned around and looked at him vigilantly.    


This is Caesar's bodyguard.    


Gao Fei could see it now. Afraid of being misunderstood, he quickly smiled and was about to say something. However, a black car suddenly rushed to the side of the road.    


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