Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C521 A Shining Fish in an Underground River

C521 A Shining Fish in an Underground River

Gao Fei had been travelling all over the world, carrying out missions over a hundred times. He had been lurking in the African Great Prairie, where wild beasts roamed, for six days, and he had also been lying motionlessly in a snowdrift in Siberia.    


It was as if the heavens had let him go to the Ancient City of Loulan of the earth in order to make up for his regret.    


Strictly speaking, Gao Fei's' underground trip ', in the eyes of others, was definitely a' harvest journey '. Not only did it win Queen of Loulan's favor, it even brought out a bag of priceless gems.    


To be honest, Gao Fei hated working underground.    


Because his previous trip underground had greatly hurt his self-esteem: if he couldn't even beat a woman, how embarrassing would that be?    


However, just when he swore that he would never go underground again, in order to search for Tieh Tu's whereabouts, he had no choice but to go deeper into the ground for the second time.    


This feeling was extremely unpleasant.    


The rope that hung down from the top was a long one that was dozens of meters long. This also made it convenient for Gao Fei to walk on the moss-covered stairs and hold the rope so he didn't have to worry about falling down for the time being.    


The further down they went, the darker it got. The sound of flowing water became clearer, and the colder it was. The light from the flashlight was only able to reach about two meters. The steps became even smoother.    


When he reached the end of the rope, the sound of running water seemed to be right under his feet.    


Gao Fei didn't see anyone along the way. He didn't see Tieh Tu, didn't see Living Buddha Kayang, and he didn't see the Anggui King who just recently arrived either. This gave him the illusion that 'a person will disappear after coming down'.    


Releasing the rope, Gao Fei shone his flashlight on the top of the hole and carefully walked down for less than three minutes. Then, he stepped into the cold water.    


A flashlight slowly scanned the misty surface of the river. Gao Fei saw that the current was very fast. As for how wide the river was, he couldn't see clearly due to the light.    


However, from the sound of water hitting the cave wall, Gao Fei was certain that this underground river wasn't too wide, it was about four to five meters wide.    


"Could it be that this secret passage is hidden within the walls only to lead to this underground river?"    


Gao Fei extinguished the flashlight and leaned against the wall of the cave for a few minutes in silence. After confirming that there were no other sounds besides the sound of flowing water, he turned on the flashlight again and slowly walked towards the middle of the river with the gun in his right hand.    


The river was not deep at all. The water in the middle reached his waist.    


Gao Fei didn't know much about underground rivers. He only knew that the current flow speed of underground rivers, which is the fastest found in the world, has reached a terrifying 390 meters per second.    


Generally speaking, the more rapid the flow of the river, the deeper the water wouldn't be. It would only be about one and a half meters deep. Once the river reached this depth, a whirlpool would be created, which would affect the flow.    


Of course, the flood was a different story.    


According to Gao Fei's guess, the water speed of the river under his feet was only around 30 meters per second. Because the water speed exceeded that speed, he was unable to stand in the water and was washed away.    


Standing in the middle of the river, Gao Fei wondered whether he should go with the water or go against it. After hesitating for a few steps, he suddenly found nothing under his feet.    


The depth of the water in the middle of the dark river was only 1.23 meters. He didn't expect that there was a deep ditch hidden under the water on the other side of the river, and the current was also very fast, at least one hundred meters per second. Gao Fei was not even given the chance to climb into the middle of the river before he was sent rushing downstream.    


Caught off guard, Gao Fei was suddenly rushed downstream, exposing his head in a whirlpool before sinking down and being pushed out of the water. Gao Fei was now like a dumpling in a boiling pot, going up and down, unable to do anything to save himself in the current.    


If Gao Fei was an ordinary person, he would definitely panic after encountering such an unexpected situation. He would subconsciously flop around and his stomach would be filled with water, turning him into a dead fish...    


Fortunately, he was not an ordinary person, at least when dealing with an unexpected accident, he had a lot of experience. As soon as he went down, he closed his mouth tightly, the gun and flashlight were gone from his hands.    


It was a pity that the rocks on both sides of the river were slippery and could not be used. He could only follow the river and move forward.    


The feeling of being hit by the water current was very unpleasant. Fortunately, the water temperature wasn't too cold, otherwise, it wouldn't take long before Gao Fei would freeze to death in the water.    


Even so, he had been hit hard by water several times against the rock protruding from the wall of the cave. It was all because of this that he was hit on the shoulder and waist, causing him to be in so much pain that he almost cried out.    


However, luck wasn't with him for long. The last time when Gao Fei woke up, his head hit the cave wall heavily and he didn't know anything after that.    


The current would not stop rushing forward just because someone else had fainted. It would still surge towards a deep lake the size of a dozen football fields that it could not control.    


The water in the lake was deep, much deeper than the one in Lou Lan's underground lake back then. It was so deep that the bottom couldn't be seen.    


