Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C676 He Is My Son

C676 He Is My Son

Gao Fei didn't oppose the old woman's words. If this place couldn't be called a 'winter house', then there was no winter house in this world.    


The whole house was only about 10 square meters or so, and the furniture inside was all there was. Gao Fei didn't know if the TV could watch the whole thing, but the refrigerator, TV, and sofa were all obviously taken from garbage.    


A small window was set up on the Southeast Angle Landing. On both sides of the window were pitch-black walls, and a dozen or so photos were pasted there. Because the light was dim, it was hard to tell who the person on the window was.    


"Young man, what would you like to drink?"    


The old woman put down her bag and went to the refrigerator to open it.    


To Gao Fei's surprise, the fridge worked.    


"Oh, well, I'm not that thirsty."    


Gao Fei shook his head and was about to say goodbye.    


He punished those three delinquents not because he wanted to help the old lady, but because Mike called him Asian man, there was no need to treat him as his benefactor.    


On the contrary, he relied on the help of the old lady to avoid the Enforcer's' hunt '.    


"Haha, drink some coffee. Don't worry, it will only expire in a dozen hours."    


The old lady smiled as she took out two cups, pointed at the sofa and said, "Take a seat first, don't be polite. Just treat this as your home."    


At the very least, I haven't been this shabby since I left the cement factory dormitory.    


Gao Fei smiled and sat down when he saw the old woman's passionate look.    


"My name is DeForest. You can call me Mrs. Defula."    


As the old woman busied herself with coffee, she said, "When my husband was alive, we used to live in a villa with our own garden. That period of time is truly nostalgic. "    


Gao Fei didn't say anything. He took out a cigarette from his pocket and opened it. It was just an empty cigarette box.    


Mrs. Defula placed the coffee on the shabby tea table and smiled. "No more cigarettes?"    




Gao Fei nodded. Mrs. Defula took over the bag of cigarettes and took out a box of cigarettes, "I'll give this to you as a reward for your help." "Please forgive me, but this is the highest reward I can give you. The rest of the cigarettes are borrowed from me and have to be sold to repay the debt."    


Gao Fei took the cigarette, tore one of the cigarettes open and lit it. Then, he took out a piece of paper money and handed it over: "Take another box. I have never taken advantage of this old man."    


"Young man, what's your name?"    


Mrs. Defula took the note and looked at its value. "Hur Hur, five hundred dollars. I don't have that much change to look for."    


"My name is Gao Fei."    


Gao Fei waved his hand and said, "Never mind if you can't find it, I'll just treat the extra as a tip."    


Actually, Gao Fei had some change on him, he just wanted to help Mrs. Defula by taking out the largest amount of money.    


To help a widowed old woman as far as you can, that is a virtue.    


Contrary to Gao Fei's expectations, Mrs. Defula pushed the bill back. Her pale blue eyes shone under the light as she said, "Young man, thank you for your kind intentions." But what I want to tell you is that if I were to receive help from someone else, I wouldn't live in a place like this, and I could live a good life with the help of people my husband has helped. "    


Gao Fei looked at her and didn't say anything.    


"Young man, come with me."    


Mrs. Defula patted the broken sofa and walked to the small window.    


Gao Fei stood up and followed him.    


Mrs. Defula took a flashlight from the window and shone it on the wall. "My husband, Mr. Mike Si, was the best obstetrician and gynecologist in the city before his death. He has served many influential people before.    


Gao Fei followed the direction of Mrs. Defula's light and found that the pictures on the wall were of mother and son.    


Mrs. Defula's voice was low and filled with happiness as she said, "My husband, Mike Si, is an outstanding man …"    


Through Mrs. Defula's narration, Gao Fei understood Mr. Wu: He is the city's leading expert on obstetrics and gynecology. Usually, he is only responsible for directing the work.    


Those who had been rescued, in order to thank Dr. Willis, would certainly express their gratitude by means of money, but they were all rejected: the Willis couple were followers of some mysterious Indian religion, and they would never accept gratitude, but only in return for what was necessary.    


Since Mr. Willis did not accept the offer of kindness, the pregnant women whom he had saved could only express their gratitude in another way: by offering him photographs of their own mother and child as a sign of their highest respect, and by sending them special thanks to them, they would send him, every once in a while, a recent photograph of their mother and child.    


Mr. Willis gladly accepted such a gift and preserved the photographs as a precious memorial to the joy of saving lives.    


In his twenty-three years as a doctor, Mr. Willis had seen only one failed operation.    


At the time of the operation three months ago, he was suffering from a high fever when the dystocia pregnant woman on top of the operating table never left it.    


It was the only failed operation that cost Dr. Willis his life: the pregnant woman who had died in childbirth, the wife of the local mafia boss, and the defendant, Dr. Willis, had been brought to court, where he had been sentenced by the court to pay a large sum of money to the family of the deceased.    


The next day, on his way home, Mr. Mike Si was shot in the head. Mrs. Defula, who lost both her and her family's fortune, moved out of her villa and came to this slum.    


"I am a pious Plantia. I will go to heaven when I die. I believe that Mike is waiting for me in heaven. He is looking after me. So no matter how difficult my days are, I am the richest."    


After she finished her husband's story, Mrs. Defula gently caressed a mother and son photo and muttered, "Every day when I look at these pictures before going to bed, I will feel Mike's presence. He is waiting for me."    


After listening patiently to Mrs. Defula's explanation, Gao Fei smiled disapprovingly. Just as he was about to say something, his eyes suddenly focused and he stretched his hand out to grab her flashlight.    


Mrs. Defula was shocked. Before she could say anything, Gao Fei pointed at a photo and asked with a trembling voice, "Wh-who is this woman?"    


"She? "Oh, her name is Deis. She's a beautiful girl."    


Mrs. Defula moved closer to the photo and looked at it carefully. With a puzzled expression, she asked, "Young man, do you know her?"    


"Deis? She said her name was Deis? "    


Gao Fei stared at the photo as the corner of his eyes twitched: This is Nier, it's definitely Nier! And on her neck, she was wearing the platinum necklace that Gao Fei gave her.    


Beneath the platinum necklace, there was a telepathic knot. Gao Fei had specially asked the old master in the Golden Store in Chinatown to make this necklace. It was unique and unique.    


Seeing Nier's photo in a strange place wasn't enough to make Gao Fei lose his composure like that.    


What made him unable to control his emotions was the happiness on his face. Nier was holding a baby in her arms, smiling sweetly. It was the smile of a mother for the first time, grand and pure.    


Gao Fei raised his hand to wipe his eyes, then looked at the lower right corner of the photo. The time of the photo was a year and a half ago.    


A year and a half ago, it was nine months since Gao Fei had left Nier and returned to the Holy Empire.    


"I left her for nine months, and she gave birth to a child! Nine months, and she gave birth to a child!"    


Gao Fei muttered as the corner of his eyes twitched even more. A huge invisible pressure almost made him unable to breathe. "That child, could it be … could it be mine?"    


Gao Fei clearly remembered that in the six months before they returned to the country, he and Nier were at Old George's manor. They were inseparable, loving each other, and if Nier got pregnant, she could only be his child.    


Seeing Gao Fei stare at the photo like a demon and mumbling to himself, Mrs. Defula was a little scared. She quickly took a step back and knocked a cup down from the window cabinet.    


With a clang, the sound of the glass nose breaking startled Gao Fei, causing him to turn around.    


Mrs. Defula subconsciously shrunk her neck and forced a smile, "Young man, do you know Deities?"    


Gao Fei swallowed his saliva with difficulty, pointed at the photo and asked, "This child, was she the one who gave birth to it?"    


Mrs. Defula nodded her head vigorously. "That's right, as I said earlier, these photos are of mother and son."    


She really had a child!    


Since she had my child, why didn't she tell me?    


Why marry another man!    




Gao Fei felt dizzy and staggered before sitting on the window.    


"Young man, what's wrong?"    


Mrs. Defula wanted to come over but didn't dare to.    


"I-I'm fine. Sorry Madam, I was just a little too excited."    


Gao Fei took a deep breath and scratched his head. He raised his head and asked, "Madam, do you have any other news about this Daiyi?"    


"Other news?"    


Mrs. Defula went blank for a moment, then opened the drawer and took out a photo album. "Wait a moment, let me show you some mothers who have been saved by Mr. Mike. In order to express their gratitude to him, they would send a photo every few months, inviting him to share the joy of their children's health and growth. I remember that there's a photo of their mother and son."    


Gao Fei quickly went over and saw that the thick photo album was filled with mother and son photos.    


Mrs. Defula flipped through the book for a long time before yelling in surprise, "Found it, this is Deities …"    


Before she could finish, Gao Fei had already snatched the photo album away.    


There were seven photographs of Nier and her son in the album. According to the most recent date, the most recent one was taken in August, before the assassination of Dr. Lewis.    


It seemed that after his death, he didn't receive any more photos of Nier.    


The seven photos were like a slow motion video recorder, allowing Gao Fei to see the baby in Nier's arms. From a baby to a running baby, from an unremarkable clown to a cute doll.    


The last photo, which seemed to be taken in a nursery, showed Nier crouching on the ground, holding her son in one hand and the slide in the other. Behind her was a grassy area filled with toys and children playing.    


In Nier's arms was a small boy, obviously a half-breed, with black hair, a straight nose, and a slightly handsome look. There was a hint of the familiar shadow of Gao Fei in his eyes.    


Staring at the latest photo, Gao Fei looked at it for 10 minutes and deeply imprinted the child's appearance into his mind. The excitement that rose up in his heart made him want to forget that he had a son, he actually had a son!    


Gao Fei remained silent for a long time, but his trembling body made Mrs. Defula worry for him. "Young man, are you alright?"    


Pointing at the photo, Gao Fei raised his head and said incoherently: "Do you know who he is? He … he is my son, my son! "    


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