It was this very lake that had suddenly appeared, creating a cushion for the surging river, forcing the speed of the water to suddenly slow down. It was this very lake that had suddenly appeared, creating a cushion for the surging river, forcing the speed of the water to suddenly slow down, then forming a whirlpool.    


Ahead was an underground waterfall.    


At the very edge of the waterfall, there were over a hundred stone pillars with a diameter of three to four meters lined up in an irregular fashion.    


Gao Fei was this thing. He had been blocked by a grate-like stone pillar at the edge of the waterfall.    


These stone pillars had been washed away by the dark river for tens of thousands of years. The water had been washed away by the dark river for tens of thousands of years, and these stone pillars had been washed away by the dark river for hundreds of thousands of years.    


The loud sound of an underground waterfall that was far away woke Gao Fei from his coma. He instinctively opened his mouth and poured the river water in.    




Gao Fei, who drank a few mouthfuls of water from the river, struggled to surface and spat out the water in his mouth. He held onto the stone pillar as much as he could and looked around.    


It was pitch black and there was nothing to be seen except the occasional glimmer of water. It was even more terrifying than hell. There were ghost fires in hell, and when one was afraid, one would always hope for light.    


Gao Fei wants to see light, even if it is just like a firefly.    


The God of the West once said, there must be light, and so the world has light.    


Eastern Gao Fei now yearned for light, so he really saw light.    


Light came from the bottom of the lake, the edge of the whirlpool.    


Those that were moving were like will-o '-the-wisps from hell, or like stars in the sky, flashing as they slowly swam around the whirlpool.    


Looking at the "ghost flames", Gao Fei suddenly thought of a television program, "Animal World".    


According to Animal World, there is a species of fish that glows in the coastal waters of the dynasty, known as the bald fish.    


The back of the bald fish's head was flat and was covered by a pair of very large illuminators. Like searchlights, the light emitted by the bald fish was also very bright. It could be seen by divers 10 meters away from the fish.    


Because the flash allowed divers to see the time on their watches at the bottom of the water, divers often caught it in transparent plastic bags and used it for underwater lighting.    


In fact, in the underwater world, there are many luminous fish, such as torchlight fish, Ankang fish and so on.    


However, these fish basically grew in the sea, Gao Fei didn't know why there were other fish like this in the underground river, so he was too lazy to think about it.    


The important thing was that he had to catch a few of these fish for lighting.    


Although Gao Fei's flashlight and handgun were washed to who knows where along the way, the mini first-aid kit tied to his waist was still there. The one wrapped in gauze was a pretty good plastic bag, as long as the fish was put into it, it would be equivalent to making a lantern.    


Taking out the plastic bag, Gao Fei took a deep breath and dived into the water.    


The temperature of the water was not bad; it was actually even higher than the temperature of a human body. If this place could be developed into a hot spring, then the business would definitely be good...    


Gao Fei wasn't wrong. The "Ghost Flame" swimming around the edge of the whirlpool was indeed a type of glowing fish.    


As for the name of this glowing fish that grew in fresh water, what does that have to do with Gao Fei?    


The fish were swimming very slowly and seemed to be in a bit of a daze. Gao Fei opened the plastic bag and waited in front of them. They didn't even know what was happening as they slowly swam in like elephants.    


These fish were not very big, only seven to eight centimeters in length. Their heads glowed like searchlights, and their bodies were slender like a small snake. However, on their tails, a bone ball suddenly appeared like a hammer.    


The plastic bag that Gao Fei was holding could hold dozens of these kinds of fish.    


When Gao Fei's lungs were mostly used up, he had already caught dozens of these fish.    


Gao Fei slowly turned the plastic bag around in the water. He found that the light was more powerful than the flashlight he brought when it reached two to three meters underwater.    


"It is truly an unstoppable path. Who would have thought that there would be this kind of fish in such a dark place?" "Of course, if only the fish could grow a little bigger, then it would definitely give off a brighter glow."    


Gao Fei thought regretfully as he slowly floated up.    


Perhaps, from nine days away, Lord Buddha, Lord Jesus, Virgin Mary and other gods heard Mr. Gao's prayers and sent him a rather large glowing fish.    


However, this fish seemed to be a little too big, and its body was at least seven to eight meters long …    


Or it could be said that this luminous fish was a hundred times the size of those fishes in Gao Fei's plastic bag. It was like a whale in the sea, more like a speeding locomotive.    


The sudden appearance of the big glowing fish made Gao Fei blind in an instant. He immediately closed his eyes and shouted in his heart: "Wo Cao, what is this?"    


Although he could not open his eyes for the moment, he could still feel the trembling of the surrounding lake water. A deep roar akin to that of a lion on the prairie was approaching him at its fastest speed.    


Gao Fei was completely frightened. He quickly turned his body to avoid the dazzling light, his hands suddenly hit the water and his body floated to the surface.    


He had almost reached the surface of the water just now. He immediately stretched out his head, took a deep breath, and felt a pain on his right foot.    


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